about 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s good afternoon everybody welcome back to
7s the last epoch devstream as always
11s i'm your host mike
12s how's it going everybody happy to be
15s here just gonna hop right back in
19s we are
20s we're still rocking our marksman i'm
21s having a lot of fun with this marksman
23s so we're just gonna keep rolling with it
24s uh we had a
25s a very difficult fight in the arena at
28s the end of the last stream that we
29s barely survived we're gonna start back
31s in the age of winter
32s monolith here trying to get into
34s empowered soon
35s and actually like to like to actually
37s push this character a little bit higher
38s which would be nice
41s um and as always because we're severely
42s under level we're going to be taking
44s experience nodes first
48s oh you may notice uh we have a new
50s charity up here um
53s so we switched over saint jude's uh
55s children's research hospital i think
57s that's what what it was um
60s and i can say actually oh i'll probably
62s say this again a little bit later on
63s just because there's not a lot of people
65s here yet we'll get some more people
66s later but i'll say it again um
69s we finished our two month campaign for
72s unicef for children relief fund for
74s ukraine uh we raised the community
77s raised uh 1
79s 525.42 cents
81s um and and so we said we would match
83s that but it was a little bit lower than
85s we were we were hoping for so we just we
87s bumped it up a little bit and matched it
89s so we're donating a total of thirty five
91s hundred dollars
92s uh for for that charity so that's that's
95s the result of that which is great
98s um
99s hopefully that they can do some
101s some some work uh saving some children
104s you know
105s those people that
107s don't quite have the resources and
108s experiences to handle things on their
110s own just yet
117s i do quite like the uh recent children's
120s theme for the charity
122s it works for me i don't actually have to
124s pick them but uh i've been quite happy
126s with that focus recently
132s so yeah i'm just gonna keep going with
133s this and uh
137s power through some
139s some monolith hopefully getting to
140s empowered maybe not this pat or this
142s stream but maybe next stream we also at
145s the uh
147s on the on the back half of this stream
149s as we as we finish up i will be hopping
152s over to i guess it's kind of like an
154s extended stream so we're going to be
156s spending an hour after this is over with
158s aaron over on the action rpg stream and
161s we'll be designing a unique live so if
162s you're interested in um seeing a unique
164s get designed live
166s stick around for that
169s it'll be on his channel but you know
171s i'll be raiding him and everything
174s these are actually interesting boots
175s um the attunements kind of
178s meh with the strength but like
181s i don't know
183s it's got a significant amount of forging
185s potential so it feels kind of like a
186s blank canvas to work with
191s those are actually those are actually
192s interesting boots
194s strength in the war gen is a little
195s disjointed i don't know
202s if i can get
204s uh
207s if i if i can get the tuna to turn into
210s move speed i think that's this thing
211s that's pretty prefixed
215s seal these two man yeah that's a bit
216s weird
217s i'd probably chaos it
219s not happening
222s but stealing it ceiling it's a good idea
224s actually as well
225s it's probably a higher chance of getting
226s the slot back with sealing it then
228s chaosing it i just like to roll the dice
230s you know
239s almost one of the other ones first to
241s see what you get
245s or or do a discovery on the rest first
248s so that you can uh if there is a
250s crit that happens with it you're less
253s likely to accidentally upgrade when you
255s when you are
256s trying to seal
258s the attunement and it gets an upgrade if
260s it crits it can it'll just like pump
261s itself up again and get one less shot at
263s the
264s ceiling
275s oh yeah and if this is your first time
277s here um please just do an at-last epoch
280s game in the question and i will see it
282s and answer your question if you have any
284s questions please feel free to ask those
285s i
287s do my best
288s i do see a
291s message from a first time viewer which
293s reminded me to say that
294s and i will
295s read it fully in a second here and not
297s die
302s it says heyo thanks for that podcast
304s thing with zizerin i love how you engage
306s with the community you're welcome i had
307s fun with that that was great
309s um yes a little
312s interview
323s heavy saying just to reroll it yeah
325s because they have a smaller affix pool
327s it does it they are you're right you are
329s definitely right that it is a smaller
330s affix pool i i
332s wasn't taking that into account
354s some of my friends recently
356s uh oh i got a question here i'll answer
358s the question instead of rambling
361s uh which existing mastery class do you
363s think needs the most work and what about
366s it would you like to see changed
369s good question um
372s so it's mastery class specifically is
375s the question
376s um
380s weirdly enough the two that are coming
381s to mind are sorcerer and beastmaster
386s uh those are the two that are coming to
387s mind the most and part of that's because
389s beastmaster has that sabertooth and bear
392s someone say we're treating someone bear
393s nodes that are kind of like
396s the whole trees are just they're really
397s old the visuals need to be updated on
399s them like everything about those needs
401s to be done and that's like
403s that's two-fifths of that mastery really
406s um
408s and also just because druid had such a
410s big recent change it does look a little
412s bad compared by comparison um
415s sorcerer i mean doesn't have the third
418s mastery yet so it has less secondary
420s options and this and the the secondary
423s class or master that is there spellblade
426s is kinda
427s distinct from it like there's there's a
429s fair bit of overlap but um
431s like one is specifically about big
433s long-range spells and they're
434s specifically about
435s closer short range spells so it's they
437s are a little at odds which makes it
439s tricky for secondary uh passive nodes to
441s really feel solid
444s um and then teleport's got some issues
446s uh there's just it's
448s i think there's been a lot of
449s conversation recently about mana uh
451s generation and usage rates on i think a
454s lot of it stems from sorcerer i know
456s it's not entirely but i think a lot of
457s that conversation stems from there
459s um
464s so i think those would be my answers um
466s there's definitely
467s work to be done on all of them
471s that's just the only those the two that
473s that come to mind immediately is having
475s two or more major
477s stand
483s okay move please
485s just you know look over there for a
486s second
487s huh
488s thank you
491s oh a taxi down there's nice
493s [Music]
496s hello
497s tunnel picklebacker
499s uh what uh nerd herb has what are you
502s going to ramble about oh what am i going
504s to ramble on
506s um some of my friends started playing um
510s a variant of wow recently
513s um called ascension which which gives
517s basically it's classless wow and i was i
521s was looking into it into it the like
523s the way they did it and like the
525s implications of it it was really
526s interesting because there's so many
528s skills and passives and there's so many
530s options to put things into in wow
533s they've got like humongous trees and
537s while i don't think it would ever work
538s as like a core game mode because it's
540s just it'd be overwhelming for so many
542s people um it was really cool to think
544s about it's like like a thought
546s experiment type thing
548s and it got me thinking about like doing
550s some sort of like temporary mode with
552s that or experimental mode with that for
554s us and like what things i would break in
556s epoch
557s um
558s immediately it was just like this is
559s this would be dumb this would just be
561s bad
565s there's so many things that like we can
567s only make because this is like
568s highlighting issues that i've looked at
571s before and reasons why i've been really
572s happy with
573s um
576s uh
576s having having skill trees be so
578s compartmentalized is because you can put
579s things on them that would be completely
580s broken op if they were combined with
582s just anything
584s so yeah
586s i thought it was cool
596s but after thinking about it for a while
597s i was like
598s i'd basically just make a warlock with
600s like healing so i could end battle rez
607s like if i could life tap and heal myself
608s at the same time
619s i used to have a uh
621s macro on my lifetime that would that
622s would whisper one of the healers when i
624s was using it and just be like i'm life
626s tapping heal me
630s [Music]
634s oh
635s look at that
636s [Music]
638s normally doing fire no lp on it but yeah
641s it's a very cool bow
647s oh that's a spicy meatball
650s run away
657s vinegar
658s asks do you build your own filters
659s in-game or to use pre-built ones from
661s last epoch tool's website um well
664s my filter right now is extremely basic i
666s did build it myself i think it's two
668s lines
669s um
671s it's just like take away the white items
673s and
675s i may have put something else in there
679s okay i just hide the white blue items
681s that's all i did
682s um
685s i probably should have it more strict
687s uh
688s when i've when i've like played like i
691s don't play that much on on this on this
692s character on the stream so it's just a
694s couple hours a week so i don't really
696s feel the need to make a complicated uh
697s filter for it
698s [Music]
700s but i usually will like slap in a couple
702s basic things like just highlight me some
704s items that have
706s just that or the other that i'm really
707s looking for so i know to look at quickly
711s but there's some really nice filters
712s that people have made
714s last time i made my own i actually used
716s i think heavy has a
718s uh like a starter filter that you can
720s kind of like work off of
723s that's what i used last time
732s one day i hope for that filter um blue
734s filter sharing to be
735s built into the game that would be really
737s nice
738s long-term goals
753s there we go all right
756s when's the next multiplayer update post
758s coming i don't know
760s we're uh we're still working on the
764s uh i guess the main focus you know i
766s just realized the sound is cranked isn't
769s it
780s thank you very much welcome to the party
781s london mcfluffin and
784s friends
787s somebody's man in resistance we don't
788s need the crit base but
792s or stash some things away because we
793s don't like just dropping stuff well
795s sometimes we do
796s we don't need that
799s or that or that
803s or that really
809s there's decent resistance there
812s the health is just overwhelming
814s and we've got coming in
816s arrow word has reset for five months in
819s a row i demand more bee puns
824s uh
832s i got nothing right now sorry
841s the hair is getting too long gotta get
842s it gotta get a haircut and i joked with
844s that a little while ago i never did it
853s definitely need to
858s uh sorry multiplayer stuff we're
860s focusing so we are working on i know we
862s talked about um
864s we're advancing multiplayer stuff right
866s now and there's there's a lot happening
868s with it at the moment so we're kind of
871s focused on that
876s there's a lot of exciting stuff
877s happening there right now actually
886s uh when can we expect the rest of the
888s specialization classes
890s at or before 1.0
894s which i know isn't an actual time it's
896s just another event but that's the only
898s thing i can say is just
900s at least by 1.0 so
902s it might be with 1.0 it might be before
