almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody welcome back to
4s the last epoch devstream as always
8s i'm your host mike
10s happy to be here happy to have you here
11s let's get into things
14s now you may notice that i am not
17s uh sporting the same character as i was
19s last time
22s probably forgot to change the title of
23s the video
24s that's all right
26s we found
27s a herald of the scurry with one
29s legendary potential last week
31s and uh i might not be my same herald oh
34s is that not my same herald
40s if it's not we'll switch it over right
41s my proper harold just a sec here
49s it's a different herald
50s we're going to wear my real hair
53s yeah
54s i don't know
55s three skill points whoops
57s thank you very much friend of ex reset
59s for 11 months in a row getting close to
60s that one year mark
62s here we go
63s all right so we have points in this
66s there we go
69s okay so they flicked red this is where
71s the points came out of all right
74s we have
75s ten squirrels
77s we're gonna do a little uh
79s a little bit a little bit of um
83s monolith and then we'll go make our
85s herald legendary
94s we're severely under leveled
96s but i think it's gonna work and we have
98s a
99s proper
101s uh lewd filter set up this time and
102s everything
103s big big ups to rhymer he uh sorted us
106s out with everything
108s hello everyone who's joined uh hello
110s douglas hello
113s k phil my hair is getting longer yeah
115s man my hair
129s my hair's got entirely too long
131s and i uh definitely need to fix it
138s so we're all about you may notice
140s there's a ton of bleeds that pop up
143s a ton of bleeds that pop up on our
145s enemies here
147s our our herald just
151s very conducive to
154s bleeding everywhere which is great
163s and we're kind of here for support for
164s moral support but our minions are the
165s real stars of the show here
169s and i just i haven't played with the
170s herald build yet on stream and i love
171s this item so much so you know what we're
173s playing with it
175s i might go back to my marksman i was
177s really enjoying it for sure
183s as always if you have any questions
185s please feel free to ask them in chat if
187s you could precede them with an at last
188s epoch game make my life a lot easier to
190s be able to see who's asking what and i
192s can answer them faster and as always all
194s the proceeds from the stream go directly
196s to charity and that charity changes
197s every month and we happen to be the
199s start of a month so we've got a new
200s charity lined up for you today we have
201s the national multiple sclerosis society
204s and i'm sorry if i just watched how that
206s is pronounced do my best um
212s hope everyone here is having a great
215s time
218s i'll answer a few questions here is it
219s intentional that players can stand in a
221s dead zone for lightless arbor or will
224s that be looked at it seems we'll start
225s standing in a corner to avoid the first
227s phase max
228s uh i think that's probably a mistake
233s i like probably feels like a mistake
235s when you're like when you guys are
236s looking at it so i would uh
239s it'd be pretty confidence mistake
247s emperor doesn't know the item that we
248s are using to to get squirrels instead of
250s wolves is this herald of the scurry it
252s was a
253s um uh creator unique
256s for uh zizeron who made this
258s um
260s and uh we had it we had a nice stream
261s with him when we we actually made the
263s item together
265s on stream with uh stands for myself and
267s him
270s and so yeah it doubles your squirrels
272s basically
273s it doubles your wolves and turns your
275s wolves into squirrels
277s uh
279s and
281s it changes the the howl into something
283s else
284s so they get basically they go rabid
288s lego rage mode
290s can we expect auto navigation in monos
293s uh i'm not sure what you mean by by that
295s could you elaborate what does auto
297s navigation mean like
300s you just
302s like puts the games on game on rails or
304s something like that uh
306s i'm not sure what you mean by that
309s uh
312s this is when can we expect it
322s based on skill bar this is a bm build it
324s is a beast master build yeah yeah we are
325s doing um
327s i mean the skill bar same as our skills
329s allocated there
330s uh we're mostly in the beastmaster
333s you can put that in the screenshot if
335s you want
337s i can go into a little bit a little bit
338s more depth in a minute here
346s this feels weird though like usually i'm
348s playing zdps builds and i'm not doing
350s zdps so it feels a little out of place
354s i don't know what to do with myself
365s was big leap
380s yeah we've got our totem to enrage our
382s squirrels and then our squirrels also
384s enrage themselves so they're real mad
388s they're in a frenzy rage
404s all right
406s an industry leader has implemented it in
408s their recently released arpg it lets you
410s automatically navigate the zone
413s i assume
416s uh based on the
418s language you use that you're talking
419s about diablo immortal i haven't played
421s it yet
426s and i'm
427s quickly realizing that the comment was
430s meant in jest
432s uh
433s i don't think that sounds like something
434s we're planning on implementing
439s uh when will we get content that takes
441s 40 years to acquire
443s but we can lessen the grind with cash
445s are these just a lot of uh digs in
447s diablo immortal here is that what's
448s going on
454s i'm gonna i'm gonna answer them like i'm
456s completely oblivious never we wouldn't
458s do that
460s like the serious questions
468s but but seriously
470s i don't think that's something we're
471s planning on doing ever
473s just just just in case that was
476s not obvious
477s i'm just going the wrong way my
478s squirrels just they want to attack stuff
480s over there come on guys this way
482s this way
485s yes
493s it's this way come on
498s all i can picture is like
502s uh will ferrell in the producers with
504s his with his pigeons they come this way
521s hello do you think we may eventually add
523s tech for temporary servers for
524s communities to run races ala
527s early poe temp races um
533s maybe
535s that's one of those things that would be
536s really cool to do and we do have
539s um
540s have have ways of doing that because we
542s kind of already do that a little bit
544s with our testing setups
546s um
547s having it be a like production
549s environment is a little bit trickier
552s there's a little bit more going on there
553s that needs to be done um
556s i would say it's not impossible but it
557s won't be a launch
558s product there won't be a day one thing
561s that we have but that doesn't sound like
562s a really cool thing to have
579s maybe auto navigate double mortals real
581s and yes they are yeah
586s i don't know
588s like i was actually quite excited to try
590s it and i haven't seen
592s fantastic reviews yet i will still give
594s it a shot
596s because i feel like that would be
597s like i don't know
598s irresponsible to not try it at least
605s i know our uh one of the other
607s developers um left a pretty big write-up
610s ignoring any
612s uh monetization stuff just about the
614s gameplay feel and all that sort of the
616s actual game content
620s and he had some really good info in
621s there so i like that
629s that's the trouble with minion builds i
630s want to go one direction they want to go
631s another that's why you have the a key
632s tell them to go that way
634s dance this way dance that way dance this
637s way dance this way haha
644s oh i thought there's gonna be something
645s up there
663s yeah they don't do much damage myself do
664s i
670s i should just be using my abilities to
671s reposition things
675s i got i got um
677s pull on war cry and pull on leap
680s i think this it feels that way
685s these squirrels are doing work though my
687s goodness
689s so this is what a real build feels like
703s is the reason why some zones show the
705s mob level on top right when doing the
706s campaign most don't show level um
709s they generally should all show a level
710s when you have the large map turned on
713s i think
717s um
718s if they don't i would assume that
720s they're just scaled to your own level
721s but i feel like we would show that
722s anyways
727s i'm not sure sorry
732s so how are the internal testing with
735s multiplayer going
736s uh curious only
740s only come to stream two to four times
742s here okay um it's going really well uh
744s we've started if you if anyone's
746s worrying about update on multiplayer
747s testing um
748s we've finished our second
750s ct test
752s um so there are people who don't work
754s for 11th hour games that are playing
755s multiplayer which has gone really well
758s um
761s and we're you know still building
763s systems we're still developing
765s uh content for the game we're still
768s squashing bugs and making things smooth
770s and all that sort of stuff
776s but you know it's moving along swell
779s it's
781s the time we took last year to
783s to really uh
786s to restructure some of our back end
787s systems has paid off quite a bit as far
789s as um development progress now is
792s concerned and the quality of the product
793s we've got now
803s um
808s don't need a helmet or weapon really at
809s all do i because those are set with
813s uniques did you really want to get the
816s mountain shield
819s i guess i need an exalted helm to make
821s my
823s legendary herald
830s uh i see a question here that that uh
833s uh have you ever tried grim dawn i have
835s tricked him done definitely put out
836s lastly [ __ ] game in the questions and
837s i'll see him better but yes i have trade
838s groom done i quite like grim dawn i
840s thought it was a ton of fun
842s um i wish i had played it more
845s when it was
846s um
846s fresher
848s like when it when like first came out
849s that sort of thing
850s um i think it suffered for my opinion of
855s it
855s um well like i do think it's really good
858s i guess the pain is bad work enjoyment
860s that i got out of it
861s may have suffered a little bit from it
862s being an older game by the time i tried
864s it for the first time
867s um but no i think grimdawn brings a ton
869s of really awesome stuff to the table and
871s they did a lot of stuff really well
874s um
875s and i think
877s it it's it doesn't get as much attention
879s as it deserves really
881s and it's processor titan quest too also
883s a great game picked it up on the switch
885s a little while ago from the library and
886s played it i was a lot of fun
888s it was cool to be able to have this like
891s i don't know
892s older game show up as a switch title
896s it was cool i liked it
901s i can learn a lot what not to do i mean
903s okay so yeah there's uh if you ignore
905s the monetizations issues that people
907s have been bringing up a lot there's
908s there's a lot of good information about
911s um actual system designs and
913s uh like
916s uh sound design and vfx design and
918s things like that like that still
920s has quality i think
923s even even if you're not a fan of the
924s other parts of
925s it referring to diablo mortal again not
927s grim dog grimdon has
931s extremely lenient monetization systems
950s are you a lead dev i'm not the lead dev
952s i i'm a senior developer i'd say
955s um it's hard it's hard to put actual
957s titles on things but
959s um
961s been here for a long time
982s i do uh i mostly push the skills
985s development stuff as like if you want to
988s pick like a department that i i guess i
990s lead-ish is skills development
1004s speaking about monetization when will we
1006s see more skins also do you plan to
1008s release reskinned skill effects yes and
1010s if so how will it work in game mechanics
1012s change how skills look like already um
1016s the
1016s so yeah we are planning on um
1019s you can see appearance right here
1021s there's there's a section for skill
1022s effects down at the bottom already this
1023s is sort of a um
1025s meant to signal that we're planning on
1026s doing this to people
1028s because you can't really do anything
1029s with it right now it doesn't do anything
1031s um
1039s um no there's a bug
1041s anyways uh
1043s these
1045s would take priority over
1048s uh changes done in the skill tree so if
1050s you for example if you had um
1053s let's use fireball as an example and you
1055s and you've got plasma ball and it adds
1056s that lightning effect around it um but
1058s then you have a ski a skill vfx skin for
1062s it that maybe is like
1064s a void ball and it changes it to avoid
1066s fireball
1066s visuals
1068s totally making this up the spot no idea
