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Beta 0.8.1 Patch Notes

Patch 0.8.1 is now available for download on Windows and Linux!

Patch 0.8.1 Overview by Game Director, Judd Cobler.

Note: This update extensively changes itemization. Items changes are retroactive, so old gear will likely be suboptimal. We encourage you to have a fresh start on a new character or spend a bit of time collecting gear from slightly lower level content than you’re used to challenging. If you’d like to read more about these, check out our latest Developer Blog!


Table of Contents
 1. Monolith of Fate
 2. Skills
 3. Tooltip DPS
 4. Skill Unlocks
 5. Arena
 6. Animation
 7. Defenses
 8. Item Bases
 9. Crafting
10. Skill Balance
11. Passives
12. Mechanics
13. Uniques & Item Sets
14. Affixes
15. Enemies
16. Campaign
17. Graphics
18. Sound
19. User Interface
20. Social Features
21. Optimization
22. Bug Fixes


Monolith of Fate

  • Added 3 new level 90 Timelines which are unlocked after the Reign of Dragons timeline.
  • There is now an Empowered version for each Timeline. They are all unlocked simultaneously after completing the standard version of the 3 new timelines.
  • Empowered Timelines now also have the following effects:
    • Enemies have 50% more health and damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
    • 50% increased item rarity and experience gained.
  • Unlocking the Empowered version of a timeline now ends any existing run so that the Empowered one can be started immediately.
  • Added 9 new Echo layouts, distributed among various Timelines.
  • Updated the visuals for most pre-existing Echo layouts.
  • Removed Corrupted Temple and Halls of Sorrow from the pool of Echo layouts as they were based on the old version of the Temple of Eterra.
  • Rerolling echo options in the monolith can no longer give you options with any of the same mods as the options you rerolled.
  • Added many new types of Blessings and re-distributed some blessing types around to different Timelines. This included adding Blessings for item types that had none, such as Bows, and adding Empowered blessings to timelines that didn’t have any.
  • Adjusted the levels of pre-existing Timelines:
    • The Stolen Lance is now level 60 (from level 62).
    • The Black Sun is now level 65 (from level 68).
    • Blood, Frost and Death is now level 70 (from level 75).
    • Ending the Storm is now level 75 (from level 80).
    • Fall of the Empire is now level 80 (from level 90).
    • Reign of Dragons is now level 85 (from level 100).

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Skill Level Affixes

  • Items can now grant skill points for particular skills, allowing you to invest an additional point into its tree.
  • The effect can be limited to a single skill, such as “+1 to Meteor” or more broad, such as “+1 to Void Spells”.
  • These effects are available on Uniques, Sets, and class-specific prefixes on Helmets, Body Armour and Relics.
  • Each skill with a specialization tree has a corresponding hybrid prefix which grants additional skill points and rolls on one of the slots listed above.
  • Unequipping an item which grants levels to a skill will remove points from its tree unless you have an equal or greater number of unspent points. Nodes which have had points removed in this way will have a red glow when the skill tree is next opened.

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Skill XP

  • Increased how much XP is required to achieve higher skill levels. This has been done to reflect the larger amount of Endgame content that is now available, and the fact that skill progression now also comes from items.
  • Skills below a certain level threshold now gain XP much faster than before. This allows you to respec points or change the skills you use and get back to the same level as your other skills much quicker.
  • The threshold for this XP bonus scales with character level. Skills affected by the bonus will state so below the XP bar in their skill tree.

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New Skills

  • Added Warcry, which is unlocked at Beastmaster level 10. Warcry knocks back all nearby enemies and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.
  • Added Surge, which is unlocked at Spellblade level 40. Surge is a melee lightning dash attack that damages all enemies within its path.
    • Surge shares a cooldown with Teleport. Using one will put both skills on cooldown.

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Removed Skills

  • Removed Fire Shield as an active skill.
  • Removed Flanking Strike as an active skill.