904s 1.0 but it'll definitely be by 1.0 at
907s the latest
909s and not next patch
911s so
912s sometime between the patch after next
914s and 1.0
915s inclusive
923s uh if you could add one unrepresented
925s player fantasy archetype to the game
927s what would it be so if i could add it
929s myself i love this question by the way
931s if i could edit myself with like
933s no oversight do whatever i want i didn't
936s have to
937s like
938s get collaboration with anyone it was
940s just purely me whatever i want no
942s questions asked
944s um
945s it would be a
946s bard jester trickster
949s tinkerer engineer something in that
952s range like it's it's kind of a it's kind
953s of a muddled
955s uh not exactly sure what it would be
956s exactly but something in that where it's
959s um
961s you know it's like the magic of mundane
964s things but
966s that makes any sense
970s that's the type of archetype i'd be
972s looking for
980s so it would be a a lightly armored class
983s with a lot of
985s gadgets and
987s um
990s uh
991s you would use i guess crowd control
993s defensively a lot it'd be a lot of buffs
995s and
997s temporary minions i guess
1005s and there's definitely some fantasies
1006s represented there in rogue
1008s already um
1010s but i think there's room to make it
1012s distinct
1021s we're talking about just a master was
1022s that was that a mastery or a whole a
1023s player fantasy archetype yeah okay so it
1025s could have been anything yeah
1027s the uh the only other thing i think
1028s would be like really basic just like a
1030s barbarian where it's just straight up
1032s all it's about is i'm gonna hit you with
1034s this hammer and it
1035s the harder i can swing this this hammer
1037s is the more damage you're gonna take
1039s that's the whole class fantasy uh so
1041s yeah like that's the only other thing
1043s the other one i'd look at because we
1044s don't really have that so much we kind
1046s of have hints of it here and there
1050s all right
1052s uh what do you hold in higher regard
1054s when making decisions story end game or
1057s audience
1059s ah
1061s that's a really tough question answer
1062s because because i think it really
1064s depends on what it is
1067s um
1068s so for example if it is a
1074s um
1075s like
1077s yeah
1078s and none of those like you don't you
1079s don't always have to uh
1081s sacrifice one of those to get the others
1082s either so yeah that's a tricky one i'm
1084s not sure
1086s um
1088s making decisions story and gamer
1090s audience
1093s i also don't really understand what you
1094s mean by audience
1096s like how we think that it's going to be
1098s received by people like like what what
1100s the players we would we know they've
1101s asked for
1103s um
1107s i i think that
1109s story often takes a back seat
1115s i think if we can make something
1117s uh
1118s mechanically fun first we will and then
1122s uh if we can fit a storyline to it we
1125s will
1126s um but sometimes we do things strictly
1127s for story related reasons first like
1129s there's there's unique items that are in
1131s the game as a story element first and
1133s then we're like okay can we can we fit
1135s some mechanics that that work with this
1136s story element
1139s um
1142s but for the most part items will
1143s definitely go mechanics first
1147s that's that's a tricky question i'm
1148s sorry i didn't really good answer for
1150s you
1155s [Music]
1163s which arpg game
1165s have you played multiple or you you
1167s which which rpg game you played
1169s multiplayer you had most fun in
1172s um
1173s so what was the multiple like which was
1175s the multiplayer arpg that i enjoyed the
1177s most
1178s it's kind of a
1182s cop-out answer because
1184s uh you can take the multiplayer part out
1185s of that i still my favorite one is
1187s diablo ii
1190s yeah
1191s it's just the one i play the most what i
1193s grew up with
1203s was so tempted to play this new ladder
1205s that just released
1207s oh
1210s i saw someone post some boots this
1211s morning on reddit oh my god they were
1213s amazing
1214s oh
1216s just try element res
1218s and and move speed faster hit recovery
1221s and magic find and all in good
1223s quantities too
1225s is like the best boots i've ever seen
1227s like with day 10 on the ladder or
1229s something
1232s jelly
1240s that's what happens when your hand is
1241s off by one
1253s okay we're gonna take a look at those
1254s idols because i bet some of them are
1256s upgrades because i haven't done anything
1257s to my idol
1259s anything recently
1269s thank you to whoever that was i will
1270s look at it in a brief moment
1275s uh hunter x bandai killer bangkai killer
1277s has reset for six months in a row a last
1280s epoch
1281s bees indeed
1283s ah thank you very much
1286s six months that's uh yeah i don't know
1288s it's always cool when i see these
1291s those big numbers show up like that
1293s i really appreciate it
1296s and
1297s for anyone who has joined us since i did
1299s my spiel first thing all that money goes
1301s to charity charities right above my head
1304s uh and the end of our campaign for
1306s unicef we are donating 3 500
1309s to unicef
1310s um
1313s 1500 and change of which was raised by
1315s you all the community you fantastic
1317s folks so you can give yourself a round
1319s of applause for that
1322s get it
1324s round to applause
1337s all right you mentioned on the podcast
1339s that you guys have plans on implementing
1341s a system to skip some parts of the story
1343s uh do you think it might come before 1.0
1346s or after
1347s well as i said in the in the podcast um
1351s or maybe maybe it was on stream
1352s somewhere someone asked me like how long
1353s until we implemented and i was like
1355s uh negative six months was the answer
1357s because it's already in it's been in for
1359s six months
1361s so yes definitely plan to implement it
1363s before 1.0 because it's already in the
1365s game
1376s uh that's some question
1379s i know it's far in the future but what
1381s do you think will be the main focus with
1383s cycles seasonal content keeping the
1385s leveling progression story refreshing
1387s adding stuff to end game um
1390s you know i think i think that that focus
1392s will change as as the years go on so to
1395s speak
1397s um but initially i think it'll be
1399s focused
1401s on i think it'll be very similar to the
1404s patches we get now
1405s the the more end game focused patches
1407s that we get now
1409s um
1410s and at least initially where we're where
1411s we're still like adding new lots of new
1414s content to the game just like padding
1416s out some some slightly
1418s neglected areas of content like um
1421s adding new dungeons maybe making tweaks
1424s to like end game systems maybe we're
1425s just tacking on uh adjustment adjusting
1428s old ones you know like there'll be
1429s there'll be a whole bunch of things like
1430s that initially and then i think once the
1432s game settles into a bit more of a groove
1436s the the
1438s focus and theme of those might shift a
1439s little bit
1441s um
1443s but no like we're already looking at big
1445s changes to the campaign
1447s um
1449s even now like
1452s just the things we've i know we've like
1454s gone through like adjusted the campaign
1455s a few times now but like every time we
1458s do anything with the campaign new
1460s content adjusting old content we learn
1462s stuff and we develop new um
1465s techniques and new systems and new tools
1467s and suddenly the people who are making
1470s these things
1471s have have all these new things they can
1472s do with it that they were like when they
1473s were initially making the content
1475s they're like i wish i could do this but
1476s i can't because you don't have a tool
1478s for it or something like that and and
1480s then now we do and so they're like i
1481s wish i could go back to this story and
1484s and update it and fix it and everything
1487s and and so yeah we are
1490s like we're still wanting to give people
1491s the opportunity to
1492s go back and and reimagine and update
1495s lots of the content and um the story's
1497s evolved as well over the years so
1498s sunday's our initial plans don't quite
1500s line up with what we have now
1502s um
1506s health and endurance is nice but those
1508s first two are
1511s for me at least
1514s uh yeah
1516s so it'll be a little bit of everything
1518s really um and i think it'll depend i
1520s think it's also something that will
1521s change and
1524s like we'll reevaluate every every cycle
1526s every patch
1531s um but we do definitely want reasons for
1533s people to you know maybe you've
1536s played a lot and you you've kind of
1538s worked your way through most of the
1539s content we have
1541s um like having reasons for people to be
1544s excited to come back to the game i think
1546s is is really an important part of those
1548s cycles
1548s and
1549s uh usually
1551s that's that's so different for so many
1552s different people so like
1554s we probably have to um
1557s either have
1558s really varied patches or really focused
1560s patches or i don't know maybe both i'm
1562s kind of just rambling here because i
1563s don't know exactly what the awesome way
1565s to do it is and i'm sure after we've
1566s done a few of them we'll change our
1568s minds of what we think the optimal way
1569s to do it is
1572s a lot of that will be based on feedback
1573s we get from all of you
1575s as i mean everything else we do is
1577s basically
1583s all right just you and me matriarch
1587s all right just me
1591s come on
1607s hello guys
1608s did you guys at any point through
1611s throughout the um
1616s sorry just a second
1629s apparently i was talking too loud i was
1631s waking up a baby anyways
1634s hello guys did you
1636s guys at any point
1638s uh thought about
1640s taking increased more damage nodes from
1643s skill trees making so damage comes
1645s mainly from your gear and passes
1648s um
1652s we try and avoid as many just flat
1655s damage increases in the skill trees as
1657s possible and usually the ones that have
1658s more of that are generally older
1661s or older skills that still need to be
1662s updated
1664s so
1665s yes and no we do want certain things and
1667s usually they're they're really
1668s conditional
1669s or they're based on synergies with other
1671s skills or synergies within the skill or
1674s they change the way the skill scales and
1676s things like that so we try to we try and
1678s have as few just
1679s okay well fireball does 20 more damage
1681s now because you put these points in as
1684s we can
1686s now we do want
1688s there to be power increases when you
1690s level up the skill
1692s because we do want that to be an
1693s exciting event
1696s there is there's a balance there
1699s and we want the
1700s ideally a large portion of your power
1702s comes from your gear
1704s now a lot of the the power does come
1706s from your
1708s skill points mostly it's due to um
1712s nodes that are
1713s changing the way scaling happens or
1715s they're just really synergistic with
1717s some other piece of gear or scaling from
1719s some other source
1723s um neither one can really stand on their
1725s own without the other i don't think and
1726s that's definitely by design
1737s hello aaron
1739s hi
1742s i hope you're ready
1746s for the summer
1748s and laugh and play something else
1754s it's a good thing i can't sing
1756s at all because it means we can never be
1757s hit by copyright strikes for
1760s like music
1761s because it's so bad that no algorithm
1764s would ever pick it up
1777s oh you guys got some health
1783s it's impressive
1802s not happening
1820s this is a lot of enemies in this one
1826s trying not to die here
1828s some some strong enemies
1832s and a lot of them
1835s but we got it we got it
1839s hello winfox
1841s how's it going
1847s give me that experience
1850s we're almost 80.
1853s almost 80.
