Another itemization consideration that could be good is the Herophage Sword from the Exiled Mages. For anyone who has never seen this item, you wear the Herophage sword and shatter a "well crafted" two hand sword to move shattered affixes to the sword. The tier that gets transferred is equal to the number of shards you would have collected, which randomly rolls a range between 0 and the shattered affix tier. In theory, you can transfer all max tier mods to the sword, but the odds are very low... If the sword gets 5 mods transferred, the sealed mod shows up below the base item text, which is hilarious (ie 4 LP affixes on top -> base Herophage stats in middle -> sealed LP affix on bottom).
As for the new affixes, Champion affixes are always sealed. However, Rune of Shattering also converts sealed affixes to shards. This means that the two-handed sword Champion affixes are transferable to Herophage.
As of right now, there are no two-handed sword set items in the game. When one does come out, this sword will also work with them for set affix crafting.
I really hope that this shattering mechanic gets expanded in the future to new unique/set items. It is a great way to spend affix shards in hopes of hitting the lottery.
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