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Tooltip DPS

  • Re-designed the tooltips for all skills, allowing us to add more information.
  • Skills now display their Damage Per Second, or Average Damage if they have a cooldown.
    • Minion skills, and nodes that exclusively affect sub-abilities (i.e. Increased Fire Aura Damage) are not currently supported, but will be in the future.
    • DPS is very complicated to calculate, so the DPS value of a skill won’t account for absolutely every node or effect in the game.
    • Conditional effects (i.e. “Your next attack deals 30% damage”) will not affect tooltip DPS as they only take effect when the skill is used.
    • Tooltip DPS is very useful to help evaluate how much a piece of gear or node affects your skill, but the values can’t be directly compared between skills or other players in all situations.
  • Tooltips for sub-abilities (such as Fury Leap’s Lightning Bolts) can now be accessed by holding alt while viewing the tooltip for the node which adds them.
  • Tooltips for skills mentioned on Uniques (both normal player skills and skills that are only granted by that item) can now be accessed by holding alt while viewing the item’s tooltip.

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Skill Unlocks

Beastmaster Skill Unlocks

  • Frenzy Totem is now unlocked at Beastmaster level 20 (from 15).
  • Summon Scorpion is now unlocked at Beastmaster level 30 (from 10).

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Mage Skill Unlocks

  • Fireball is now unlocked at character level 2 (from level 7).
  • Snap freeze is now unlocked at character level 3 (from level 4).
  • Elemental Nova is now unlocked at character level 4 (from level 2).
  • Flame Ward is now unlocked at character level 7 (from character level 9).
  • Disintegrate is now unlocked at character level 10 (from 15 points in Sorcerer passives).
  • Static is now unlocked at character level 15 (from 20 points in Spellblade passives).
  • Static Orb is now unlocked at 5 points in Sorcerer passives (from character level 3).
  • Ice Barrage is now unlocked at 15 points in Sorcerer passives (from 5 points).
  • Enchant Weapon is now unlocked at 15 points in Spellblade passives (from 10 points).

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  • Added 5 new Arena layouts.
  • Meruna Sirens can no longer spawn in Arena with variable elevation.

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  • Overhauled animations for the Primalist base class. This does not include Werebear Form and Spriggan Form, which we plan to update in the future (likely to coincide with a 3d model update).

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  • Specializing in a specific secondary defense should feel achievable and rewarding.
  • Secondary defenses should have associations with specific classes, but still function as viable options for other classes.
  • For most secondary defenses, gaining large amounts should help you disregard damage from most packs of small enemies, even at high arena waves so that survival for a tanky character is more dependent on avoiding telegraphed attacks.

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Added a new secondary defense, Endurance.

  • Endurance reduces all damage dealt to your health below your Endurance Threshold.
  • Endurance is capped at 60%. Endurance Threshold is not capped.
  • You start with 20% Endurance and 40 Endurance Threshold and gain 2 Endurance Threshold per level.
  • For example, if you have 50% Endurance and an Endurance Threshold of 100, all damage dealt to your last 100 health will be reduced by 50%.

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  • Mitigation from Armour is now capped at 85% (from 60%).
  • No longer has bonus mitigation when reducing damage dealt to your health below a threshold (this mechanic has been moved to Endurance).
  • Scales more linearly than before, so gaining a chunk of armour more consistently results in a substantial increase in mitigation.
  • Is now only half as effective against non-physical damage.

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  • Dodge chance is now capped at 85% (from 75%).
  • Dodge chance is lower than before unless you have very high dodge rating (around 4000 at high levels).
  • Scales more linearly than before.

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Armor and Dodge Affixes

Armour and Dodge Affix Changes
  • Increased armour is now a suffix and can no longer roll on belts.
  • Added armour can no longer roll on rings, amulets, belts, or relics, but has higher values from T3 onwards.
  • Increased dodge rating is now a suffix and can no longer roll on relics.
  • Added dodge rating can no longer roll on shields.

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Block Effectiveness

  • Block Effectiveness is now capped at 85% (from 75%). Block chance can still reach 100%.
  • Mitigation is lower than before unless you have high block effectiveness (around 2400 at high levels).
  • Scales more linearly than before.

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Block Availability

  • There is now a hybrid block effectiveness + block chance suffix that rolls on rings and gloves.
  • Nodes that gave block chance per point on the Sentinel base class and mastery trees now give a flat amount of block chance when you invest your first point in them, and that amount does not increase with additional points invested.
  • Gladiator grants 3% block chance - not scaling (from 1% block chance per point).
  • Steel Aegis grants 2% block chance - not scaling (from 1% block chance per point).
  • Flawless Defender grants 3% block chance - not scaling (from 1% block chance per point).
  • Honour grants 2% block chance - not scaling (from 1% block chance per point).
  • Shield Wall now grants 5% block chance (from 3%), 100% less dodge rating (from 25%), and also grants 10 health gained on block, but can have 1 point allocated (from 4).