1069s for you to do this but if we did the
1071s void one that you paid for as an mtx a
1073s cosmetic ncx would supersede the ones in
1076s game
1079s um and when will we see more skins um
1083s we're really trying to finish up the
1085s in-game
1086s stuff first before we do the um
1091s uh cosmetic stuff so we're
1094s still still working on the in-game stuff
1095s before we get to cosmetics
1101s it's not to say they're not like
1103s there's not stuff in motion happening
1105s but um
1108s we're we're trying to finish the in-game
1109s stuff before we release cosmetic stuff
1115s it's also sort of like a weird thing
1117s about like releasing the cosmetic stuff
1119s before the game's online
1122s you know
1123s there's a lot of there's a lot of stuff
1124s that we need to be careful of and make
1126s sure we're uh being careful
1130s uh
1131s i always said
1132s careful twice there but
1134s i don't know a better word for it
1134s cognizant
1137s cognizant of the implications
1142s that's me trying to sound
1149s smart zacharias bay have you thought
1151s about offering a one-time mtx chest at
1154s the end of dungeons with bonus currency
1156s like gold cosmetics or something i don't
1157s know just footballing here i think we
1159s strayed into these uh joke questions
1162s again
1164s but in all serious answers no we haven't
1166s considered doing that
1182s as you know if the game is going to go
1184s live around september i mean
1185s everything's stored in servers no more
1187s local save files i i don't have any more
1189s information about what's happening on
1191s timelines other than
1193s the current goal
1195s is that the next major patch will be
1197s sometime in and around september-ish or
1200s thereabouts
1217s last pair of gloves do we wear them
1220s probably not
1234s oh when i was going when i was when i
1236s was a bear i wore them but
1238s otherwise they need they need some love
1242s uh do you know if they go in the
1243s question any updates regarding new class
1245s specializations uh they are still in the
1247s same state they were
1249s a year ago
1252s there's no information on them we've not
1254s done any work on them they are still
1261s pending okay serious question you
1263s mentioned in may on discord about some
1265s interesting changes to ailments can you
1267s tell what that pertains to not the exact
1269s changes but maybe the implications yeah
1271s i mean so um
1272s there's we've gotten a lot of feedback
1274s over the last little while about um how
1277s much stronger and thematic and
1279s interesting poison is compared to bleed
1282s and ignite um and and
1285s at the baseline they're extremely
1287s similar things like they're just a
1288s different themed version of each other
1289s really um they're a dot that one of them
1292s seemed around physical damage bleeding
1294s one of them seemed around
1296s fire damage burning one of them steamed
1298s around poison damage poison
1302s and they're all really
1303s common uh
1305s ailments in in rpgs and games fantasy
1308s games in general it's a really really
1310s common thing to have is those those
1311s three are sort of the staples
1313s there's a lot of others that are really
1314s common too but i'd argue that those
1316s three are like the most common
1319s i could be wrong with that but that's
1320s what i feel anyways um
1322s we didn't really have anything
1325s to balance like because poison has this
1328s uh
1329s extra
1331s um i was the ability to
1334s uh to shred enemy resistance based on
1338s um
1339s the number each stack also shreds enemy
1341s poison resistance so you get this
1342s compounding effect where every poison is
1344s more powerful than the last because it
1345s makes every other poison on there
1347s already deal more damage
1351s um and a lot of people
1352s very quickly noticed in multiplayer
1354s which i mean it's not something we were
1356s we knew this was gonna happen this is
1358s not like oh my god this happened but we
1360s get into multiple testing people make
1362s groups of just everyone's applying
1364s poison
1365s um because suddenly this
1366s self-compounding poison damage
1369s is even more powerful when you have four
1372s people doing it instead of one
1374s um
1377s and and so we
1380s we we knew we were going to have to do
1381s something and we've been sort of humming
1383s and hawing and fumbling and figuring out
1384s what we're going to do for quite a while
1386s now to fix this problem
1389s um
1390s and and then on top that we also get
1391s frequent feedback that bleed and ignite
1393s are not interesting they're just a
1395s boring version of poison like people
1396s want something else to go with it but we
1398s frequently get okay make something else
1401s to go with it but don't make that
1402s something
1404s just the same as poison where fire
1406s shreds fire reds and
1407s um bleed shreds physical reds you know
1409s like keep it a little more interesting
1411s than that um
1413s it's tough to do there's not a lot you
1415s can do there um
1419s it's it's a really tricky problem to
1421s solve and especially also just having
1424s uh these these dot elements be
1427s relatively simple is actually a bonus
1429s because it's having easy to understand
1431s and easy to gauge mechanics is really
1433s important as well something that you can
1434s quickly decide if you want or not and
1436s and
1437s maybe having those advanced features be
1439s part of
1440s um
1441s other effects through
1442s um
1444s through weapons is really useful however
1448s so about about two years ago three years
1450s ago somewhere in there about two years
1451s ago we were unable to change ailment
1454s effects at all so like there was an
1456s ailment once that whatever that element
1458s was that's what it was and you couldn't
1460s change that ailment
1461s on the fly about like things it did um
1466s so we and we actually changed that
1468s system uh when we introduced death seal
1471s nope um
1475s crap
1477s uh it wasn't marked for death it was the
1478s one after that blood curse bone curse
1482s um
1484s oof apparently i have to play an acolyte
1486s uh
1488s anyways we introduced that it has a
1489s whole bunch of things that because it is
1491s an ailment and there's a whole bunch of
1492s things in its tree that change that
1494s element on the fly
1497s um
1499s and so we we created the system great oh
1502s my goodness there was a lot of stuff
1503s happening there just got out a little
1505s bit that's fine um
1508s it works really well when that ailment
1510s is being applied from one source
1513s or
1514s very few sources but as soon as you have
1516s that animal being applied from
1519s anything and everything like bleed and
1521s ignite are i've done this portal as echo
1524s and i'm just like playing
1526s as mindfully because i got rambling
1527s sorry um
1529s you have
1531s it it's a pretty big performance hit to
1533s to give nodes that say like
1536s um
1537s ignite now shreds fire res on like a
1540s node in your passenger that that has a
1542s pretty huge
1544s um performance cost to it
1546s just because of the way that
1549s elements are applied to each other
1550s applied simultaneously to the same
1552s target from different
1555s sources um
1557s so
1558s we we we haven't done that in any places
1560s you may have maybe noticed if you didn't
1561s notice we haven't done that anywhere
1563s because of this performance that we
1565s would have had to take um
1568s so we've we've made some changes to the
1569s way the ailments work in general to
1572s improve performance on
1574s a lot of axes actually not just this one
1575s so there's just better performance with
1576s elements just in general um but then
1579s we've also given it the ability to have
1582s something called threshold bonuses
1586s uh so this is a new thing that elements
1588s can do
1589s um where it's it's very similar to the
1592s idea in the druid passives
1595s uh see here we've got this like uh at
1597s five points you get
1599s an extra one all attributes uh when you
1601s have five points in this android prowess
1603s um so at five five points you have uh
1605s six to two and six strength five uh
1608s vitality five dexterity and five intel
1610s or
1611s one dick's one bite one hand sorry um
1616s and so
1618s this th this type of concept can then be
1620s applied to ailments as well where you
1621s have
1622s say at 10 stacks something new could
1625s happen
1627s [Music]
1630s that's the sort of stuff that
1633s sort of new technology
1635s that is
1636s available in there now
1638s that might actually be a good um
1642s good weapons what are we getting out of
1643s this
1647s the armor shred
1648s yeah it's the armor shred
1652s it's just so good
1657s yeah we'll stay with
1659s something
1660s which is so good
1663s good little squirrel army are any of
1664s them name differently
1666s oh
1670s it'd be hard to see
1673s oh we got one let's name differently i
1674s think
1676s river river hey river
1680s any others
1683s no just river
1685s that's cool
1686s river is our squirrel captain
1689s a little helmet for river
1705s okay let me get back into some questions
1707s here
1708s feel like i missed a couple
1711s uh one feature i did like for the pc
1713s release of mortal was the was the
1715s movement being an option have you
1716s considered this yeah um that is
1718s something we've considered and um
1720s given that we do have controller support
1722s it's not a terrible step to do
1726s um it basically just turns wazdy into a
1728s joystick um
1733s you know
1735s i guess you could map wisely to joystick
1737s controls and activate the controller and
1739s and there you go
1740s that'll be horrible don't don't do that
1742s um
1744s but it is something we get asked every
1745s once in a while it's not something that
1747s i
1748s that we are that's like
1749s on a to-do list right now but it is
1752s something that i could see gets done if
1754s um
1755s if we have some time for down the road
1757s but uh right now it's not specifically
1759s listed
1761s but i do i do get the appeal for it um
1765s some people really like it
1783s all right next question here
1785s uh hi do you know if it is planned to
1788s lock the monoliths behind the chapters
1790s or will it stay as openly accessible as
1793s it is um i think it's still planned to
1795s stay the way it is
1796s um
1800s yeah
1802s we give incentives to
1805s uh oh we've got an experience buff we're
1806s going let's go
1809s uh would you give incentives to um
1814s to completing the campaign via
1817s uh quest rewards
1819s but some people really want to just go
1821s and get into the uh into the dungeons
1825s or into the models
1829s i don't personally see a problem with
1830s that
1832s but we'll
1835s see stuff changes all the time
1850s you know the right way
1853s probably not that's okay
1859s i'm here to chew bubble gum and have fun
1861s looks like we're all out of bubble gum
1866s we're just gonna have fun
1879s can't laugh yourself no one else will
1880s either
1888s i'm sure that's not how that saying goes
1899s all right what class do you think needs
1900s the most love at the moment how do you
1902s determine if it's a class or individual
1904s skills need a second task um i mean we
1906s quite often will
1908s it's about
1909s it's about a lot of things a lot of it
1910s comes from player feedback a lot of it
1912s comes from just some metrics that we
1914s have internally about um the way certain
1916s skills should look and
1918s and the like the just physical numbers
1920s behind a lot of those things such as
1922s just number of nodes in a tree number of
1924s average points in a tree number of
1926s maximum points per node in a tree number
1928s of connections per tree number of um
1931s like
1932s connection requirements perp
1935s uh connection you know like there's all
1937s these little things that we look at that
1939s we want to have in certain parameters
1942s and when some of them are big outliers
1943s we tell we tend to look at those to
1945s decide if we want to
1947s um to shore some of those up
1953s um
1956s and often
1959s yeah let's go somewhere let's see what's
1960s up
1962s often um
1965s it'll be pretty obvious
1966s so like for example
1968s as far as skills go i can show you
1970s really quickly um there's some skills
1972s but one of our rules is no nodes over
1974s five points
1975s one two there's more than two in here
1978s isn't there
1979s it was not but there's two nodes here
1980s that are over five points each right
1982s away
1983s um and then we also do
1985s we want approximately 30 nodes
1993s it's less than 20.
