almost 5 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

Mastery Class System

  • Your Mastery Class is now selected after completing a quest you receive when you first visit the End of Time.
    • Previously, you simply had the option to choose your Mastery Class after investing 25 points into its passives.
    • The quest allows this decision to be a more involved and satisfying process, and to occur at a fixed, earlier part of the campaign.
  • Choosing a Mastery Class now grants access to an exclusive skill and special passives.
    • Necromancer: Summon Wraith. +1 maximum Skeleton. +1 maximum Skeleton Mage. Your minions deal 50% increased damage.
    • Lich: Reaper Form. 1% of damage dealt is leeched as health. Spells and melee attacks deal increased damage equal to your percentage of missing health.
    • Sorcerer: Meteor. +50 mana. Spells deal increased damage equal to their mana cost.
    • Spellblade: Shatter Strike. 5 ward gained on melee hit. Mana spent on melee attacks is converted to ward.
    • Beastmaster: Summon Raptor. +1 Companion summon limit. You and your minions deal 50% increased melee physical damage.
    • Shaman: Storm Totem. -5 totem mana cost. +10 attunement. Your elemental protections are doubled while you control a totem.
    • Druid: Werebear Form. When leaving a transformed state, you gain 70% damage reduction for 2 seconds. 20% increased health and mana.
    • Void Knight: Erasing Strike. 50% increased melee void damage. Your melee attacks and void spells have a 10% chance to be repeated by an echo half a second later (excludes movement abilities).
    • Forge Guard: Forge Strike. 30% more armor and fire protection (multiplicative with other modifiers). 3% less damage taken for each hit you have taken recently (up to 30%).
    • Paladin: Holy Aura. You deal increased fire and physical damage equal to your percent health remaining. 1% increased healing effectiveness per point of attunement.
  • Characters from previous game versions who are not the appropriate mastery will no longer be able to use these exclusive skills. For example, a Beastmaster from version 0.7.3 will no longer be able to use Storm Totem.
  • Characters created before 0.7.4 that have already ascended to a Mastery Class will not need to complete the Mastery quest, and will have the appropriate bonuses.

Time Rifts

  • Inside a Time Rift, the Epoch brings you through time to a different era, while remaining in the same physical location.
  • Inside Time Rift zones you will see first-hand the difference that time has made to the land around you, and the creatures that inhabit it.
  • There are currently 6 Time Rift zones throughout the campaign, with plans to add more.


  • Reworked much of the layout for Chapter 2.
    • Last Archive now leads into the Precipice.
    • The Precipice now leads into either the Upper District or the Armory.
    • The Upper District now leads into the Armory.
    • Overhauled the design of the Precipice.
  • Adjusted the layout for the Sapphire Quarter.
  • The player faces now faces the same direction on both sides of the transition between Lower Sewers and Barren Aqueduct.