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Item Bases


  • Added 9 new Relic base types for each base class, completed with brand new 2d art and implicits.
  • Relics can now have class-specific affixes, like body armor and helmets. Relics currently only have “+ level of skill” class-specific affixes.

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  • All Shield base types have been replaced. This includes new 2d art, 3d art and implicits.

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Wands and Scepters

  • All sceptre base types have been replaced. The new base types also have new 2d and 3d art.
  • -3 spell mana cost implicit has been moved to wands from sceptres.
  • Wand adaptive spell damage reduced slightly to compensate.
  • The Spell Damage and Mana Cost affix now rolls on sceptres rather than wands. Existing instances of this affix on wands will be changed to spell damage.
  • The Mage now starts with a Brass Sceptre rather than a Burning Branch.
  • Arch Mage Wand
    • Renamed to Arcane Wand.
    • Grants 17 to 22 adaptive spell damage (from 18 to 24).
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Necromancer Wand
    • Renamed to Profane Wand.
    • No longer grants increased minion damage or adaptive spell damage.
    • Now grants 4 to 6 spell necrotic damage.
    • Now grants -3 spell mana cost
  • Silver Wand
    • Now has no level requirement (from requiring level 4).
    • Grants 3 adaptive spell damage (from 3 to 5).
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Ruby Wand
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Obsidian Wand
    • No longer adds 2 to 5 physical spell damage.
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
    • Now also grants 2 to 5 intelligence.
  • Golem Eye Wand
    • Adds 10 to 14 adaptive spell damage (from 10 to 15).
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Burning Branch
    • Now requires level 27 (from having no level requirement).
    • No longer grants melee fire damage or adaptive spell damage.
    • Now grants 12 to 16 spell fire damage.
    • Now grants 10% to 20% ignite chance.
    • Now grants -3 spell mana cost
  • Storm Priest Wand
    • Grants 20 to 24 adaptive spell damage (from 25 to 32).
    • Now also grants 5 to 12 spell lightning damage.
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Imperial Wand
    • Grants 30 to 35 adaptive spell damage (from 33 to 40).
    • Now also grants 30% to 70% increased necrotic damage.
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Infernal Wand
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.
  • Prophecy Wand
    • Grants 50 to 62 adaptive spell damage (from 50 to 65).
    • Now also grants -3 spell mana cost.

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Resistance Implicits

  • Overall aims:
    • Increase the power of resistance implicits.
    • Enable the use of an end-game resistance implicit as a replacement for a T5 resistance suffix.
    • Minimise the availability of physical resistance implicits while levelling, as these can crowd out other base types due to their power when physical resistance is not already capped.
  • Ruby Circlet grants 10% to 18% fire res (from 5% to 10%).
  • Nomad Cowl grants 14% to 22% cold res (from 7% to 14%).
  • Kelthan Mask grants 18% to 36% poison res (from 10% to 24%).
  • Icewolf Pelt grants 32% to 44% cold res (from 10% to 20%).
  • Boiled Leather grants 12% to 24% lightning resistance (from 10% to 20% physical resistance).
  • Scalebane Armour grants 31% to 43% poison resistance (from 16% to 36%).
  • Oak Armor grants 32% to 42% poison resistance (from 18% to 30%).
  • Heretic Armour grants 15 to 33 mana (from 6% to 16% poison resistance).
  • Burial Plate grants 30% to 45% cold resistance (from 15 to 33 mana).
  • Nomad Garb grants 14% to 28% cold resistance (from 8% to 14%).
  • Lagonian Gauntlets grants 15% to 45% lightning resistance (from 10% to 20%).
  • Engraved Gauntlets grant 5% to 15% endurance (from 10% to 20% physical resistance).
  • Solarum Greaves grant 30% to 45% fire resistance (from 10% to 20%).
  • Heoborean Boots grant 10% to 40% cold resistance (from 10% to 20%), but require level 45 (from 43).
  • Bone Amulet grants 13% to 40% physical resistance and necrotic resistance (from 13% to 20%).
  • Gold Ring grants 5% to 18% elemental resistance (from 5% to 12%).