1994s like we're not even two-thirds of the
1995s way to the right number of nodes um
1998s so like there's there's definitely
1999s definite just
2001s number of problems in this tree and you
2003s do the exact same thing to save her
2004s tooth like there's an eight
2006s uh there's a little over here's in there
2008s there's a seven
2010s yeah like there's another eight
2013s there's there's problems in these trees
2014s so i mean there's things like that you
2015s can tell pretty easily um
2018s sometimes it just comes from looking at
2020s uh how homogenized the builds are that
2022s are appearing so we'll see um like 100
2025s of players take
2026s these five nodes and this passive no
2028s matter what and it's like okay well
2032s the other notes probably aren't strong
2033s enough or these notes are too strong or
2035s some combination of the two
2037s and we'll start to look at things like
2038s that
2039s uh it quite often it comes down to the
2041s age of the stuff as well
2043s um
2045s funny i've got two exactly the same ones
2046s back-to-back anyways yeah so we
2050s recently have and we'll quite often try
2051s and take a look at things batched
2053s together
2054s um so recently we did a lot of stuff
2056s with the druid where we we completely
2058s reworked swarm blade we added swarm
2060s blade and reworked spriggan form and
2062s bare form all at the same time and then
2064s we rooted the passive tree at the same
2065s time
2067s um
2068s so we'll kind of do them in chunks
2070s together so because next time we do when
2072s we do look at some of baron summer and
2073s sabretooth at the same time
2075s and uh wolf
2077s uh
2078s wolf needs visuals but nothing else
2080s really don't think it may need some
2081s touches um we'll probably look at the at
2083s the passive tree a little bit at the
2084s same time as well
2086s um
2087s so i hope that gives an idea of how we
2089s look at that
2090s um
2092s sometimes it's just from us playing and
2093s being like this wasn't fun
2096s how do we make it fun
2110s like this i'm having a lot of fun
2117s i don't think these skills need to be
2118s looked at much
2126s wolf might actually as i'm saying this
2128s i'm like wolf might have a node that's
2129s over five points
2135s doesn't look like it whoo
2138s i mean yeah i knew that
2142s so what class do i think needs the most
2144s work at the moment
2146s um
2147s i don't think any one class okay i mean
2150s most total work rogue
2153s but not for the reasons you may think
2154s mostly just because a it's missing a
2156s mastery and b it has the fewest total
2157s skills
2158s um
2160s so we're just looking at like the total
2161s number of skills that need to be done
2162s like shaman needs a fair bit of love
2164s um beastmaster actually needs a favorite
2166s with with the these two summons but
2168s overall
2170s um primeless is pretty darn good
2173s mage needs a look and there's no rune
2174s master
2176s mostly mage in teleport needs a look
2179s um
2180s it's such a prominent skill and it's
2182s really not very good
2185s i think the passives there could just
2186s could use some love too
2188s uh
2192s and then obviously there's
2193s we're still looking at um
2196s there's there's a lot of paladin stuff
2198s that needs touches i think um
2201s judgment
2202s uh
2203s healing hands
2206s um the one missing paladin skill as well
2211s and then that passive she needs love too
2213s and and also just sigils and and holy
2215s horror and you need some love too i
2216s think so i think paladin it needs a good
2218s chunk
2221s even though it does have like paladin i
2223s think has a lot of really fun builds to
2225s play even though there's this like okay
2227s paladin needs uh work on a lot of things
2230s there's there's at the same time a lot
2231s of really fun paladin builds out there
2233s um
2234s namely i would say uh javelin's my
2236s favorite i think javelin's got quite a
2237s few i think gentlemen might be carrying
2238s a little bit um
2240s hammer through smite's a lot of fun too
2242s you can play that other other classes
2243s too though um
2245s so there's there's there's a lot that
2247s goes into picking what's gonna be worked
2248s on next um
2252s a lot of it right now is what's the most
2254s necessary to get to launch with
2266s other than don't turn a single player
2268s game into a multiplayer game great
2269s advice by the way uh what would you all
2272s do differently if you start over today
2274s ah it's a it's an interesting question
2277s um not a lot really
2287s i mean
2288s all the big overhauls and changes i
2289s would just do those from the beginning
2292s it's kind of a cop-out answer i don't i
2293s don't have a good answer for this um
2295s because that's really the big thing is
2297s is wow
2299s so yes
2301s don't turn a single player game into
2302s multiple game we would not have had
2305s the resources to make this a proper
2308s multiplayer game
2309s when we first started
2311s if we if we just went straight to
2312s multiplayer only there would have been
2314s there would have been an extra two years
2315s before we would have got to kickstarter
2317s even
2320s um
2321s and i'm not sure that would have been
2322s like actually healthy for the game as a
2325s whole i don't know if we would have made
2327s it this far if we've done that like it's
2328s so hard to say like what you would
2329s change
2333s um
2336s yeah i don't know
2340s basically everyone everything we've been
2342s able to change
2347s i don't know
2348s i'm sorry i don't have a good answer
2361s there haven't there haven't been a whole
2362s lot of of like
2365s well if we'd only known i would've done
2366s this differently other than specific
2369s multiplayer related stuff that's like
2370s that's the big thing there's certain
2372s multiple things like we wouldn't have
2373s started down certain paths we wouldn't
2375s have
2376s um
2378s you know lots of things that we ended up
2379s burning a fair bit of time on
2387s but
2388s it was it was necessary like we there's
2390s all these things you kind of just have
2391s to do to know that the wrong thing
2401s i'm gonna go with nothing
2406s uh just a reminder to chat you can take
2408s oh yeah
2414s your question and i will answer
2415s otherwise i'll skim right over it
2418s because i'm the worst
2421s is it a deliberate artistic decision
2423s that there are no angels or demons in
2425s last epoch or can we expect it in the
2427s future um it's a little bit of an
2429s intentional
2431s artistic decision um
2434s you know there's there's a lot of
2436s different things you can create in a
2437s world and
2440s recognizing
2442s other major players in a game space
2444s and keeping yourself distinct without
2446s compromising a set game vision
2449s is useful i think
2452s um
2453s and so i like obviously what i mean
2455s obviously what i'm referring to here is
2457s diablo's whole storyline is focused
2459s around angels and demons
2462s and nephilim i guess you could say the
2464s children of angels and demons but yeah
2465s it's all it's all around angels and
2466s mutants and um
2470s like it's a lot of really cool stuff and
2471s i'm not saying we won't ever have it
2473s um
2474s but
2476s the focus not being on that is really
2478s intentional
2487s it also just wasn't part of and i don't
2489s know if this was intentional from the
2490s start but it also just wasn't part of
2493s the lord master's initial
2496s like story and and game design vision
2500s you know like what he initially pitched
2502s was did not include angels or demons
2521s i will make it possible
2532s oh that's my totem
2535s oh i forgot we buffed the totems hard on
2536s there how much health they have
2541s this is just fantastic i'm doing damage
2545s uh like i'm surviving
2549s i'm hopping around the battlefield and
2550s doing fun stuff this is great i'm liking
2553s this field thanks remember
2560s squirrel pet bill doesn't make me want
2562s this game anymore yeah squirrel pad
2563s build you know it
2570s what else would we have right wolves
2585s uh how do you guys plan to handle
2587s creator uniques that have lost their
2589s touch
2590s um or usage over the over many different
2593s iterations of the game one example i can
2594s think of is sebastian which i don't
2596s think i've ever seen used in my time
2598s playing the game if sebastian's a really
2600s old unique i don't know if we're even
2601s still in contact with the person who
2603s made it um
2607s i i haven't seen them around for a very
2609s long time but um we use usually if
2612s there's like a an issue with with a
2614s creator unique and like a creator wants
2616s to
2617s um
2618s like like a big issue it's gone
2620s completely out of the original vision of
2622s what it was for we try and contact them
2625s to say like hey we've noticed a problem
2627s with this or if we've uh if we've
2629s changed an item or if we change the
2631s system that it interacts with and we
2632s know it's pretty unique we try and say
2634s to them hey um
2636s like we're making this change we want
2638s that's going to affect the stat on your
2640s item and we want to change to this how
2642s do you feel about that let me do a quick
2644s little
2646s back and forth we'll probably do less of
2648s that once the game fully launches
2650s because they'll probably overall be less
2652s movement with major systems
2654s um
2655s but we may still do it who knows um
2657s right now because things are still in
2658s flux it's uh it's a little
2662s um
2664s you know we like to look to keep those
2666s items and we did make them i don't want
2668s to
2669s um acknowledge that we did make a
2670s mistake about this recently um where we
2673s changed the creator unique without
2674s consulting the creator um and it was not
2677s what they would have wanted um and we
2680s went back and we changed it again with
2681s their consultation which i think was was
2683s i think ended up in a good spot
2687s i hope it did anyways
2691s you haven't been calling me out on it so
2693s uh
2694s i think it's probably okay
2699s let's go
2706s uh imagine killing
2709s angels and demons with the squirrel army
2711s like uh so there's there's sort of an
2712s old joke in uh i guess it's an old joke
2715s now um
2717s if anyone plays magic the uh there's
2719s these creatures called
2721s um
2723s the eldrazi
2724s and they are
2726s kind of
2727s eldritch horror type
2728s um
2730s unknowable entities that exist in
2733s between planes that protrude into some
2736s planes
2737s uh as these
2739s these
2740s monstrosities that
2742s um
2744s corrupt and suppress and all these crazy
2746s things they can do
2748s um
2750s and
2752s uh there's a joke about about like one
2754s of the biggest and baddest of them that
2756s can be taken down by 13 squirrely boys
2758s because they can
2762s and there's also like fan art of the
2763s card with like 13 squirrels on it
2768s which i like it's funny
2773s so yeah taking down angel's demons with
2775s squirrels
2776s but they're like special magical
2777s squirrels right
2783s is there no squirrel level
2785s yes
2793s see i know how to answer a negative
2794s question
2809s well we see an auction house uh it's
2811s it's
2812s unlikely but possible i would say at
2814s this point
2819s um and i i want to
2820s clear that i mean that by in the near
2822s future because you know stuff changes
2824s all the time and who knows what's gonna
2826s happen in
2827s five years from now