1865s [Music]
1868s we're going for those xp or xp nodes big
1871s time
1875s sanctuary reaper asks as i know you're a
1877s d2 fan i've been playing patch 2.4
1880s pretty much since it dropped and i
1881s wanted to share
1882s a pog drop with you
1884s a soul and um rune
1886s and a perfect natural circle the the the
1888s set items are interesting because um
1891s being able to up them now in the cube is
1894s uh it's really cool
1896s um
1898s someone made a big spreadsheet a few
1901s months ago
1902s on um
1904s congrats on the um by the way that's
1906s nice
1908s early early armory on the ladder
1912s very nice
1917s um but
1921s was i saying
1923s oh yeah the the
1924s set items being able to up now and so
1926s i'm making a big big spreadsheet with
1928s like all the best things to offer
1930s and it was it was pretty interesting
1932s there's some actually decent options in
1933s there
1935s last bear chest
1937s well we're not playing a bear so we
1938s don't have to pick it up
1956s i think a lot of people look fondly back
1958s at d2 often with nostalgia so let's flip
1960s it if there is anything you'd absolutely
1962s not repeat from double 2 it would be i
1963s mean so there's there's a really obvious
1964s answer here and it's the same thing that
1966s brevik answers every time he gets asked
1967s this question and it's stamina
1970s um
1971s and so i'm not going to submit that as
1973s as the actual answer to this question
1975s because it's the i feel like it's a bit
1976s of a cop-out answer at this point
1977s because it's been it's been answered so
1979s many times as the answer to that
1981s question so so stamina aside
1986s um
1988s i i think the biggest biggest problem
1990s with it and it's it's really because it
1991s is
1993s like
1994s being compared to newer games that have
1996s much more robust end game systems
1999s the
2001s yeah i mean
2003s it's kind of it's got two answers in one
2004s as i just realized i'm talking so it
2006s doesn't have a lot of end game systems
2008s basically all there is is the
2009s pandemonium event
2011s and
2012s uh d-clone which which is which is cool
2014s but until the changes that they just
2016s made um declone was basically
2019s unavailable for almost everyone
2022s as an actual thing to do it's now
2024s actually kind of accessible which is
2025s phenomenal but it still is
2027s just diablo just a
2029s touch harder
2031s there's not really anything new there
2032s it's not actually that much worse but
2034s the biggest problem i think comes from
2036s the
2037s uh
2038s the the lack of top-end build diversity
2040s and i'm kind of looping all this in to
2043s highlight some of the mods that are out
2044s there
2045s um for dlv2 which i think has done a
2046s fantastic job of addressing a lot of
2049s these things and i don't think it's
2050s really a failing of the game um itself
2053s but rather just things we've learned
2055s about arpg's and what they can what's
2058s possible and um having other good
2060s examples available to us through through
2063s other games like grim dawn and path of
2064s exile and
2066s even just the things we learned from
2067s diablo 3 itself and um
2070s so having having a
2072s like a more robust game system
2075s which they've actually started to do a
2076s little bit in 2.4 when they when they
2078s added all the all the new 85 zones the
2080s 85 level zones so you can actually like
2082s farm in new places apart from just like
2085s the three good places to farm before
2087s um
2090s there's now like 20 of them or something
2092s and
2094s uh but just having those end game
2096s systems so uh things like path of diablo
2098s basically adds path of exile's mapping
2100s system to diablo 2 which is a ton of fun
2103s i know a few people that have
2105s worked on maps for it like creating maps
2107s for it which is really neat
2111s um
2112s yeah so i would say the long-winded
2114s answer is the lack of end game content
2117s and
2118s lack of top-end build diversity at
2120s endgame so like
2122s um
2124s i'm rambling so much here about this but
2126s uh
2129s just and 2.4 does a fair bit to address
2131s this last point is is that the end game
2134s builds diversity which i think which i
2136s hope has
2137s uh been significantly improved
2139s um
2143s and as i'm thinking about the the other
2144s things that 2.4 did is something that i
2146s probably should have said is just the
2147s short version of this answer is the
2148s shared cooldowns
2149s uh which they've removed in 2.4 so
2151s shared cooldowns
2153s and stamina
2154s i think are the easy answers first first
2156s off but um
2158s yeah so like you can you have paladins
2159s that are able to do the hardest content
2161s in the game
2162s at level 30
2164s and then you have other classes that
2168s could technically get it done with
2170s absolutely perfect gear
2173s like
2174s like you got a level hundred
2176s um you got a little hundred druid with
2178s absolutely perfect gear yeah you can do
2179s rivers you know but
2182s apart from that you're probably not
2184s doing ubers on your on your druid and
2186s and yeah i know there are some builds
2188s that can get it done and it's like it is
2190s possible and everything but like
2192s they're not even in the in the
2194s like
2195s conversation really
2199s it's basically paladins and assassins
2201s with like you know barb can get it done
2204s necro can get it done sorcerers can can
2206s get it done
2207s but like
2210s zahn's usually relegated from that
2212s conversation druids usually not even
2214s talked about
2222s i know i just sound like i went on like
2224s a 20 minute rant about all the things
2225s that are terrible that diablo ii but i'm
2227s really nitpicking
2228s and
2230s uh
2232s you know it's that's about it there's
2234s not really much left to talk about of
2235s things that aren't fantastic in that
2237s game
2253s yeah i love diablo 2.
2260s nuke a panda though oh yeah
2263s oh
2264s so many things want my money right now
2267s i recently
2269s uh got uh got a new carrying case for
2272s cards
2273s and
2275s bought a
2277s brief story time here
2279s bought plans for
2281s 3d printed
2283s cases that hold hold all the cards that
2286s sit in there
2288s and then there's like uh the top slides
2290s out with like a top loader sleeve that
2292s you put the commander in and like you
2293s can get the cards out real easy
2297s but this all like locks in and
2298s everything yeah so i've
2302s done that recently and i'm trying to get
2304s the rest of them printed
2305s and uh because it's actually kind of
2307s difficult to get them printed
2309s uh
2311s and they take a long time to do
2313s i caved and just bought a printer
2316s they've come down in price so
2318s unbelievably much i couldn't believe it
2321s i was like i just wasn't even
2322s considering buying one like 3000 bucks
2324s no point even looking at them someone
2326s like me like a 300 printer i'm like
2330s yeah i can make that work save up for a
2331s couple months and get that no problem
2337s i've been wanting one for years
2347s so really excited about that supposed to
2349s arrive on sunday
2356s yeah nukapanna has some very exciting
2358s cards nuke if anyone doesn't know is a
2360s magic set that just came out um or like
2363s today i think today's the official
2365s launch day maybe it was last friday
2369s um
2372s but yeah it's it's got some really cool
2374s cards in it that are
2376s uh they're exciting
2379s a new equipment that can turn
2381s so some planeswalkers can be your
2383s commander
2384s big downside to that is you could never
2385s win with commander damage because you
2387s can't turn planeswalkers into creatures
2389s you can through like
2392s very roundabout means by like turning
2394s them into artifacts and then turning
2396s then animating that artifact and it's
2398s just a pain but now it's just one
2399s equipment you just slap on it and
2400s becomes a creature
2401s gideon anything
2406s it's a little pricey so i didn't pick
2407s one up but i think it's really cool
2409s they're adding things like that
2414s no new set drops i'm like all right what
2417s is under a dollar that looks cool
2428s all right let's move back off magic to
2430s last epoch the thing that i've actually
2432s supposed to be here for
2435s i just get rambly you
2437s know uh what was the decision-making
2440s process behind the current in-game
2442s system
2442s about four years of discussions uh but i
2446s can try and uh
2448s summarize them
2449s um why did you decide on soft cap
2452s scaling and game versus hard cap max
2454s level system slash end game boss well
2457s okay so there is
2460s there there is a hard cap on player
2462s power
2463s there is a maximum amount of stats you
2465s can get um and that doesn't that like
2468s that there's there's a hard cap there
2470s there's the point where you
2472s you could design theoretically the
2474s like
2476s most powerful creature or like anything
2478s in the game and it is
2480s technically possible
2482s not functionally possible and that's by
2483s design where there's always technically
2485s a way to make your character just a
2486s little bit better no character is truly
2488s ever 100 done and perfect and and part
2491s of that is just the
2493s um
2495s like i really like the feeling that
2497s there's always something more that a
2498s character can do and if if someone wants
2501s to really just have that pet character
2503s that's i don't mean like a pet class
2505s with like minions but just like that
2506s character that's like this is my baby
2508s and i'm gonna just play this one
2510s character forever there's always
2512s something you can get for it i think
2514s that's really cool i think it's really
2515s fun i really enjoy that the ability to
2517s just like focus hard on one character if
2519s you want
2520s i think that's just awesome and there's
2522s always that moment like i was just
2523s talking about this morning when i saw uh
2525s those that that pair of boots dropped or
2527s i didn't see a drop i saw it posted on
2529s reddit and like there's those moments of
2531s like oh my god i've never seen anything
2533s that amazing drop
2535s um and those boots i've seen other boots
2537s that are extremely similar so it's not
2539s that distinct but there's there's always
2541s that feeling of like there's always
2542s something a little bit better that could
2543s happen and i don't i love that feeling
2546s myself
2547s of of like
2549s you can find more there's there's room
2552s to improve your character more
2554s um as for like the
2556s scaling of end game itself and how that
2558s works and how it can always go up higher
2560s that's kind of a similar thing where
2561s there's there's always room for
2562s improvement and there's always a harder
2564s challenge to take on
2565s um
2566s we do
2567s there definitely needs to be that
2568s balance where there are these benchmark
2570s non-scaling
2572s um challenges and
2574s uh we started to add those a little bit
2576s so there's um the dungeon bosses are
2580s benchmark non-scaling challenges where
2582s they like a t4 jewelry fight is can
2584s change a little bit based on the mods
2585s you pick but there's sort of like a cap
2587s on
2588s where that that like that limit is
2592s so like you can take super hard mods
2594s throughout that but there's only two of
2595s them you can take and
2597s it's about 200 more damage and health i
2599s think it's about the cap that you can
2600s get on it
2601s um
2603s so there is
2604s i think it's important to have both um
2608s and
2609s we kind of try and work both styles in
2611s where we can
2613s that makes any sense
2625s because you can't you can end up like so
2626s going back to the other you can end up
2627s in a system where yes there is this like
2630s the hardest fight in the game
2632s is like there's there's not this like
2634s dynamically scaling content
2636s and that there's this hardest fight in
2637s the game that is the benchmark of what
2638s to do and that's the only really end
2641s game activity to be done
2644s other than just like keep continuing to
2646s level your character really
2655s so having those challenges that can
2656s continually get harder and harder i
2657s think is important along with
2659s uh with everything else
2666s it also helps for um
2668s having a ladder
2670s so if if there is a so so let's take
2672s level as an example for ladder uh
2675s compared to
2677s like max waves in the arena
2680s you can have people tied with no way to
2683s improve for level we'll be level 100 max
2686s level
2687s um
2689s you always have
2691s either a clear winner or the potential
2693s for someone to improve upon a tied time
2695s so there's always a way for someone to
2697s get a little bit better in the arena
2699s because you just go to another way the
2700s next wave is possible so there's always
2702s room for competition there and i think
2705s that when you don't have
2707s um
2708s time limits on top ends of competition
2711s it allows for people to continue to
2714s continue to do it in into the future so
2717s i think i'll use um
2720s speedrunning as as an example here so um
2723s certain games get really popular when
2724s speedrunning when there's like uh
2727s times are getting lowered constantly
2728s it's it's there's a lot of things that
2730s make a good speed running game so don't
2731s get into that but um it's lots of times
2734s they're really popular when there's uh