  • Added a new Primalist skill, Maelstrom, which is unlocked at level 15 in the class and has a specialization tree. Maelstrom deals cold damage in an area around yourself for 8 seconds and can be stacked multiple times.
  • Added a new Sorcerer skill, Disintegrate, which is unlocked at level 15 in the class and has a specialization tree. Disintegrate is a hybrid fire and lightning channeled beam that pierces enemies.
  • Added a new Spellblade skill, Static, which is unlocked at level 30 in the class and has a specialization tree. Static allows you to build up static charges while moving and taking damage, which you can expend to shoot lightning at nearby enemies.
  • Added a specialization tree for Enchant Weapon.
  • Added a specialization tree for Judgement.
  • Added a specialization tree for Manifest Armour.
  • Removed the Sorcerer’s Innervate skill.
  • Increased the freeze rate multiplier granted by many nodes
    • Avalanche - Dead of Winter: 50% (up from 10%).
    • Black Hole - Deep Space: 75% (up from 30%).
    • Elemental Nova - Elemental Tranquillity: 40% (up from 25%).
    • Glacier - Perma Frost: 100% (up from 50).
    • Ice Thorns - Cold Prison: 40% (up from 30%).
    • Ice Thorns - Farwood Heart: 40% (up from 25%).
    • Shatter Strike - Lingering Chill: 40% (up from 20%).
    • Shatter Strike - Solidify: 40% (up from 30%).
    • Summon Sabertooth - King of the Tundra: 40% (up from 15%).
    • Summon Scorpion - Ice Sting: 60% (up from 50%).
    • Tempest Strike - Winter’s Chill: 50% (up from 30%).
    • Volcanic Orb - Freezing Orb: 40% (up from 25%).
  • You can now use Companion Abilities when at your Companion Limit even if you are not at the summon limit of that specific minion.
  • Increased Summon Bear’s Roar and Werebear Form Roar area of effect by 40%.
  • Avalanche
    • Precision now adds +2 to Avalanche’s mana drain, or +2 mana cost if Avalanche is not a channeled skill.
    • Naturally Occuring now increases mana efficiency by 10% per point (down from 15%).
    • Unyielding Storm now increases duration by 15% per point (down from 20%).
    • Harsh Winter now increases damage by 10% per point (down from 25%).
    • Grounding now increases damage by 15% per point while you have an active totem (down from 30%).
    • Storm Slide now adds 10 base lightning damage to boulders within range of a Storm Totem (down from 20).
    • Storm Front now causes boulders to drop 5% more frequently per point (down from 10%).
    • Mountain’s Fury now increases the area of effect for each boulder by 15% (down from 25%).
    • Frosted Front now increases the duration of Frozen Ground by 40% per point (up from 20%).
    • Explosive Impact now causes boulders to fall in a 25% larger area and grants each boulder 25% increases area of effect (up from 15% for each).
    • Adjusted node positions and requirements. Existing characters that are specialized in Avalanche will receive a free respec.
  • Black Hole
    • Reduced cooldown to 14 seconds (from 16 seconds).
    • Now requires Sorcerer level 30 (up from 15).
  • Focus
    • Damage now scales with intelligence once you have taken nodes that give it a way to deal damage.
  • Forge Strike
    • Added melee damage now applies at 200% effectiveness (up from 150%).
  • Frenzy Totem
    • Now unlocked at level 15 in Beastmaster, rather than level 15 in Primalist (replaced by Maelstrom).
  • Holy Aura

Holy Aura has been one of the strongest Sentinel skills and often drew other masteries into Paladin just for it. It is now exclusive to Paladin, but we wanted to rework the skill regardless.

