about 5 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link



These changes are to compensate for the loss of a guaranteed stun on the Entangling Roots tree in 0.7.5, and make some balance adjustments.

  • Mana cost reduced to 55 (from 70).
  • Added damage effectiveness increased to 250% (from 200%).
  • Added a new node that adds a guaranteed stun and a cooldown.
  • Added a new node that increases stun duration and cooldown duration.
  • Small changes have also been made to the requirements of some nodes.

Erasing Strike

  • Added damage effectiveness increased to 200% (from 170%)
  • Strength scaling changed to 5% increased melee damage (from 4% increased melee damage).

Forge Strike

  • Characters with Forge Strike specialized will receive a free respec for its tree
  • Added a new node behind Put to the Sword that increases bleed effectiveness.
  • Forged by Fire can have 4 points allocated (up from 3), and adds 10 fire damage per point (up from 7).
  • Mass Production now adds a 5% chance to summon weapons (it previously stated 8% increased chance).
  • Well Forged Weapons now grants 25% increased summoned weapon duration (it previously stated 20%) and can have 4 points allocated (down from 5).
  • Removed the Patient Strike node as its damage increase was not working.
  • Slightly adjusted connections and requirements


  • Cyclone now prevents Maelstrom from freezing enemies, but also grants 5% increased global physical damage per stack of Maelstrom.

Sigils of Hope

  • Each Sigil grants 4 fire damage (down from 5)
  • Each Sigil grants 25% increased health regen (up from 20%)
  • Characters with Sigils of Hope specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
  • Iron Sigils grants 40 armour per point (down from 50).
  • Meditation now doubles health regen from Sigils rather than providing 100% increased health regen per Sigil.
  • Sigils of Despair no longer doubles the added damage, but now also grants 15% increased void damage per Sigil.
  • Sign of the Guardian grants 1% block chance (from 2%) and 15 block protection (from 5).
  • Adjusted some connections and requirements.


  • The death screen now shows the type of damage that dealt the killing blow in addition to the name of the ability.
  • Your skills are no longer put on cooldown when you transform back to human form. Cooldowns are tracked while transformed, so if a cooldown has 10 seconds remaining and then you transform for 8 seconds, that cooldown will have 2 seconds remaining.


  • Improved Avalanche’s sound to be less jarring.
  • Fixed Solar Auxiliary enemies not having impact sounds for their arrows.
  • Fixed Wengari Raider enemies not having impact sounds for their melee attacks.
  • Adjusted the volume levels of enemies in Chapter 7.

Enemy Balance

  • Further reduced the damage of Fire Paladin’s Earthquake attack.
  • Reduced the damage of Holy Fire Novas from Rare Osprix Vanguards by 12%.


  • Improved the performance of Avalanche’s visuals.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed item tooltips getting stuck open in some situations.

  • Fixed item tooltips displaying icons with incorrect colors if you had hovered over a shard beforehand.

  • Fixed duplicate set items causing tooltip to show a higher tier set bonus.

  • Fixed instability in tooltips not being shown when moving the mouse between items.

  • Fixed the hybrid health leech affix having a tier 3 range of 70% to 20% leech, rather than 17% to 20%.

  • Fixed being unable to use Shield Rush if you changed your weapon, which made it seem as if you no longer had a shield equipped.

  • Fixed Flame Ward not granting 30% less damage taken as stated on the tooltip.

  • Fixed a bug where “while channelling” stats did not work with Warpath.

  • Fixed Flame Ward’s Barrier node not granting less damage taken.

  • Fixed bugs where Forge Strike’s Mass Production and Well Forged Weapons nodes had no effect.

  • Fixed a bug where Forge Strike’s Put To The Sword node did not increase attack speed.

  • Fixed Maelstrom’s Votex node increasing the damage of Maelstroms cast on yourself, rather than just those cast on your totems.

  • Fixed various bugs with the buff display for Sigils of Hope.

  • Fixed a bug where the Faith for Sigils of Hope triggered on every hit, rather than just hits that dealt more than 25% of your health.

  • Fixed a bug where the Decree of Flame node for Sigils of Hope had no effect.

  • Fixed a bug where respeccing the Sigils of Despair node for Sigils of Hope would have no effect until the character was reloaded.

  • Fixed the poison chance granted by Skeleton Mage’s Putrid Essence node not being converted to ignite chance for Pyromancers or chill chance for Cryomancers.

  • Fixed the Diode node for Static granting too much added crit chance.

  • Fixed Storm Totem’s Stormrider node granting 30% movement speed per point rather than the stated 10%.

  • Fixed the Paladin’s Shield Wall node granting 5% block chance per point, rather than the stated 3%.

  • Fixed a chest being difficult to open in Maj’elka.

  • Fixed Artem’s icon disappearing in the Council Chambers in some situations.