2736s perceived room for improvement
2740s um and quite often they'll
2742s slow down or die out when the human
2744s limits been achieved um
2747s is that a summoning salt video i think
2750s mario the human limit or something like
2751s that and we're like
2753s we're we're like frames off of
2756s off of the the lowest possible time in
2759s like super mario super eyebrows like the
2761s just nes
2764s and
2765s um
2767s personally i haven't seen like i don't
2769s um
2770s intently track these things very much i
2772s kind of just
2773s passively will pop my head back into
2775s certain speed running communities when
2776s uh when i see an update about one of
2778s them or something or a record gets
2779s broken
2780s um
2782s but a lot i i have a feeling that
2785s the number of people competing on those
2787s leaderboards slows down pretty heavily
2790s when
2791s it's perceived that there's nowhere to
2792s improve upon there's no way to like beat
2794s the person who's in first so why bother
2795s trying right
2798s and i think something similar happens
2800s with hard capped
2802s ladder systems
2803s so like um
2805s diablo 2 someone's already hit 100 in
2807s the ladder uh and now they're still like
2809s who can hit hundred first on
2811s like amazon and druid who can you know
2814s so still all of that but for just who
2816s can hit hunter first that's done for a
2819s lot of people the latter's over already
2821s um
2823s okay i should say a lot for a select few
2825s elite players the ladder is basically
2827s over already
2829s um but i think having that
2831s um that feeling that that there's still
2833s a new
2835s uh person someone could come in a month
2837s down the road and take that top spot
2838s still with a non-capped
2842s top spot on the ladder is really
2843s interesting
2845s um
2846s where someone could show up a year from
2848s from that point and like still compete
2850s and still do better and that happens a
2851s lot in speed running because you know
2853s the fastest time is
2855s is just zero but um
2858s they can calculate with with um
2861s tasks uh tool assisted speed runs where
2863s you're where basically it's a computer
2865s doing the the run and you're just
2867s telling me like programming the computer
2868s what to do it uh which is a completely
2871s different skill that's also quite
2872s impressive but um
2875s when you're in that situation it's you
2876s can tell where like where what what's
2879s level 100 in that situation
2884s that's actually pretty sweet bow and i
2887s think it's i think it's cool to uh
2890s i think it would be cool to look at the
2892s popularity of speedrunning games based
2893s on how close they are to the human limit
2897s whether their their like best record is
2900s side note while we're talking about
2901s speed running just a little bit
2902s tangentially sorry i know i'm way off
2904s topic here i'll i'll bring it back i
2906s promise um
2910s ah there's there's a um
2912s crap twilight princess speedrun so
2914s there's there's any percent which is um
2917s just finish the game as fast as possible
2919s and then there's 100 which is complete
2920s the game and get everything and then
2922s there's a lowest percent or low percent
2925s speed run category that's normally the
2927s same as any percent because getting
2929s stuff takes longer so low percent is get
2931s the fewest number of things to complete
2933s the game
2934s and
2935s uh because of the glitch in
2937s uh twilight princess legend zelda
2939s princess when link shows an item to the
2942s camera it's like it's so annoying if you
2943s play that game every time you find a
2944s flipping blue rupee look a blue rupee oh
2947s my goodness and you like sit there
2948s you're like great i didn't know this was
2949s a blue roopy or what it does thanks
2951s um
2952s but he he
2954s he slowly moves backwards by like tiny
2957s little steps
2959s uh when he's in that pose and someone
2960s figured out that if you pick up a blue
2961s rupee with your back to a door
2964s um and wait a few hours you'll get
2966s through the door
2968s um
2970s so they uh there's a speedrun that
2972s involves
2973s leaving your computer for 13 hours or
2975s something silly
2981s i just thought it was neat
2983s you haven't seen it look it up it's cool
2986s low percent
2987s twilight princess it's silly
2989s all right let's go back to questions
2991s that are actually last epoch related i'm
2993s sorry um
2995s poe has seen bloat
2999s uh that can be seen as both good and bad
3001s thing uh to their core game from adding
3004s league mechanics to the chord game um is
3007s ehg planning to use cycles to add
3008s content to the core game and if so are
3010s there plans to prevent bloat uh yes and
3012s yes um so sometimes that content can be
3019s um i
3020s so i there's a lot of different this is
3022s another really deep topic i think i'm
3024s not gonna go too far into it but the
3026s short answer is yes we're going to add
3027s stuff to the card game yes we're going
3029s to do stuff to to hopefully
3032s prevent bloat um
3035s the easy way to do that is just remove
3037s systems so like if you put one in take
3039s one out you know it's not bloat however
3040s the problem with that is that you end up
3042s removing something that someone really
3043s likes
3044s um
3046s one one way you can do you can avoid
3048s that is by
3049s reworking systems to sort of include
3051s other ones and there's there's things
3053s we've seen like that happen in poe
3055s already um and sometimes it's met really
3058s well sometimes it's not really depends
3061s uh
3062s and then there's
3064s uh sometimes you can focus leagues
3066s around
3067s uh i guess reworking old systems so like
3071s we could focus a league around i keep
3073s using the term league and i know it's
3074s cycles i'm sorry uh we could focus the
3076s cycle around for example
3078s uh
3079s reorganizing the monolith
3083s and it's basically making a new
3085s um a new
3087s like
3087s end game system to play with but it is
3089s the same system so you can kind of
3091s replace the old with the new
3094s and that avoids bloat and we've
3095s definitely built our monolith system
3098s with being able to do that in mind and
3100s and being able to get pretty deep
3102s content from that type of changing and
3104s and make things new and interesting
3106s still while not increasing the total
3108s amount of things in the game and and so
3110s there's there's
3111s that is something that comes up in
3112s conversations quite often of like
3114s where's the limit of too much how do we
3116s decide if something should be a new
3118s system or replacement system
3120s uh you know stuff like that so there's
3122s there's a lot of consideration for that
3124s we are
3125s looking ahead 10 years hopefully and and
3128s and seeing like how can we maintain this
3132s um
3133s exciting new thing for for years and
3135s years and years
3137s similar to how path of exile has
3139s maintained a new and exciting thing for
3140s years and years and years um and
3142s hopefully learning from from the things
3144s they've done well and the things that
3145s they've uh learned themselves that
3147s they've not done so well as well because
3148s you can see changes in their own
3149s strategies to it at the same time
3154s over the years and and yeah so yes
3156s guessing yes it's the answer to that
3157s question
3158s all right heavy i know you already
3160s teasered a bit uh that one of the
3163s missing masteries will have a special
3165s mechanic will that involve a pet
3168s that is not really considered a minion
3170s in the typical le sense in terms of
3172s gearing and itemization um so the
3175s question which i think you're trying to
3176s ask is
3178s will the falcon be an actual pet or will
3181s it be something else
3185s um
3185s [Music]
3187s and i i don't really want to answer this
3188s because like
3190s it's not implemented far enough to
3192s really say for sure if things aren't
3193s going to change you know and i don't
3194s want to be like
3196s um oh yeah it's going to be this and
3198s then we like we implement what our plans
3200s are and then we're like wait a second
3201s this isn't actually fun
3202s um
3204s i i think there's a lot i just want to
3206s preface this question i guess by saying
3208s i think people are even though i keep
3209s saying we haven't done anything on them
3210s i think people are assuming that i'm
3212s bluffing and we've actually done a lot
3214s on them and i'm just not ready to talk
3215s about it or something like that we've
3216s done so freaking little with the
3218s masteries
3220s like like really so little
3223s um
3225s and
3226s and most most of what we've done with it
3228s is available on our website
3230s like there's really little we've we've
3232s specced out some skills that we have
3234s planned like some some just like
3236s one-liner descriptions like this much of
3238s a description
3239s on on what we want some skills to be for
3242s those uh for those masters and that's
3243s about it
3246s um oh yeah there's a few models and like
3248s little things like that but the actual
3250s like functional design of most of it is
3252s totally up for upper changing and
3254s feedback still
3255s as as i'm sure people that especially
3257s like you have you've been here for quite
3258s a while no a lot changes through
3260s feedback that corsair shield just got it
3262s off which is nice
3264s so um
3266s i think you've made a very
3269s astute observation based on the small
3271s amount of information we've given
3272s but i'm not going to confirm or deny
3274s what you
3275s [Music]
3277s said sorry
3280s sky gear yes i play standing
3282s so i do things like this
3290s it's warm in here the window is wide
3292s open my heat is completely off
3294s it is warm in here
3304s i actually really like that amulet
3309s i don't like that one so much
3313s i don't like that one so much this is a
3315s nice amulet but i don't like it
3322s yeah we might craft on that one a little
3323s later
3328s xp node let's go
3332s uh
3333s what's your what is the team slash your
3335s thoughts on dungeon maps as they stand
3337s are the future ones going to be the same
3339s um
3340s so i think the i think the underlying
3342s and i'm sorry if i so i know i use the
3344s term like i think the underlying
3345s question here is and i'm sorry if i get
3346s these completely wrong but i feel like
3348s the underlying question here is asking
3350s about randomization for them and how
3351s that's done
3353s because it doesn't uh we don't use a
3355s traditional
3357s procedural generation
3358s for maps like you would see in things
3359s like path of exile
3361s and i
3363s i know that like
3367s how do i put this the
3369s technically
3372s the the act of having a large grid and
3375s putting blockers in that grid is exactly
3378s the same
3379s from a functional standpoint
3381s as as just having a
3385s um
3388s of just like having a the the the
3390s pathways get created
3392s so oh that is i was gonna draw something
3394s on my screen but i've gotta finish this
3396s first before i do that um
3399s the the the problem with blocking them
3400s off is it has and something i've alluded
3403s to in the past is it has what i believe
3405s to be a negative psychological impact of
3409s uh being able to see the paths that
3411s weren't created
3412s or to see the paths that were blocked
3414s off like being able to see those things
3416s that could have been but worked uh as as
3419s being really frustrating and
3420s disappointing
3423s uh
3424s and so i think that if we can
3427s converting to a more traditional
3429s system of procedural generation would be
3431s ideal
3432s however
3434s um there aren't any plans to do that for
3437s 1.0 at the moment
3439s um i will say that when i use that
3441s phrase
3443s that just means
3445s we we don't we don't have active plans
3447s for it and usually that's because we
3449s either don't know how or we do know how
3450s and we know it's going to take way too
3452s long to do before we can before the
3455s deadline we would set for it um
3459s so i could see that being something that
3461s we work on still well i could see that's
3464s something that we're going to keep
3465s working on for sure is is making our um
3467s systems for creating levels and and and
3470s randomization
3471s better
3472s in every sense of it and
3474s um
3477s but i think what you'll see likely at
3479s launch
3481s is very similar to what we have now
3484s i'd be i'd be pretty
3486s unless someone on the team comes up with
3488s some unbelievable solutions out of the
3490s blue
3491s uh to to the problems we have
3494s and and so like this is
3495s there are examples of that happening but
3497s i don't wanna get anyone's hopes up is
3498s kind of the problem
3499s so like you see at the top of the screen
3501s um how there are
3504s uh the ailments i'll get listed like see
3506s there's the bleed fire shred
3509s um
3511s all that showing up
3513s about a year ago i think maybe a little
3515s bit more uh if you'd asked me can we
3518s have those i wouldn't give you the exact
3520s same answer i just gave you to the other
3521s question
3522s um
3523s but we have those now
3525s and then um
3527s about a month ago if you'd asked me so
3529s you might have noticed that there's like
3530s sometimes it'll show up like it's a 15
3532s it says 15 plus as a cap it doesn't
3534s actually tell you how many there are
3535s over 15.