  • Passive effect is now: Grants 30% increased damage and +60 elemental protection.
  • Concentration increases Holy Aura’s active duration by 50% rather than doubling its effectiveness.
  • Concentration’s added cooldown has been reduced to 5 seconds (from 10).
  • Faith now grants 3 ward per second per point, rather than 1 per point on melee hit.
  • Faith’s Reward now grants 400 ward to all affected allies, rather than removing ward decay during Holy Aura’s active effect.
  • Fanaticism now only grants increased melee attack speed, rather than increased attack and cast speed.
  • Reduced Flame Burst’s damage by 40%, but it now scales with Attunement, Spell Damage and Fire Damage.
  • Flame Burst now requires 8 points while passive and 4 hits while active to trigger.
  • Flame Burst no longer has extra damage for you getting the last hit.
  • Inspiration now grants a 1% chance per point to gain the Inspiration buff when you are hit, which increases cooldown recovery speed by 20%. Previously the amount of cooldown recovery speed changed with points spent.
  • Punishment now applies the Slow ailment to enemies rather than directly reducing their movement speed.
  • Redemption now grants increased healing effectiveness rather than flat health regeneration.
  • Swiftness now grants 20 dodge rating per point, rather than 15% increased dodge chance per point.
  • Time Strike now grants 10% increased crit chance per point (from 2% reduced movement speed and 1% base critical strike chance per point).
  • Removed Fleet-Footed and Focused Fervor
  • Added Burning Blows, which grants 10% increased fire damage per point.
  • Added Determination, which grants 10% increased physical damage per point.
  • Added Strength From Afar, which grants 12% increased throwing attack damage and stun chance with throwing attacks.
  • Added Expedite, which grants 4% increased throwing attack speed per point and a 4% chance per point to gain Haste for 1 second on hit.
  • Reworked node requirements and connections.
  • Characters who are specialized in Holy Aura will receive a free respec.
  • Judgement
    • Now costs 45 mana (up from 40).
    • Damage over time is now increased by your healing effectiveness and well as increased damage over time (muiltiplicative with other modifiers).
    • Doubled the base value for damage over time.
  • Ring of Shields
    • Now gains 5 base health per player level and point of attunement (down from 10).
  • Spriggan Form
    • Ice Thorns cast from Root Walls now benefit from your Ice Thorns specialization tree.
    • Reduced Permafrost’s chance to cast Ice Thorns per point from 5% to 4%, and reduced the max points from 4 to 3. This has been changed because each cast of Ice Thorns is more powerful now.
  • Static Orb
    • Doubled projectile damage.
    • Increased base damage of explosion by 20%.
    • Mana cost increased to 18 (from 15).
  • Summon Sabertooth
    • Fixed a bug where it had 750 base health, rather than the intended 200.
    • New base health is 240.
    • Health gained per player level is now 12 (from 10).
    • Health gained per point of strength is now 12 (from 10).
    • Increased damage by 25%.
  • Summon Scorpion
    • Increased base movement speed by 18%.
    • Halved the cast duration for Poison Lob.
  • Summon Skeleton Mage
    • Removed one of the nodes that grants you an additional Skeleton Mage. This is to account for the Necromancer’s Mastery bonus.
    • Added a new node that grants ward per second and crit avoidance to your Skeleton Mages.
    • Adjusted node connections.
    • Characters who are specialized in Summon Skeleton Mage will receive a free respec.
  • Tempest Strike
    • Nodes that disable one of the proc spells now increase the chance to proc the other spells by 8% (up from 5%).
    • Earthquake now increases Earth Sprikes’ area by 50% per point (up from 25% per point)
    • Adjusted node positions and requirements. Existing characters that are specialized in Tempest Strike will receive a free respec.
  • Werebear Form
    • The node that causes you to cast Ice Thorns on transform no longer roots you for 2.1 seconds. It now freezes you for 1 second, during which you are invulnerable.

Node Tooltips

  • We have created a new design for node tooltips to better fit our new UI design, and to improve how well they convey information at a glance.
  • New tooltips contain two sections: A detailed explanation of the node’s effect, and a list of each stat that is added, with icons for each type of stat.
  • New tooltips have been implemented for all Acolyte and Mage skills, including their masteries (except for Fire Shield and Ice Ward, which will be replaced).
  • The new design will be brought to other classes and the Passives window in future updates. In the meantime, these areas use the updated visual style but still use the old style of text.
  • See an example of the new design here: Overhauling Tooltips to Better Present Information
  • This redesign has also allowed us to better standardize and improve how we describe mechanics in skills.


  • Necromancer
    • Tyrant’s Legion (+1 Skeleton, but reduced Skeleton health) can now only have 2 points allocated (down from 3). This is to account for the Necromancer’s Mastery bonus.
  • Paladin
    • Removed Aura of Divinity (increase the stats granted by Holy Aura by 10% per point).
  • Primalist
    • Primal Medicine now also increases minion damage.
    • Added a new node that increases physical, cold, and lightning damage.
    • Added a new node that increases companion health and companion revive speed.
    • Added a new node that increases totem health and makes totems immune to poison damage.
    • Removed the node that increased chance to find potions and health gained from potions.
    • Removed the node that gave an extra companion slot (this bonus has been moved to the Beastmaster’s Mastery bonus).
    • Added some node connections.
  • Void Knight
    • Singular Purpose now grants 10% increased void damage and protection per point (up from 5%).
    • Rot Grip now grants 4% chance to inflict time rot per point (up from 2%).
    • The node that granted health and dexterity now grants health and attunement.
    • Added three new nodes that involve increasing the chance for your abilities to echo.


