Patch 0.8.2 is coming 2021-05-24T18:00:00Z ! While you wait, check out all the changes:
Patch 0.8.2 Overview by Game Director, Judd Cobler.
Table of Contents |
1. Monolith of Fate |
2. Arena |
3. Skills |
4. Skill Balance |
5. Passives |
6. Items |
7. Uniques |
8. Mechanics |
9. User Interface |
10. Campaign |
11. Enemies |
12. Visuals |
13. Animation |
14. Sound |
15. Controller Support |
16. Optimization |
17. Bug Fixes |
Note: This patch totally overhauls how you progress through Timelines in the Monolith of Fate, and adds loads of new content and rewards to discover. Check out our latest Developer Blog for more information about our design goals for the new system.
The Echo Web
- Opening a timeline in the Monolith of Fate now presents you with an interconnected web of islands. You start in the middle of the web, and uncover the branching paths by completing echoes. This gives you many more choices for what echo to conquer next.
- Completing echoes grants you Timeline Stability. Reaching certain amounts of Timeline Stability unlocks the next Quest Echo for a timeline, which you can attempt at any time.
- Each echo now also gives you a guaranteed reward after completing it, as long as you do so without dying. These rewards include experience, idols, uniques, and more.
New Echo Types
- Added Arena echoes, which require you to defeat a dozen or so enemies in quick succession to complete.
- Forge objectives have been reworked into Time Gate objectives, featuring totally new visuals and different combinations of enemies.
- Added Patrol objectives, where you have to kill multiple powerful Rare monsters that are moving throughout the echo.
- Added Beacon echoes. Charging the Beacon reveals a large radius of future Echoes in the Timeline, allowing you to pick your route more carefully.
- Added Vessel of Chaos echoes. Destroying the Vessel of Chaos re-rolls the guaranteed rewards for all uncompleted echoes in the timeline.
- Added Vessel of Memory echoes. Destroying the Vessel of Memory reverts all echoes (besides other Vessels) to their uncompleted state, allowing you to collect their rewards a second time.
- Added 3 new echo layouts (not including Arenas).
The Shade of Orobyss
- Throughout the Monolith of Fate you will encounter the many forms of the Shade of Orobyss.
- Defeating the Shade of Orobyss adds Corruption to the timeline and reset the echo web, while allowing you to keep your Timeline Stability and modifiers to enemies and rewards.
- Corruption increases item rarity, experience gained, monster health, monster damage, and how much Timeline Stability echoes give. Corruption also increases area level in standard timelines, and increases the rarity of guaranteed echo rewards in empowered timelines.
- Standard timelines start at 0 Corruption and have a maximum of 50, while empowered timelines start at 100 Corruption and have no maximum.
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- Added 4 new Arena layouts:
- A bridge arena in the mountains.
- A gladiatorial arena infested with the Void.
- A nighttime floral arena set in the Ancient Era.
- An ominous underground arena filled with mysterious bells.
- Flattened out the terrain for the Woodland Arena.
- Updated visuals for Lagon’s Arena.
- Updated visuals for Heorot’s Arena.
- Voidfused Bears and Void Centipedes no longer spawn in the arena.
- Removed the Desert and Tundra arenas. They will still appear in the Monolith of Fate.
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Summon Storm Crows
- Added Summon Storm Crows, which is unlocked at character level 16 for Primalists. Casting this skill summons enough Storm Crows to reach your Companion limit. Storm Crows use lightning spells from a distance.
- After using the skill you have access to Crow Storm, a targeted lightning spell that deals more damage per Storm Crow you have active.
- Added Summon Volatile Zombie, which is unlocked at character level 16 for Acolytes. Volatile Zombies trudge towards the nearest enemy and explode when they reach their target or die, dealing physical and fire damage. You can have up to 6 Volatile Zombies at once.
- Removed Detonate Corpse.
- Removed Healing Wind.
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Elemental Nova
- Added a new node to the Fire Nova section that grants crit chance and armour shred chance.
- Luminaire adds a 40 mana per second cost (from 35) and reduces area of effect by 40% (from 35%).
- Fixed a bug where Star Prism only reduced channel cost by 8% rather than 10%.
- Protective Strikes now grants 20 ward (from 10).
- Magical Barrier increases ward gained by 20% (from 10%), but can have 4 points allocated (from 7).
- Spreading Frost has been reworked:
- Renamed to Freezing Cascade.
- Now has 100% chance for chaining ice novas on hit (from 20%). This effect has a 5 second cooldown, but does not affect the cooldown of Elemental Nova itself.
- Chaining novas deal around 120% more damage.
- Chaining novas have around 230% more freeze chance.
