about 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody welcome back to
6s the last epoch devstream as always i am
9s your host mike
11s i'm glad to have you here
13s we're gonna hop right in
14s just bump right into the monolith here
16s i'm gonna try and i'm gonna try and
17s level up a little bit and uh see if we
20s can push this model as quick as we can
22s maybe do uh
24s maybe a few more
26s dungeons i know we were a little under
27s leveled for the next year of dungeons as
29s uh i was trying to do last stream
32s but we're here let's do this thing oh
34s two friends are these are nice
37s um
40s good ones too my goodness
44s am i gonna have to like go hard
46s a bit
47s i had i've been having this weird thing
49s going on with my headphones recently
52s i don't know what it is but all of a
54s sudden they were incredibly quiet
56s like incredibly quiet
59s uh so i had them like cranked all the
61s way up to a hundred
62s um everything was cranked to to full
65s just i had like downloaded extra
67s programs like get my volume turned up
68s louder
70s and i turned my computer on yesterday
73s and all of a sudden the volume is back
74s to normal and i kind of hurt my ears a
76s bit
79s but
80s and and i don't know why
83s but the g
88s and now the lights are off completely
89s and i don't know what's going on at all
90s but the there were lights on my headset
92s and the g turned blue and it started
94s working again all right whatever
103s so we're back and working again
106s hello everybody hello aaron glad to have
108s you here don't normally see you live for
110s the streams glad to have you with us
118s i don't know if you had
119s if you had enough material to do any
121s sort of depth chat last week it was
123s basically me just struggling
125s to uh to
127s breathe hello rhymed i am having a great
131s day
133s hope you're having a good day too
151s very happy with this build so many dots
153s take so many ailments stack up so
155s quickly on these enemies
158s feels real
169s nice if this is anyone's first time here
172s um i'm one of the developers for 11th
174s hour games working on last epoch and um
178s i'm happy to answer any questions you
179s have as you see other people in channel
181s already putting an ass last epoch game
183s tag on their questions they'll
186s get me to answer it much easier
188s um
190s also any and all
193s money we get through donations and bits
194s and subs and everything it all goes to
196s charity and for the last couple months
198s uh well last month of this month our
200s charity has been a
202s uh relief fund for ukrainian children
206s who are affected by
208s the war unfortunately
212s that's it that's all about me here and
214s we're matching up to ten thousand
215s donations for as long as we're doing
217s this
221s and we just hit heavy has uh
224s bits here with a nice little message
226s can't attend the stream today again
228s um but i like that you kept supporting
230s ukraine for april as well
232s yes
233s glad you're um
235s checking to say hi sorry you can't stay
237s hope you're having a good day thanks the
238s bits
241s yeah the only thing that updates live is
243s direct donations which there's a link
244s down below and um
247s uh in the downtime between streams i
249s have to take the subs and bits and all
250s that sort of stuff added on
253s that's what that number goes up while
254s we're offline
260s whoever designed cold spriggan with the
262s autocast is an awesome person
265s i will let them know
269s they don't get a chance to hang out and
270s stream much but i know they're they've
272s been working really hard to uh
274s get more unique items for the hotfix and
276s i'm sure they'd love to hear that
284s oh we got uh tahrir has a minute ago i
288s missed it i'm sorry about that let's get
289s to the sub 2 action rpg air in action
292s rpg
294s congrats aaron thank you very much to
297s harnell and
298s visiongls come up with reading party 20
300s people welcome everyone vision stream
301s glad to have you with us
303s oh i'm
304s i'm so good at this i'm running away
305s from the objective
308s don't worry guys
311s i know what i'm doing
313s that's right
314s just just trying to kill some extra
315s things to get like an extra bonus
317s stability you know
318s you know
324s tetralogy hey nice to see you a couple
326s healthy announcements these past few
328s days yeah we had some cool fun stuff
329s yeah there's if anyone hasn't heard this
331s is a good time to shut up mention it
333s again a little bit but there's a um
336s a new program we're running on our
339s website
341s you know i could probably
343s uh
348s there's so many like things in my
351s chrome they're just like on that i just
353s wanna
354s have like a stealth chrome
357s i guess i could do an incognito browser
359s but
360s we'll just we'll just turn everything
361s off
363s so there's a uh community designed
365s unique event so we're gonna be designing
366s a unique item with the community
371s um and it's gonna involve a bunch of a
372s series of votes uh and we're gonna take
374s that information from how people are
376s voting and kind of massage an item
378s together with you guys as best we can uh
380s and here's here's the timeline for all
382s of it uh so the first first little bit's
384s kicked off if you are looking for in
385s here you don't see um
387s jewelry is
389s uh
389s [Music]
391s relic
392s slot as well that'll include relics
395s so yeah if you haven't voted already
396s come vote there's two of them i'm
398s surprised the votes are so different
399s just five five off that's
401s interesting
403s uh yeah we're gonna be making a unique
404s item with the community which i'm really
406s excited about it's i think it's going to
407s be fun i'm excited to see what everyone
409s comes up with there's already some
410s interesting ideas someone was mentioning
412s about uh wanting to design a bow for a
414s prime list um
416s and unfortunately we probably can't do
418s that for this just because it would
419s require so
421s many system changes
423s um
428s but i think if i had to guess long term
432s that's i'd say there's a good chance
434s that'll happen one day
435s i just don't think it'll be a launch a
437s launch option it might be who knows
443s we either would have to end up with only
445s a single
447s skill that was compatible on prime list
449s or it would require a lot of changes
454s and one of those is not very great and
456s one of those is very time consuming so
458s we'll have to see if we have the time
459s for
463s it happening
470s all right let's bring up some
472s questions here so i can start answering
474s things also people want to follow along
475s exclamation mark build
477s in chat will bring up um
480s link to build guide that i am
483s loosely following stumbling into we'll
486s say
487s so i got lucky and found this amazing
490s quiver that i'm gonna show off again
498s i only respond to mockery for leaks
501s yeah
503s didn't that's why i didn't even push you
504s for leaks well
506s yeah i didn't have any leaks last week i
508s was you know it was april fool's
510s i didn't um honestly i didn't think
512s anything that i said that was related to
513s the game as far as leaks would be taken
515s seriously enough to be worth putting in
518s the big disclaimers like this is real
521s this isn't real and people are like are
522s you serious i can't tell not happening
526s so you stuck with just fun stuff
529s and if people would message me to ask me
530s if i was okay after that stream yes uh
533s if you're wondering i'm totally fine
536s i've done that lots of times before
542s some of the hot sauce i brought out i
543s actually
544s had some more wings a big pack of wings
547s we cooked the rest of them a few nights
548s ago
550s and uh i i had too much hot sauce that
552s time the second time was was too much i
555s was
556s struggling
560s uh when is beau unique items coming to
562s other classes since kane confirmed
564s community and you cannot make bows for
565s the classes yeah okay so i guess i kind
567s of started talking about that already
568s it's it's one of those things where yeah
570s we'd love to do it and i don't think
571s anyone's debating that it's a good idea
574s or not i think that's pretty clear it's
575s a good idea
576s um
578s but yeah timing stuff to do so there's
581s lots of things we need to get in first
583s or make sure solid first um before we
586s can start working on things like that
589s if i had to guess i'd say
591s um
595s uh i won't put a timeline on it but i
596s would i would say post launch
599s would you might be my realistic guess or
601s something like that i i know that's not
603s what people really want to hear um
609s but uh
610s hey
612s who knows what'll happen but i i
614s wouldn't uh i wouldn't hold your breath
615s on that one unfortunately i'm sorry
619s oh it could happen don't don't say that
624s and it hasn't noticed yet i talked back
626s to my character
627s [Laughter]
628s thank you sagon three four five gifted
631s subs to the channel it's five yep
634s um
635s thank you very much congrats to anyone
636s who got one of those
638s any any anyone i recognize in there
640s lizard nice
642s quiet oh wow
644s there you go
649s they're gonna get here and be like dawg
650s i can't see what number it was now
656s but thank you very much
660s speaking of bonus stability was this
662s always uh
664s a solution in mind what were the
665s previous solutions for bonus stability
667s they were part of the brainstorming um i
669s i don't think this was all like always a
671s solution in mind it was definitely
672s something that we considered pretty
674s early on as an option
676s um
681s lots of times with systems like uh
683s monolith when there's when there's these
685s large large systems that have a lot of
687s different subsystems involved with them
689s so i would call the monolith as a system
691s as a whole
692s um
693s and then like
695s timelines as a thing in the monolith as
697s like a subsystem in the monolith and
699s then
700s um
702s stability building up inside that
704s timeline to
706s um
707s to like to access the boss as a
709s different subsystem you know there's
710s there's all these different things that
712s needs to work really well together as in
714s the model of ecosystem as a whole um
719s and sometimes we've like
722s released intentionally simplified
723s versions of things to see how that works
726s um to get feedback on specific things
728s and then expand on it down the road i
730s don't this
731s it's not like we were sitting there and
732s we were like okay here's a full system
734s let's pair back these things to get a
735s basic version and release that first
737s that's not really what was happening
739s but i think at some point when we're in
741s our initial design phase we do so we do
743s look at the system and go
745s um
746s like what's the core of the system what
747s do we need to really make this fun and
749s interesting and then once we once it has
751s gotten into people's hands we do look at
752s some more complex things um
756s to give it a little more depth
767s what am i doing
768s i'm just pumping points into this
771s because i love silver shred
781s i kind of want to pump all of this
783s actually you know what i should do
786s you know what i should do
794s look up the build i'm following
804s see i've already horribly deviated from
805s it
808s i'm taking a picture of it because
810s my computer's not a fan of uh having
812s that side up at the same time
814s so uh
815s let me close it
819s i'm missing here
822s nothing in here really oh
825s what's wrong rhymer come on just kidding
829s uh we do want to experience those let's
831s go down this way
837s what are the solutions do we have in
838s mind um
842s the goal so i honestly don't remember
844s the exact other things that were on the
845s table the goal of the bonus stability in
848s general uh
851s the way we're setting it up is mostly
