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▶ Idol Crafting (enchants) - Allows for crafting mods from a separate powerful pool of mods that go up to tier 7. Can be rerolled but costs currency obtained from the tombs/cemeteries.

▶ Woven Echoes - Compared to unique maps in Path of Exile, they drop as items in tombs and cemeteries. Slotted in and runnable with the possibility to effect echoes around them. New monsters and boss encounters.

▶ The Woven Faction - Similar to Forgotten Knights in terms of progression. Lumped into Endgame Factions so you get this AND the Forgotten Knights faction at endgame. Uses Memory Amber which drops in tombs and cemeteries will progress The Woven similarly to favor in the trade factions.

▶ Champion Enemies - New Difficulty class of enemies that drop awesome loot including champion items with special sealed modifiers (+1 to all companions was mentioned).

▶ Uber Aberroth - Much harder fight, mostly numerically but there are also new mechanics being introduced. 2 new uniques that ONLY drop from uber Abby.

▶ Unique Bosses - All new bosses introduced through The Weaver will drop unique items specific to the encounter.

▶ Set Shards - These work similarly to regular shards and are crafted onto your rare or exalted items. They provide set affixes and ALSO count as wearing an item in that set for set bonus acquisition. A genius solution to introducing sets into item progression in the end game.

▶ New Items and Chase Uniques - 25+ new uniques coming. Examples of new modifiers and mechanics were redirecting damage to your minions.

▶ Rune of Weaving - This rune accelerates obtaining the Weaver's Will modifiers a lot more quickly in order to work out whether the Weaver item will be worth keeping and progressing. Weaver items will be a lot more common in this patch for obvious reasons. 20 Forging Potential used.

▶ Rune of Havoc - Shuffles the tiers on an exalted item. Example given was an item with 2 T7 mods and 2 T5 mods, the item will keep the tier rolls but shuffle around which mods are T7 and which mods are T5. It allows for gambling on exalted items to try and force an exalted mod that you want. 20 Forging Potential used.

▶ Unique Items and Runes Revealed - Screenshots of all the ones covered during the podcast here: imgur.com/a/o7uyIFY

▶ Weaver's Will Items - All Weaver items including the new ones pulls from the regular affix pool from that specific item type.

▶ Sentinel Rework - Forgeguard will have the ability to wield 2-handers in one hand and a shield in the offhand. The rework overall is changing the entirety of how Sentinel and its masteries function.

▶ Mastery Respec - You can now respec masteries freely. The cost is gold and is reasonable. The higher you go and more points you go, the more expensive it gets. The example given was at level 85 it was 500k gold.

▶ Crafting Materials - Shards automatically transfer to your crafting inventory when picked up, no more pushing the button or full inventories quite as often. The "Transfer All" button will still be an option for those that like seeing the materials being vacuumed away.

▶ Portal Charms - Bypasses the dungeon and ports you straight to the boss, they're about as rare as a rune of ascendancy. They can be traded for 3 keys of that dungeon as well. These are consumable. Other charms will be available to modify dungeons as well.

▶ WASD Controls (Beta) - This is still in active development but very much functional.

▶ Last Epoch on Consoles - Not able to announce anything yet but the pipeline to get the game converted to consoles has been ramped up.

▶ Aberroth Changes - Base Aberroth is being nerfed and the player power is increasing with all of the new additions to the game. Uber Aberroth will be very difficult for the average player to take down.

Edit: The full Raxx video is now posted here with timestamps!

External link →

Originally posted by Encharrion

I think you are a bit confused. No one had been asking about breaking set items into shards. Everyone had been asking about giving set items legendary potential or weaver's will. They didn't want to do this, because as you said, they wanted set items items to have a different crafting path. This is pretty different, and not at all what anyone expected.

I did see someone about 6 months ago predict the system almost perfectly. The comment got almost no traction but I replied to it on a throwaway because I thought it was great that someone figured it out.