2832s a target staff
2837s what is the build i'm playing right now
2838s besides the squirrels i would be happy
2840s to take you through a brief walkthrough
2842s of my build that i'm rocking right now
2844s um so our primary skill is summon primal
2847s or someone wolf which is converted to
2849s squirrels
2851s um basically just a bunch of bleed
2854s lead duration
2856s bleed
2858s bleed dodge rating and all that sort of
2859s stuff health keep them alive make them
2861s bleed uh then we've got our war cry
2864s which is the big shout i've been doing
2866s um so usually work right knocks back
2868s enemies this pulls them in tight so i
2869s can position enemies so my squirrels
2871s have uh easier
2873s um
2874s action access to them and then i get a
2876s little brief window of vulnerability
2877s afterwards for defensive purposes i have
2879s a summoned frenzy totem which causes all
2881s my squirrels to be more awesomer um
2884s basically just buffing them up to do
2885s damage um
2887s this only makes it only affect
2889s companions but makes it do way more so
2891s focuses on commanding damage here uh
2893s fury leaf this is mostly
2895s a movement utility skill for me
2898s um but i also cast um more minions as
2902s vines when i land
2904s so and it also pulls enemies in
2907s for repositioning enemies as well and
2909s creating more minions um and then i've
2911s got swipe which is my main attack that i
2912s do most of the time
2915s um it's
2916s it's mostly said to do
2917s fizz shred bleed
2919s and
2920s claw totems which is another meaning
2921s that can spawn by chance as well that
2923s will inflict more bleeds
2927s as for passives
2929s um
2932s bleed melee
2935s health
2936s you know pretty straightforward sharing
2937s stuff with uh minions um
2940s armor and endurance rating here which is
2942s a really powerful early node in druid uh
2946s and then beastmaster which i still have
2947s a point that i can put into right now
2948s which i just put in here
2951s yeah
2953s aspect buffs are um
2955s a pretty key part of
2957s most uh primeless builds
2959s um
2960s so i can last longer so no i know we
2962s have
2963s at least one that we're
2967s snagging every once in a while
2973s eva i see you either the question
2975s answers you say is there
2977s uh
2978s is there no squirrel level and i said
2981s yes so yes there's no scroll level
2986s just just to be clear
2993s thank you very much we have uh
2997s oh this is a tricky one
2999s uh
3000s flutter under hintern
3006s man i butchered that i apologize but
3010s i got close enough to satisfy myself so
3012s i hope it was good enough for you too
3013s thank you for the subscription much
3015s appreciated that will be going to
3018s the ms society
3035s uh don't get to put at last epoch game
3037s in the question and i'll see it easier
3039s there's a first time one here have you
3040s considered doing a crossover with
3042s carcassonne
3043s where you fight meatballs in farm roads
3045s and cities
3047s uh i i can't say i've considered that no
3050s but uh it would be fun
3052s oh i've got a big carcassonne box in the
3054s in the cupboard i should pull that out i
3056s haven't played it in years
3060s one of my friends moved away and was
3062s just like here you go i've been
3063s collecting this for years
3065s have fun
3068s it's so overwhelming i've only played
3069s the base game
3072s so many expansions
3076s with this longer patch cycle i know a
3077s lot of focus is on multiplayer but can
3079s we expect a somewhat bigger patch than
3081s we've had i know there weren't many
3083s changes between eight four and eight
3084s five don't know if you can gauge the
3086s size early the rough estimate um i i
3088s don't have much info on what's coming
3090s patch-wise for that uh for the next
3092s patch um
3095s multiplayer will be a pretty a
3096s surprisingly large change unto itself
3099s um
3102s i i think you'll be surprised at how
3103s much that that changes things on its own
3106s but um yeah we're still working on this
3108s stuff too
3111s i can't uh
3114s i can't give you a concrete oh it's
3116s gonna be
3117s x amount of stuff or anything like that
3119s yet
3132s the the chatter the squirrels have is
3135s just
3136s it's so oh it was uh
3138s what what menu was that
3141s is that the uh
3146s this one yeah it's got
3148s yeah there it is
3150s okay
3151s eric's flesh
3156s if anyone from the team is watching
3157s right now
3159s eric's flesh needs to have
3161s the i i know i i keep reading stuff but
3163s i keep seeing it on stream and i keep
3165s forgetting about it when i log off
3167s eric's flesh needs to have the
3170s uh
3171s mini-map icon removed from it
3175s or changed no just removed
3187s oh hey i want to thank you very much for
3189s a great game it's really a lot of fun
3191s and i'm looking forward to the future
3192s thanks greetings from germany and stay
3194s healthy thank you very much i hope i
3195s didn't butcher your name too much
3197s and i am staying healthy it's crazy so
3200s like
3201s i don't know about everyone else but
3203s usually
3203s [Music]
3205s once every year once every two years
3207s maybe if i was lucky um
3209s i'd get like a small cold or whatever
3212s um
3215s but i haven't had a cold since 2019 it's
3217s been great
3230s everything else has been terrible but i
3231s haven't had a cold which has been great
3239s gonna look on the bright side right
3250s uh how has working 11th hour again uh
3253s how is working at 11th hour slash
3255s working on last epoch changed your life
3256s i mean it's been it's been wild i um
3263s i was i was working for a fairly small
3264s software development company a local one
3266s before that
3267s before this
3269s um
3272s and it was like that was good i enjoyed
3274s it it wasn't anywhere near as fun as
3276s working on a video
3277s game um
3279s but you know it was fairly similar of
3281s like day-to-day responsibilities
3283s um
3286s but having something you work on that
3288s you're passionate about that's that
3290s you're like
3293s if i just didn't have any expenses
3295s i would do this and not get paid type
3297s thing like if i just if you had nothing
3299s to spend money on ever what would you do
3303s this is what i would do
3306s um so that's that's pretty cool
3308s um
3310s sadly as most of you know we all
3312s probably have things to spend money on
3314s like food
3315s and a place to live
3318s um
3319s but yeah it's it's it's been
3324s it's been really great to be able to
3327s uh
3328s i don't know do something you love
3329s something you enjoy it's been it's been
3330s awesome
3332s and uh
3335s being able to work from home's really
3336s nice too that's that's a big part of it
3346s instead of having to like
3347s drive home for lunch or walk home for
3349s lunch if you wanted to like see see your
3350s family during the middle of the day you
3351s can just walk upstairs which is really
3353s nice
3357s that's probably the biggest changes
3361s it's also tricky because like when i
3363s started working 11th hour games and when
3365s the pandemic hit was like
3367s not too far apart
3372s so like
3374s it's hard to split the two
3380s it's over a year apart but still
3394s are the defensive layers in last epoch
3396s pretty set are you all looking to expand
3398s maybe improve the existing layers we
3399s have i mean we're always looking to
3400s improve them um
3402s expand less so just because there
3404s already are quite a few
3407s um and we do want to have room for
3409s doing things like that in the future
3412s and keeping the initial version
3415s less complicated i think
3417s um
3419s especially at launch is is a useful
3421s thing
3424s having that collective knowledge of a
3426s game grow over time
3429s is is
3430s quite important
3433s um
3449s uh why is falcon in your favorite class
3451s because it does
3452s it plays differently than anything else
3455s there's
3456s like you've got you've got that first
3457s ability that's a ton of fun and it's
3460s really interesting as soon as you pick
3461s up as soon as you master it you get that
3463s ability and it's like the whole game
3464s just sort of shifts a little bit
3467s um
3468s and then once once you get that uh five
3469s points in your mastery and you get a
3470s second ability to augment it it really
3472s helps you
3473s like it unlocks sort of a new play style
3475s almost like there's there's that support
3477s in the base class already
3478s but when you get that second that second
3480s ability you can really shift your
3481s playstyle as you're leveling um
3484s and i think it's really interesting
3494s if you have no idea what i'm talking
3495s about it's because none of this is real
3498s and i'm just joking
3504s it's not a finished class yet and i have
3506s not been playing it
3519s yeah let's go fast vines yeah vines need
3522s haste
3532s come on
3535s uh follow-up question to defensive
3537s players what gap where you think uh were
3540s you all trying to fill when you
3541s introduced endurance threshold so
3543s interestingly enough endurance already
3546s existed before endurance threshold was
3548s introduced as a formal stat
3551s um
3552s we just didn't tell anyone that it did
3553s it but everyone had endurance before
3554s endurance was a thing
3557s um i i think that the
3560s the the main reason we we kind of put
3562s that in was because there was sort of
3563s this extra
3566s this i guess there's sort of three main
3570s like
3571s i was a primary like let's look back
3573s diablo one you have your strength decks
3575s int as your two as your three main like
3578s class archetypes um and and class styles
3582s so you have um
3584s and defensive layers kind of fit into
3587s similar things so you have like health
3589s and block that usually fit into this
3591s like
3592s um
3593s strength style oriented thing um and you
3596s have this
3597s uh
3598s this like dexterity focus thing which
3601s usually revolves around dodge um
3603s avoiding hits negating hits completely
3606s um
3608s and then you have um intelligence which
3610s usually the defensive layers are more
3612s about not getting hit at all because
3614s you're too far away um or you're using
3616s some sort of energy shield
3619s which we have warned for
3621s and um
3625s health health and like health is useful
3627s for everyone pretty well um and so it
3629s didn't really feel like it was too
3630s strength style oriented um and block
3633s only works if you have a shield
3636s um so we wanted to bring something in to
3639s synergize more with
3642s sort of most characters and
3645s uh and health in general and not require
3647s needing a shield to be useful
3651s um
3652s sort of a defensive layer for the
3653s two-handers out there type thing um but
3656s it's it kind of evolved into a little
3657s bit more than that and also it really
3659s helps in the
3660s and this is kind of kind of cheating a
3662s little bit
3663s it makes you feel like you're closer to
3665s death than you are in a lot of cases
3668s um
3668s which which if if
3670s every single player every time they did
3672s a model every time they fought a boss
3675s they thought they were going to die
3677s many times but didn't
3680s that's the sweet spot you want everyone
3681s to be like oh i almost died um
3685s that that's the like that's the really
3687s great feeling when you when someone's
3688s like oh i i just barely beat that i
3691s almost died it was so close
3694s and