852s there's there's a few different goals it
854s has
855s um one we did want to speed up
858s uh boss farming in general
862s just just getting getting into more boss
865s um
869s like yeah just just getting getting in
871s to fight more bosses quick like just
873s after just in general that was that's
874s one thing
875s um
877s so just giving more stability in general
879s makes that possible
880s real for that and we we looked at
882s different systems where
884s we just give more stability for anything
886s different like events so killing
888s specific types of enemies like killing
890s rare enemies to get more stability
892s things like that like all sorts of
893s different ways just give more stability
897s um we looked at just reducing the
899s stability costs of going into all these
901s things like just lots of ways just move
903s the numbers around so you're just going
904s faster
905s um but that wasn't the only goal really
908s so we we also wanted to
910s uh extend the time that you're spending
911s in each individual echo
914s um
917s now
920s simply just re like reducing the amount
923s of stability you need or increase the
924s investability you get doesn't reduce the
927s or doesn't increase the time you spend
928s in an echo um that should probably
930s reduce it because just going through it
932s being the
934s like the fastest thing possible means
936s you're you're gonna spend less time
938s because you're just gonna try and get
939s through them faster and faster each time
943s um
947s so so in it with with the second goal of
950s also increasing the time you're spending
951s in each echo but decreasing the time
953s between boss fights
955s um
956s there has to be something that you're
957s incentivized in a positive way but not
960s punished in a negative way
963s uh
964s to spend more time in the echo to get
966s out of to get something out of that um i
968s know i've talked to this a few times
970s about how the like there's a similarity
971s between path of exiles maps and um
975s epochs monolith echoes the big
978s difference being that the echoes are
979s free to enter there's no
981s lost currency by entering an echo but
984s there is lost currency the map itself by
986s entering a map
989s um and so there's so that restriction on
991s its own
993s like because the map itself holds value
995s and you're using something that has
996s value to go into the map you want to get
998s as much value out of that map as you can
1000s so you're already just naturally
1002s incentivized
1004s to do as much as possible in there and
1006s spend as much time in there and kill as
1007s many things as you can
1011s um
1018s so yeah that's one of the reasons for
1019s the reasons why killing things killing
1022s more things was part of that now like i
1025s know there's there's we're still
1027s looking at exactly the best things to do
1029s with this and it's all evolving it's all
1030s work in progress i don't think that's
1032s really a new concept from from us
1036s it's getting hot in here
1040s clothes are staying on though
1047s what's my favorite part of developing
1048s last epoch oh great question um the my
1052s favorite thing to work on is skills new
1054s skills updating old skills
1056s um designing skills in general that's my
1058s favorite thing to work on
1062s um but my favorite part of it like as a
1065s whole i guess
1068s i was just working on something you love
1070s creating something having that like
1073s look what we made
1076s type type thing
1078s not happening it's really cool that's my
1081s favorite part
1086s just being able to point it a bit me
1087s like
1088s we made this
1090s pretty pretty incredible
1100s already surpassed my initial
1101s expectations
1104s i mean obviously you always hope that
1105s something's going to be
1106s bigger and
1107s cooler and more fun than
1110s than anything but uh
1112s you try and temper expectations
1134s all right next question hey mike quick
1136s question
1137s it would be helpful to have a respect
1139s passive vendor in the new champions gate
1141s keep the great work hope the hot sauce
1143s should you all he had did
1144s um
1147s i used the honey so the first sauce i
1148s tried last week i used like this really
1150s heavy honey one um made a great teriyaki
1153s sauce with it a couple nights ago
1159s the wife the wife tried all the sauces
1160s and she was like there are nowhere
1162s they're way hotter than you were letting
1164s on on stream i'm like i just think i
1166s have a problem
1180s not happening
1199s here we go
1202s there we go go through the portal you
1204s can do it
1206s actually did a hot sauce stream yeah i
1208s did
1209s that's awesome i have to go back and
1210s watch those on vacation i missed it yes
1212s so if anyone's here that missed it uh
1214s uh wix sent the hot sauces that were
1218s on uh on our forum a few days ago or
1221s last week we uh he actually made them
1224s and sent them out to me and shipped them
1226s to me they arrived an hour before stream
1229s um
1230s i i had a bunch of wings that i made up
1234s i just baked in the oven a little bit
1237s salt and pepper
1238s uh
1240s and then uh yeah we tried wings on
1241s stream i also brought some hot sauces
1243s that i made
1244s from the summer before
1249s and i i i struggled it's a lot of heavy
1252s breathing
1264s uh would we get a loremaster denture in
1267s the future i would love to ask
1268s hard-hitting questions like uh what's
1270s the canon campaign lore for monolith
1272s since the model left side is past uh is
1276s the passive current campaign and right
1278s side is the future so curious what we ca
1280s uh what the canon timelines are
1283s yeah i'm real like that's that's
1284s definitely a weak point in my my
1287s knowledge about about stuff just
1291s um
1292s really really strict canon details i'm
1294s real bad at it
1295s um
1298s and
1299s yeah i i i definitely think that's
1301s something that i'd like to like to have
1303s happen
1307s whoever's listening someone someone
1308s called the loremaster next week let's do
1310s it
1315s i'll ask him see if he's interested i
1316s think i think i did previously i think
1318s he was
1319s i feel like we started to do that and
1321s something changed
1333s or i just forgot because i'm bad
1336s uh all right where are we here how do
1338s you imagine a warlock someone like ford
1340s joe with one summon and does spell
1342s damage i can't really talk too much
1344s about the extra classes that are missing
1346s um
1350s current plan is to have some pretty
1351s unique
1352s mechanics that go along with warlock
1354s um
1363s we actually
1368s uh yeah okay here's something
1370s uh
1371s some of the technology we developed for
1372s one of the
1375s um
1376s one of the dungeons was actually
1378s something we were developing initially
1379s for a warlock ability
1393s not happening
1404s it was a wall i didn't see the wall
1417s oh i dinged and everything leveled up oh
1420s my goodness it's overwhelming
1424s i didn't level up just my skills did
1435s oh it's a spicy one
1447s all right
1449s here we go
1450s actually trigger the
1452s fight
1456s uh why doesn't the uh marksman rate of
1459s arrows proc
1461s either the hail of arrows skill or at
1463s least use hillary's skill tree that
1464s feels a bit of a mis missed opportunity
1466s yeah so we
1470s we considered that actually
1472s um it was too strong basically
1475s um we still wanted to have that type of
1477s effect without forcing people to use the
1480s skill
1481s it's kind of what it is they do go well
1482s together and it feels a little
1484s disjointed when you're playing them both
1485s simultaneously
1486s um
1488s but it's a really iconic effect and
1489s style in
1491s uh just games in general like that have
1493s any sort of
1494s thing like this um
1497s and so we really wanted to make sure
1498s that effect was available to people who
1500s weren't using the skill is more is more
1502s the goal was there
1515s but yeah where it was actually
1516s activating the skill properly
1519s it uh
1521s it was either too strong or didn't feel
1522s great
1523s we got another another gifted sub here
1526s oh
1539s himself there you go
1541s don't forget yourself
1546s glad to have you with us
1552s okay every time i just want to say like
1553s stay wild listen but like not you know
1560s something off about that
1568s ice beetle
1571s doing work
1572s yeah freeze everything that's my beetle
1588s you shall be missed
1590s oh
1593s i will enact an
1595s a ritual
1597s for your death
1611s i stand further away
1614s instead of just eating the damage
1618s but it's so tasty
1625s not happening
1627s but
1628s but i wanna
1640s oh
1641s oh yeah sabretooth model
1647s all right will we be seeing respect all
1649s passes button fingers hurt from all the
1651s clicking
1653s that's uh we're still we're still
1655s figuring out exactly how we want that to
1657s be structured
1659s um
1661s we we know it's not the way we want it
1663s to be right now we don't know how we
1664s want it to be yet we know this isn't it
1669s so maybe hope so
1679s i think it'll likely be more of a
1681s instead of respect all
1683s um
1684s just optimizing the way it is now for
1686s less clicking in general
1689s and pay at the end type thing
1696s might be a respectable it's
1698s it's definitely too much clicking right
1700s now
1701s say that much
1712s have you considered adding the tier
1714s difficulty system to the empowered
1716s monoliths like unlocking a new tier
1717s every hundred corruption
1720s four tiers last one goes forever uh like
1723s current one i feel like it would be good
1725s um
1726s good for the feeling of progress and
1728s balance modifiers related to corruption
1730s so yeah having like break points that
1732s are more clearly delineated um because
1734s there kind of are break points first for
1736s different systems already
1739s like for example and
1742s i don't know the details of how much
1743s this has been figured out but
1744s the the backlight on my keyboard is not
1746s turning on
1760s my device is currently being controlled
1762s by last epoch.exe all right
1769s who do i have to blame about that sadly
1771s myself
1773s um
1774s [Music]
1777s i'm just doing that
1781s is there
1784s what's what's going on here
1786s blue filter
1794s yeah
1796s turn my keyboard back on
1803s um yeah we have sorry what was i saying
1806s there's there is already uh sorry listen
1808s i got distracted there is support for
1813s support's the wrong word
1816s the corruption tears with with the
1818s monolith
1820s so there's certain um
1825s there's certain
1826s rewards boss boss rewards boss item
1829s rewards that will only start dropping at
1831s a certain tier
1832s um so we kind of already do that type of
1835s thing
1835s uh it's just there's no there's no jump
1838s the big thing about the
1840s um
1841s the the tiers for the dungeons in the
1844s arena now is that they're they're all
1847s like level tiers they're all structured
1849s by level instead of corruption now it
1851s wouldn't be too hard to extend that um
1855s but i think because
1857s um corruption can be a much larger
1860s number there becomes less distinction
1862s between
1863s like there's a hundred tiers of
1866s um level
1868s in a sense i guess and then there's um
1872s like say five tiers
1875s or four tiers or whatever of like a
1877s dungeon
1878s so there's
1879s on average 25
1881s level tiers per dungeon tier you know
1883s that makes any sense
1887s um
1888s but when corruption can get
1890s has no top really maybe like you look at
1892s it as
1893s a thousand is sort of the highest
1895s reasonable amount i know people go
1897s higher than that
1900s um but even if you have only four that's
1902s still
1904s 250 per tier right it's a much bigger
1906s range i know you go up the tubes faster
1908s you move up around a lot quicker too
1911s um
1915s but that's sort of the sort of
1916s relationship between a