3536s about a month ago if you asked me uh can
3538s we remove that cap i would have given
3539s the exact same answer as well
3541s um but now i can say there's a good
3543s chance that'll go away actually
3546s because i think someone figured out a
3547s way to fix it
3549s i just don't like saying like oh yeah
3550s we'll fix that i don't know if we can
3559s so for now
3560s we don't have a good way of creating
3563s random levels the way you are more used
3565s to them from other games
3567s so we're not planning on doing it
3570s but it's something we definitely want to
3572s have
3576s and it's it's it's
3579s passively being worked on there's no one
3581s actively working out but i bet it's in
3582s the back of several people's minds
3586s that makes any sense
3588s like i'm getting a little far behind
3589s aren't i here talking too long
3592s uh what's your current favorite build on
3593s which is i just love melee lich of like
3595s let's focus on reap as much as possible
3598s and
3599s harvest i remember chosuki saying eg
3602s would look at stun and stun mitigation
3604s is this still something that's on the
3605s list of things to look at um
3610s and we haven't talked about it in a
3611s while i don't know if
3613s there's i i can't say it's actively
3615s something that's being um
3620s prototyped any changes to anything like
3622s that
3626s but the list as you uh as you put it
3629s is huge so it's probably on there
3631s somewhere
3634s not happening it's probably on the lower
3636s half of the list
3648s not useful for us
3651s heavy roughly how much
3654s percentage of your team's capacity will
3656s return to creating regular content from
3659s the game once multiplayer is in a stable
3661s state
3662s and you have team members who will
3663s solely stay focused on keeping an eye on
3665s multiplayer in terms of servers and back
3667s in tech after that stable multiplayer
3669s state is achieved will the cadence of
3672s updates to regular game increase or will
3674s updates simply be bigger
3677s uh there's a lot of people that working
3679s on
3680s solely multiplayer content or shouldn't
3682s say solely primarily multiplayer content
3684s that will
3686s uh their focus will shift back to
3689s content
3690s like like gameplay content once
3691s multiplayer is um
3694s the norm i want to say
3697s we spent a lot of time in the last year
3699s getting away from like
3700s i'm working on multiplayer i'm working
3702s on the rest of the game and just being
3703s like we're working on the whole game
3705s together type thing okay so like like it
3707s felt like there was two teams before and
3709s we spent a lot of time merging those
3710s teams together
3713s um
3718s so it's but yeah there's a lot of like
3721s all those people that are working on the
3723s game
3724s uh
3725s i mean once
3726s once multiplayer is more stable being
3729s able to have them
3730s spend more time on
3732s content
3734s is a natural evolution of the things
3736s they're doing for sure um
3739s there will be some people that will
3740s continue to be dedicated to multiplayer
3742s stuff only like you know maintaining
3744s servers and things like that like
3745s there's
3746s there's there's a lot of work that to be
3747s done on that long term
3750s um
3754s another question here and there
3763s yeah i i i can't give you a percentage
3765s number i don't know
3767s it also if i gave you a percentage
3768s number it would mean literally nothing
3770s to you as well so
3771s sorry i'm not gonna give you a number on
3772s that
3775s it would be very misleading
3782s and someone mentioning someone else to
3783s tag questions with my name
3789s what was the question
3791s so it's uh so it's been a while any
3793s updates on gun lance or fist weapons um
3798s uh gunpowder has not been invented
3801s in the world
3802s at this point
3804s uh as far as fist weapons go i don't
3806s think that the
3808s uh
3810s so the only character that i think would
3811s really fit fist weapons really nicely or
3813s at all would be a uh blade dancer and i
3816s think the the the fantasy of a blade
3818s dancer is a little
3820s i mean you can make the argument for a
3822s prime list but no the masteries really
3824s work so yeah
3827s um i i think you're more likely to see
3830s fist weapons come with a new mastery
3833s i'll say that
3835s um
3836s and gunpowder hasn't been invented so
3838s yeah
3840s uh sup sup
3842s uh i love speedrunning on this game
3844s sweet that's cool this is i i saw some
3846s uh
3848s some speedrunning talks recently
3849s actually
3851s i think that's neat
3853s um i i find speed running fascinating
3855s and i love it and i've i've never really
3857s tried to get into it um
3860s but i love
3861s uh
3863s like
3864s watching people do speedrunning streams
3866s and i love watching um recaps of like
3869s how we got to where we are on like
3870s certain certain world records and things
3871s like that um
3874s some great youtubers out there uh
3875s somebody saw those awesome ones really
3877s few and far between on his uh content so
3879s once you've like binged it it sucks
3881s because you're like
3882s where is it it's like a month two months
3884s later where is it
3885s um
3887s carl
3889s jokes jokes
3890s i don't know how to pronounce his name
3891s sorry uh he does good stuff too
3894s anyways uh on this game uh will there be
3897s some ladder for campaign or something
3899s more like in poe where they announce to
3901s the first one to reach areas i announced
3903s in the first person to reach an area is
3905s tricky
3906s um we definitely looked into that when
3908s we were designing our systems and i i
3910s know that was a feature that we wanted
3912s and we're unsure if we're gonna be able
3913s to deliver on
3915s uh certain landmarks like um
3920s like who's the first to reach a hundred
3922s that's easy to do
3923s um
3924s first enter zones might be possible but
3926s it's on the maybe list at the moment
3928s i i do love that that the way they
3930s announced that stuff i mean that's so
3931s cool just it gives a sense of
3935s being part of the event when it happens
3937s even though you're not and i think that
3938s the early examples of that that i
3940s experienced was in wow um
3943s we were
3945s we were fighting uh yogg-saron
3948s with all of the all of the guardians
3951s upset they were guardians so it's like
3952s the hardest version of yogg-saron on
3954s heroic difficulty and everything and
3955s there's like a big achievement for that
3957s um we're in the middle of the fight
3959s and the announcement comes through that
3961s another guild has done it and it's like
3964s it's so heartbreaking but it's cool
3967s um
3969s because we had done the exact same thing
3971s to them
3973s uh
3974s whatever the however long it was before
3976s in the trial of the grand crusade with
3978s the noob iraq where we had done the
3980s tribute to insanity it's like you do
3982s heroic mode with all 50 attempts
3983s remaining
3984s um
3985s and
3987s like no wipes which is insane
3990s and um
3993s you you have like
3995s i don't know it builds it builds
3996s community i guess like it has that
3998s competition it makes you feel like
3999s you're a part of it um the announcement
4001s goes out and then everyone like goes to
4003s dalaran and waits around and everyone
4004s shows up their new mounts and everything
4006s oh it's it's just it's cool to have and
4007s i really like that i love the poe does
4009s it
4010s i'd love to have something like that in
4012s our game too
4018s spiral kiosk asks i stumbled into this
4021s game trying to find other arpg to play
4022s so i haven't dug into all the notes yet
4025s there's a lot
4027s are there any plans to implement
4028s non-combat companions to grab gold not
4030s at the moment
4032s um
4033s if we did
4035s i do want to make this so so like we're
4036s not against
4037s like it'll never happen no it's not that
4039s we just don't have plans for at the
4040s moment it could happen if it does happen
4043s um
4044s uh the question that often comes up is
4046s like well if you're gonna make people
4048s pay five dollars to have a
4050s minion that goes around and picks things
4051s up because there are there are
4052s companions already
4054s um
4057s okay crap pick one that
4059s other people could have
4061s i know my account looks insane there we
4063s go
4064s um
4067s so like we do have little companions
4069s that'll follow you around already
4071s as rewards for um
4073s some of the kickstarter bundles the
4075s alpha bundle um and then the
4078s uh
4079s [Music]
4082s this is the current ones i know it looks
4084s like it's really weird that i have some
4085s of the higher ones and not the lower
4086s ones so if you have a higher one you're
4087s supposed to get the lower ones
4088s automatically
4090s i don't think these ones are released
4092s right now
4094s because they don't look fantastic they
4097s might be actually
4098s i don't know um
4101s but when you buy the game you just
4102s everyone gets this one right now
4104s and um that's something that's really
4107s important is that if hypothetically we
4109s were to add a pet that could pick up
4111s gold and it cost five dollars
4114s hypothetically hypothetically
4115s hypothetically um
4117s it there would always be a guaranteed
4120s free one that everyone had access to so
4122s we would never lock a system like that
4124s behind a cosmetic
4129s just wanna make sure that's that's
4130s really clear
4136s the the pickup range on gold's also
4137s pretty huge
4139s so it auto picks up
4141s uh do you think the sentinel theming of
4143s high dr high defense is sufficiently
4146s representative in last epoch when
4148s virtually all other classes have more dr
4151s uh
4154s innate it is innately okay uh in their
4156s passage started scrolled for a second
4157s there i didn't see what it said honey in
4159s their passive trees thoughts um
4165s i i think that the sentinel has more
4168s synergies with
4170s uh various dr related things
4172s if that makes any sense um
4175s i think you
4176s like they can synergize offense with
4178s defense a lot better
4179s um a prime example that is being able to
4181s scale offensive points in um
4184s void night with uh with vitality which
4187s is a defensive um attribute and the only
4189s people that can do that
4191s so i think there's i think there and i
4194s think that when
4195s um
4196s other classes are are
4198s taking these high defensive nodes they
4201s are giving up quite a bit in opportunity
4203s cost usually not always
4208s um and then sometimes
4210s there there are times where
4212s uh
4213s combinations are found that were not
4215s intended
4218s and are more powerful than we'd hoped
4228s but yeah if you don't feel like that's
4230s being represented properly um because i
4232s would say sentinel is designed generally
4233s to be the most defensive
4236s uh most uh
4238s the easiest to set up a
4240s fairly defensive class with
4243s since
4246s and if you've got examples or
4247s suggestions on how to make it better
4248s into that fantasy please head on over to
4251s our forums and leave a post there
4256s master sword oh you've gotta i don't
4257s know i didn't react to that as well
4259s release has summed for the first month
4262s in a row i know i say first month in a
4264s row but just
4265s thank you
4267s glad to have you with us i hope you're
4269s enjoying yourself
4271s oh not a rare one there
4276s all right
4281s uh any buff to high mana cost melee hits
4285s boyd cleveland racing strike at the
4286s moment they are underperforming an
4288s endgame we buff those a lot like i know
4290s it might seem like we do very much to it
4291s but we do buff them quite a bit those
4292s two specifically uh it feels
4295s feels like we're always buffing those
4296s skills like pretty well every patch it
4298s feels like we're blocking them for a
4299s while now um
4303s i think that the part of the problem
4307s is the assumption that they can be used
4309s exclusively
4313s and and having these skills where it's
4315s like oh it costs too much mana
4317s to use as your only damage source
4320s yes
4322s that's true
4327s uh are you hyped for sentinel league
4329s looks awesome i'm probably not gonna
4330s play it i do think it looks awesome i
4332s think the uh the change in the mechanic
4334s i feel it like
4336s i was not expecting what they did with
4338s it and i think that's really cool when
4340s you can surprise people
4347s yeah i'm hyped to see
4350s um what they can do with it what the
4352s impact is of it all those sorts of
4353s things
4354s i think it's gonna be
4355s great who knows what's gonna actually
4357s happen but
4359s i'm very excited for it
4363s uh
4364s first time chatters uh asked the
4366s question but didn't uh didn't ping me
4367s that's okay just a reminder if you got a
4369s question don't forget to put atlas last
4370s epoch game in the question and i will
4372s see it question was when is warlock
4374s going to be unlocked um for anyone that
4376s missed earlier it is sometime betw
4378s sometime after next patch
4381s and by launch at the latest so it will
4384s not be next patch
4386s it could be any patch after that up to
4388s and including 1.0
4394s all right
4395s so in games where they speed run the
4396s game does not change in an rpg that's a
4399s good point uh yeah uh in an apg there
4401s will be challenge
4403s changes and there will come a broken
4405s build that can do stuff that no one
4406s other build canada no matter if you wait
4408s 10 years no one will be able to beat it
4411s yeah and i think i was more referring to
4415s um
4417s shorter term differences so like um with
4421s with the level two because there's the
4422s ladders to 100 or 99 sorry and um
4427s like someone hits it and like that's it
4429s no one can ever do better than that
4430s right and that happened
4432s a week we're a weekend week and a half
4435s whatever it is now
4436s um
4441s so we're we're pretty we're pretty
4443s recent
4445s dallas has gifted a t1 sub to box jet
4447s 200.
