over 3 years
ago -
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- Tundra Nova (Frozen Ire proc) now has a freeze rate of 80 (up from 0), and this is shown on its alt tooltip.
- Frost Nova (Ice Barrage proc) now has a freeze rate of 40 (up from 30), and this is now shown on its alt tooltip.
- Fixed the “ward granted when casting flame ward” idol affix having an incorrect range of values. It now has a range of 28 to 64.
- The tooltip for items in the Gambler’s shop now state that they cannot be a unique or set item.
- The visuals for Fire Aura now fade out smoothly when its duration expires.
- The sub-ability of Forge Strike that makes Forged Weapons is now called “Summon Forged Weapon” (from “Summon Weapon”).
- Added new hit sounds for Javelin and Void Cleave.
- Added new general hit sounds for bladed and blunt weapons.
- Added falling sand and incense burner ambient sounds to the Temple of Majasa.
- Increased the volume of Saazhar in Soreth’ka.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where certain zones (such as Thetima) appeared totally black when using SMAA.
- Increased the duration Rebuke needs to be channeled before it activates to 0.2 seconds. This is a temporary change to avoid very buggy behavior in some situations while we look into a fix.
- Fixed a bug where the “The Scalebane” quest could not be turned in to Zerrick until the “Arjani, The Ruby Commander” quest had been completed.
- Fixed a bug where login credentials were not remembered properly for the standalone version of the game. (You’ll need to login one more time for it to be fixed).
- Fixed a bug where Majasa could be one-shot in a brief window before Phase 2 starts.
- Fixed a bug where leaving The Dry River after triggering the Scarab Broodkeeper encounter could prevent the Missing Merchant quest from advancing.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the latter parts of combo abilities to be used repeatedly in some situations. This includes the Dash ability from Javelin’s Surprise Initiative node.
- Fixed a bug where converting Warpath to Fire or Void did not properly trigger element specific effects, such as “chance to poison with fire skills”.
- Fixed a bug where Shadows created by Lethal Mirage’s Gloom and Doom node did not attack.
- Fixed the charged version of Detonating Arrow playing sounds at incorrect times.
- Fixed the tooltip for Forge Strike listing incorrect minion scaling for Forged Weapons, and stating that they last 10 seconds (they last 20 seconds).
- Fixed Forge Strike’s Shrapnel node saying it reduces the duration of Forged Weapons by 60%, when it actually reduces it by 75%.
- Fixed a bug where the “Endurance while channeling Warpath” affix was a suffix instead of a prefix.
- Fixed a bug with Scales of Eterra where non-spell abilities could trigger Infusions.
- Fixed a bug where controller keybind changes could be forgotten in some cases.
- Fixed the world map stating incorrect levels for the Stolen Lance and Black Sun timelines.
- Fixed a visual bug where Flame Reave would appear underground when cast via Surge.
- Fixed a bug where the buff icon for Teleport’s Time Dilation did not last for the correct duration (this was only a visual issue).