almost 5 years
ago -
Direct link
- Drain Life’s Eternal Servitude node now allows 5 Wandering Spirits to remain active per point, and can have 3 points allocated (from 1).
- The node previously did not have a cap, due to an oversight. Wandering Spirits is an instant cast skill, and so it can be cast while channeling Drain Life.
- Drain Life’s Soul Bond node can have 2 points allocated (from 1).
- Clarified that Lightning Blast cannot fork if you have taken Focal Blast on the relevant tooltips.
User Interface
- Improved how the minimap reveal distance lines up with the edge of the minimap.
- Improved the color and edges of buff and debuff icons.
- Reduced the space between paragraphs in tooltips.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the entrance to the Ruined Coast for the Sapphire Tablet quest was blocked.
- Fixed a cause of a large stutter while Holy Aura or Sigils of Hope is equipped.
- Fixed a bug preventing cosmetic pets from showing in the cosmetics panel.
- Fixed a bug that caused characters to not show up on the ladder.
- Fixed some skills showing as having a skill tree when they haven’t been implemented yet.
- Fixed a bug where Spirit Plague showed as being unlocked at 15 points into Acolyte. Defile is now shown, as intended.
- Fixed a bug where the stats Forged Weapons (Sentinel minions) gained from your weapon was cumulative. The more weapons you summoned, the bigger than stats gained.
- Fixed Ring of Shield’s Enduring Defense node not working.
- Fixed a bug where the Mana Strike tree changes intended for 0.7.7 were not included by mistake.
- Fixed location notifications having artifacts in their backgrounds.
- Fixed a few typos.