  • Potions by default now heal 50 + 4x health, where x is your character level (up from 50 + 2x). This is about an 80% increase in healing at level 100
  • Bosses can now drop potions when hit.
  • Player skills are now 50% more likely to stun targets. This bonus is doubled for melee abilities.
  • Renamed “Increased Freeze Chance” to “Freeze Rate Multiplier” to make it clearer that it multiplies your freeze rate/chance rather than adding a flat chance to freeze.


  • Potion Affixes
    • Overall, potion affixes are rarer and roll on fewer slots. Most of the common ones now relate to ward, and rarer ones are only available on belts.
    • The full list of changes was explained in a post on our forum: Potion Changes Coming in Patch 0.7.4
  • Added a new Increased Spell Critical Strike Chance prefix which can spawn on wands, sceptres, amulets, and relics.
  • Added a new Increased Minion Damage Over Time prefix that rolls on Helmets, Rings, Amulets, Relics, and Sceptres from level 48 onwards.
  • Added a new Ward Gained on Kill Prefix that rolls on Amulets from level 40 onwards.
  • Added a new Increased Elemental Damage Over Time prefix that rolls on Belts, Rings, Amulets, Relics, and Wands from level 50 onwards.
  • Bronze Sceptres and Ice Sceptres now grant % base spell damage in addition to their existing implicits.


  • Added a new unique helmet, Boneclamor Barbute
  • Added a new unique 1h axe, Undisputed.
  • Added a new unique relic, Orchirian’s Petals.
  • Exsanguinous now causes you to gain 20% of your missing health as ward per second (up from 15%).
  • Tempest Maw
    • Now grants -4 totem mana cost.
    • No longer grants 4 mana on hit.
    • Grants +75% base spell damage (up from 70%).


  • Updated the class badge section of the passives panel
    • Increased the size of class badge
    • The base class is now labelled “base class”
    • The mastery you have ascended to is now labelled “mastered”
    • Mastery exclusive passives and skills are shown at the top of the panel or when hovering over the class icons.
  • Locked skills in the Skills Window again have an icon to show if they have a skill tree, and you can view the trees before unlocking the skill.
  • Improved the layout of icons for minions in the top left of the screen.
  • Increased Base Spell Damage is now shown in the character sheet.
  • Item tooltips now label what each hotkey does.
  • Skill cooldowns on tooltips now display to the nearest tenth of a second when below 1.5 seconds.
  • Added a loading screen tip that states that blood spells and the bleed ailment deal physical damage.
  • There are now different decorations on the loading screen when entering Imperial Era zones.


  • The ladder is now available from our website here: with additional features
    • Each character shows which skills they have equipped
    • Account names are displayed in addition to character names
    • The maximum Monolith streak that a character has achieved is now displayed.
    • There are separate ladders for softcore, hardcore, softcore solo and hardcore solo.
    • The ladder can be restricted to only showing a certain base class.
    • You can order the list of entries by character level, max Arena wave or max Monolith streak.
  • In-game, the 4 tabs are now: Hardcore, Softcore, Hardcore Solo and Softcore Solo. Each tab shows both character level and arena wave.