3694s if your health at the lower section of
3696s your health is more health than the
3699s upper section of your health um
3702s you get that feeling more often
3705s um
3706s which is part of the reason why we had
3707s that in the game before we had endurance
3709s as a as a mechanic at all to prevent one
3712s shots prevent just getting
3714s one shot slammed and having different
3716s types of defensive layers that you can
3718s invest into
3719s to
3720s um
3722s uh different layers of defense to invest
3724s into that prevent against different
3726s types of enemies is really important and
3728s um
3730s historically the only way to really
3731s invest in a don't get one shot uh is
3734s just
3735s it's generally just more health really
3737s um
3738s or global like just dr mechanics which
3741s which i know i've kind of glanced over
3743s is the fact they do exist in the game as
3744s well
3745s um
3748s but yeah i guess that's where and then
3750s we just wanted people to be able to
3751s um
3753s scale their endurance a little bit more
3756s interact a little bit more so we we
3758s added um
3759s uh threshold as a
3762s stat you can interact with
3772s uh yeah
3773s i didn't check with last epoch for a
3775s long time did you improve performance
3776s was getting a lot of fps issues before
3778s uh yeah so we've had a lot of fps
3780s improvements over the last few years um
3784s not not everyone has had the same
3787s increase in fps um as ever like it's
3791s it's not uh
3792s everyone's fps has gone up by this
3793s amount no matter what um now different
3796s people have different uh experiences
3798s with the fps changes that we've put in
3800s um but there definitely have been
3803s in general
3804s pretty big improvements
3807s and i know there's examples of like okay
3809s well it didn't go up for me or something
3810s like that and and we're working on it i
3812s swear it's not i don't want to dismiss
3814s that at all but on the whole on average
3817s fps has gone up quite a bit
3820s um
3822s and then on top of that so yeah a lot
3823s sometimes it comes from even just
3825s changing like spell effects
3827s uh that are old spell effects and
3829s sometimes it'll like look a lot nicer
3830s and be better performance at the same
3832s time and it's kind of like
3834s how did that happen
3836s um
3837s and it's it's really it's i guess it's
3839s something to
3840s help um illustrate the fact that just
3843s because it looks better doesn't mean
3844s it's more or less performant
3846s um
3847s a lot a lot of times you'll see
3849s you'll see things that are
3851s that look better and are more performant
3853s which is happening a ton right now in a
3855s lot of the effects we're generating and
3856s developing because we've learned a lot
3858s since when we started
3860s um
3861s and
3863s we've also got we've been doing audits
3866s uh what one of one of our developers
3868s recently did an audit of
3871s um
3874s every level in the entire game
3876s uh to check fps and
3878s we've created heat maps of all the
3880s levels
3881s um we would like develop some new tools
3883s for it create heat maps for showing
3885s where major fps problems are in maps um
3889s tools to check for major fps drops in
3892s um
3895s uh with it with certain abilities um
3898s you know like we're we're creating a lot
3900s of tools for fixing these these things
3902s and um
3904s some zones have already had this had
3906s this done to them where we've like
3907s implemented some fixes based on where
3909s the problems are and we've seen some
3911s very significant improvements and that's
3912s stuff that's not out yet
3920s so yeah
3922s i don't know if they wanted if they want
3923s to be have their name put out there but
3925s there is one person who you can all
3926s thank a lot for a lot of this
3929s uh
3931s and one day they might they might step
3933s forward and be like it was me
3935s but they're awesome
3937s if they're watching thank you you're
3939s awesome
3951s but a lot of people have been putting a
3952s lot of work into it overall so it's
3956s it is a definite important thing for us
3969s no problem
3971s no problem there hey bud
3975s just getting her done
3978s i need to check and see if i have a
3979s helmet
3980s just like relaxing
3982s poison res is weak but i'm not doing
3984s pretty good uh i might see if i can get
3986s some poison reds on my helmet then
3989s i find it elsewhere to be honest
4002s impossible
4004s unlikely
4005s [Music]
4007s you'd like that wouldn't you
4012s this is my impressions of the prime list
4023s all right
4024s let's get another question going on here
4028s uh will what will cycles bring new
4030s blessings new bosses drops new bosses
4032s yeah i mean uh possibly any of those
4035s things possibly all those things
4036s possibly other things as well um
4041s we will be
4043s like there might be new dungeons there
4045s might be new mechanics all together
4047s there might be new new endgame bosses
4049s there might be new um timelines there
4052s might be new styles of echoes there
4053s might be new items there might be new
4055s skills there might be changes to skills
4057s there might be
4058s um
4060s you know new mtx they'll show up as well
4062s there might be
4066s really could be anything it could be a
4067s boat you know how much you want one of
4068s those
4073s uh
4074s with multiplayer does hg plan to have um
4077s more cycled content outside of dungeons
4080s uh like reward cycling uh
4082s by daysta oh i see what you're saying so
4085s like um
4087s we're at the start of every dungeon
4088s every every day the like the dungeon
4090s daily reward changes
4092s um
4093s i we haven't really
4095s taken that idea and expanded it anywhere
4097s else yet i really like it i think it's
4099s something that we can use a little bit
4100s more um i wouldn't want to use it
4102s everywhere but i think it's something
4104s that we could use
4112s i know notice performance is better i
4113s play on linux oh it runs great for me
4115s this last batch that's great to hear we
4117s do not do a lot of testing on linux i'll
4119s tell you that much
4121s um
4122s we
4123s we we love that we can that the game is
4125s playable on linux um
4128s and we wish we could put more time and
4129s effort into making linux a really
4131s stellar experience
4132s um
4135s but like
4137s unfortunately the problem is that most
4138s of us work in windows
4140s partially because the unity editor works
4142s way better in windows than it does in
4145s linux um
4147s and so we a lot of the little things
4149s that crop up we don't see until we go to
4151s like run a test
4153s at all because like a lot of the times
4154s um any bug that's like a windows
4156s specific bug we'll see while we're
4158s making it right away you know
4162s um
4163s and so and most of the testing happens
4165s on on windows and
4167s you know so any linux specific bugs
4169s don't really get found until sometimes
4171s it's too late for a patch to go out type
4174s thing
4176s but we do our best to keep it as
4177s up-to-date and stable and
4179s looking good as we can um and there was
4182s there was a change that happened pretty
4183s recently about performance on this i'm
4184s glad it's working for you
4186s um
4187s if you see anyone having trouble with it
4191s don't hesitate to give them a hand on
4193s the forums or anything
4195s if you so choose
4200s i'm just gonna do this
4208s to be fair there's already a boat you
4210s get on when you kill harton spoiler
4211s alert jeez hello
4214s but yes
4222s i think someone may have pressed enter a
4225s little too soon if you have a question
4226s for me please put at last epoch game in
4228s the question i'll see it a lot easier uh
4230s it's going to be another thing let's see
4232s what should stay i love it
4234s keep them coming uh another thing would
4236s you guys ever put more content in
4239s grabbing heaps of gold bounties
4241s challenge dailies of some sort i don't
4242s know if you plan to have semi
4244s directional content like that hmm
4247s um
4248s [Music]
4249s we had like so we actually had some
4251s stuff like that planned a while ago we
4253s pulled it out
4254s um
4256s that's something i could see making a
4257s comeback
4260s um
4263s having more things to do in monoliths i
4266s think is a really important gap
4269s to fill and i think that's something
4271s that is it's pretty clear is a gap
4273s um
4275s it's not an easy thing to to to just fix
4279s just to do
4280s but um anything that does help with that
4282s i think is a very valuable
4285s option
4292s here's the follow-up question that i
4293s assume is of paramount importance
4297s uh will we add steam achievements to the
4299s game yeah we'll add steam achievements
4305s um
4307s not sure when that'll happen but yeah
4308s steam achievements are coming
4315s and also add that i really dislike steam
4317s achievements that are
4320s um
4321s like log in during this event
4324s where you just like if you weren't
4326s playing the game at that time it's
4327s impossible 100 the game as far as
4329s achievements go you know
4331s um
4332s so i'll push back on those
4335s if if anyone pitch one no it's pitched
4337s one of those i don't know why i'm saying
4338s push back
4344s if anyone were to pitch one of those
4346s i'd push back on it
4349s is the game getting dynamic maps um
4352s so that is so i understand what you mean
4354s by that and um um actually we
4357s technically already do have some now um
4360s yeah i it's something that we want to
4361s add in and we are still working on
4365s perfecting that and making it work
4367s properly and
4368s there's a lot that goes into that behind
4369s the scenes that is
4371s very dangerous to have very bad problems
4374s to come up afterwards um
4379s and this is this
4381s this is another one of those like
4383s okay you know back to this question
4385s forever ago in the stream where it was
4386s like what would you have done
4387s differently
4388s um designed random maps from the ground
4390s up at the very start
4395s i think that's that's the answer
4400s i love having
4402s curated content
4404s um
4405s i think that's really important
4407s i think it's really important to have
4408s both though
4412s as we're seeing from a lot of feedback
4413s we're getting right now
4419s and then feedback does come from people
4421s who have a lot more time in the game on
4423s average
4424s um
4429s but i still think it's valuable and uh
4433s personally i'd really like to see it as
4435s well
4439s still on the radar still i i will say
4441s that i doubt we'll have any of it any
4443s like traditional random maps for
4445s uh 1.0 i'd say that would be a that
4447s would be a big stretch something would
4449s have to like the stars would have to
4450s align
4451s um but they've aligned before but you
4453s know they don't align very often
4455s um
4458s like i know i i feel like i had this
4460s conversation with people
4461s uh a couple years ago and i was like
4464s um
4465s these these the icons the
4468s bleed icons above like these icons right
4470s here
4472s the element icons below people's names
4474s we people were asked about a year and a
4476s half ago
4477s you know people were asking for that and
4478s i was like never going to happen we
4480s can't do it no
4482s uh and then we did and then it's got
4483s this 15 plus cap where you can't see
4486s this is 15 plus that could be 40. it
4487s could be 80. it could be 200 it could be
4489s 15.