1919s uh like a small number of tiers and a
1921s large number of tiers having that ratio
1923s be tighter is usually easier to
1926s relate to
1933s i'm also not sure what would happen to
1934s those higher tiers
1936s we kind of like also kind of have the
1938s same thing with just regular and
1939s empowered
1940s um
1946s so i think we'd have to take out one of
1948s the other systems to make it really work
1950s so i think we'd have to take out regular
1952s empowered or we'd have to take out
1955s um corruption basically
1968s easy too easy
1976s not happening
1978s okay
1981s that would be a good time to smoke bomb
1992s oh ascendants oh we could like send some
1994s rooms maybe get some uniques we want
2001s let's roll a bunch of them
2007s that'll be fun
2015s uh will we get monolith pinnacle boss in
2018s the future like an uber shade something
2020s like with the model the system that's
2021s designed to challenge people within max
2023s builds that we can farm and learn for
2025s cool rewards i love dungeon t4 but they
2028s don't feel like a truly iconic pinnacle
2029s of their content yes i i would i would
2032s agree that we don't have oh this is what
2034s you're saying but i don't think that we
2035s have currently a
2037s um like an uber elder or shaper or you
2040s know like like
2041s things like that we don't have a chaos
2043s tristrum event we don't have uh like a
2047s singular like this is the
2050s actual like a q lex
2053s shout out to anyone who got that
2054s reference um like optional extra boss
2058s uh that that's that's really difficult
2061s and this is only for
2064s meant as a challenge content system
2071s um but i i think in order to call the
2072s game 1.0 release
2075s i would definitely heavily argue that we
2077s we need one i don't think i
2079s don't think it'll be a hard point to
2080s sell you know
2098s hurt
2102s yeah the the dungeon bosses are not
2104s designed to be the
2106s like
2108s um
2110s the tech like the final test that makes
2112s any sense i know that um some of them
2114s kind of are right now
2121s what's your view on players having
2122s problems with boss mechanics and asking
2124s for nerfs
2125s um
2131s i i think context is everything
2134s um there's there's sort of two
2137s two things
2139s that that need to come together to make
2141s a um a boss encounter fun
2144s and challenging
2145s and um
2146s like
2147s i guess i guess how you there's two
2149s things there's two things that really
2150s come together for the player to overcome
2152s a boss encounter or work on any
2153s challenge really and that's
2154s um especially in a game
2157s that has rpg elements
2159s uh there's there's two there's how well
2161s your character is the character you
2163s created is like the build the things
2165s that have gone into like um
2167s like which skills did you pick which um
2170s nodes did you put points into like how
2172s did you how did you organize that all
2173s that sort of stuff
2176s um
2178s i don't know points into here bleed
2181s chance cool good job mike um
2184s so so how did how did you how did you
2186s build your character is it did you pick
2187s a bunch of bose skills and you've got
2189s swords equipped
2190s um you know like did did you go really
2193s um
2194s [Music]
2196s really bad like you can intentionally
2198s make a bad build right
2204s so i i think that there's that's one
2207s really key part
2208s and then there's um just player skills
2211s so learning
2213s learning how the boss fight goes
2214s learning the mechanics all those things
2218s i think there's a really interesting
2219s distinction based on primarily genre i
2223s think between games that are pretty
2224s similar but have these same two key uh
2228s key
2229s key limiters and i'm actually talking
2230s about a really specific game here uh
2233s alongside us
2234s which is
2235s it's it's uh genre adjacent i think
2239s uh that can that that can have very
2242s different
2244s um
2246s ratios of these two things so and and
2249s there's i'm sure there's examples that
2250s go the other way too
2252s and probably probably i put dialo three
2254s in the other the other direction so dm3
2257s has
2258s a lot of boss fights
2260s especially in rifts
2262s where the mechanics don't really matter
2264s that much and most of what the of what
2266s those boss fights are is they're a
2268s gear check they're their dps check
2270s they're
2270s they're a health check like they're
2272s they're much less about
2274s um
2275s how well can you do these mechanics some
2277s of them do have some interesting
2279s mechanics involved so i don't want to
2281s sound like i'm disparaging to be able to
2282s hear um but a lot of it is just is my
2286s gear good enough to get through this
2287s fight
2290s and yeah you like you have to execute
2291s your belt and everything like that but
2292s there's it's less about interaction with
2293s the boss specifically it's just about
2296s you
2298s um
2302s and that might be completely wrong at
2303s certain levels of play that are higher
2305s than i ever got to um
2308s but i think it's probably pretty
2308s accurate and then the the other end of
2310s the spectrum i would say is something
2311s more along the lines of elden ring
2314s which is a new game that's come out
2316s recently if anyone doesn't know it is
2317s the latest game from from software uh no
2321s i don't have a setter that's the name of
2322s the studio it's from software and uh
2327s there's a lot less
2329s uh emphasis on gear it's it's really
2332s heavy emphasis on boss mechanics how
2334s well do you know the boss if you're good
2336s enough can you beat this boss naked with
2338s a dagger you know um on a level one
2341s character probably i'm sure there's
2343s people out there that do it
2345s crazy people that are unbelievably good
2347s at the game but yes i'm sure there's
2349s people that can do it that's a lot
2351s harder to do in
2353s um like
2354s let's go back to the spectrum diablo 3
2356s you're up against the like
2358s greater rift 200 or whatever it is right
2361s now and um
2365s you've got a level one character there's
2367s just no way you can do it it doesn't
2368s matter how good you are at the game it's
2370s not happening
2372s as my as my character
2375s would so eloquently say
2377s um
2380s i i think we're somewhere in the middle
2382s there for sure um so sometimes i see i
2385s do see these forum posts pop up
2386s sometimes or red discussions pop up
2388s about how a boss is just too difficult
2389s and needs to be mechanically changed to
2392s be easier um or just
2394s sometimes it's okay it's too too much
2397s damage output or too much health or
2399s something like that and and these are
2401s all different
2403s dials we have that we can turn because
2404s because we can do little things like
2406s just um
2407s increasing the cast time on an ability
2409s it doesn't really change
2411s too much
2412s like how much damage you're taking or
2414s something like that or maybe it's not
2415s the cast sign but it's like the the time
2417s between like a boss throws out an aoe
2419s and there's like an aoe marker on the
2420s ground that's like get out of this
2421s radius get out of this radius it's gonna
2423s hit it's going to hit it's going to hit
2424s and then it hits and if you're still
2426s standing you die
2428s and just increasing that time doesn't
2430s actually change the total amount of
2431s damage the boss does
2433s especially if you can do other attacks
2434s while it's charging um but it does
2437s make the fight easier to do from a
2439s mechanical standpoint um so that there
2441s are ways we can and we can just turn up
2443s a boss's health and that makes it harder
2445s from a um
2447s just a stat standpoint
2448s i should actually want names of both of
2450s these so as i'm talking about this um
2453s i think a lot of the time
2457s there's there's room for people to
2459s improve their characters room for people
2460s to learn the boss mechanics better um
2465s and i don't think too many bosses are
2467s are actually really overpowered in their
2469s game right now i wouldn't say i could be
2471s wrong with that um it's it's it's a
2473s really difficult thing for someone who
2475s plays the game a lot to evaluate
2476s especially for people who are newer with
2478s the game because they are they're fights
2480s that you learn a lot
2482s like
2483s um like some games that played forever
2486s that you just know off the top of your
2488s head what to do
2489s like
2490s if i walk into mephisto's chamber i will
2494s i can probably do a blind you know with
2496s the number of times you've done it's
2497s just teleport
2499s over the bridge teleport back stand in
2501s the sweet spot and you know cast me
2503s years till they die
2505s and and it doesn't
2507s if you don't know that
2509s if you haven't done it a million times
2512s you you may need a much more powerful
2514s character to do it
2516s really sure what i'm getting at here i
2518s think i think the answer is
2519s um we definitely listen to feedback and
2522s it's too hard it's too easy it's really
2524s difficult feedback to
2526s um wait properly and decide what's the
2529s right action to take afterwards
2532s but we do our best with it
2545s rambly answers doodly doo
2557s have any bugs become features in last
2559s epoch something unintentional
2561s but just kind of worked out oh i'm sure
2564s that that's happened yes
2566s do i have a good example of my head no
2569s i i almost guarantee that there's been
2573s i like oh i can get i knew this has
2575s happened i don't have a good example i'm
2577s sorry where i've been working on a skill
2580s and
2580s like
2582s there'll be some math where it's like
2583s okay
2584s it has to rotate at this rate
2587s in order to do this thing
2588s but i'll have hit negative instead of
2590s positive it'll rotate the other way or
2592s um it'll also have a translation so
2594s it'll move at the same time and i'll be
2596s like that was a really cool motion
2598s and we'll just um
2602s happen we'll go with it we'll use it for
2604s something sometimes we'll be on that
2605s skill it would be like a new node or a
2606s new skill will come out of it was
2607s something
2608s um
2610s we were doing
2612s i don't ever use this on anything but i
2614s know an example of something that we
2615s that this happened actually um
2618s ice barrage homes and on target so like
2620s you shoot a bunch of the ice brushes and
2622s they they kind of curve to hit the
2624s target so that it's easier to aim a
2625s little bit
2627s it's real tough to aim otherwise and i
2630s remember when we were doing that i had
2632s accidentally set it to repel
2635s from enemies instead of um
2638s home towards them
2640s and
2642s the way that the dummies were the
2643s pattern the dummies were set up in and
2645s the angle i was shooting at
2647s the um
2650s the projectile started like
2653s moving in in a constant pattern like
2656s through the inside of all these things
2658s it was trying to avoid and it was just
2659s going back and forth of constantly
2661s avoiding everything around it
2663s um and wasn't hitting anything it was
2665s really cool
2666s i feel like we used that for something
2668s or we had plans for it or something
2672s oops that's what happens when your hand
2674s is one space over on the keyboard
2685s i kind of want like you know those like
2687s little
2687s um
2689s pieces of like those little nubs that
2690s are on on the f and the j key yes i know
2693s which keys they are
2695s um
2697s they uh
2699s i want one of those in like the q keys
2700s so i can just like
2702s always get my
2704s thinking to the right spot
2719s you do some serious damage
2722s and i'm using my free dodges to take
2725s none of it
2731s um
2733s many people believe with the launch of
2734s multiplayer we will see improved
2736s integrity for some competitive aspects
2738s of last epoch absolutely uh i wonder