- Chaining novas can no longer hit the same target.
- If Elemental Nova is triggered by getting hit (such as by the Elementalist’s Adorned Arcane Idol) and it casts at target location (by Arcane Projection or Ashen Crown), it will be cast at the attacker’s location when possible.
- Characters with Flurry specialised will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Fixed a bug where Adrenaline Rush’s “more damage” modifier did not affect damage over time and was not reflected in tooltip DPS while active.
- Inexhaustible grants 25% increased Adrenaline Rush duration (from 50%) and can have 4 points allocated (from 2).
- Strained Reflexes no longer reduces the chance to gain Adrenaline Rush on hit, but can have 2 points allocated (from 3) and requires 3 points in Inexhaustible (from 1).
- Replaced the node that grants poison chance per stack of Adrenaline Rush with one that grants more hit damage against rare and boss enemies per stack of Adrenaline Rush.
- Bloodplay grants 4% bleed chance (from 3%).
- Stolen Endurance can have 2 points allocated (from 4).
- Kineticism can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- Deep Strikes can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- Crescendo requires 1 point Precision (from 2).
- Precision requires 2 points in Deep Strikes (from 1).
- Hamstring requires 2 points in Crescendo (from 1).
- Clarified that Flurry’s Bloodplay node grants a chance to bleed on hit, rather than grants Flurry a chance to bleed on hit.
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Fury Leap
- Characters with Fury Leap specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Added a new node to the start of the tree that increases cooldown recovery speed and damage.
- Ambush Predator and Crushing Impact now connect to this node rather than directly connecting to the start of the tree.
- Crushing Impact grants 30% increased stun chance (from 35%), but now also grants 30% increased stun duration. It can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
- Warrior’s Entrance grants 20% increased damage (from 15%), but can have 5 points allocated (from 7).
- Savage Impact can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
- Brutal Impact can have 5 points allocated (from 6).
- Aspect of the Mantis requires 4 points in Savage Impact (from 5).
- Rise requires 2 points in Ambush Predator (from 3).
Holy Aura
- Holy Aura now grants 15% elemental resistance (from 30%).
- Shelter From The Storm now grants 3% endurance per point instead of 5% poison resistance per point.
- Added a new 1 point node, Purification, which cleanses ailments when Holy Aura is activated, and grants 20% poison resistance.
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Sigils of Hope
- Fixed a bug where casting Sigils of Hope with the Divine Flare node would create a new sigil after triggering Divine Flare.
- Fixed a bug where Sigils of Hope’s Wave of Light did not cause Divine Flare to chain.
- Reduced Wave of Light’s mana consumed on each chain to 4 per point (from 6 per point).
- Divine Flare’s base damage has been increased to 60 (from 25).
- Divine Flare’s added damage effectiveness has been increased to 300% (from 125%).
- Divine Flare’s Consecrating Flare node now gives more damage instead of more hit damage.
- Divine Flare’s Energized Flare now gives added fire damage to Divine Flare for each second the sigil was active instead of base fire damage for Divine Flare.
- Divine Flare now gains 4% increased damage per point of Attunement (previously had no scaling).
- Improved Divine Flare’s tooltip DPS.
Acolyte Skills
- The Abomination created by Assemble Abomination deals 23% more damage and its health decays 15% more slowly.
- Improved Drain Life’s tooltip DPS. It now handles conversion properly and does not act as if it’s affected by changes to cast speed.
- Updated Harvest’s Learned Weakness node to specify that you must hit a cursed enemy to trigger the effect. This is not a change to the functionality.
- Harvest’s Double Edged Scythe (self bleed node) now also adds 50% bleed effectiveness to bleed stacks inflicted by Harvest.
- Rip Blood’s Carrion Hunger node no longer prevents Blood Splatters.
- Rip Blood’s Eviscerate node now only causes its Blood Splatter if you are not out of mana.
- Clarified Sacrifice’s Macabre Waltz node to state that Skeleton Mages only sacrifice melee Wraiths.
- Skeleton Mages have been renamed to Skeletal Mages to avoid confusion with effects that specifically affect minions from the Summon Skeletons skill.
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Mage Skills
- Fixed a bug where the Catalyst node on the Disintegrate tree caused the procced explosion to deal 100% more damage per point. As a compensation buff, the damage of the explosion has been increased by 100%.
- Fixed a bug where the Volatile Flames node on the Fireball tree caused the procced explosion to deal 100% more damage per point. As a compensation buff, the damage of the explosion has been increased by 100%.
- Improved Lightning Blast’s tooltip DPS when using the Insidious Conduction node.