4490s um and we're getting a lot of people
4493s like
4494s come on we want to get rid of that cap
4496s um and i'm like no
4498s uh we found a way to get rid of that cap
4502s so you never you never know what's gonna
4503s happen
4507s that was that getting rid of that cap
4508s was part of the ailment
4510s uh redesigned redelight rework rejigging
4514s twisting that i was talking about
4516s earlier
4528s give me that xp
4536s everything is impossible until it's not
4538s i like that
4556s squirrels are just
4558s like i am the butt kickers
4561s yeah that's the squirrels are saying
4565s like we heard you like butts being
4566s kicked and i'm like yeah kick those
4567s butts and they're like we're on it
4570s no big deal
4571s here we go butt kicking
4587s they're like oh here i go bud kicking
4589s again
4604s speaking of filling those gaps in
4606s monolith got any ideas that you guys are
4608s discussing oh yeah
4610s uh you've made this extremely modular
4613s system after its first rework but it
4614s seems to have been left in the state
4616s with minor improvement with
4619s left in that state with minor
4620s improvements yeah i'm wondering what
4622s could possibly be next yeah i i don't
4624s want to
4627s speak with too many specifics on this
4628s because a lot of the stuff
4630s so i think that overall
4634s um
4635s i think that overall
4639s the model is a really solid system i
4641s think it's i think it's got a lot of
4642s really great features in the progression
4644s the meta progressions that it has
4646s overall with with um
4648s getting your your blessings and then
4649s your greater blessings um
4652s the
4653s the the agency in the content you're
4655s you're playing with with the echo web
4657s itself um i think there's a lot of
4660s really good stuff there and i i
4663s think that we could and i i
4665s i know there's a lot of feedback we're
4667s getting about things that the wallet is
4668s missing
4670s and i and and we definitely agree
4672s um
4674s i think for the most part
4677s uh there's other things that are more
4679s important
4681s and um
4683s we're working on those first sort of the
4685s short answer
4686s um
4689s so i don't wanna say like oh yes this
4691s feature
4691s we're going to do because it might be
4693s quite a while before that feature comes
4694s in
4695s um
4698s i don't know when there's any changes to
4699s the model happening but yeah there's
4700s definitely gaps especially in
4703s reasons to like okay here
4706s down here i have no reason to go down
4707s there right now
4708s like sure i can i can get extra
4710s stability by killing more things
4712s um i'll get more gear add more loot at
4714s the end chest if i go down there so
4716s there's some like minor things down
4717s there
4718s but
4719s for most people it's just a no-brainer
4721s you wouldn't go down there there's no
4722s reason
4724s go this way because the the objectives
4726s this way right
4727s um
4729s and i think that's the biggest gap is
4731s the
4732s reason to explore and so
4735s the the key thing that path of exile
4737s does to to make that happen there's
4739s there's two main there's two main things
4740s about things one of them is the resource
4743s required to enter this zone is limited
4747s and
4748s um there's a maximum value you can get
4750s out of that resource
4753s i'm talking about maps here so you have
4755s a map you were trying to get this map
4757s it's this valuable key to get into this
4758s dungeon
4760s and as soon as you leave the dungeon you
4762s you can't go back in
4763s um and it was six portals
4766s but once you're finished with the
4766s dungeons done so so completing the whole
4769s thing
4771s is
4772s the incentive is just getting full value
4774s out of what you've invested already
4779s and it kind of plays a little into a
4781s sunken cost fallacy
4783s but not not completely
4785s [Music]
4788s and
4789s because you can just go into the next
4791s echo and there's no real penalty for
4793s wasting mobs in an echo
4796s um
4798s that that sort of natural incentive is
4800s gone
4803s um and so providing an alternate reason
4807s to explore
4809s um
4810s and then this is or the other thing
4813s those are really nice boots
4821s yeah
4822s those are really nice boots
4831s huh okay we're gonna we're gonna craft
4833s on those in a little bit
4835s um
4837s anyways uh so so the second thing that
4840s um
4841s excel does to to incentivize exploring
4843s their
4844s the map that you're in
4845s um and this is something that we can do
4847s a lot easier
4848s is um lead content secondary lead
4851s content that has a random chance to
4853s appear so you can be in a map and
4855s suddenly another map just opens in the
4857s middle of it you can then go into that
4858s one
4860s um and having these like sub dungeons
4862s that can that can randomly appear if you
4864s explore
4866s um
4866s or just other things like that are
4868s really useful in this in in the
4871s grand scheme of
4872s like let's make exploration fun in the
4874s in the model echo
4878s um so i think content like that would be
4880s where we'd be looking
4882s um
4883s looking to expand to
4885s earlier than later
4892s but i can't give you like
4894s details
4897s look what that is i hope that hope that
4899s helped
4900s answer it uh hello guys one question
4903s after the crafting system changes yeah
4905s with forging potential being higher on
4907s rare and exalted normal magic items
4910s started being almost useless i'd agree
4912s in the end game just in general really
4914s disincentivizing crafting an item from
4916s the beginning with less or no modifiers
4919s do you guys have any plans to change
4921s that i think it's okay as it is right
4922s now
4925s um
4927s so there's there's no immediate plans to
4928s change it i'll say that it's it's this
4930s is not something that we're like okay
4932s yep this is on the list of things we're
4933s going to change
4934s done
4936s however i think that this sentiment is
4938s fairly accurate and shared by a lot of
4941s people
4943s um because quite frequently and i don't
4945s really know why it's not in this
4947s actually but i'll
4949s come in here and i'll do this
4951s um
4952s rarity
4954s normal magic
4959s and i'll just do that
4961s like that's that's that's one of the
4963s first things that goes my loot filters
4967s um
4968s i don't think that's a good thing
4971s overall um
4976s so i don't really have any news about
4977s specific plans for that but um i would
4980s agree that it is
4983s maybe not the best thing
4987s that we're basically telling people okay
4989s magic and normal items are useless you
4991s can ignore them and i don't know if
4993s that's that there's a lot of different
4994s ways you can change that so
4998s um
4999s because of our let's use double two as
5001s an example
5002s rent incoming um let's use dl2 as an
5004s example you can't the only reason that
5007s um
5008s blue items in diablo 2 are
5011s uh useful at all is because that there
5013s are certain uh there's certain stats
5015s that appear on those blue items in
5018s higher values than they can appear on in
5020s yellow items so um
5023s i'm gonna make a mistake here and say
5025s the wrong thing i'm sorry um
5027s i use this one those things like i used
5029s to know off by heart
5030s but um
5032s attack speed on gloves
5035s i'm pretty sure can go to 30
5037s on magic and only 20 on rare
5040s could be wrong here i'm pretty sure
5044s um
5045s and so you sacrifice these extra mods
5047s for getting more powerful mods
5050s um
5051s in in so you don't get to have six mods
5053s that a rare item can have but you get to
5055s have two mods in magic that are more
5057s powerful because you care because that
5058s extra 10 attack speed is worth those
5060s extra four mods that you're giving up
5062s um
5066s and
5069s it's getting a little dicey
5071s um
5072s because we have the ability to add
5074s affixes to items we can never do that we
5077s can never say
5078s you know you never want on
5080s an item to get worse when you craft on
5082s it this is part of the reason for the
5083s crafting changes we did recently you
5084s mentioned um
5086s is that when you finish a craft you
5087s never want the item to be
5089s like just a worse item than it was when
5091s you started that craft um
5096s and and i know i know the gotcha there
5098s is like oh what about the ones that like
5099s reroll which epics it is randomly okay
5101s yes it can be worse overall but maybe
5103s it's not worse for some specific builds
5105s it's not strictly worse you know
5108s um
5109s so i'll use the term strictly worse
5111s instead to get around that
5113s um
5114s so we don't we don't want items to get
5115s just strictly worse when you when you
5117s finish a craft um
5119s and so adding a third affix so like
5122s maybe you add one dexterity to an item
5125s and
5126s the and then one of the
5127s the other two stats that are there drop
5130s in value because it went from being a
5132s blue item to a yellow item so we can't
5134s we can't really do that there's no
5135s elegant way to fix that problem as far
5137s as we can tell
5138s um
5139s so the stats have to be consistent
5141s across magic and rare items for us
5143s um and then the way in diablo 2 that you
5145s get um white items to be useful is rune
5148s words because really without written
5149s words white items are
5151s right
5152s um
5153s it's the only reason you care about them
5154s is is you stick a certain number sockets
5156s in it you
5157s um
5159s put those runes in the right order and
5161s you get a sweet item out of it um
5165s and so apart from
5167s having and then the other thing the
5168s magic items are really good for as well
5169s specific magic items are great for uh
5171s crafting in dl2 which most people don't
5173s even know about as a mechanic but is how
5176s you get some of the most powerful gloves
5178s amulets
5180s boots
5181s rings
5183s in the game
5185s belts you really nice belts too oh i got
5186s a nice belt last last season oh it was
5189s gorgeous anyways um
5191s it was like my first craft and i'm just
5193s like yeah let's just craft something and
5194s see what happens and i'm like well i'm
5195s done crafting for the season i'm belts
5198s um anyways the
5202s uh
5203s where am i going with this yes so apart
5205s so we
5206s there's a few different ways we can
5208s solve the problem one one way is by
5210s um
5212s just giving them more more fortune
5213s potential and make the poor differential
5214s not based on rarity um
5217s and and give you the
5218s the freedom to to put whatever you want
5221s on them now they uh white items because
5223s you can put any affix on them
5226s they are more common to find one that
5228s would be useful because they're just a
5229s blank slate
5231s and it's easier getting the right
5233s affixes on an item is a tricky thing to
5235s do and that's half of making a good item
5237s is getting the right affixes on it if
5238s the item starts off as white you're
5239s guaranteed the right affix it's going to
5240s just slap over as fast as you want on it
5242s so you are trading that flexibility for
5245s maximum potential
5246s um and that trade-off might be a little
5248s too high right now
5251s especially considering the best items
5253s are not yellow so that so you the only
5255s the best items are purple
5257s um
5258s or
5259s legendary items but you're getting the
5260s purple items excluding uniques what
5262s we're looking for as
5264s um for some variant of a magic item
5267s is exalted really and because you can't
5269s craft exalted affixes onto an item
5271s directly suddenly no matter how much
5273s flexibility you have in that item it
5276s still is not going to outweigh
5278s uh
5280s the
5281s value of having the right exalted affix
5283s on it
5286s um
5288s so all this is a very long-winded way of
5290s saying
5291s right now normal items and magic items
5294s yeah they're kind of useless and we
5295s don't have any concrete plans to make
5297s them use full at the moment
5299s but it would be nice
5300s so maybe one day
5308s all right back some questions i'm
5310s probably behind a little bit now
5315s uh oh you know what oh i'll do it i'll
5317s do i'll answer a question i'll do it
5318s after this um uh this one's done i got a
5320s little teaser for you
5322s a little teaser