2741s will this be something that is delivered
2743s on release or do you all expect to roll
2746s out some of the changes over time
2748s um not as multiplayer minimum viable
2750s products so um
2754s the main reason why the like we
2759s main reason why we haven't
2760s made the ladders reliable and secure and
2764s there's never a cheater on the ladder
2766s ever
2766s um
2769s it is because we don't have multiplayer
2771s yet
2772s like it's it's just not possible to
2775s trust anything that the that any client
2779s uh program running on someone else's
2781s computer says
2782s their score was on the ladder we
2785s we just can't trust it ever
2787s and um in order to have some form of
2790s ladder we kind of have to trust it
2793s uh because there's no other way to do it
2795s right now
2796s so we we don't have
2799s like our hands are tied in the sense of
2801s well we can't trust it if we want to be
2804s reliable and we have to trust it because
2806s we know other ways so it can't be
2807s reliable
2809s um
2811s but when we have multiplayer
2813s the client doesn't tell the game servers
2815s anything
2817s for that the server is telling
2819s the ladder what happened
2821s and it doesn't care what the client said
2823s the client could be like i just
2824s completed wave 2000 and the server's
2826s like
2828s no you didn't
2832s uh so it wouldn't it wouldn't be an
2833s issue anymore and um
2836s so like once multiplayer rolls out and
2838s the ladder for multiplayer is integrated
2840s properly
2841s it will just
2843s be this and i'm sure there's still ways
2845s that things can happen that are bad and
2847s we'll still have to to to work on that
2849s but instead of it just being
2853s like a lost cause it'll be possible
2857s um so you will see a dramatic increase
2859s in reliability on the ladder very
2860s quickly
2877s random name x has sub for the ninth
2879s month in a row welcome back glad to have
2881s you with us
2882s thank you very much
2885s i take it that was a good answer you
2886s liked
2890s or just coincidence
2892s all right i hope that was i hope that
2894s answered your question zakarus bear
2900s warlock yeah there's there's uh
2903s there's an idea
2906s mike if it were up to you what class
2908s mastery would you like to rework
2910s um i i would
2913s like like rework a whole mastery none
2919s i would i would be uh if i was if i was
2921s working on a specific mastery as a whole
2924s um it would be much more for the new
2926s masteries
2934s i think passives
2936s uh the mage mastery passives need the
2938s most work
2946s like i guess mage
2948s dance if i had to answer that question
2953s uh warlock
2955s necro fire switch
2960s a warlock neck
2962s oh necrotic necrotic as you're saying um
2965s i i can't really talk about specifics
2967s for
2968s upcoming classes unfortunately yet
2971s they're not built i assume this is in
2973s reference to oh yeah me saying the
2975s dungeon thing fire necrotic switch thing
2977s yeah no no no no no no no no no no not
2980s that though
2992s uh lightning converted hammer throw when
2994s you wanna be thor
2999s or just because there's other throwing
3000s synergies lightning in in sentinel
3003s uh i don't know uh also uh though
3005s there's also um let me just do a
3008s lightning
3009s uh implicit hammer
3011s i think we did
3014s there's there's gonna be changes to
3017s i don't think no one has thrown damage
3018s on it though
3030s how does the team feel about
3032s player defenses currently
3034s i mean that's such a broad such a broad
3037s question
3038s um simultaneously good and bad i don't
3041s know how to answer it really
3042s um
3043s there's certain things about it that are
3044s really great certain things about it
3045s that still need work um
3048s overall i think it's in a really good
3049s place compared to where it's been in the
3051s past and it's just getting better
3061s like individual unique items can have a
3063s surprisingly large impact on the overall
3065s ecosystem for defensive
3069s elements
3075s i still think we'll see i think we'll
3077s still see a few of those
3078s high impact defensive related items
3081s for uniques
3087s things like um
3089s bastion of honor has a huge impact on
3091s that ecosystem and i i think it start
3093s with starting to have a negative impact
3094s on it
3097s i know i know nobody likes nerfs but i
3098s think it was really healthy for the game
3099s as a whole to have that be taken from uh
3102s oh you're gonna use something in your
3104s offen well it should be that to um
3109s oh you're gonna be like you want to be a
3110s block build okay that's that's that's
3112s the one to go for it's the best one
3133s let's go
3136s come on
3138s come on
3147s remember to include atlas default game
3149s to have mike see your questions to
3152s answer yes thank you kane
3154s um
3156s i don't know who he's referring to
3160s i think it's probably the question right
3161s above it loving the current stash
3162s customization but are there plans for
3165s more specialized stashes like in the
3167s other arpgs i'm currently
3169s drowning in storage management and
3171s comparing gear to keep it somewhat
3173s organized yeah i think there's some
3175s really good um examples of
3178s stash management things that show up in
3179s other games uh specifically like the um
3184s having like default auto storage
3187s elements where like you
3190s you tab it's like key tab and you just
3192s like or sort tab you just pop it over
3194s there it goes to the specific like sword
3196s tab or something like that um like
3198s that's really cool
3200s something like that there's lots of good
3201s stuff in there and it's definitely not a
3202s completed fully finished system there's
3204s a couple bugs in there still need to
3206s work out um
3208s but yeah it's
3209s more stuff's always coming
3211s good ideas
3214s i asked about the tears because i
3215s personally don't think that corruption
3217s affects difficulty at all really 90 of
3219s the difficulty map comes down to the
3221s infinite scaling modifiers that make the
3222s experience super unsatisfying like it's
3225s harder 300 corruption or 500 well it
3227s depends on the mods i really just like
3230s that this
3231s um that that is an option if it makes
3233s sense yeah okay so you're saying so like
3235s um
3242s even just even just having corruption
3244s have a bigger impact really
3248s might just be enough there like reducing
3250s the scale on it where
3251s like just just do a
3255s like a
3257s a merge
3260s a compression a stack compression
3262s um
3263s so like everywhere that would give three
3265s corruption gives one corruption and uh
3268s everything that that one corruption or
3269s the three corruption did one corruption
3270s now does or something like that you know
3272s like just
3273s take all the numbers and divide them by
3274s three
3278s except for what corruption does multiply
3280s that by three and and
3282s yeah i i
3285s and it's kind of it's kind of the same
3286s thing about adding tears really instead
3288s is that it's it's doing that same thing
3290s but just way more extremes instead of
3292s being by three it's by 300.
3302s that makes sense
3307s okay
3312s it's a good thing this is so easy and
3313s there's not a lot of damage coming out i
3316s can just like relax
3317s and i was just gonna just cruise through
3320s it right
3338s okay it's okay it's okay we're good
3339s we're good
3342s it's easy too easy
3355s oh my character is way cockier than i am
3357s i'll say that much
3359s but it looks like she knows what she's
3361s doing
3366s at least
3367s which glass would you say has the
3369s greatest potential to cover the screen
3371s in hard-hitting dots
3373s as all the dots love the dot though ah
3376s that's a tough question um
3377s [Music]
3379s i think marksman probably does well
3383s marksman or sorcerer i think would be
3384s the two
3388s there's lots of good ones like wandering
3389s spirits does a lot
3391s um
3394s thinking
3395s volcanic orb
3397s there's a lot of potential for that
3399s multi shot has a lot of pencil for that
3405s i mean
3407s a couple patches go busted
3410s swarm blade had the best one for that
3415s there's lots of good options there
3418s uh hammer throw
3421s has has a lot of potential for that too
3424s there's a lot you know there's a lot
3425s there's a lot of good uh
3427s wide dots
3433s the trick about dots is you gotta know
3435s how to stop dots
3439s oh i see super mario rpg reference
3442s demo is
3443s diamond uh 183 congrats how does anyone
3446s got that before you but that is
3447s absolutely what it was
3449s very well done
3451s love that game
3453s definitely the best game in the paper
3454s mario series and yes it's part of the
3456s paper mario series it's totally what
3458s spawned that kevin played super mario
3460s rpg legend of the seven stars that is
3463s one of my favorite games of all time and
3465s i highly recommend it
3467s um
3469s the writing's great the music's
3471s wonderful
3472s the gameplay is tons of fun it's classic
3474s rpg jrpg style
3476s um
3478s there's there's
3479s um
3480s active elements to combat which
3482s you start start just becoming second
3484s nature
3486s um
3486s which i always always love
3488s uh it's got tons of little secrets
3490s hidden all over the place
3493s um
3494s characters you wouldn't expect
3496s characters you've never seen again
3498s uh
3505s phenomenal game phenomenal game
3511s i always i loved having the princess
3513s with a frying pan yes peach is a
3515s playable character
3517s and is great
3520s she's actually
3522s you can cheese with peach but she's
3523s really
3524s not very good otherwise
3531s are you guys planning to add a new
3533s dungeon keys as explicit model towards
3536s arena keys
3538s like arena keys are
3540s um we we talked about it it's still up
3543s in the air maybe
3548s probably not in eight five if we did it
3550s would be next match
3554s i think this the next hotfix is
3555s basically just bringing the uniques that
3557s we are missing
3559s there might be a few uh fixes here and
3561s there but that's the main thing he's
3562s doing
3564s how's the progress going with all the
3566s secret stuff you won't mention uh
3568s fantastic pretty good better than i
3571s expected really well uh and done
3577s i don't know
3582s this is not actually five secret things
3583s and i didn't actually go through them in
3585s my head i was just being a twit
3589s just for the record case
3591s because anyone's wondering
3597s all right excited for kane to help on my
3600s knee
3602s hope you got good plans
3611s i expect great things
3617s but watch your career with great
3619s interest
3633s not happening
3635s oh come on
3647s all right what's the next one what's the
3648s next one when making design
3651s choices you come across a scenario like
3653s this
3655s should be a one shot on the player how
3657s do you approach it feeling fair versus
3659s cheap because i think one shot on
3660s players can be fun but at the same time
3663s most games make them feel cheap so
3664s curious uh what your approach the
3666s problem is
3669s you ever see me like shooting horribly
3671s missed shots and kind of just stutter
3673s stepping and shooting randomly it's
3674s because i'm reading chat
3683s it's a great question
3685s it's a great question um
3687s i think i think there's a couple ways
3689s you can do it
3690s first of all it needs to be really
3692s obvious that it's gonna be bad
3694s okay
3697s um easy too easy
3703s and giving
3706s so there's there's a few things here
3708s giving players
3710s teaching players that it's gonna be a
3711s one shot's really important
3713s so having some way to say like this is
3715s really bad you need to get out of it
3718s don't try and tank it
3719s is really important and that's hard
3721s that's really hard to convey without
3722s just having someone stand in it once and
3724s die to it which sucks
3727s um
