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over 2 years ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

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Like the title states, we have a date!

We have more details coming later this week that include a bit of a dive into what we have been working on, and where we are headed!

over 2 years ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Yup. We have a full deep dive coming later in the week.

over 2 years ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Lweed-

Are all community testers going to be invited to this invitational?

Community testers have constant access through the CT Program. So they 'technically' won't receive an invite, but will still have access to multiplayer through the normal program so don't need an invite.

over 2 years ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by pogothrow

Does anyone know if this update will come with new content, or is it just adding multiplayer to what is there already?

Patch 0.9.0 will have a whole lot of other updates and additions! We'll be releasing another Dev Blog later this week which will have some more information on some of the things coming in 0.9.0, as well as our previous dev blogs, and teasers we've released (one of our community members has compiled a list of all teasers we've released on our forums here: https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/dev-q-a-weve-sprung-a-leak/49707). The big categories for 0.9.0 are Multiplayer, Combat Feel, and Performance. So there's tons of VFX and SFX changes, new models, updated maps, balance changes and more!

about 2 years ago - Mike_W - Direct link

No, if you want to play 0.9, you need to use Steam. We were unable to get it working with our launcher in time.

about 2 years ago - Mike_W - Direct link

We haven’t set the exact time that it will go live yet. It likely will be similar to previous events which are in the morning North America time so that we have the most support staff ready to assist right away.

about 2 years ago - Mike_W - Direct link

For a select few players I expect that this is probably true but in order to make multiplayer function properly in time for the 0.9 release, we were unable in incorporate our launcher in time. The item gifting system is also included in 0.9 so you will be able to share loot with party members.