over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Feedback Corners: A Redux

Welcome to our first #feedback-corner of 2019!

The idea behind the Feedback Corner format is to provide a brief summary of feedback we have received on a particular topic, and to then explain how we will be addressing that feedback. The somewhat similar #dev-blog format differs from this in that it concentrates on our own plans - often serving as an introduction to something not yet implemented.

This Feedback Corner pertains to potions. Earlier this year we posted a Developer Blog on the subject - and since then we have been monitoring community sentiment regarding that reimagining of potions, and periodically discussing the topic in our design meetings.

Feedback We Have Received

Concerns which have been highlighted by the community include;

  • Either boss fights will be designed around potions - e.g. every boss will summon allies (‘adds’) to assist it - or potions will not be obtainable during boss encounters.
  • Potions being designed as items which drop from enemies with an element of randomness contributes to them being a defense with inconsistent availability.
  • Ward-focused characters struggle to make use of potions due to a large proportion of their eHP (‘Effective Health Points’) being comprised of a secondary health pool.
  • If the amount of potions you have access to is inconsistent, class passives and unique items which interact with them will either be overpowered to compensate for that inconsistency, or will be skipped in lieu of more consistent mechanics.

The Scope of Changes Being Discussed

Before we begin discussing changes we will be making, it is worth taking a moment to clarify the scope of the discussion. We are aware that potions are one of a number of systems that currently do not scale particularly well for higher level characters with better equipment. Other examples of aspects of the game which currently do not scale well into the late game include - but are not limited to - protections and stun chance.

This thread focuses on the design of potions and our goals for this system. The issue of some systems not scaling well will be addressed in one or more future threads.

Potions in Last Epoch

On the whole, we are happy with how the potion rework has changed the game. While it is true that the rate at which you obtain potions is less predictable than under the previous system, potions are not intended to replace other forms of defense or life recovery.

The previous system revolved around a single potion with multiple charges, the generation of which was steady and predictable. We like when different systems feel different and are used differently, so we wanted to better differentiate potions and skills.

Reducing the certainty of how many potions you will have access to in the future makes the decision of whether to use one more deliberate, and dissuades players from overly relying on a resource in which they have not invested. We also like the potential for potions to drop in inconvenient locations, as it results in more decision making than the previous system, where if you had one or more potion charges you were very likely to use your potion.

The community has done an excellent job of highlighting some pain points in how potions currently work - and we will be making some targeted adjustments accordingly.

Some Specific Upcoming Changes

We are going to have bosses drop potions as you fight them so that potions can be accessible during boss encounters without every boss fight needing to include adds.

We will also be adjusting the affixes which interact with potions. The goal of these changes will be to make potions more consistently useful by allowing them to grant Ward on demand.

We will be implementing the following affixes;

  • Extra Potion Slot and Added Potion Health
    • This will be available on Belts.
  • Ward Gained on Potion Use
    • This will be available on Helmets, Amulets, Gloves, and Belts.
  • % of Potion Health Converted to Ward
    • This will be available on Gloves, Belts, Rings, and Relics.

We will also be removing some or all of these affixes;

  • Added Potion Health
  • Increased Life Regen on Potion Use
  • Increased Potion Health

We also plan to adjust the rarity and power level of Dodge Rating on Potion Use to make it a less common affix, but one that is significantly more impactful than it is currently.

Finally, we will be making some additional adjustments to potion-related affixes unrelated to this feedback - and these will be listed in the relevant #patch-notes thread.

Thank you for your help in making Last Epoch the best game it can be.

over 5 years ago - Trasochi - Direct link

The total number of potion affixes is going down in this update, and the remaining/new ones will be rarer than the old ones and roll on fewer slots.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

As we continue to release content patches there will be a growing number of unique items, passives, legendary items, and specialization tree nodes which support potions - increasing your number of potion slots, the amount of health potions restore, and their chance to drop.

A year from now you might be buying a unique belt with 8 potion slots from the Bazaar, or playing a Runemaster build that causes rare enemies to be guaranteed to drop potions if they were killed by one of your runes. The potion rework wasn’t all that long ago - and in some ways I would liken potions to a skill which does not yet have a specialization tree. The core concept is available, but is currently stunted due to the limited ability to invest into it.

The more consistent and powerful we make potions, the less room we leave ourselves to create exciting items around them or to have skills and passives meaningfully interact with them. We want your characters’ builds to improve potions in different ways. The alternative would be homogenization, which would likely reduce the longevity of the game.

over 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

Hey guys, lots of good discussion going on here. Unfortunately not all of the information made it in to this initial post so it has been a little misleading. We will be following up with a more complete post so that the whole picture is clear.

Sorry about the confusion.