3728s so you want you want people to
3730s um
3732s you want people to to you need to
3734s communicate that it's going to be really
3735s dangerous without just killing them at
3737s least once which
3739s really difficult to do because if you um
3741s i've seen a lot of suggestions where
3743s people say like okay we'll give a light
3744s version up to show like this indicates
3746s something bad and then a big version of
3748s it to actually kill the player um
3750s yeah that's really tricky because you
3752s can end up teaching them that it's not
3753s actually that bad and they'll just stand
3755s in the really big one
3759s the other thing you can do is
3762s let the player
3765s pick like a sliding difficulty selection
3767s so this this is a little bit what
3769s happens in the monolith where you are
3771s um
3772s picking your own
3774s damage modifiers that you're going up
3775s against and if you've selected too many
3777s of them things start to become one shots
3779s um
3780s so the the feels fair part of that is
3783s well i mean you picked it to be that
3785s that hard so
3786s it's that hard like you you let that
3789s that difficulty scale up and it's slow
3791s because you had a little bit here a
3792s little bit there
3795s um
3798s but that's also tricky
3799s because it's
3802s it usually comes with a carrot and if
3804s you really want that carrot it's like
3806s okay well this carrot i should have
3808s access to this carrot but i don't
3810s because the stick part is too much
3813s um so there could be some negative
3816s reactions there too
3820s i'm kind of just
3822s talking about i'm thinking out loud
3824s going through this really i don't have a
3825s good answer off top my head um
3827s i think the most important part
3830s is making it really obvious that it's
3831s going to happen
3833s and giving plenty of time
3835s to get out of it so having an a would be
3837s really big and and it'd be obvious when
3840s it's going to go off um and all sorts of
3842s stuff and so if someone does stick
3844s around in there it's oh i got greedy
3846s instead of oh this thing took a cheap
3848s shot at me
3852s so i i'll bring it back
3853s so um
3855s i i've been playing a fair bit of elden
3857s ring lately actually i've been loving it
3860s sir
3861s i'll keep i'll keep it to the things i
3863s like the most and the positive things
3864s for the most part um
3867s not happening
3868s i could talk for hours about uh
3871s various things in that game anyways um
3874s the one thing that i am struggling with
3875s a little bit
3877s is
3878s one shots that are two shots if that
3880s makes any sense so um sometimes you you
3882s get knocked down
3884s um
3886s and like you'll take a big hit you're
3888s there and your character's like slowly
3889s getting up and you're like all right
3891s okay i'm gonna get up and i'm gonna roll
3892s away really quickly and then you're like
3894s 98 of the way through standing up and he
3896s just hits you one more time you die and
3898s you're like
3900s but
3901s that doesn't that doesn't feel great
3903s um since that that that feeling of like
3905s i've got a chance but you don't really
3909s and so i think that's that's a big part
3911s of it is
3912s making people feel like they have a
3914s chance when they do
3916s and having having a way to impact that
3920s um
3921s the situation you're in so if like
3923s keeping control in the character is
3925s really important
3926s um
3927s and telegraphing what's going to happen
3929s and giving them a chance to react and
3932s get out of it
3933s like those are the biggest parts of it
3952s i probably have a slightly different
3953s answer to that question if i
3954s spent a lot of time thinking about it
3958s but i hope that was a little bit helpful
3961s where are we here getting pretty close
3962s to this i think i think we can finish
3964s this
3970s and get into uh
3972s a dungeon or two
3973s maybe i won't be as clappy
3977s are you gonna make hitting level 100 a
3979s long-term goal for your post launch it's
3982s so easy to hit the moment race 200 will
3984s be a huge deal on launch for sure in my
3986s opinion oh yeah
3988s um
3990s i i think 90 to 100 right now is too
3994s easy
3995s um i think there's a very good chance
3997s that that will stretch out
3999s um
4001s it might be a couple stretches
4004s that happen it might not be all at once
4006s um
4007s i don't know exactly what's gonna happen
4008s but
4009s uh
4011s the amount of power you actually get
4013s from going
4014s from 90 to 100
4016s isn't actually that much power on its
4019s own because you're that you're not
4020s unlocking new passes you're not
4023s unlocking um
4026s you know like you're not unlocking a lot
4028s of new stuff you're kind of taking the
4029s stuff you skipped over because it wasn't
4031s good enough to be taken on your first
4032s pass
4034s and as a percentage of total number of
4036s i'm talking about passes here mostly and
4037s as a percentage of the total number of
4039s passes it's
4040s every point is worth less than the point
4043s before it so to speak
4046s um
4047s that's not really how it works but yeah
4051s so i i i think extending that 90 to 100
4054s is
4055s in the best overall interest of the game
4058s um
4063s i i don't know
4065s i have no idea how much it'll be
4067s extended by if it will be extended at
4069s all
4070s you know
4071s that's that's stuff we've got to talk
4072s about
4073s and uh work out the best thing but i i
4075s i'm i'm fairly confident that it will be
4078s extended some
4086s i'd be pretty surprised if it stayed
4088s exactly where it is because yeah it
4089s feels too fast right now i think
4091s um
4092s i don't know i really like uh like
4094s diablo ii i bring up yellow to a lot but
4097s um
4098s all the build guides would usually stop
4100s at 90
4102s because you're like or just say and the
4105s rest of your points in x
4107s because
4108s they know that most people aren't
4110s getting up that high and it doesn't
4111s really matter that much there's a
4113s there's a lot of similarities there
4118s yeah cast your avalanche over there
4124s all confusing
4131s hello from russia stitson
4135s hello
4137s at abto mo
4139s mobilist96 glad to have you here
4142s uh what idea outside of what's already
4145s in the pipeline would you have in mind
4147s just spice up either build depth or core
4149s in game
4151s gameplay loop
4153s um i think something we actually touched
4155s on a little bit earlier is having that
4156s uber boss that final like
4159s can i ever do this maybe
4162s give it a shot
4163s work towards it
4165s um i think that's the big thing
4169s also just um
4171s more randomization systems for content
4174s itself
4175s um
4176s more different types of dungeons
4178s um
4181s having a uh like a better ladder
4183s multiplayer you know there's a lot of
4184s stuff i guess what's what idea outside
4186s of what's already in the pipeline oh um
4195s probably nothing
4200s so if i'm hearing this right multiplayer
4202s is going to be
4203s going to mean an official online only
4205s mode well like when you're playing
4211s there's terms in there that i don't know
4212s your definition of so maybe
4215s um
4218s yeah
4219s multiplayer will have an online only
4222s mode yeah like that's and that's the
4223s core thing of it where like you're
4225s playing online the uh the actual
4227s gameplay code is running on a server
4229s it's not running on your computer your
4230s computer is just processing the visuals
4232s it's sending your command inputs
4235s um the server is validating those the
4237s server is
4238s uh then telling you where characters are
4240s the server is telling you when you take
4242s damage you know it's the server's
4244s running the game and you're
4246s interacting with the server
4248s instead of your computer is running the
4249s game
4254s that can end up being a really nice ring
4263s look at that actually
4278s there's some not bad rings that just
4279s dropped there
4285s i'll take it
4298s hot sauce when
4300s whenever i walk
4303s i don't have any food for the stream
4310s you know we could probably do here
4313s i've done anything we're like we're past
4314s halfway mark i haven't i've given you
4316s nothing so far
4320s here is
4321s something that will seem both new and
4323s familiar
4325s that's my theme for today's
4326s uh
4328s my chili stream new and familiar
4334s lost last shaman ability win
4336s um
4337s we don't actually 100 know what it's
4340s going to be it's actually here here's
4342s here's something there's likely two new
4344s shaman abilities coming oh
4347s what's that mean
4349s someone probably knows what i mean by
4350s that actually
4355s but there will not be more
4357s no shaman there's there's one new
4358s shopping ability two new abilities for
4360s prime list total
4361s coming
4362s uh
4365s but it will not have more abilities than
4367s any other class
4375s no eta sorry
4380s not next patch
4382s primeless is not giving any new skills
4384s next match
4388s when i say primeless i mean like
4391s primalist shaman druid beastmaster
4408s all right all right all right here we go
4410s we're going this way
4412s uh the thing you described in elden ring
4414s the two shot thingy that's why um
4417s we don't like current stuns unless e5
4426s yeah i can see i think it's a little bit
4427s different
4428s because there's so much time
4432s between the first hit and the depth like
4437s there is
4439s there's several times more time like
4442s five times more time between the two
4445s maybe more
4463s not happening
4478s all right
4482s so excited for warlock is there any
4484s teasers that you can give us at all
4486s what it will be like no i can't tell you
4488s anything at all the only thing i can
4489s tell you
4490s is that there's a very brief description
4492s on our website that you could go look at
4499s here
4500s i'll give you everything i can give
4505s it's not a lot
4510s a master of the forbidden arts she tears
4512s into the essence of her foes twisting
4514s and corrupting their spirits curses them
4517s curses that dim the mind and break the
4519s body the faintest word from her lips
4521s bear vile enough magic to snuff the life
4524s of her enemies entirely
4530s that's all the info i got on warlock for
4531s you
4536s and that some piece of functionality
4538s like behind the scenes tech that we
4540s created for one of the dungeons
4542s will also be used in one of the skills
4545s that the warlock might have eventually
4549s which is telling nothing but i just
4551s thought it was cool
4563s i think there's a little bit of a
4564s misconception on
4565s how much progress and priority we put on
4567s the new the new classes right now
4570s they are
4571s they're not
4572s really being worked on actively and
4574s they're not uh
4576s they're not they're not right around the
4577s corner or anything like that
4582s like i haven't done anything with
4584s warlock in
4586s i don't know a year
4604s probably more
4606s i should bring chat up again shouldn't i
4610s uh total update soon not much no
4615s uh if you were to add a barbarian master
4617s class post launch uh what would be a
4620s must-have skill idea off the top of your
4622s head uh yeah i mean so this is the
4624s there's there's a lot of stuff that's
4626s already in the game that's really iconic
4627s when i think barbarian
4629s like the two the two iconic things i
4630s think of are like i always think a deal
4632s with two barbarians so um
4634s whirlwind and battle shout
4637s battle command you know like so shouts
4639s shouts and whirlwind are the two big
4640s things that come to mind for me
4642s personally um
4644s another thing really is that that dual
4646s building two-handed items two other
4647s weapons
4650s the those like the big things that come
4652s to mind really
4655s and i think
4657s uh something
4660s something in there would have to be
4661s pretty pretty heavily
4664s involved so