4448s thanks nadalis uh maxi 200 is the game
4450s director for last epoch so
4453s um
4454s doesn't exactly need one here but thank
4456s you very much i appreciate it i always
4458s love seeing that one with people
4460s when it's like uh like a big gift and uh
4463s one of one of one of us gets randomly
4465s gets it that's always funny
4468s but that was targeted so good job
4471s oh have you have he's coming up with a
4473s bunch of five more from heavy thank you
4474s very much sir
4476s uh anyone in there i recognize
4479s no it's much but congrats to everyone
4480s who got one of those i hope you're
4482s enjoying yourself here
4484s and can take advantage of it let's go
4486s over here and get some more info
4489s uh
4491s yes sorry so the speedrun thing yeah so
4492s there's like
4494s um
4495s with the arena say someone say someone
4497s does says a three three
4499s month long cycle as an example
4502s just as a hypothetical and someone in
4504s the first month comes in and nothing
4506s changes mechanically in those three
4507s months in the first month someone comes
4509s in plays really hard gets up to like 500
4511s waves and it's like that's the top and
4513s then someone starts
4515s at this like with a month left and plays
4517s really hard and just before it finishes
4519s they get to 501 and they beat them
4520s that's great um they didn't need to be
4522s there for the first little bit to
4524s compete on that ladder
4526s and i think that's one of the big
4527s advantages of having
4529s a ladder that doesn't have a hard cap on
4531s it that's the point i was trying to get
4532s to
4535s oh hype train's going off what does that
4537s mean
4537s you ready
4543s thank you very much error word has kept
4546s things rolling here uh three more gifted
4549s subs oh perry the pig got one congrats
4551s perry
4553s perry hangs out quite a bit
4557s so that's great uh yeah i hope that
4559s explains a little bit better what i was
4561s trying to say because i know i can start
4563s rambling then i get off topic
4565s or i'll lose my thread sometimes
4569s sorry about that
4573s my confirmed falcon not a pet
4576s did i
4578s to find pets
4588s uh i think you're under i think your
4589s underlying question is why you already
4591s half an hour behind on chat ooh am i uh
4594s what is the most frustrating part of my
4595s job oh when there's um
4600s when there's a bug
4602s that
4603s you just can't solve
4607s and um
4612s like you just you you you struggle with
4614s it struggle with the struggle struggle
4615s with it and then it turns out you could
4618s never solve it
4621s um because like some something was down
4623s some server was down or something or
4625s like you know something had happened
4628s behind the scenes that like wasn't it
4630s wasn't your fault or something like that
4631s but like it appeared to be and it's just
4633s like you're you're spinning your wheels
4635s for nothing
4640s that's i find that frustrating
4645s regarding dungeons i was really
4647s disappointed by two
4649s three dungeon needing external resources
4652s and basically makes keys meaningless if
4654s you want to use them decently effect
4656s efficient yeah so i i just want to like
4659s i'll read the rest of the question here
4660s but like that that desire to have them
4663s be used efficiently
4665s i think that's something you've placed
4667s on yourself
4669s um will we see more self-contained
4671s dungeons in the future also dungeons
4673s that have
4674s a very high reward but are still very
4677s hard to access so just simply
4679s dropping a key wouldn't
4680s would already be uh an exciting moment
4685s i i think we may have gone a little too
4686s far the other way with keys
4689s uh drop rates like they might be too
4690s common now i don't know sorry it's
4692s really hard to get a feel for that
4693s exactly
4694s um
4695s i think they might be a little too
4696s common now
4698s a lot of the things in dungeons were
4700s just a little bit different from each
4702s other um that was very intentional
4704s where there are certain things that like
4706s yeah the likes of some of them are
4707s basically completely self-contained with
4709s the
4709s um
4712s uh
4713s so far bastion where like
4715s anything you have outside of the game is
4717s kind of irrelevant uh for the full-on
4719s rewards of that
4720s uh and that's really intentional
4722s compared to how like this arbor requires
4724s you to have a bunch of gold now you do
4726s get gold in the dungeon so you will
4728s always get some reward and you get a
4730s reward from the boss drops as well
4733s i mean i guess if you go in with zero
4734s gold you might not get much of the wave
4735s reward but anyways
4737s um
4742s what am i getting at here um
4745s we've we've definitely learned a lot
4746s from those dungeons and that they were
4749s all experiments on at least one axis
4753s um and i don't think that there is
4756s personally i don't think there's
4757s anything inherently wrong
4759s with either having self-contained or
4763s dungeons that require external resources
4765s to take full advantage of
4769s and maybe full advantage of the wrong
4770s word take uh optimal advantage of what
4773s was the term used
4775s efficient efficiently yeah so like
4777s uh having peak efficiency is
4780s something that a very small subset of
4782s players
4783s strive for i think
4786s um
4791s and and
4792s it's not something that we discount but
4795s it is something that
4797s um
4800s i don't know it's it's it's almost like
4801s a burden
4805s that isn't really there
4809s that's a bad way because it is really
4810s there uh i don't know i don't know how
4812s to explain this at all
4814s i think it's good to have both
4818s i hope i hope that answers it properly
4831s i really like having um
4834s the plus all attributes and and most
4837s uniques if you've picked them up
4838s recently you've seen them recently
4839s they've got to plus all attributes is
4841s because it was going through design i
4842s know i know i'm going to like so much of
4844s this puzzle attributes is just useless
4846s um and quite often when you see that
4848s puzzle attributes on items because uh we
4850s were like debating the item and i was
4851s like let's put plus electrics on it i
4853s like pitch that for basically every item
4855s i don't know i just love having plus all
4857s attributes on different items because i
4859s hate seeing zeroes here
4871s okay let's keep going
4877s gun powder hasn't been invented then
4879s what are the canons doing in the
4882s imperial era magic
4883s uh why use mana cost skills when all
4886s classes have op non-mana management
4889s builds i personally think the high mana
4891s melee skills need 10 times the power
4893s that they
4894s got to compare with
4895s compare with current zero op stuff i
4899s i think that might be a little bit of
4900s exaggeration
4902s but i understand where you're coming
4903s from
4915s like and and so i guess are you saying
4917s that you you want to deal 10 times the
4919s damage to take the
4921s lower cost skills off your bar or to put
4923s the higher cost skills on your bar in
4925s the first place
4927s and if it's to take to take the lower
4929s cost skills off your bar then there's a
4932s there's a disconnect in the goals there
4934s because that's not the goal
4945s like so i i
4947s in the build i'm playing right now i've
4948s got i've got two abilities that i'm
4949s using and i'm i'm weaving them in based
4951s on the situation and what's happening
4953s um
4955s and then i've got like so i've got two
4957s offensive abilities that i'm actively
4959s using both of them on
4960s and and like i know man is not a big
4962s deal in this bill but one of them costs
4964s 40 and one of them causes zero and i am
4966s very actively using both of them
4969s um
4971s based on the situation i think that's a
4973s really good thing personally
4976s um i wouldn't want to buff hail of
4978s arrows enough to take puncture off my
4979s bar and i wouldn't
4981s want to nerf hillary's enough to take
4984s haloveros off my bar you know that sort
4985s of thing
4995s i know there's a lot of builds that
4996s there's no reason to put the hail of
4998s arrows style ability on your bar
5001s and there might be a puncture build like
5002s there probably is a puncture build where
5004s you don't need hail of arrows on there
5005s at all but i really like playing with
5007s with multiple things to do
5010s um
5012s and i guess it's it's just giving people
5014s the ability to
5016s to do more than one thing if they want
5018s and having it be
5019s functional and fun and playable and and
5022s not just
5023s like
5025s strictly worse than that makes any sense
5031s as long as they're in the conversation
5042s happening
5051s catching up
5053s catching up
5054s oh i missed oh there you go then okay
5057s uh what's your favorite sound effect in
5059s last epoch
5060s oh that's a tough one um
5063s i've got a great answer to this question
5065s my favorite sound effect is when it's
5066s not in the game yet i'm going to share
5068s it with you right now holy
5072s looks a little bigger
5075s it comes with
5077s vfx too
5084s yeah i'm still on screen
5098s oh it's not playing the audio is it
5101s no
5102s is it playing the audio i just can't
5104s hear it
5110s well i'm hoping it plays together it's
5112s got a cool sound that goes with it
5115s uh see this is our new level up vfx
5118s uh and audio if it's playing i hope it
5120s is
5120s oh i got a message from rhymer i bet
5122s it's not playing the audio
5124s it is oh sweet cool
5129s uh yeah there we go
5133s getting a little bit of that like
5135s time theme i'm doing on that screen a
5136s little bit of that time theming in there
5139s i can't see my cursor behind that
5140s anyways whatever
5149s i understand the self-imposed desire to
5151s use it as efficient as possible but the
5154s dungeons are simply not worth or fun
5156s enough to just play them
5161s i disagree with that statement
5167s and like i sorry i shouldn't say this i
5169s i think a more accurate statement would
5171s be i understand self-imposed desire to
5173s use it as efficiently and possible but
5174s the dungeons simply are not worthwhile
5176s or fun enough to just play them for me
5179s would i think be an accurate statement
5180s but like
5181s for me they're not that for me they're
5183s just fun
5185s um
5187s i i do think that there's room for
5189s improvement in a lot of them
5192s um
5208s but also if they're not just fun to play
5211s wouldn't you prefer them to need
5213s external
5214s uh requirements so that you play them as
5216s few as times as possible
5220s maybe maybe i've completely missed the
5221s point you're trying to make there
5225s that's entirely possible
5228s uh i feel dungeons need to be at least
5230s monolith efficiency in reward to time to
5232s be worth the key if they aren't then why
5234s you pick up the key
5236s yeah and and
5237s they are supposed to be
5254s they're supposed to be on the same a
5256s similar level part of the problem as
5257s well is that monolith is a
5260s uh so dungeons are a fixed experience
5262s and the monolith is a variable
5264s experience that that can scale it has no
5266s cap on the scaling
5267s so it's it's almost impossible to get
5270s those numbers to line up at every level
5273s um
5277s and
5278s i i i noticed some of the people that
5280s are that are commenting on this right
5282s now are
5283s i i would suggest probably in the
5286s higher
5287s uh level of
5289s um
5291s uh experience and uh character power
5295s uh
5296s like like you
5297s especially heavy in air where i i
5299s recognize your names quite a lot from
5301s for a very long time you probably know a
5303s lot more than the average player you
5304s probably have a lot better gear than the
5306s average player you know that sort of
5307s thing so it is difficult to get those
5309s two things to line up
5312s at every level and you might be sort of
5314s like outside of the range of where that
5316s lines up you know
5324s uh i i think we'll also start to see
5327s less disparity
5329s on the system as a whole as we get just
5331s get more dungeons in
5332s it is very much designed to be
5334s um
5336s expanded upon
5338s big time
5339s and we'll we'll see changes to it as it
5340s goes we'll see new types of dungeons
5342s with new mechanics that will we'll take
5344s the stuff that we learned we already
5345s like threw out three different dungeons
5348s that we had considered quite heavily
5350s based on feedback we got from the
5351s dungeons that we put in
5353s and you know so like there's
5354s there's already changes happening to the
5355s dungeons because we're like well people
5357s like this they didn't like this for the
5359s most part and like well this plane was
5361s gonna have this so but people don't seem
5362s to like that in this dungeon so i guess
5364s we'll take that idea off the table and
5366s you know things like that and like oh we
5367s had thrown this idea out but people
5369s didn't seem to really like that style of
5371s thing this other dungeon so maybe we'll
5372s add it back in with some changes and
5374s stuff like that
5378s it's not like to carry back to a
5379s question as well we got asked earlier
5381s with um
5383s all of the uh
5386s uh cycle content
5388s um
5390s new and modified versions of existing
5392s dungeons is definitely a thing that we
5394s can we can add into cycles that i think
5395s is would be really positive
