about 2 years
ago -
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This version of the game also has most of the changes that will be present in the full release of Beta 0.9 but we aren’t ready to share those patch notes quite yet (they are very long).
But, we’ll post the patch notes for any hotfixes we make during the closed week event here!
- Initial release at 2023-02-02T16:00:00Z
- Released at 2023-02-02T22:15:00Z
- Fixed a bug that could cause connecting to a game server to fail.
- Disabled the profanity filter by default to alleviate a performance hitching problem. The filter can be turned back on by clicking the Gear icon at the top right of the chat window.
- We will work on fixing the filter’s performance issue in the future (and fix the chat settings in the main options menu not working)
- The Beta disclaimer will now only show one time per account.
- Released at 2023-02-04T00:50:00Z
- Fixed another cause of failing to connect to a game server.
- Fixed the A Long Detour quest not updating properly when entering the Traveler’s Camp. (Before this fix, moving on to the Southern Plateau would still advance the quest)
- Fixed a bug that caused the Armory Aid quest to be uncompletable in some situations. If you encountered this bug, going back to The Armory should allow you to complete the quest.
- Released at 2023-02-10T17:20:00Z.
- The Arena is now available in Champion’s Gate.
- Implemented various server-side performance improvements.
- Fixed buggy behavior when sending party invites to people who are still in character select.
- Fixed a rare bug that occurred during party play which could prevent connecting to servers and persisted after restarting the game.