4665s maybe there's maybe this is
4668s and
4670s please don't take this into the disorder
4672s maybe there's overlap skills maybe
4674s warpath gets uh two classes it's
4676s associated with you know maybe
4678s um
4680s maybe
4681s dual wielding two-handers becomes a
4683s thing maybe like this is all you notice
4686s how many times i'm saying maybe because
4687s i have no idea if any of this could be
4688s possible or would happen ever um but
4691s those are the sorts of things that i
4692s think of personally
4695s barbarian to me is very much uh
4697s i'm gonna hit you in the face and it's
4699s gonna hurt a lot also i'm really tough
4703s like that's that's
4705s that's barbarian in my world
4709s leap attack so it's already fury leap
4711s there's already work work right like
4713s it might involve um moving skills that
4715s are already on other classes
4718s other mastery classes so it may not be a
4722s like here's five new barbarian skills it
4724s might be like okay i'm gonna take this
4726s skill from here and this skill from
4728s there and then three new skills and
4730s that's barbarian and then we're gonna
4731s attack we're gonna add two new skills to
4733s other ones as well so that can happen
4735s there's there's at least one skill
4737s that's already in the game
4739s here's something there's at least one
4741s skill that's already in the game it has
4743s been for a very long time
4745s that is eventually one day in a long
4748s time down the road planned to be a skill
4751s that will be given to a fourth mastery
4753s for that class
4755s yeah
4757s so there's one skill in the game that's
4758s already earmarked for a fourth master in
4760s that class
4770s even look how much i needed
4774s hello and thanks for fast help all
4777s worked good you're welcome i don't
4778s remember what i did i doubt it was me
4788s i just saw a chat message that got
4790s blocked for using the word creep and i
4791s approved it i don't know if that gets
4793s put at the currently sent messages so it
4795s might be a weird chat message that just
4796s got put out of place
4798s um i think
4800s overlapped skills sound very very you
4802s sound very good some skills really would
4804s be interesting in other mastery classes
4806s yeah i i like it's definitely an idea
4808s we've toyed with it does cause a lot of
4811s problems
4812s like
4813s um
4814s oh so far basically nice suddenly if we
4817s do that does like
4820s say say we had
4822s um say it was done and okay how do you
4825s do that is it just like the class
4827s unlocks it
4829s um
4830s is it through an item sometimes maybe
4832s like there's there's all sorts of ways
4834s to do it but um
4837s there's there's a lot of difficulties
4839s and there's reasons we don't have that
4840s already but yeah
4842s um
4844s there might come a time where it's
4845s necessary and worthwhile and
4846s and good to have
4851s we'll see we'll see
4853s so suddenly items i think part part was
4854s getting so many items say there's a
4856s there's a
4857s sentinel only body armor that
4858s specifically
4860s uh relates to warpath and it's like
4863s necessary for warpath builds to have
4864s this armor um and then you give warpath
4867s to barbarian as well
4869s um
4870s does
4873s like suddenly do you need to make that
4875s armor also functional for primeless or
4877s for barbarian do you um
4880s do you just make another different
4881s version of the unique that's on that's
4882s on a primeless base maybe that's what
4884s you do um maybe you have them maybe you
4886s don't so that it's specifically
4888s different and there's different tools on
4889s each class i mean you already have that
4891s synergy with other skills and other um
4894s other masteries or other masters other
4897s passives as well that go with it um and
4899s there's also triggers inside the skill
4900s tree itself like uh like
4904s skills might one skill might reference
4905s another skill in that mastery so
4907s suddenly does
4909s um
4910s like four paths triggering abilities
4912s inside the tree to suddenly primeless
4914s have access to those other skills as
4915s well um or maybe the node says maybe
4918s change the nodes to say
4920s like oh it triggers this ability or this
4922s ability depending on which class you are
4926s so yeah
4931s there's a lot that goes into something
4932s like that that's that's that like
4934s if that were to happen you're really
4936s clear that it's not guaranteed to happen
4937s if it were to happen any skill being
4939s multi-class like that i think that's a
4941s post on point of view
4946s and i think it's really important for us
4947s to have those design spaces that we can
4949s that we can expand into like things that
4951s are
4952s um
4953s really interesting and cool that we can
4954s expect we can open up and focus a patch
4957s around focus the cycle around um
4961s having those things ready to go
4964s um
4965s is really important to us and we do we
4967s definitely sometimes when we're in
4968s design meetings someone will come some
4969s will be sitting around talking about
4970s something and someone will go
4973s i got an idea everybody i got an idea
4975s and we'll all be like yeah that's a
4977s great idea
4978s post launch idea and it goes in a bin
4981s um
4984s and it's really important to have those
4985s ideas and to not do them halfway
4990s i think it's like like it may be so say
4992s that idea is like doable
4995s but
4996s um
4998s we do like a basic version of it now
5000s sometimes it's not worthwhile to do the
5002s basic version first
5005s um
5010s because sometimes it just won't be as
5011s fleshed out as you want it to be and it
5013s gives at least a bad taste for that
5014s style of mechanic down the road
5018s so sometimes it is something that this
5020s is that's a very subjective thing yeah
5023s not even gonna pick up that
5035s missed like three shots in a row there
5039s uh without naming names uh what are some
5043s of the biggest rpg traps you're all
5045s trying to avoid from a dead perspective
5047s scope creep power creep community
5049s management etc there's
5050s i mean
5054s like every game makes mistakes no games
5055s perfect us included we make mistakes you
5057s know like there's
5059s there's there's so many things like that
5061s um
5064s and i i like we learn from our mistakes
5065s we learn from other people's mistakes
5069s i'm saying this really vaguely and
5071s broadly because i'm deciding if i want
5072s to actually make say any specifics or
5074s not while i'm talking
5076s um i don't know if i do
5080s um
5082s i think ex
5085s i think we need to uh here's something
5087s else i think we need to be
5089s mindful of our
5091s studio size and experience before
5094s biting off more than we can chew
5099s um
5103s and
5106s uh
5108s cautious is the wrong word because i
5110s don't think we're cautious
5111s um but being
5114s realistic
5116s might be a good way to put it
5121s and focusing on the fundamentals
5125s i think that's a good way to put it
5126s being realistic and focusing on the
5128s fundamentals
5129s like
5132s having the game release with
5136s half the classes and half the skills and
5138s half the gear but like
5141s really tight
5143s mechanics and movement
5146s and and multiplayer and like minimal
5148s bugs is way preferable
5151s to
5153s having huge expansive systems
5155s that that that are unbelievably
5157s interconnected and um adaptive to your
5160s play style and learn and like all these
5162s ridiculous things but
5163s but missing out on fundamentals like
5166s um
5167s just stuff not hitting when you want it
5168s to or like um losing your items which i
5172s just looked at the next uh comment of
5174s someone they're saying that they had
5175s lost their uh character called items
5177s unboxed so yeah fixing stuff like that's
5179s much more important
5191s all
5195s right multi-class yeah it's uh
5198s well multi-classing's a um
5203s i i i think would be a really cool
5206s thing to have in the game and we like in
5208s a sense we kind of do a little bit like
5210s i would call
5211s being able to go into the um
5215s like like serious five points in blade
5216s dancer
5217s you know i'd consider that
5219s a
5221s multi-classing to some extent like i'm
5224s i've got 20 points in rogue i've got 59
5227s in marksman i've got five in blade
5228s dancer like
5229s i'd call that multi-classing in the in
5231s the like most base sense of it
5235s now i know you're kind of looking at
5236s that going okay well yeah but you're all
5237s just rogue that's your class really that
5239s you selected to start and yeah you're
5241s right it is um
5244s so getting getting abilities from other
5246s base classes is really interesting and
5248s uh having some overlap there is really
5250s cool
5251s who knows if that's gonna happen or when
5252s that's gonna happen if it does but um
5256s it's another one of those like nice
5257s design spaces that you can expand into
5262s not happening
5270s still seeing them all just walk through
5272s it and
5273s crumble
5287s by that logic every sentinel is
5289s multi-classing since they're all using
5290s sigils or reversal yeah
5295s yep
5297s volatile reversal is a really
5298s interesting skill i've
5300s we've reworked it a couple times that
5302s hasn't been pushed
5304s we've got a couple scrap reworks of it
5306s that have been done
5307s like the base functionality of it
5310s um
5313s one of them i am still still pulling for
5324s those gloves
5327s those gloves
5338s oh yeah ice hockey player yes i uh
5340s missed that question if you have a
5342s question for me and i didn't answer it
5344s um please repost it with an at last
5346s epoch game in the question i will be
5348s happy to get to it um yes answer your
5350s question i am a senior developer
5353s oh senior designer senior developer i
5355s think it's more accurate i i do a lot of
5356s design stuff as well
5358s um
5359s but
5360s a lot of people are involved with design
5364s um
5366s we definitely have people who it's more
5367s dedicated i've been recently the last
5370s few days i've been um
5372s really getting in heavily too oh yeah
5374s nice
5375s nice
5376s been writing design documents lots of
5378s design documents actually enjoying it
5380s which is crazy
5381s didn't honestly didn't think i would
5383s when i started it
5384s but uh
5387s dove right in and uh really enjoying
5390s myself now okay so what am i doing
5402s thanks for holding down the fort over on
5403s ask the devs llama i see i see you're
5405s answering someone's questions a whole
5406s bunch there
5408s but i'm a little busy and can't do it
5410s myself right now
5419s take care of yourself
5421s trying to take care of you lady
5434s uh so that is akirian's pedals yes thank
5438s you for saying yes
5439s i mean it's very similar looking right
5442s it's got a little bit of a
5445s some summon going on that doesn't look
5447s quite right does it
5451s it's not
5452s new art just for that
5459s karen's pedal art is sticking around in
5460s the game
5464s you might notice a slight theme
5468s once i show you another one here
5476s once i show you the third one you'll
5477s understand
5478s [Laughter]
5485s stop slacking and answer those questions
5488s nah he just locked the channel
5491s [Laughter]
5498s is it possible to get sounds for blue
5499s filter that's a pretty hotly requested
5501s item um we're not actively working on
5503s that right now but i do think it's a
5505s good idea and i i'd be surprised if it
5507s doesn't happen eventually
5508s um the key thing about it is that it
5510s would be a similar system to
5513s uh long story fluffed welcome rating
5515s party of ten people come on down wait
5518s that's not right
5520s some other show isn't it anyways uh glad
5522s to have you with us
5525s um what were you saying
5529s uh loot filter sounds like yes it would
5532s um
5533s it would be similar to
5537s uh
5539s recolor how there's like a list of
5541s colors here and you can't it's there's
5543s not just a palette we actually did have
5544s a palette in here where you just
5547s like enter a hex it or like
5549s pick it on like a
5551s if anyone's ever used like photoshop or
5553s anything where you're picking a color
5555s um
5556s when you just pick any color
5558s um
5562s the uh
5562s [Music]
5564s we would we would likely have a list of
5567s specific uh sounds that would be
5570s available so people could could be like
5572s yeah you can put sounds on there but it
5573s would be um
5575s here's a choice of
5576s one of 20 sounds instead of
5579s talking to your microphone now
5585s i i know i know a lot of people would
5586s really want that but
5590s there's room for bad things to happen
5593s that we kind of wanna not leave room for
5606s time to go home
5611s oh
5613s what else we got here showing off art
5616s for soulfire bastion unique items i
5618s think
5619s i mean you're kinda close
5625s but there's really something specific
5628s about these ones that's interesting
5630s because it's not that
5634s because there's art that was released
5636s recently
5638s that's pretty clearly sulfire bastion
5640s unique art right
5643s like
5645s let's let's let's find those i think
5647s that's pretty
5654s where are those
5661s unique items
5667s like
5671s oh i hate that it adds the back in there
5672s when you just open just the image
5677s like
5685s so that these new ones that i'm putting
5687s up are not um
5690s boss uniques for
5693s boss drops they're not unique boss drops
5695s for soul fire bash
5700s is it a necro fire set wall no it's not
5703s uh unique set of items for so far
5706s bastion dungeon
5707s kinda not really know
5710s wait
5712s yeah i mean
5714s kinda not really know is the right
5716s answer but yes at the same time yeah
5718s okay insert well yes but actually no
5720s meme here
5721s [Laughter]
5724s okay so no need to keep doing this
5725s community unique event we've already
5727s decided that the unique will create
5728s zombies zombies ah
5731s didn't even notice
5733s that's good
5737s get your favorite devs inappropriate
5739s shout outs as drop sounds now i mean
5742s okay so
5746s having uh sound packs that we put in the
5749s game
5750s um
5752s might leave room for
5753s [Music]
5755s non-traditional sounds that we feel are
5757s appropriate enough but still fun to go
5759s in
5760s that might be released on certain days
5762s of the year
5764s uh you know
5771s not happening
5775s there's there's a few clips sound clips
5777s that
5778s one might play
5779s on the stream actually
5782s that would be uh definitely definitely
5784s would never make it in the game you know
5787s no way we'd be that irresponsible
5795s um
5797s that'll be nice for the loot filter
5798s it's a mini game in itself yeah
5800s it's
5801s making a loop filter that is full
5803s featured and accessible is so flipping
5806s difficult oh my goodness
5808s um
5810s just like oh it's so hard
5812s anyways um there's definitely still more
5815s stuff we want to do with the lip filter
5817s one thing that i really want to do with
5818s it i've talked to this few times is
5819s having some sort of
5821s um in-game
5823s shareable system for loot filters
5825s so where you can you just open your loop
5827s filter and you'd be like new loot filter
5829s and one of the options is like
5831s select from a community one and there's
5833s just like
5834s a database of loot filters in game
5836s that'll be like upvoted and have
5839s descriptions and you know you can filter
5841s by like oh i need one for a rogue and
5843s it'll just only show you rogue ones and
5845s um
5847s i know there's there's databases online
5849s for things like that already and build
5851s guides quite often come with loot filter
5852s files which which is fantastic and the
5854s people who do that
5856s um
5858s having it in game i think would would
5859s make it a lot more accessible for a lot
5861s of people
5863s um
5864s and we've tried to hide certain features
5866s behind like advanced buttons just so
5868s people don't get overwhelmed with it
5871s but we're still we're still working on
5872s that and improving that i'm sure that's
5873s something like loot filter in general is
5875s something that will get
5876s a lot of improvements for years to come
5881s that's one of those systems that you
5882s like you look at you're like that's
5884s never really gonna be done is it
5891s okay let's just keep going
5895s i want to fight the boss
5900s it gives me 20 bucks still
5911s where do you see set items going in the
5912s future oh great question
5916s i i don't have a good answer for it
5917s there's there's a few things we've we
5919s talked about and looked at um i was i'm
5921s i'm in the middle of writing the items
5923s design document right now we're kind of
5925s retroactively writing some of them or
5926s updating them because we had some
5927s documents that are just too old now and
5930s i was writing the set section yesterday
5933s um
5935s and i was like writing it out i put a
5937s section there i'm just like
5939s there's room for
5941s uh
5942s like there's room for changes here so i
5943s care what i wrote but it was
5945s about needing to
5947s this not to be the final version of it
5950s i saw some really interesting um
5953s posts on our forums this last couple
5955s weeks uh there was there was one that i
5957s really liked we haven't talked about it
5959s yet um so
5961s i'm the only one i know for sure that's
5963s red i'm sure other people have two on
5964s the team but we haven't discussed it in
5966s our design meetings yet
5969s um
5970s there was one that was instead of each
5972s item being a
5974s like
5975s instead of needing three set items to
5977s activate a bonus you need like six set
5980s power
5982s to activate the bonus
5983s and each item could have anywhere from
5984s like one to four set power so like you
5986s could activate you could need six items
5988s to activate it with all with one set
5990s power or you might only need two to
5991s activate each with three set power or
5993s something like that um
5996s i thought that was a really cool way to
5997s like
5998s have that
6000s um
6003s have the powerful set items have a way
6005s to scale and grow
6007s um possibly even through like
6011s a dungeon system that maybe like
6012s increased set power of an item or
6014s something like that or re-rolled the set
6016s power of rhino or something like that
6018s um
6019s you know and i i really i really liked
6021s that idea i haven't really dug into it
6023s or talked about it i don't know if
6024s there's any problems or pitfalls there
6026s uh
6027s but that was one that i enjoyed
6030s um
6032s today the biggest thing that set items
6034s fall victim to right now is
6037s there they're just
6038s not good enough in general and they
6040s don't have much
6042s tail on the chase
6044s um
6047s they sort of have this
6051s i don't know i don't know how to
6052s describe this there's this weird like
6054s okay we got there got everything and it
6056s can sometimes be a big spike
6058s in
6059s uh in power and having that that final
6063s um
6065s the final piece that you add to your
6066s gear and like the the final set bonus is
6069s huge that's what you've been going for
6071s and and having it be really impactful is
6073s important in order to make an incentive
6075s to go for it um
6078s but then like the rest of the gear has
6080s to be kind of crap in order to make the
6082s whole thing not too powerful and
6086s it's it's it's really tricky to have
6088s them function nicely
6092s and i don't know what to do about it yet
6096s um but i think i think set power i don't
6098s know the name we'd give the the stat as
6099s well but i'm trying to set potential it
6101s doesn't really work so set power is the
6103s one i like the most i care what they
6104s called it in the post or whose post it
6106s was i'm sorry whoever it was great post
6108s i enjoyed it
6111s um there were a few other posts about
6112s set items recently too that i enjoyed as
6114s well this wasn't just that one
6117s that was just one i liked the
6119s most um
6123s my opinion does not mean
6125s everything at all
6128s in this context
6137s all right more questions let's keep it
6138s keep the ball rolling
6141s uh
6142s so for halloween b dance mic
6145s sound blue filter got it yeah
6148s [Laughter]
6154s no why not
6171s i want it let me pick it up come on huh
6177s please
6178s thank you
6180s it's holding out on me should come down
6181s here first
6185s they're fighting each other
6187s that doesn't have very often
6195s uh so the set power would be similar to
6197s legendary potential so if it sounds like
6199s a reasonable thing it would actually be
6201s really different than legendary
6202s potential but in the sense that there's
6204s this
6205s like
6205s um
6207s more like
6209s like extra stat version of of set items
6212s that you could drop that would have
6214s um build changing implications yeah so
6217s like
6219s um
6220s you've you've got
6222s like you're you're sitting on
6226s uh like and like you need like three set
6228s pieces that make up the set to get the
6230s set bonus really want um and one of them
6233s is like a single
6234s set power item
6236s and you're like i just and you find like
6238s another one of them that has like one
6240s more set power on it and suddenly you've
6243s got this like you can you can take one
6245s of those items out
6246s and suddenly you've got this whole new
6249s um
6251s like this the slot opens up to be able
6252s to switch it with something that's a
6253s little less maybe a unique that has a
6256s bonus that's also complementary
6259s and i think just like having this this
6261s place later on in
6263s uh in your in the game as you as you
6266s like after you've completed this set
6268s there's still room to have
6270s that like set puzzle change implications
6273s is
6275s i think really important i really like
6276s it
6279s that was the big thing that i liked
6280s about it so much
6285s one problem is also with it becoming too
6287s specialized where it creates a
6289s best-in-slot mechanic in the only viable
6291s way of playing certain skills yeah yeah
6293s yeah and i think i think that's one of
6295s the things that having the
6297s um
6298s like really interesting parts of the
6300s mechanics in the set bonuses uh and and
6303s having the legendary of the budget the
6304s set power on these set items is that
6306s maybe you find like say like the gloves
6309s in the set are like the weakest part of
6310s the set right
6312s um but you find a four set power set of
6314s gloves and suddenly it's like okay well
6317s now i can
6319s take off another piece that's actually a
6321s pretty good piece in the set um
6323s so i put but this other unique fits in
6325s better and you keep going with that
6327s until suddenly you do find the other
6329s piece like the chess piece say with high
6330s set potential
6332s power and you like switch out the the
6334s gloves for better gloves and you put the
6335s chest back in and there's still this
6337s like
6338s um
6339s this this gear reorganizing puzzle that
6342s still can happen after you've completed
6344s the set and i think that's really
6345s important
6347s um
6348s yeah
6353s when like the set bonus becomes the best
6355s in slot piece
6357s but which piece is giving you that set
6359s bonus can change
6361s or like how you're configuring your gear
6362s to get that set bonus can still change
6364s after you've got it
6366s i think that's the key that that really
6368s needs to make sense great and honestly
6371s just realizing that right now as we're
6373s talking
6377s so maybe i'm wrong
6381s all right next one giving you guys are
6383s about three month content patches is it
6385s roughly what to expect for cycle time
6387s frames three months before new ones or
6389s will they last longer they might last
6390s longer and um
6394s patches between now and launch might
6396s start to deviate from that timeline a
6398s bit
6401s i would say you can be less confident in
6403s that regularity shorter or longer
6406s um
6408s patch timings between now and launch
6409s will start to become more based on
6412s what we have done and when we want which
6415s which content we want to release
6416s together rather than keeping up a
6418s timeline
6419s um
6421s because of the types of content that's
6422s coming out
6423s in the next few patches
6428s game design on the fly i mean
6431s i wake up some mornings and i'm like
6433s i've got it
6436s all right i got one more one more item
6438s to share with you
6439s it doesn't
6440s kind of fades into the ui a little bit
6442s worse which is
6445s no idea let me just make it bigger does
6446s that make the problem even worse
6450s kind of does
6453s oh that fixes it
6455s mike what are you doing
6461s here we go
6468s now i will leave it to you
6470s was if anyone ever read dykstra
6473s um
6474s it's an exercise for the reader thought
6476s he said
6478s oh
6481s that was some dry reading
6482s i was never a big fan
6485s brilliant man
6490s leave for the reader to decide the uh to
6492s fix to work out the connection
6496s puzzle bosses over uh ever being talked
6499s about a boss where the mechanic is
6501s interesting
6502s with uh
6503s interacting with the environment to
6505s figure out a puzzle to unlock a boss
6507s fight be nice unique boss experience
6509s from the rest of the normal go in and
6511s kill it
6514s so there's there's um
6516s a really interesting thing that happened
6517s when i was pretty early in dming i was
6520s me and my buddies
6523s uh
6524s so someone gave us a pathfinder book
6527s which uh it's basically dungeons and
6529s dragons a lot of people called
6530s pathfinder dnd 3.5
6532s um so it's
6534s it's it's very similar
6536s uh tabletop rpg
6538s a lot of fun big fan
6540s um
6542s and
6543s we
6544s so i was um
6548s of my friends i was living with the time
6549s i'm one of the more
6552s nerdy people
6553s so it was kind of just i and i was
6555s really excited to do it but i kind of
6556s defaulted a little bit to just the dm
6559s for it
6560s which totally happened to do it now i i
6562s didn't
6564s read as much as i should have as a young
6566s dm which was a mistake um but a ton of
6569s fun with it and learned a lot of things
6571s and one interesting thing
6574s was i created a lot of puzzles
6576s uh in in in the campaigns early on and
6578s they were puzzles that the the people
6580s sitting at the table had to figure out
6584s um and we had this moment where
6587s um
6589s they figured out the puzzle i can't
6590s remember exactly what it was a while ago
6591s they figured out the puzzle
6594s and
6595s the the person who figured it out their
6598s character was
6599s like zero intelligence just dumb it
6603s weren't from the area had no idea what
6604s was going on like their character was
6606s the last person that should have figured
6608s out that
6610s but they as a person did figure it out
6617s and it creates this it made me think a
6619s lot about
6620s designing
6623s like meta puzzles or intellectually
6625s complex puzzles that the player has to
6627s figure out
6629s in an rpg setting
6631s when
6632s free when really like
6634s if you're gonna look at like immersion
6635s for it the characters who should be
6637s figuring out that puzzle
6639s um
6640s but it doesn't always make sense for the
6641s character to figure that out so there's
6643s sort of this like disconnect a little
6644s bit between
6645s um the character and the gameplay which
6648s is unfortunate which which ideally you
6649s want to avoid if you can
6652s but just having a situation where you're
6653s like i
6655s like roller d20 did my character figure
6657s out the puzzle that's less engaging
6661s um
6662s and i think there's like some
6664s interesting stuff that happens some
6665s similarities with that problem with the
6667s game like like epoch as well
6670s um
6674s so i really like having
6676s having things like that in the game i
6678s think it could bring a lot too it's like
6679s puzzle bosses i think could be really
6680s good
6682s one of the hard parts about it is once
6683s you've learned the puzzle it it really
6686s trivializes it as well
6687s and it's kind of it's a lot of fun the
6689s first time and not a lot of fun after
6691s that
6692s so you almost have to have
6695s a puzzle
6697s that changes
6699s based on like an adaptive puzzle
6707s no idea what that looks like
6712s but
6713s but that's sort of what i i would be
6716s i'd be looking at to try and do is in
6718s order to have something like this
6719s actually in game it's some sort of like
6720s adaptive puzzle system where it's like a
6723s little bit different each time
6725s and then you also have to have it be
6727s like a lot of people don't
6729s play games like these specifically to
6731s solve puzzles like that it's kind of
6732s like almost a different game genre as
6734s well
6744s and
6747s so yeah i'm
6749s i'm not sure about the state of puzzle
6751s bosses in general but it is a really
6753s interesting thing i do like the idea a
6755s lot
6766s huh
6782s is
6795s might not be obvious what i'm doing but
6796s i'm standing on one half of the
6800s um
6804s if anyone's struggling with this fight
6805s it's a tough fight um there's a lot of
6807s mechanics happening all at once you
6808s gotta watch out for
6810s um
6811s whenever he puts his head down
6814s like like the eye goes below the
6816s platform
6818s uh he's gonna stand up quickly and
6821s suddenly and like do a big attack right
6824s in front of him so the eye goes down
6825s like that right there you gotta move
6828s um claw goes up you don't move much but
6830s you gotta move because you might get
6833s stunned um
6835s when when the eye turns color and it
6838s kind of like rotates a little bit before
6839s he starts going you want to try and move
6843s uh as far away to the other side as
6845s possible because you're what you're
6846s hoping for him to do is
6848s like
6850s so he's picked a way that's like facing
6852s forward and if you're on one side of
6855s that whatever forward is you want to try
6856s and get to the other side of that so
6857s that he starts doing it and shoots
6859s towards where you were but doesn't turn
6861s towards where you now are
6867s well that's not
6869s great for us
6872s we'll just take mana i guess
6876s we don't need mana at all
6880s but
6881s we don't even apply shock or deal
6883s lightning damage that's a little
6885s unfortunate but
6886s hey man is better than nothing
6892s soulfire bastion key i do not believe
6898s all right did i miss any questions
6900s probably
6902s uh sockets still in the menu sockets are
6904s great um i think sockets are a really
6906s good um example of
6908s having design space to grow into
6911s and i don't think we'll see them in
6914s uh 1.0 but i do think we will see them
6921s and when i when i wear it like that
6922s i can be very wrong
6924s so
6928s any thoughts on taking bosses from the
6931s now optional empowered model of quests
6933s and them as random boss for empowered
6935s echoes love that idea
6938s i haven't thought of it before
6943s oh i see
6944s already claire's here my time has come
6948s i i mentioned this before i know
6950s someone's gonna be really happy about
6952s this
6955s you're welcome
6966s uh is there any plans to implement an
6968s in-game auto hotkey for say one skill
6970s before release
6972s up to one skill for lease extremely
6975s unlikely
6976s extremely unlikely i hate saying no
6979s like just outright knows on things i'm
6981s very tempted to say out right now to
6982s that
6988s i hope those blessings yeah
6991s yeah those blessings so good
7000s my bridge
7002s yeah
7002s [Music]
7003s second bridge
7009s wait still skill points
7013s radius and growth speed is what i was
7014s doing
7015s just already on you you don't need
7017s allies for that
7023s i mean
7024s just more different types of dots being
7026s applied is not bad
7032s i mean that's pretty sweet
7034s sure let's do that
7041s we don't care about that
7043s don't care about that
7051s i mean that's pretty sweet
7054s hey stration yeah let's just crank that
7056s full
7059s this is what i was going towards armor
7061s shirts really great too
7065s let's just do frailty
7079s that's what i like
7080s i know i've deviated from the build
7083s i've altered the build pray i don't
7085s alter
7088s i have two minutes
7090s two minutes i should not have entered
7092s this
7093s how fast can we do it
7099s any chance there will be a class
7101s specific blessings in the future a
7103s chance to get multiple blessings from
7104s one timeline um
7106s i would say it'll be extremely rare to
7108s ever have
7109s like two blessings on a single timeline
7113s it's not impossible but very rare
7116s um
7117s class specific lessons could be a thing
7119s um the system supports it
7122s we don't uh we don't have any plans for
7124s the moment but it does support it
7129s not happening
7136s just want to get through this one
7138s because i'm gonna run over time
7142s and i don't like running over time if i
7144s can help it
7146s jazz hands
7148s [Laughter]
7159s i mean option two for completing is i
7161s just die
7164s which might just happen
7174s uh
7181s [Music]
7186s did i not even click this yet oh my
7188s goodness i thought i clicked it
7195s there we
7197s go handled
7200s handled
7209s all right
7210s uh where did we get to there's any last
7211s last second questions here before i sign
7214s off
7216s get that money
7218s cash money
7222s wait those rings i was pretty happy with
7223s those rings
7225s actually last quick couple questions
7227s here do you have an actual eta
7229s multiplayer no
7230s uh and will there be a market or an
7232s auction house there will be some form of
7236s uh way to
7238s have items that you didn't pick up and
7240s do things with items to other players
7242s that they didn't pick up
7244s that's not all i could say right now
7246s um
7247s once league seasons not sure what you
7249s want to call we're calling them cycles
7250s right now uh begin we'll
7254s effort
7256s next topic won't be this week did i say
7257s that
7259s no next office won't be this week
7260s i said that before it was planned to be
7262s this week we pushed it to next week
7264s sorry
7265s um
7266s will effort be made not to clash with
7268s the release of path of exile league
7269s dates
7270s um
7272s the first and foremost thing and this
7274s could change currently our um
7277s our main plan is
7280s to do what's best for our game timeline
7284s uh if we can still
7287s have our own timeline that we like
7289s and that we're happy with uh if we have
7291s an option between two dates and there's
7292s not really a big difference as far as
7294s we're concerned and one of those dates
7295s conflicts with path of exiles and one of
7297s them doesn't we'll pick the one that
7299s doesn't
7300s we're very aware that there are two
7302s games uh more more than just one game in
7304s the space and we need to um
7308s a lot of people like to play multiples
7309s of those games that we need to respect
7311s those games and uh
7313s respect people's times and uh it's it's
7315s i think healthier to
7317s um
7320s like
7321s try and offset them if we can
7325s yeah
7326s but i i just can't guarantee that every
7327s single one is going to be
7329s completely separate
7331s because there might there might end up
7332s being some incidental overlap
7334s but we like to keep them separate and
7335s you may notice from our patches already
7337s that we try and do that now
7340s all right last one thanks for a good
7341s time as always
7342s till next week you're welcome uh let's
7348s thanks for stopping by
7350s i had a ton of fun i hope you did too
7352s i'll be back same time same place next
7354s week hope to see you then