  • Updated lighting for the Character Select screen.
  • Updated lighting in Chapter 1, 2 and 5 zones.
  • Improved the End of Time
    • Added new vegetation.
    • Replaced the staircase.
    • Improved the background starfield and floating objects.
    • Tweaked lighting.
  • Greatly improved the visuals for void environment objects that are in Chapter 2 and 3 zones.
  • Greatly improved the aesthetics of the Armory.
  • Added more details to some Chapter 6 zones.
  • Improved hit flash visuals. They use a new material that makes them more consistent, and last longer on hits that kill.
  • Updated models and animations for the Primal Wolf and Primal Sabertooth.
  • Reduced the visual noise of, Avalanche, Blizzard Totem (Storm Totem node), Entangling Roots, Meteor and Ring of Shields.
  • Tweaked the appearance of Skeleton Rogues.
  • Improved the visuals for Abyssal Echoes.
  • Updated visuals for Manifested Swords and Axes.
  • Void Spectres now have a higher quality model and texture.
  • Updated Soul Cage enemy visuals.
  • Void Thrall capes now use cloth physics.
  • Made the overhead visual for stun easier to see.
  • Added new icons for Erasing Strike, Judgement and Transplant.

Graphics Settings

  • Settings will be reset to Medium the first time you open the game after updating to this patch.
  • There is now an “apply” button for graphics settings. Text will display prompting that you have unsaved changes, and the changes will be cleared if you close the window.
  • There is now a clearer change in performance and visuals when going through the levels of Master Quality, due to more parameters changing at each tier.
  • Adjusted the values of several settings internally.
  • Reduced the number of options overall by combining multiple options amd removing unnecessary entries.
  • Improved resolution changing functionality.


  • Added a new music track for some Time Rifts.
  • Added new attack sounds for Chapter 1 enemies
    • Skullen Chuckers
    • Osprix / Haruspex Orian
    • Necrotic Wisps
    • Caver Lurkers
  • Added new attack sounds for Chapter 2 enemies
    • Voidtouched Archivists (Ice Flurry)
    • Voidfused Armour
    • Abyssal Sundering
    • Various void explosions
  • Added new sound effects for player skills
    • Judgement
    • Manifest Armour
  • Added new sounds for several new Time Rift enemies
  • The sound for Wandering Spirits now fades out when the skill ends.
  • Decreased the volume of the Primalist’s Swipe.


  • Soul Cages now release their souls at 30% health, which stops their long range attack.
  • Reduced the damage of the explosion that happens when a Void Bolt creates a pool by 40%. Void Bolt is used by various void enemies including rare Voidforms.
  • Osprix Warriors deal 25% less damage with fireball.


