about 1 year ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

Hello! I’d like confirm that the reason patch notes haven’t been posted is that we’re still working on them. We plan to post them before the 9th.

We decided not to release patch notes alongside the recent Multiplayer tests for a few reasons:

  • Focus our efforts on getting the game itself ready for the events
  • Avoid confusion if something in the patch notes changed again before the official 0.9 release.

Many of our social posts are previews of the content coming in 0.9, though they’re in more of a Showcase format than patch notes.

about 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

I’m sorry to burst your bubble here but you’ve severely over estimated the extra information that the CTs get.

All the “early patch notes” comes from people taking data from the game builds that we released publically during the test events. The builds we used for the test events had a very significant amount of changes that the CTs had never seen before those events started.

Edit: I’m also shocked by the assertion that we provide too much publically available information about the game when people ask. I literally check Reddit and the forums many times a day, every day, to try and answer questions and don’t hold back because it’s not on the discord.

about 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

The ask-the-devs channel on our discord is one of, if not the closest thing to universally approved that we do. We have no intention of stopping it. I’m sorry you don’t like it.

Almost all the questions that get asked there can be answered by reading forum posts but most people don’t have time to go through them all so they just ask the specific question they want to know.

If you ask the same question there and here, we will answer it in equal detail. The format of a single thread that I can keep open as I work makes interacting with it significantly faster.

The ask the devs channel is not locked behind any sort of paywall or special permissions. Nobody is getting an unfair advantage by asking questions in it.