- The tooltips for Teleport and Surge now state that using one puts the other on cooldown.
Primalist Skills
- Earthquake’s Cataclysm node now converts all sources of armour shred to ignite for Earthquake, rather than just sources within Earthquake’s tree.
- Summon Wolf’s Safety in Numbers node now has additional functionality: When you cast Summon Wolf, you will summon wolves up to your companion limit.
- Werebear Form’s Ursine Wisdom now grants +200% global mana efficiency (from +300%).
- Werebear Form’s Woodland Bear no longer adds 15 to Roar’s mana cost. It instead pays Entangling Roots’s mana cost when Roar casts Entangling Roots.
- Added ability tooltips to nodes on the Summon Sabertooth tree.
- Clarified that Blizzard is cast by Storm Totems, and scales with the totem’s stats.
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Rogue Skills
- Synchronized Strike’s Dark Allies node has been clarified with alt text stating its effect is not cumulative with other sources of additional maximum Shadows.
- Decoy’s Frostfire Powder now converts ignite chance from all sources to chill. Previously it was supposed to convert ignite chance from its tree, but it was not working.
- Clarified that Ballista’s Contaminating Shot affects ailment chance, effect, and duration.
- Clarified that combining Shurikens’s Blade Shield with pierce does not allow each Shuriken to hit an individual enemy more than once.
Sentinel Skills
- Forge Strike’s Put To The Sword node now converts critical strike multiplier to bleed effect (previously bleed chance).
- Forge Strike’s Singular Craft node now also gives 100% bleed chance.
- Lunge and Shield Rush now state that using one puts the other on cooldown.
- Shield Bash’s Perfect Bulwark node has been clarified to state it lasts for a limited number of hits within 4 seconds after using Shield Bash. This is not a change to its functionality.
- Smite’s Descent node now states that using it or Lunge/Shield Rush puts the others on cooldown.
- Warpath’s first hit now occurs right away, rather than being slightly delayed.
- Clarified Warpath’s Reckless Combatant node to specify that it gives more melee damage while spinning with a two handed weapon, rather than more Warpath melee damage with a two handed weapon. This is not a functionality change.
- Improved Warpath’s tooltip DPS.
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- Nodes that enable dual wielding now give 15% increased damage taken while dual wielding (from 12%).
- Shaman’s Ancestral Speed node has been updated to clarify that you have a chance to gain Haste when you directly summon a totem.
- The Void Knight’s Temporal Corruption now converts ignite chance from all sources to slow chance for Smite.
- Clarified that the Spellbade’s Blade Weaving passive does not affect triggered equippable spells.
- The Lich’s Crippling Insight and Apocrypha nodes have swapped positions.
- The Lich’s Apocrypha node now grants 2% increased mana regen instead of 3% increased spell damage, and can have 10 points allocated (from 8).
- The Lich’s Three Plagues node can have 8 points allocated (from 10).
- The Sorcerer’s Brainstorm grants 6% increased spell damage (from 7%), but now also grants 2% increased mana regen.
- The Sorcerer’s Spell Slinger grants 3% increased mana regen instead of 3% increased cast speed.
- The Shaman’s Silent Protector node now also grants 3% increased mana regen while you have an active totem.
- The Bladedancer’s Hooked Blades now works with all hits, not just melee hits.
- Added a new Bladedancer node that grants mana regen and chance to inflict frailty on hit.
- The Marksman’s Ethereal Arrows now grants 2% increased mana and mana regen (from 5 mana).
- The Forge Guard’s Crushing Blows now also grants 3% increased mana regen.
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New Weapon 2D Art
Item Base Types
- This patch continues our efforts to update the art and stats for all weapons.
- All one-handed sword base types have been replaced. This includes new names, new 2D art, new 3D art, and new stats.
- All two-handed sword base types have been replaced. This includes new names, new 2D art, new 3D art, and new stats.
- All two-handed mace base types have been replaced. This includes new names, new 2D art, new 3D art, and new stats.
Item Drop Chances
- Fewer items drop, but the ones that drop are better on average.
- Items are less likely to drop with 1 or 0 affixes and the average tier of affixes on dropped items has been increased.
- These changes are most noticeable at high levels.
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- Good items drop with less instability than before, but crafting affixes to T4 and T5 is more difficult. This will help finding good drops be a more key part of acquiring good end game items.
- The instability of an item when it drops is now equal to the highest affix tier + the sum of all tiers - 5, instead of the previous 2 x (sum of all tiers - 5)
- T6 and T7 affixes are treated as T5 for calculating starting instability.
- Success chance when raising an affix from T3 to T4 is a flat 2% lower.
- Success chance when raising an affix from T4 to T5 is a flat 5% lower.
- The Idol inventory is now a different shape. It has 4 more slots overall, but can no longer fit more than 2 idols which are 4 slots long or wide.
- Affix values on Adorned (2x2) Idols are now 5% lower.
- Added “Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for Surge” as a new prefix for Ornate Glass Idols.
- Crit chance for totems now grants 2% to 4% (from 1% to 3%).
- Cast speed for totems grants 11% to 30% (from 9% to 24%).
- Chance to cast an Avalanche Boulder at a nearby enemy on spell cast grants 4% to 11% (from 4% to 10%).
- Chance to cast an Avalanche Boulder at a nearby enemy on melee attack grants 5% to 12% (from 3% to 8%).
- Added lightning damage with Shurikens grants 2 to 5 lightning damage (from 2 to 4).
- Bees per 10 seconds grants 2 to 4 bees (from 2 to 3).
- Chance to summon a bee with Acid Flask grants 6% to 17% (from 5% to 15%).
- Chance to cast Marrow Shards when you use transplant grants 7% to 17% (from 6% to 15%).
- Chance to cast Divine Bolt when you use a 0 cost skill grants 4% to 13% (from 3% to 10%).
- Chance to cast Manifest Weapon on melee hit
- Renamed to “Chance to use manifest strike on melee hit”.
- Grants 8% to 20% chance (from 7% to 16%).
- Added alt text to clarify behaviour.
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- Ruby Rings now requires level 62 (from 10). They no longer grants health or stun avoidance, but now grant 28% to 45% fire resistance and 28% to 45% increased fire damage.
- Sapphire Rings now require level 40 (from 16). They now grant 10 to 20 mana (from 5 to 15) and also grant 6% to 12% increased mana regen.
- Turquoise Rings now also grant 5% to 35% minion critical multi.
- Copper Rings now require level 14 (from 1). They now grant 25% to 50% increased crit chance (from 7% to 25% increased stun chance).
- Added a new Ivory Ring base type. It requires level 66 and grants 33% to 46% necrotic resistance and 13% to 26% ward retention.
- Added a new Coral Ring base type. It requires level 48 and grants 3 to 6 vitality and 3 to 6 heal regen.
Class Specific Affixes
- Added a “level of Storm Crows” affix for Primalist body armour.
- Added a “level of Volatile Zombie” affix for Acolyte helmets.
- Added a Storm Crow Adaptive Spell Damage affix for Primalist helmets.
- Added a Volatile Zombie movement speed and damage affix for Acolyte Body Armour.
- Added a Volatile Zombie explosion area and damage affix for Acolyte Ornate Idols.
Other Changes
- Runes of Removal now have an equal chance to pick each affix on an item to remove, regardless of tiers.
- Fixed a bug where if you clicked on an item outside your pickup range and walked towards it, you would only pick it up once it was within half your pickup range, rather than picking it up as soon as it was in your pickup range.
- Increased item pickup range by 33%.
- Slightly reduced the value of added melee physical/fire/cold/lightning/void damage affixes at tiers 1 to 5 (max T5 is 7% lower).
- Most Item types where drops are biased towards higher level subtypes now have a stronger bias at higher levels (e.g. sceptres that drop in endgame will be of a higher level subtype more often than before).
- 2x2 Idols (Adorned Idols) affix values are now 5% lower.
- Renamed the mage’s starting armour from Scholar Coat to Traveling Coat to prevent “Scholar’s Scholar Coat” being a common early game item name.
- Increased the value of stun avoidance affixes by around 25% at high tiers.
- Increased melee damage and increased physical damage can roll on shields.
- Increased melee damage affix values now match those of affixes such as increased fire damage (from being about 33% lower).
- Adjusted attack rate description thresholds for weapon tooltips:
- 1.18 and above is “very fast” (from 1.2).
- 1.06 and above is “fast” (from 1.1).
- 0.94 and above is “average” (from 1).
- 0.93 and blow is “slow” (from 0.99).
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Aurora’s Time Glass
New Uniques
- Aurora’s Time Glass unique amulet.
- Aergon’s Refuge unique staff.
- Flight of the First unique bow.
- Raven’s Rise unique gloves.
- Moenia Mentis unique shield.
- Serpent’s Milk unique amulet.
- Five new uniques from the Shade of Orobyss.
New Sets
- Added the two-piece Ruby Fang set.
- Added the two-piece Sinathia set.
- Implicit changes: -20 melee physical damage, +0.05 attack rate.
- Now grants +30 to 62 melee cold damage (from +30 to 38).
- Now grants +30 to 62 melee lightning damage (from +30 to 38).