  • Significantly improved the performance of most outdoor zones (and some indoors). We observed an average 7 fps improvement at 1080p Medium settings on a system with a Ryzen 5 1600 and a RX 480.
  • Improved load times for first loading a character, using a waypoint or the map window, and using a town portal.
  • Optimized the visuals of Avalanche, Bone Nova, Entangling Roots, Meteor, Ring of Shields and Sacrifice.
  • Improved the performance of necrotic volley attacks used by some enemies.
  • Improved the performance of Manifested Swords and Axes.
  • Improved the performance of the Frost Wyrm enemy.
  • Improved the performance of many stat calculations.
  • Improved the performance of lights in the Ulatri Cliffs (Imperial).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple Black Hole nodes not working.
  • Fixed Focus’ Null Profusion and Null Infusion nodes working when your mana is positive.
  • Fixed Focus’ Null Infusion node not scaling with points allocated.
  • Fixed Forge Strike’s Patient Strike disabling use of the skill.
  • Fixed Frenzy Totem’s Furious Cry node not working.
  • Fixed Glacier’s Greater Vortex overriding the damage increase from Glacier’s Greater Destruction.
  • Fixed Holy Aura’s Shelter from the Storm node overriding the skill’s base effect.
  • Fixed a bug where Mark for Death could be dodged.
  • Fixed a bug where the Primal Scorpion’s retaliation with Poison Pool was taking into account hits against the Player rather than itself.
  • Fixed a bug where Rive’s effects that triggered on kill with the third hit were not working.
  • Fixed Smite’s Epicenter node not working.
  • Fixed Spriggan Form’s Healing Totem not benefitting from your Thorn Totem tree when you have the Spiked Totem node.
  • Fixed Spriggan Form’s Nature’s Bounty node granting an inconsistent refund amount if you also had the Petrify node.
  • Fixed Static Orb spawning slightly behind the player.
  • Fixed Teleport’s Mana Tunnel node changing Teleport’s cooldown to 13 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
  • Fixed Tempest Strike’s Upheaval node causing Earth Spikes to spawn on top of each other, rather than in a line.
  • Fixed Transplant sometimes hitting too many enemies with Rip Blood.
  • Fixed Transplant targeting enemy corpses for Rip Blood.
  • Fixed Werebear Form’s Skull Crush node not working properly
  • Fixed Werebear Form’s nodes that cast Ice Thorns not benefitting from your Ice Thorns tree.
  • Fixed Werebear Form and Summon Bear’s Roar being the same ability in code, resulting in incorrect functionality.
  • Fixed Wraiths created by Summon Wraith not following the player.
  • Fixed a bug where AI with a preferred target would use abilities at ranges below their minimum range against that target. For example:
    • The Sabertooth using its leap without moving against enemies targeted using the target command (A).
    • Enemies using abilities with minimum range against a Bear or player that had taunted them.
  • Fixed knockback effects pushing stationary enemies below the ground. This could cause Spires in Monolith zones to be unkillable.
  • Fixed the Necromancer’s Summon Wraith and the Void Knight’s Anomaly and Ravaging Stance skills unlocking at incorrect levels.
  • Fixed the Sorcerer’s Arcane Avalanche freezing all enemies around you when you were hit.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sorcerer’s Arcane Current node gave 30% increased shock effect per point instead of 50%
  • Fixed the Sorcerer’s Warder passive granting ward retention and health rather than ward on hit with elemental spells.
  • Fixed a bug where damage over time could not freeze even if it had a freeze rate.
  • Fixed a bug where Summoned Death Knight floating health bars would not display correctly.
  • Fixed skill cooldowns being rounded incorrectly on skill tooltips.
  • Fixed the crafting help tooltip being hidden behind the Inventory.
  • Fixed the Exit Game button on the character select screen not working.
  • Fixed a display error with the dropdown for online status in the social panel.
  • Fixed the waypoint for Liath Grove not appearing on the minimap.
  • Fixed Venom Weaver enemies not outlining correctly on mouse-over.
  • Fixed Wisps in Ulatri Cliffs granting much more xp than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Rare enemies regenerate health” monolith mod caused all enemies to regenerate health
  • Fixed projectiles sometimes being blocked in Echo of a World.
  • Fixed a chest in Fallen Tower being inaccessible.
  • Fixed a tree being placed inside of a rock in Forest Trail.
  • Fixed a room in the Maj’elkan Catacombs being difficult to enter.
  • Improved pathing at the exit to the Oracle’s Abode.
  • Fixed an area in the Temple of Eterra blocking projectiles.
  • Fixed crates spawning on top of the player after exiting the Welryn Catacombs.
  • Fixed an area near the entrance to Welryn Catacombs blocking projectiles.
  • Fixed Yulia’s Refuge being called Yulia’s Haven on its loading screen.
almost 5 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

Meteor is now unlocked by ascending to the Sorcerer Mastery class, which is done after completing the Mastery quest (or investing 25 points in previous versions).

If you picked a different mastery class before the patch, you unfortunately won’t be able to access the skill. If you haven’t picked a Mastery Class, the quest is started by talking to Gaspar in the End of Time.

almost 5 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

I’ll contact the developer for our launcher, as Heavy said the patch size was not that large for steam (the standalone has actually had smaller patch sizes historically).

almost 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

If you think you’ve spotted a bug, please post in the Bug Reports section. Screenshots of both your class passives and relevant specialization trees would be very helpful. :slight_smile: