almost 5 years
ago -
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Ever wanted to better understand crafting instability, learn more about the differences between hits and damage over time, or get a better handle on how protections work?
Good news! Starting in Patch 0.7.8, you can press G to git gud Game Guide!
The Game Guide features;
- Pages which each explain one facet of Last Epoch.
- Collapsible categories that group related pages together.
- A search bar to help you quickly find what you’re looking for.
- Links to related pages for additional information.
Here’s how it currently looks (work in progress);

The search bar is shown on the left, while Rune of Shattering is a link to another page.
The Game Guide was previously known as the Mechanics Guide. While its name has been updated, it will still serve the same goal of explaining the game’s features and mechanics.