5324s uh uber thoughts for like a really high
5326s or rare drop
5328s maybe even a legendary job without
5329s having to make one uh okay so right off
5331s the bat i don't think we have plans to
5333s have legendaries drop without having to
5335s make them
5338s maybe
5339s one day type thing
5340s but definitely not at one point now
5343s um i shouldn't say definitely not
5345s extremely unlikely at one point now
5347s um anyways the as far as uber bosses are
5350s concerned yeah that's something that is
5352s i think really important
5354s um
5355s getting uber bosses in right having to
5358s having the path to them be appropriate
5360s having the
5361s like the the narrative significance of
5363s them be good um having that fit into the
5365s storyline properly
5367s um and the progression that you have in
5369s endgame as well i think is really
5370s important um
5371s [Music]
5373s having the
5374s all these things are really key and
5375s we're still working on exactly the best
5377s way to do a lot of it
5380s um but uber bosses are definitely in the
5382s conversation and on the table uh
5384s that's something that we're looking at
5386s working on we just need to
5388s you know figure out a few things with
5389s them
5400s did i run right past one of them
5402s yeah i did
5404s so observant you don't even know here
5407s and we passed two of them tonight
5412s what happens when i get rambling
5416s uh i think that the
5418s uber bosses having
5421s um
5424s the rewards for uber bosses is a really
5426s tricky thing
5428s because the reward has to be something
5429s that matches the
5431s gravitas of the accomplishments you know
5433s it has to be like
5435s like oh my god you beat that uber boss
5437s and you got that that's cool
5441s um i think it needs to be something that
5445s you're pretty confident in it's going to
5447s be useful for your character
5450s um
5450s [Music]
5452s so having completing your boss and
5454s getting a reward that is like okay well
5456s great for this other character does
5457s nothing for me kind of sucks
5460s um
5467s and and having things that are required
5470s to
5471s um turn certain builds online
5474s i think
5475s is not ideal because you don't want to
5478s be like okay i'm making this build to do
5479s this content
5480s but i need to complete the content to do
5481s the build and and and that deadlock you
5484s don't want to happen
5486s sorry uh that that conflict uh next
5488s doublet's a fine term
5492s deadlock is a programming term for when
5494s two things are
5496s wow
5502s those are two nice boots in a row
5506s we going to the shoe store here
5509s i don't need that or that
5512s or that
5514s all right i was going to do stuff wasn't
5516s i okay first of all
5523s yeah here we go all right this is a
5526s model for a new uh npc we actually
5529s showed uh time lapse of the um concept
5532s art being done
5534s a little while ago
5536s but um
5537s yeah this is the
5541s uh this is the finished version
5543s the render with you know nice lighting
5545s and everything this is what she looks
5547s like in game this is keeper lina
5550s i don't think that's a secret i hope
5551s it's not
5553s it was it's not anymore
5554s [Laughter]
5557s um
5558s yeah
5564s pretty cool
5566s pretty cool
5569s sorry i got mesmerized by the rotating
5570s it's just tiny on my screen
5572s uh
5575s yeah i just gotta ask these deep cues
5576s long time players so you know but most
5578s so i know what's the basic stuff and
5579s what to expect and what to expect as a
5582s response yeah i know you've been around
5583s for quite a while glad to have you here
5586s let's do a little flip me to the other
5589s side oh
5590s i did not fix
5594s mike what are you doing
5596s what are you doing with your life huh
5600s that'll be close going quite quite
5603s if anyone knows how to zoom in on
5607s streamlabs
5609s obs
5612s so you can see in finer detail how
5614s you're editing let's see i just edit
5615s moved the like
5617s um
5618s made this bigger so it lines up nicely
5620s on this the corners i don't know how to
5622s like zoom in on a section of your screen
5624s in the preview so you can line things
5625s like that up better i'd really
5627s appreciate to know
5630s every time i try and google it it's like
5632s you want to connect zoom to obs i'm like
5634s no i want to zoom in on the screen it's
5636s like you want to zoom in on a section
5637s while you're streaming and show people a
5638s closer section of your screen no i want
5640s to do it in the preview you want to
5642s preview a zoomed in section on your
5643s stream so you can see no
5646s it doesn't like the word zoom sorry i
5648s haven't been trying to do this for years
5649s or anything
5652s uh
5653s right
5654s as an rpg dev what do you think poe's
5657s rare enemy modifier changes and the
5659s community's reaction uh and how could
5661s that influence last epoch's development
5663s of rare monster months actually a
5664s question about this recently i think it
5665s was last week um
5669s uh honestly i think it's i much prefer
5671s having inch fewer more interesting mods
5674s and i think what they're going for is
5675s really good um
5677s there may be a few
5679s uh combinations that are
5682s aggressively painful to deal
5684s with um
5687s and i
5688s i'd be surprised if they don't do this
5690s already or if they're going to start
5691s doing this or something which is just
5692s having certain ones that are mutually
5693s exclusive with each other
5695s uh which is something we already do
5696s which we basically have them work as
5698s like items where there's prefixes and
5700s suffixes
5701s and you can
5704s like like you have so many prefix slots
5706s and so many suffix slots on monster mods
5708s and then you can
5710s so you can't get
5712s like
5713s three prefixes at the same time because
5715s it would i think it might even be just
5716s one one prefix one stop express so you
5718s can't just like all of the prefixes are
5720s mutually exclusive with each other then
5721s we have some that are also just mutually
5723s exclusive on their own so you don't get
5725s certain combinations i think um
5729s and like diablo 3 had the same problem
5732s uh big time with the like the chainers
5734s and the wallers and the arcane it was
5736s like like a chain wall arcane enchanted
5739s i think was like the the perfect trinity
5741s of you're screwed
5744s um
5745s [Music]
5748s so yeah i i i think
5751s i i i don't want to say much about the
5753s reactions because i don't know much
5754s about the reactions really i didn't pay
5756s that close attention to them
5757s um
5761s but ggg has
5763s an immense amount of experience in this
5765s and i have no doubt that if there's a
5767s problem with it they'll
5768s find a good solution you know
5773s okay those came out pretty good
5778s oh
5779s big hit on the forging potential right
5780s off the bat
5782s yeah done
5784s these might still be better anyways
5785s though that's the thing
5790s more move speed
5794s similar overall res i don't know which
5796s ones we need more
5803s i'm gonna put these on
5806s i think those are my choice
5811s keep going full steam ahead with our new
5813s boots
5815s we're walking
5816s and we're walking
5823s uh
5824s will you change the reperform in the
5826s future so it shows your equipped weapon
5828s instead of the two-handed scythe or the
5831s two individual sites sorry i think it's
5832s a shame having so good looking weapon
5834s models but if you play literally perform
5836s you will not see them most of the time
5837s that's an interesting uh
5841s i i honestly i don't think i've thought
5843s of that recently at least
5847s um
5850s yeah there's something to be said for
5851s the like aesthetics of being in
5853s re-perform
5855s and having it match but then so many of
5857s the weapons you're using and we perform
5859s do match and have really good aesthetics
5860s in the ring perform
5862s um
5864s i don't know it's a great question
5865s though
5868s i like the idea
5872s my gut reaction is oh yeah we don't do
5873s that i wonder why
5885s these squirrels
5892s with the leader river
5899s they found her on a boat
5901s drifting the dark
5906s with her brother
5909s brother didn't make it spoiler alert
5929s sorry this has been asked many times
5930s questions don't forget to at last epoch
5932s game in the question i'll answer it uh
5933s sorry this asks many times my man but is
5935s there an eta on co-op
5937s multiplayer is in development i do not
5940s have a specific time for it um
5944s oh did we just find even better boots
5949s oh
5953s those are interesting boots there's no
5956s there's no movement speed second stat
5957s there
5961s but a t6 and a high t6 and a high t7
5964s roll
5966s strength and vitality
5973s it's a lot it's a lot of both
5982s oh it's just
5984s okay
5986s i don't know why but we're finding some
5987s nice boots right now what am i doing
5989s it's not this way
5992s it is known
5997s uh
5999s reddit was molding
6004s freaking out
6005s freaking out man
6019s i will say this after working on this my
6023s reactions to other
6025s other games
6026s uh has been has been tempered a lot
6030s like i see things that i'm like that
6031s would have made me so angry before
6035s nothing just nothing anymore
6052s i don't think i've ever
6054s gone on gigantic tirades or anything
6056s like that on
6058s like social media or anything but like
6060s i've been upset on certain changes
6061s balance changes for various games it's
6064s happened
6070s i feel nothing
6089s all right is there something we do to
6091s bring in the old crafting system no
6094s although it was annoying in breaking uh
6096s your value items let's be honest it was
6098s nail biting which was part of the fun
6100s yeah like so yeah there were a lot of
6102s really good things about the old
6102s crafting system for sure
6105s and and we hung onto it for a very long
6107s time
6108s um
6111s and
6114s i
6115s i i i don't know if we could have fixed
6118s it to to really present nicely
6122s but there was some there were some core
6123s problems with it
6125s and um
6127s i i was a i'm a huge fan of the old
6128s style crafting system um
6130s for anyone who doesn't know there's
6132s there's just like a growing chance for
6134s you to just break the item every time
6136s you crafted on it
6137s um and when it was just out of like
6141s when it did break there was a chance
6142s that it actually like broke the item and
6144s made it
6145s actually worse like it would actually
6147s take the stats off of the item when you
6149s fail the craft
6151s and that could happen right out of the
6153s gate it could be like 99 chance of
6155s success
6156s brick
6158s um
6160s and
6163s almost every day i saw a new post
6168s that was something along the lines of
6169s crafting system chances like the the um
6173s the numbers you see
6174s for like the the chances of something
6176s happening they used to have like percent
6177s chance to break the item or whatever um
6180s and those numbers
6182s are wrong or like are not showing the
6184s real numbers here's my data to prove
6185s that those numbers are wrong and like
6187s almost every day i'd see a post like
6188s that um
6191s and we
6193s really validated it the numbers were not
6195s wrong
6196s numbers were very right but this the way
6199s that it presented the information to
6200s players it was it's just something that
6203s like people can't really
6206s um
6209s wrap their heads around properly of like
6211s what those chances actually mean
6213s and how they feel when you're
6214s interacting with them
6216s and this is when i say people i'm really
6217s not saying even people to play our game
6219s or like any specific person at all like
6221s this is just humans in general are bad
6224s at this type of task
6226s we're all batted i'm bad at it every
6227s single one of us are bad at it and
6230s it's it's this like
6234s inability to like
6236s to really process what's happening
6238s um based on chance systems and it's it's
6240s part of what makes gambling so addictive
6243s and
6244s uh
6245s so difficult to gauge how you're
6247s actually doing and why people end up
6248s with gambling addictions and things like
6250s that um
6253s and and like we're just we're just
6255s really bad at uh
6259s like comprehending those numbers and
6260s what they mean and and the the feedback