5397s um
5402s uh a way to expand the content without
5405s without adding too much stuff because i
5407s think one of the things that causes
5409s um
5411s more
5412s more bloat in a system like path of
5414s exiles is when when the systems when the
5416s new systems tie into the old
5419s uh very heavily
5423s where um
5425s they're sort of like required to to to
5427s happen and i mean like
5428s you can
5429s if if the um
5432s baltimore certain fate is
5434s not efficient enough for you you don't
5436s have to interact with it and the only
5438s unique things that come out of that
5439s dungeon are the boss rewards right
5456s but it's all great feedback and i'm
5457s really happy that the conversation is
5458s going right
5461s sorry i guess i should probably
5463s pull back a little bit here and say
5465s that i do appreciate the feedback and i
5467s think it is really good feedback
5470s i'm not trying to discount the feedback
5488s all right
5493s continuing back to the the mana cost for
5496s skill power conversation
5499s uh why use a high mana skill while with
5502s the same amount of time i get mana back
5505s i can out dps that skill with zero mana
5507s usage yeah yeah okay so i think that
5509s just comes from
5511s those zero mana skills are a little too
5512s powerful probably for the most part
5516s and i i don't i don't yeah so like i
5518s agree with you that it is there's
5519s probably still disparity there
5521s um
5525s but i think 10 times might be a little
5527s over the top
5545s might
5552s and there are other factors there as
5553s well so like
5554s um
5557s like like
5558s here's a really basic example but like
5561s with
5562s puncture i mean that it's okay with
5564s puncture i have to be able to hit
5566s a fairly specific point to hit something
5568s so there's some element of skill there
5571s with
5572s um
5572s hail of arrows the space that i have to
5574s hit is
5576s unbelievably huge by comparison so
5578s there's there is an element of like
5581s some abilities are easier to play with
5583s um and that gets factored as well but if
5586s you are a player that is incredibly
5587s skilled uh that suddenly becomes much
5590s less of a factor because you don't need
5592s to
5593s um
5594s you don't you don't worry about that
5595s because you're like oh i can hit things
5596s with either it doesn't matter and i know
5599s hitting things with puncture isn't hard
5600s but um
5602s it's it's not a completely
5605s uh zero
5608s [Music]
5610s impact portion of the skill
5629s not uh with their cooldowns it often
5632s feels like you're uh you need a zero
5633s cost skill anyway in between and you're
5635s often better off overall just focus on
5637s that one than to manage the mana cycle
5639s yeah that makes sense um
5645s we might need to just improve synergies
5646s between low and high cost skills in
5648s general so like using the high cost
5650s skills makes your low cost skills better
5652s or something like that
5655s so like the way to get the most out of
5658s puncture would be to use something like
5660s hail of arrows and i'll keep using those
5661s as an example because i'm just
5664s playing with it right now
5671s that was considering high medical skills
5672s and kids just like mine to watch out
5676s for the audio
5678s i wish there was like little time stamps
5680s beside these i better catch that on
5682s actually
5683s uh what would make dungeons way cooler
5685s would be
5686s door modifiers that actually impact the
5688s dungeon rewards instead of having
5690s generically and replaceable modifiers
5692s like this arbor and temporal sanctum
5694s modifiers are very boring sulfide
5695s bashing modifiers are so much cooler
5698s yeah i i would agree with that
5705s we were a little hesitant
5708s uh about the
5710s the sulphide bastion modifiers
5717s that's what i mean about like
5719s they were all kind of experiments in
5720s different ways
5721s because we're still experimenting we're
5722s still trying to figure out what uh what
5724s works what doesn't
5726s what's fun what's
5727s not
5729s so pretty well every feature is an
5730s experiment in some way
5733s i barely played uh since 8-5 due to irl
5736s stuff and so far the new dungeons
5738s haven't been able to draw me back in
5739s over other games fair enough i'm biased
5741s awards reworks and new masteries hint uh
5743s but i feel little to no endorphins on
5745s getting a new dungeons and drops yeah
5747s and that's
5749s makes total sense there's there's all
5750s sorts of different players that like
5751s different things and different things
5752s besides you um
5757s it's not happening
5760s like
5760s the the the the the big thing with and
5763s like i don't begrudge you for not
5764s playing because we're not releasing the
5766s things that are exciting to you that
5767s makes total sense
5768s uh
5770s totally fair um
5774s just to sort of like
5778s i guess reassured the
5780s masteries aren't
5782s out yet because releasing them now
5785s would delay the entire game
5789s [Music]
5795s so in an attempt to
5798s finish the whole game sooner
5800s they got delayed
5803s [Music]
5808s which i know i've said before several
5809s times
5811s i don't think i said the stream
5820s uh the ui work you did on the map was
5822s amazing i find though that the campaign
5825s is really confusing on it it's tricky to
5827s do the whole time travel stuff in a
5829s map where you're like moving different
5831s areas it's it's it's still tough and
5833s there's improvements to have there i
5834s agree
5835s um but it's getting a lot better i think
5837s we're making big strides in the right
5839s direction um
5841s also like where is too much hand holding
5843s this
5844s like where's the line there i don't know
5846s um
5847s the campaign over overall is getting
5851s quite a bit of work done on it over the
5853s next while like that's something that is
5855s still evolving and
5857s um
5858s there's a lot of work that's being done
5859s on the campaign
5861s the the presentation of it the structure
5863s of it the
5864s pacing of it
5866s um
5867s all that
5875s the fact that we switch ears is already
5877s confusing to follow but we don't even
5878s have a ch have the chapter we are in
5881s displayed on the map although knowing
5883s which area corresponds to which chapter
5884s is impossible to see on the map right
5886s now
5887s yeah okay that's a good point having the
5888s chapters there probably would be really
5890s useful there's a little bit of overlap
5891s but not much you can see what chapter
5893s you're in by pressing escape
5896s which i know is like kind of weird and
5900s oddly unintuitive to have
5902s having like which chapter each quest was
5903s part of
5904s might be useful like in the quest log
5907s or when you zoom out here having like
5910s chapter three
5911s town or something like that might be
5913s useful
5914s let's get feedback that's the sort of
5916s thing that i would encourage you to go
5917s to our forums and leave a post about
5925s uh
5926s would you ever add the dungeon bosses as
5928s modified fights in the monoliths so that
5931s our uniques are obtainable a different
5932s way unlikely but possibly
5935s um
5936s is very intentionally distinct and
5938s separate um
5945s maybe
5956s it it like
5960s i i i if if the hypoth like so if the
5962s goal is to i know this probably isn't
5964s the goal that you're going for here with
5965s the suggestion but if the goal were to
5967s make key drops more exciting this would
5969s have the exact opposite effect
5986s uh will the shaman mastery rework remain
5988s theming on cold lightning or will it
5990s lean away from cold damage due to the
5992s emphasis on cold element druid received
5994s uh
5996s the
5998s the the shaman's primary theming is
6000s around um
6004s like uh like the wrath of nature i would
6007s i would put that like the um
6009s the the elemental wrath of nature
6012s is sort of i guess
6014s that's a bad tag line there's there's
6015s there's a clever way to word that that
6017s sounds awesome in there i promise i
6019s don't know what it is but i bet it's
6020s there
6021s um and
6023s one of the primary
6025s elements that nature has at its at its
6027s disposal is cold
6032s if you're if you're unprepared in the
6033s wilderness
6035s dying to exposure is one of the most
6036s common and that's just a fancy way of
6038s saying you got too cold
6045s [Music]
6048s not happening
6057s i guess where i am
6059s you got too cold
6066s easy too easy
6068s um but yeah i i would say there's uh
6070s cold lightning physical are the three
6072s primary
6073s elements of primalist
6076s and that has no intention of changing
6081s and poison cold lightning physical
6082s points but shaman's less on the poison
6089s got my beetle
6104s not happening
6119s yeah i might have to drop something for
6120s that
6129s could you see major changes to all
6131s bosses for high-end content major
6134s changes to all bosses is an unbelievable
6136s amount of work so
6138s just right there like maybe but like
6142s that's a huge project
6144s uh like empowered monolith or possibly
6146s third model to fake difficulty
6149s same boss fight more complex mechanics
6151s path magazine did this as well in
6153s sentinel with uber pinnacle bosses
6156s getting new mechanics i think that gives
6158s you as devs really good room to design
6160s even more epic boss fights without
6161s overpowering new players yeah i think
6163s that um as we get more campaign in to go
6167s further
6168s uh
6169s and as we get more more updates to the
6172s um
6175s to the like monolith and other endgame
6177s mechanics
6178s i would i would
6179s be
6180s more interested in mechanically updating
6183s the current empowered versions
6185s rather than adding in a third tier
6188s um
6190s and and and having boss fights change
6192s more as you go to harder versions of
6194s them i think is a great idea and we
6196s we're already doing that a little bit we
6197s try and do it more and more as we go
6198s further um
6201s i think that their needs like we don't
6203s really have
6204s any bosses that fit in the same category
6207s as
6208s the like uber pinnacle bosses or just
6210s uber bosses and poe in general
6212s yet
6214s um
6215s because there is this infinite scaling
6217s measure that goes on with with
6220s the monoliths i'm not sure that the
6222s um
6223s monolith bosses are the right place to
6225s do that it might be
6227s um
6229s but we'll see i i there's definitely
6231s room for uh
6234s like capstone boss content that doesn't
6236s exist yet
6242s here's multiplayer ever coming out don't
6243s forget to at last game with a question
6245s if you want me to answer it yes it's
6246s definitely ever coming out
6248s uh yes you can turn timestamps on with
6251s the settings menu interesting i will
6253s have to look that up
6264s escape is for irl calls
6267s why would i ever press it
6269s it doesn't even pause the game
6276s it does uh in the editor though when
6278s we're working on it
6279s which i find funny
6283s uh you know what we are i i've been so
6285s stingy with you all
6287s i'm sorry
6289s need to apologize
6290s my bad
6293s hey look at this cool thing
6295s i wonder what that could be i bet it's
6297s not related to anything i put up last
6299s week
6306s yeah so this is uh
6309s the uh updated visuals for the summon
6313s bear skill for the prime list
6316s which i'm so excited about
6320s see you later theodore move over
6326s uh you mean cold physical totem melee vs
6329s spell and lightning only slapped on to
6331s other things rarely being focused itself
6332s right i came totally not shaman for life
6335s yeah
6337s there's some destruction that needs to
6338s happen a little bit but yeah it's
6340s um
6343s those are all themes but as far as
6345s elements go like if we're talking so
6347s when i was talking about this i'm just
6348s like
6349s like so we usually pick somewhere in the
6351s range of three to four of these elements
6353s for each class
6355s um
6356s and so
6357s primalist is these four in the middle
6360s lightning through poison that's
6361s primalist
6364s and like um
6365s sentinel for example is
6367s uh fire physical
6370s void
6371s um
6372s and then they get some stuff with
6374s lightning as well as there's there's
6375s forever that creeping in
6377s um
6378s and you can make builds like i saw a
6380s poison
6381s someone was streaming they were doing a
6382s poison uh warpath build so like it works
6385s it's there you can do it it's just not
6386s the primary focus
6387s um and like mage is these three here you
6390s know
6392s and acolyte is these four on the end
6394s it's basically everything other than
6396s major and accolade are kind of inverse
6397s of each other
6398s um so there's like
6400s and there's there's overlaps there
6402s because you can do fire things in
6403s acolyte now
6405s um
6406s yeah
6411s demons dead on
6413s demon's dad
6415s demons demon's dad on what
6418s demons dead on has subbed for twitch
6419s prime thank you very much
6421s as i fumble through your name like an
6423s idiot
6424s my bad
6426s i realized as well that i was just
6429s referencing the things with the screen
6432s open
6433s sorry
6437s i was
6438s i was sectioning off these so like
6439s shaman is
6441s primeless is these four here
6443s that's what i was trying to say
6445s there's people telling me that now i'm
6447s just going to sorry
6452s wait is the bearer a dlc
6459s um
6460s a subtle callback to the start of the