- Wave deals 344% more damage and scales with attunement.
Bhuldar's Wrath
- Implicit changes: +22 melee physical damage, -0.04 attack rate, +16 to 32 strength, no longer adds 45% to 65% increased melee physical damage.
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Death Rattle
- Grants 50% to 100% minion crit multiplier (from 100% to 200%).
- Now also gives 5 to 10 intelligence
- Now also gives +1 to Sacrifice.
- Updated 3d art.
- Implicit changes: +13 melee physical damage, -0.03 attack rate, no longer has 7 to 22 melee void damage.
- Now grants +40 melee void damage (from +35)
- Now grants 40% void penetration (from 35%)
Hammer of Lorent
- Implicit changes: +6 melee physical damage, no longer has 15% to 25% increased melee stun chance.
The Last Laugh
- Implicit changes: -13 melee physical damage, +0.01 attack rate, 10% to 25% armour shred chance, no longer has 17% to 67% melee crit multi.
- Now grants +50 to 66 melee physical damage (from +30 to 50).
- Now Also grants 15% to 25% increased melee attack speed.
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Sunforged Hammer
- Implicit chance (-22 melee physical damage, 82% to 160% increased stun chance (from 10% to 90% increased melee stun chance))
- Now grants +20 to 40 melee physical damage (from 10 to 14).
- Now grants +20 to 40 melee fire damage (from 10 to 14).
- Now grants +20% to 40% Critical strike multiplier with physical or fire melee attacks (from 20% to 30%).
Storm Breaker
- Implicit changes: -11 melee physical damage, no longer adds 10 to 35 lightning damage nor 10% to 65% shock chance.
- Now grants +60 to 90 melee lightning damage (from 30 to 60).
- Now grants +60 to 90 mana (from 30 to 60).
- Now grants +36% shock chance (from 30% of physical damage taken as lightning).
- Now grants +36% lightning resistance (from +30%).
- Now grants 36% chance to cast Lightning Strike when you use a skill that costs at least 10 mana (from 30%).
Torch of the Pontifex
- Implicit changes: 20% to 60% melee stun chance (from 30% to 55%).
- Cremate deals 50% more damage.
- Summoned Burning Skeletons deal 14% more damage.
- Fixed a bug where Cremate and summoned Burning Skeletons did not scale with intelligence or character level.
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- Implicit changes: -7 melee physical damage, +0.05 attack rate.
- Magma shards deal 25% more damage and gain +1 adaptive spell damage per character level.
Other Changes
- Decimate from the Gaspar Set deals 40% more damage.
- Undisputed grants 5% increased physical damage on hit up to 255% (from 10% up to 250%).
- The Invoker’s Static Touch now requires level 19 (from 16).
- The Invoker’s Scorching Grasp requires level 35 (from 10).
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Sanctuary Tree Arena
Minion Movement
- Updated the AI for player minions. Wolves had most of these changes in 0.8.1, but we have also made additional improvements.
- Minions now follow you at your movement speed, rather than starting and stopping.
- Minions stick closer to the player in general.
- Minions now prioritize targets close to the player.
- Minions move more quickly to get into attack range of enemies.
- Minion catch-up speed when falling behind the player now scales with player speed.
- Minions ignore collisions with other actors when they’re having trouble moving into attack range of an enemy.
- Minions ignore collisions with other actors when returning to the player from a long distance.
- Fixed a bug that caused minions to run in place in some situations.
- Fixed a bug which caused minions to be slower to switch from following to entering combat than intended
- Reduced base mana regen to 8 (from 10).
- Added mana regen effects to multiple nodes in passive trees, as described in the Passives section.
- Greatly Increased values of increased mana regen affix (max T5 has gone from 17% to 35%).
- The increased mana regen affix is now twice as common.
- The increased mana regen affix can no longer roll on gloves, but can now roll on belts and amulets.
- Added mana can no longer roll on boots, but can now roll on gloves.
- Removed the mana efficiency affix.
- Urzil’s Pride grants 1% increased mana regen per 3% lightning resistance (from 1% per 5% lightning resistance).
- Culnivar’s Claim grants 16% to 24% increased mana regen (from 10% to 20%).
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- Medium to high amounts of armour now result in more mitigation (though the 85% limit is unchanged).
- Armour is now 70% effective against non-physical damage (from 50%).
Other Changes
- Fixed a bug where the Increased Shadow Daggers Effect stat reduced the number of shadow daggers required for its damage to proc. As a compensation buff, the damage of shadow daggers has been increased by 100%.
- Abilities now start off cooldown when loading a character.
- Gold Shrines now drop 400% more gold.
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