6263s we get from those numbers and how it
6264s works
6267s um
6269s i came very close to
6272s like
6272s putting in fake things to like cheat in
6276s the player's favor
6277s you know
6280s um
6283s and
6284s and instead instead we just changed the
6285s whole system because we realized that it
6287s was never going to be working right
6289s um
6291s but i don't think bringing it back is a
6292s good idea
6294s even as an optional thing
6295s um
6296s so maybe i could see it being like a
6298s dungeon reward or something like that be
6300s a weird dungeon reward but i could see
6302s it being something like that
6303s um as like a mechanic that showed up
6308s but as like a day-to-day thing just
6310s normal crafting nah it's it's gone
6323s uh do you guys hire people from other
6324s countries to work from home oh
6326s absolutely um
6328s i'm from another country
6330s uh i'm not in the states myself so
6333s technically our like company is uh based
6336s out of the states and
6338s uh but i i live in canada
6340s um which i know is
6341s the least other country you can get from
6343s the states you know but um technically a
6346s different country right
6347s um
6349s but no we've got we've got people
6350s working in like throw a dart at a map
6352s and we've probably got someone working
6353s in that country
6354s um
6358s partially because you've got people
6358s working in the biggest countries so you
6360s know it's easy to hit those ones
6362s um
6362s but yeah there's there's people all over
6364s europe um there's there's people in asia
6367s there's people in oceania or however you
6369s want to delineate the globe there's
6370s people basically everywhere um
6374s people south america lots of people in
6376s south america actually
6377s um
6378s yeah we try to have people working
6381s mostly on a similar time zone um
6384s so a lot of the people who do work in uh
6386s really far away places from sort of like
6389s epoch time
6391s tend to work in the evenings or in the
6394s mornings or
6396s um you know not everyone has to do that
6398s but there's a lot of people that i'm
6400s sure work weird hours
6402s um
6405s yeah we got people all over the world
6407s it's actually really cool because you
6409s you there's a lot of
6411s like
6412s we see it sometimes in like when we're
6414s designing
6415s uh new elements for the game whether
6417s it's like new skills or whether it's
6418s just new visuals for something or new
6420s mechanics or all sorts of things there's
6422s all these different things that um
6424s people from different countries bring
6425s together that i think makes really
6427s interesting uh a really interesting game
6429s really interesting discussions
6431s um and it's always fun to just like
6433s learn about other cultures sort of
6434s through osmosis of like oh it's this
6436s holiday in this country right now oh i
6438s didn't know that was a thing wonder what
6439s that's about um
6442s and then there's also fun stuff like uh
6444s carve and i uh we we we jab back and
6447s forth about hockey a whole bunch
6449s um
6450s and uh like those the the world
6452s championships just happened and carf won
6454s this round you know um that's okay uh so
6458s we we go back and forth about that so
6460s which which is really fun um
6463s they've actually been on a hot streak
6465s lately
6472s i don't care what the original question
6473s was i really like working with people
6475s from all over the world it's awesome
6482s and yeah we do it a lot yeah it's about
6483s hiring people from other countries yes
6485s we do
6487s which is a lot easier because we're
6488s fully remote
6490s there's no there's no studio there's no
6492s office
6501s we have more people on uh
6503s america's time zone than anywhere else
6506s um but part of that is just because it's
6508s a lot easier to find people who can
6510s work in that time zone
6514s um
6515s like you can we can work those hours
6518s comfortably
6524s yeah actually right from square one
6525s we've had people in europe
6528s and asia actually right from the very
6530s beginning
6531s europe asia and north america
6535s here's harton
6540s let's go buddy
6542s done
6544s i was quick pop all the cooldowns that's
6546s what happens
6551s okay here we go again
6553s uh a lot of people have talked about
6555s damage weighting in skills versus gear
6557s yeah it's been a hot topic recently
6559s absolutely we actually talked about this
6561s uh
6562s yesterday in our design meeting uh i've
6564s seen uh i've seen
6566s i've even seen take part in discussions
6569s about it on discord uh has the team
6571s gathered to discuss using a scalpel and
6574s shifting this damage waiting at all yeah
6575s i think it's a great way of phrasing it
6577s uh in short have y'all looked at slash
6579s discuss the character power distribution
6580s in last epoch lately i kind of answered
6582s that as
6583s as i was going there sorry but yeah
6585s definitely um
6589s uh
6590s and and i don't i don't want to we
6591s haven't done the changes yet we've
6593s discussed it we've done the changes yet
6594s so i don't want to
6595s um
6597s talk too much about what we decided just
6599s because
6600s uh
6601s i don't want the narrative to shift to
6603s like oh they're making this huge change
6604s that's this when well we're testing that
6607s change and
6608s who knows if we'll actually do it or not
6610s and i just realized i'm way over the
6612s stability requirements to complete this
6613s echo so i'm just gonna warp out and
6617s uh try the boss in 10 minutes
6620s um
6624s basically uh like you you've ordered it
6627s great how you boarded it and it is
6629s definitely a scalpel and not a
6630s sledgehammer
6632s uh approach that we're taking to it
6634s um
6636s but yeah there's
6637s there's a bit there's a bit of a
6638s disconnect in in though in the
6640s distribution there and it affects all
6642s sorts of things in the game and
6644s um we're looking at how best we can
6647s affect those uh systems
6650s um
6652s without causing huge changes
6655s uh elsewhere and you know like
6657s there's a lot of systems that are
6659s compounded together
6660s um and making changes to one can have
6663s big changes elsewhere so we're trying to
6665s be a little careful
6667s uh to not
6668s have too many knock-on effect problems
6672s um
6674s but yes the short answer is yes
6679s we're looking at it
6689s get him
6693s uh here we're gonna actually remember
6694s this one first
6701s come on boys this way
6703s u2 river
6707s i better still have river
6710s if i don't i'm gonna be so sad
6717s before the end of the stream we'll uh
6718s we'll take stock and make sure river's
6719s still with us
6730s this is interesting jumping over gaps
6732s see maybe there's something as you can
6733s jump over them sometimes you can't and
6734s like so this gap
6736s um you can't jump over this gap but you
6738s can
6741s i should be able to jump over this gap
6742s even though it's essentially the same
6743s distance
6744s it's because it looks at the total
6746s distance difference to walk around
6751s it's not actually about the distance
6752s you're jumping
6762s for fun facts
6772s i'll be able to cancel that
6774s it's so nice
6776s so nice
6786s all right another question here also do
6790s you like reading because i think i wrote
6792s at least the length of a children's book
6793s at this point oh i've read a lot of
6795s children's books recently it's way
6797s longer than any children's book out
6799s there for sure
6800s i guess baby books not children's books
6802s more accurate but still either way
6806s you had to take multiple clips of my
6808s answers glad to glad that they are
6809s clip-worthy answers
6813s can i get around this rack never i i i
6815s don't do the quest echoes very often so
6817s i never remember exactly what it is i
6819s don't have to go down
6822s another spot to go first
6826s nope
6828s whoops
6844s give me that 200 gold
6850s uh that's what i meant sorry maybe
6851s adding into a dungeon to bring in unique
6853s number on affix high risk high reward
6858s yeah oh yeah yeah with the old crafting
6860s system
6863s yeah i could i could see something like
6864s that happening as a dungeon reward it's
6868s if we did do it i think we would have
6870s fairly significant changes to the system
6872s as a whole it wouldn't just be like oh
6874s we're bringing it back it would be like
6876s some would be like hey wait a minute
6877s isn't this kind of similar to that thing
6879s they used to do
6880s um i feel like that would be the
6883s the perception of it that's what i would
6885s hope it would be anyways
6887s oh my god these guys have we've recently
6889s redesigned these the soul furnaces oh my
6892s god they look amazing now
6896s they look so cool now
6899s they're like they've hit that uncanny
6902s valley to the point where you're just
6903s like you look at them and go ugh
6905s okay
6911s in a good way i promise
6913s at least i think it's a good way
6917s oh this is uh
6918s the spicy one
6925s i already got one this way let's go this
6926s way first
6930s it's a long ways out come on we're
6932s trying to get here before we got five
6934s minutes to the boss and this is not
6936s gonna make it
6941s run mike run
6946s we might extend a little bit to the boss
6949s we'll see
6967s got him
6968s time to get the heck out of dodge
6973s all right next question
6975s what's a big topic you guys are thinking
6978s on or working on besides multiplayer i
6980s mean
6981s uh the cop-out answer here is is
6983s performance that's definitely the next
6984s biggest thing
6986s um
6990s i mean
6991s yeah that's that's the next biggest
6992s thing there's
6993s um
6994s there's performance there's multiplayer
6996s there's the missing classes
6998s um
7002s apart from just more of everything else
7003s that we have in the game already there's
7004s not much else that that's going to go in
7007s um
7009s no i shouldn't say that
7012s those are the big things that we're
7013s ready
7014s to share about
7031s bees more bees
7034s yeah be prepared
7046s all right come on
7048s power through you got this plurals
7050s squirrely dan i believe in you
7053s oh one of the squirrels need to be
7054s called dan
7059s even watch leonard kenny yet
7065s sure as he's been real funny
7077s all right i played this game back in the
7078s alpha when it was on kickstarter i
7079s remember thinking ooh
7080s remember thinking
7083s something it had a lot of potential yeah
7084s cool thanks i have to say the potential
7086s of this game has skyrocketed i believe
7088s it's it'll be an amazing game if it
7090s isn't already thank you very much i
7092s appreciate that
7093s i think it's an amazing game already but
7095s i'm extremely biased
7109s speed run strat to go to jump in the
7111s echo to the thing
7117s we're doing it we're so close to the end
7119s stream's ending in two minutes but you
7121s know we're going for the boss
7128s i'll embrace the flame if you do first
7136s be engulfed
7149s so many promises you can't keep buddy
7159s eternal flame
7164s embrace the flame
7168s yeah that rx flesh needs to be uh you
7171s will be
7172s fixed
7175s erupt
7177s burn to ashy engulf
7180s no
7181s the flame is
7183s fading
7191s there we go
7193s all right oh minion damage that's gotta
7196s be it right
7198s yeah god we made you damage
7202s did we get the uh yeah bob's wrath too
7204s nice
7212s all right
7215s last one for the road will make it easy
7216s any trips planned for the summer nah
7219s i might i might go an extremely short
7222s distance that's technically a trip
7223s because we have to stay overnight
7225s to my mother's house
7228s that'll be about it next time we will
7230s work on one of the other two we'll get
7231s this one into i might play another bill
7232s i don't know we might do may jump around
7234s with builds i had a ton of fun with this
7235s build um i do still want to try and get
7238s this legendary so we might play some
7239s more of it love that we found some
7240s awesome boots
7245s i hope you had fun i know i did that'll
7248s about do it for me today uh let's go
7250s head over and say hi to someone if you
7254s got a little
7257s uh if you have any more questions that i
7259s did not answer please feel free to head
7260s on over to our discord reddit forums
7263s anywhere like that i will try and answer
7266s those questions as best i can