6463s dlc flood gate um
6466s which is which is horse armor in
6469s um oblivion it's oblivion
6474s what's wrong with oblivion or skyrim
6483s it was oblivion okay
6485s i thought it was oblivion
6488s not losing my mind it is it is not uh
6493s um
6495s a dlc armor no that's just what the bear
6496s will look like
6504s [Music]
6506s oh new bear yeah new bear
6508s aaron i think you were you were
6509s mentioning something about a bear in
6512s on your last podcast or something you're
6513s talking like oh we're gonna get like see
6515s new bear visuals soon or something
6518s i was like yeah real soon
6531s all right
6534s is it just a visual update or is the
6536s skill getting update too um the skills
6538s definitely update too this is something
6540s i've talked about before uh we we didn't
6543s want to do a skill update for
6546s so okay uh saber summon sabertooth uh
6549s sum and bear
6550s are are both extremely old skills
6554s and we've wanted to do updates to a lot
6556s of their functionality in their in their
6558s trees for quite a while now um
6561s but a lot of those changes came with
6562s them uh vfx changes uh model change
6566s visual changes like uh and just stuff
6568s that we didn't have
6570s we would have to do the modeling of the
6572s vfx for them
6574s uh for these changes and we
6576s knew that we wanted to update the
6577s visuals to a new style on both of those
6580s skills um and gollum same answer for
6582s golem here uh
6584s and so we didn't want to do the work to
6587s change them visually
6590s and then
6591s update their visuals and have to do all
6593s of that work again
6595s so we were holding off on
6598s um
6600s doing the doing the functional changes
6602s to the to those three skill trees before
6604s we did any
6605s um until we had visual changes ready to
6607s go for them
6609s and then uh on top of that there's
6617s what was i'm going to say
6623s primeless oh yes and then so the
6626s creating those new visuals for them
6629s um
6630s competes with a lot of other things as
6632s well so um i know a lot of people have
6634s been talking about like uh like okay
6637s we're doing cosmetic ntx anything like
6638s that and we want to make uh stuff for
6641s that but oh you can't do that until
6642s you've got the models for everything in
6644s game to actually look right so before we
6646s can do
6647s before we could work on the
6649s bare and saber tooth and golem models we
6652s had to
6653s work on the like having this hat
6655s actually look like this hat
6657s so that um
6659s we can also because because though that
6661s project
6662s of replacing all the gear models was
6664s blocking the project for mtx as well
6669s so there's like is this just like
6670s cascading like okay well this has that
6673s before that it says them for that
6674s and um
6676s finding how to do it most efficiently so
6678s the fewest things are blocked as
6679s possible is
6681s is really important
6686s that's why having
6688s good project management is really
6690s important
6694s shout out to the project managers
6697s [Music]
6710s i think i might play this build a little
6712s bit longer than some of the other ones
6713s because i actually want to get into
6714s empowered everything i might make a
6715s proper loot filter
6718s or if you guys are getting bored of it i
6719s might switch up something new
6722s that fight at the end of last stream
6723s with the uh
6725s um
6728s oh what's it called the the the rogue
6731s arena champion was just so great
6733s afterwards i'm like i just want to keep
6734s playing this bill this character i just
6735s want to keep going like no save it for
6737s stream mic save it for stream
6747s all right sir see you soon booting up my
6749s stream see you in
6752s i'll be there in about 18 minutes but
6756s everyone else will join you sooner
6762s uh that would be mcfluffin doing a ruby
6764s fanboy yeah okay
6767s that was the poison uh um
6770s whirlwind
6771s that's a good way to do
6778s a it bit for the lulls
6782s selfish request about speedrunning will
6784s it be possible to still interact with ui
6786s elements when i click on time rifts
6788s talking about the fade to black clicking
6789s out before having to change the time
6791s animation extremely unlikely
6794s um
6796s easy too easy
6799s i think more likely it would be like a
6802s ability to like just skip the whole
6804s thing entirely
6808s then than being yeah
6812s maybe
6816s that's i'll i'll be real honest with you
6818s about this and it's not going to be what
6820s you want to hear
6822s um especially when we're in this early
6825s stage still we're still in early access
6826s we're still trying to get the core game
6827s finished
6828s speed running is not a core
6831s functionality to the game
6833s um it's something we love and we want to
6836s support as much as we can
6837s um if the decision comes down to
6840s should we make this
6841s feature that literally everyone has to
6843s interact with or should we make this
6845s feature that like
6846s a really tiny subset of players will
6850s have a small impact on
6852s um
6854s because that would be nice but it's not
6855s the end of the world type thing
6859s it gets pushed down the list a
6862s and bit
6862s hope you can understand that
6866s it's just not uh
6868s we have to prioritize
6870s in order to get it done
6872s like if if we were just like
6874s willing to do whatever i mean years
6876s before we were done so
6878s a lot of cool stuff in there
6880s oh i probably should have gone here only
6881s five minutes left i'm gonna rapid fire
6883s these questions off
6886s without getting us any details can you
6887s get a glance at what damage types the
6889s three missing masteries will most likely
6891s focus on overlap being a chronic fire
6893s focus that'll get your physical remaster
6894s also all three elements i would say the
6896s only thing i can say about this is that
6898s the elements you will not see any major
6900s deviations from the base class uh
6903s elements that are available so falconer
6906s will have roughly the same cla elements
6908s available as
6909s um blade dancer and marksman rogue as a
6912s whole
6912s rune master will have roughly the same
6914s elements available as
6916s mage sorcerer and spellblade and warlock
6919s will have roughly the same elements
6920s available as
6921s uh acolyte necromancer and lich and i
6924s say roughly the same because there could
6926s be focuses that shift or like anyone
6927s that gets out of the inner one that kind
6928s of gets dropped a little bit but for the
6930s most part they're roughly pretty similar
6937s opinions on the community unique event
6938s results community response etc i mean
6942s uh i do have a lot right at the end and
6944s i kind of want to answer this more in
6945s depth but
6947s it is
6948s uh i i love the amount of engagement
6950s that happened out of it um i definitely
6953s think we made a couple little
6956s slips
6957s the biggest problem that happened i
6959s think is we were we were concerned it
6960s would take too long and people kind of
6962s lose interest so we tried to condense
6964s things down a little bit and we may have
6965s condensed it down a tiny bit too much
6968s um which i was on the team of let's
6970s condense it down so that was partially
6973s fault out of here
6973s i'm just my
6975s um
6976s but i'm pumped for the item that's
6978s coming
6979s and
6980s i think it was very successful so you
6982s know overall i'd be surprised if if
6984s nothing like this ever happens again
6985s type thing
6987s but after we've learned things because
6989s we like learning things uh what do you
6991s think about big echo style maps like uh
6993s bloodmore where you have to kill all the
6995s mobs in the mid boss funds with similar
6997s skills to the main timeline boss to
6999s teach mechanics of the timeline boss um
7005s good
7007s i i do really like that
7010s that's about all i've got
7013s uh is the is this confirmation that
7015s those skills are getting their reworked
7017s next patch
7018s uh
7019s no
7020s because i don't actually have a list of
7021s skills that i'm working on for next
7022s patch yet
7024s uh all i hear is we prefer to be lazy
7028s i'm not 100 sure what that was in
7030s reference to but i don't think that's
7031s true at all
7034s uh
7035s oh this is probably when i was talking
7036s about the like not wanting to do it
7038s twice
7040s this is we have
7041s like if you have 10 units of time to do
7043s something in and
7045s um
7047s the
7048s if you had to redo things it would make
7050s it so you couldn't do everything in
7052s those 10 units of time uh
7055s then we
7056s and we had to like cut content from the
7058s final game like like
7060s if this is what i think you're talking
7061s about like we prefer to have more stuff
7063s in the in launch game than have our
7066s early access be a tiny bit better right
7068s now that makes any sense
7071s we're playing we're playing the
7074s we're basically everything we do is like
7076s get us to launch get us the launch get
7077s us to launch that's where we're at right
7078s now is is how do we get to launch with
7080s the most stuff in the best quality we
7081s can
7083s uh if you make content timer based i
7086s would literally quit
7087s i'll want to play wow again
7090s did i say that
7096s i don't
7097s if i said anything about like time gated
7099s content where like you can only do like
7101s once a week or something like that
7102s i apologize i don't think i said
7104s anything like that
7106s like raid lockouts i was not intending
7108s to say anything like rated lockouts if
7110s that's what you're talking about i i
7111s hope that's not what you meant or i
7113s don't know what that question is i'm
7114s sorry
7115s uh
7115s i take to highlight your question uh
7118s is it intentional that we can't make
7120s hybrid builds with spell attacks
7122s uh like on my spellblade at some point
7124s you have to make a choice in game either
7126s spell or attacks um
7129s for the most part yes we try to
7132s give you the tools to go outside the box
7135s if you want uh
7136s some of these things that aren't quite
7138s there for hybrids will probably come
7139s with uniques in the future
7142s uh reacts with tags
7144s uh bolton squad first time chat and a
7147s tag question look at you you know what
7148s you're doing i don't know if this has
7150s been answered before but for multiplayer
7152s do you have seasons events races etc
7153s planned do you yes uh do you plan on
7156s pulling in some of the top pve diablo
7158s streamers to do so yeah i mean um
7162s if you're familiar with uh some big pb
7164s players uh carve
7166s is
7167s uh he's been a member of our team for
7169s years now
7171s and he's great so we do we do try and
7175s talk to people who are in
7176s related communities
7179s because they have a lot of experience in
7180s these types of games
7182s we we had a big stream with uh an
7186s interview with zizerin who's primarily a
7188s poe streamer uh that was like last week
7191s or something
7192s so that was great uh so yeah we we
7195s definitely do look into other
7196s communities
7197s and we're definitely going to be looking
7198s at seasons of events races and stuff
7199s like that so yeah
7202s and yeah and also to be clear we never
7204s encourage someone to be like you should
7205s stop doing that and come do this instead
7207s it's always just like we see you like
7208s that you might like this too it's sort
7210s of the extent of it um
7213s because there's room for more than one
7214s awesome action rpg
7219s can we expect an ellie royale
7224s [Laughter]
7226s um
7227s i think that that was a very successful
7230s game mode
7231s um
7233s the path of excel put in and uh
7237s i think it'd be a lot of fun
7239s not gonna not gonna say yes or no to
7241s that unfortunately however
7243s we've come to the end of our stream i
7244s hope you all had fun i know i did
7247s and to take us out i actually have one
7249s more thing that i forgot to share so
7251s here we go right at the wire anyone
7253s who's still here here's one last uh
7255s preview for the stream and i'll i feel
7257s like aaron's already gone so i'll uh
7260s probably show this again on his stream
7261s in a minute here but yeah um
7264s last little thing to take us out
7270s that's all we've got for you this week i
7271s hope you had fun
7274s thanks for stopping by
7276s we're gonna go say hi to aaron and uh so
7278s yeah in
7279s about ten minutes i'm gonna go
7281s get a drink of water take a quick
7282s breather catch my breath uh
7285s and i'll be back we're going to be
7286s designing a new unique item on aaron's
7288s stream so i'm going to host over to
7290s aaron right now um
7292s if you just go there or you stick around
7293s there we will be doing his
7296s unique item creation on stream will be
7297s about an hour we'll also have uh nifty
7300s our one of our concept artists coming in
7301s there doing some concept art for the
7303s item live as we're talking about it so
7306s that's gonna be a ton of fun hope to see
7307s you over there
7310s there's anything else i missed um
7312s please feel free to head on over to our
7314s discord where we do have
7315s uh there's people always answering
7316s questions that are asked the dev section
7317s we also ask the community section if
7319s it's an easier question um there's tons
7321s of very knowledgeable people over there
7322s they'll be happy to answer questions see
7324s you later