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Other Changes

  • The Profane Hood base type has been renamed to Profane Mask. It now grants 89 armor (from 61) and has new 3d art.
  • The Profane Robes base type has been renamed to Profane Armor. It now grants 149 armor (from 89) and has new 3d art.
  • Added a Gold Amulet base type which grants 18% to 42% lightning and fire resistance.
  • Added a new end game base type, Crusader Gaunlets, which grant armour and void resistance.
  • Replaced Lagonian Gauntlets with Outcast Gloves, which grant armour and necrotic resistance.
  • Horned Cowl grants 3% to 5% health leech (from 2% to 4%) and adds 142 armour (from 124).
  • Immortal Plate grants 11% to 15% endurance (from 6% to 12% chance to receive a glancing blow).
  • Iron Gauntlets grants 36 armour (from 28).
  • Arcane Boots grants 15% to 30% ward retention (from 10% to 15%).
  • Svalnir Quiver grants 15% to 30% crit multi (from 25% to 40%).
  • Umbral Visage grants 15% to 25% crit multi (from 20% to 35%).
  • Crimson Garb grants 30% to 63% increased physical damage (from 30% to 93%).
  • Brigandine Armour grants 18% to 36% increased dodge rating (from 28% to 50%).

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  • Added a new rune which re-rolls the values for all implicits on an item within their tiers, adding instability.

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Skill Balance

Stat Standardization

  • We’ve re-visited all skills to ensure that they grant stats in a consistent way, both for maintainability and to aid the implementation of tooltip DPS. This has also increased the power of many older skills to better match newer ones.

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Minion Scaling

Part of the affix changes in this patch have been to move minion damage affixes out of the way of player defense affixes and crucial weapon damage affixes. This is intended to help minion hybrid builds, but also results in a drop in overall availability of increased minion damage. On top of that, minion survivability in endgame has been lacking and that can get frustrating.

  • From level 21 onwards you gain 0.5% minion power per level.
  • Minion power increases the damage that minions deal and reduces the damage they take (both effects are multiplicative with other modifiers).
  • This means that by level 100 your minions will deal 40% more damage and take 40% less damage.

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Dancing Strikes

  • Dancing Strikes now deals 1% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 3% increased attack speed.

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Dark Quiver

  • Dark Quiver now gains 2% mana efficiency per point of Dexterity.

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Death Seal

  • Mortal Pulse reduces Death Wave damage by 60% (from 50%).
  • Tachycardia grants 60% increased critical strike chance (from 1% base critical strike chance).

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Devouring Orb

  • All Void Rifts created by Devouring Orb or its sub-skills (such as Abyssal Orb) now benefit from the Void Rift nodes on Devouring Orb’s tree.

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  • Inferno has new functionality: 15% chance per point to cast Fire Aura while channeling Disintegrate each second.

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  • Staggering Force no longer grants a guaranteed stun, but now grants 20% more damage, 80% increased stun chance, and 80% increased stun duration.
  • Shattered Resolve now grants 50% increased stun duration per point (from 40%).

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Eterra’s Blessing

  • You can now move again more quickly after casting Eterra’s Blessing.

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Flame Reave

  • Flame Reave now has a different visual effect after taking its lightning damage node.

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Forge Strike

  • Deals 17% more damage.

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Hail of Arrows

  • Hail of Arrows deal 20% more damage and mentions its damage effectiveness per second in the ability tooltip (which is now 300%).
  • Tear Flesh now grants +40% bleed chance per point (from +20%).
  • Venom Arrows now grants +40% poison chance per point (from +20%).

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  • Lunge now shares a cooldown with Shield Rush (using one causes both to go on cooldown).
    • Using Lunge will put Shield Rush on cooldown for 3 seconds instead of the usual 4 seconds. If Shield Rush had 1 second of cooldown remaining, its cooldown would then be 3 seconds.

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  • The melee version of Puncture no longer has auto aim if you have the node which causes it to create mirages to attack with you. The auto aim did not take these into account, causing it to be incorrect at times.

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Rip Blood

  • Re-balanced many nodes in the Rip Blood tree. Characters with Rip Blood specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.

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  • Re-balanced many nodes in the Sacrifice tree. Characters with Sacrifice specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.

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Shadow Cascade

  • Fight In The Shadows now grants 3 mana on use per active Shadow (from 4) and can only have 2 points allocated (from 3).
  • Leveraged Momentum now grants 0.2% more damage per attack speed (from 0.25%) and can only have 3 points allocated (from 4).

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Shadow Daggers

  • Shadow Daggers deals ~17% less damage and no longer scales with spell damage.

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Shield Rush

  • Shield Rush now shares a cooldown with Lunge (using one causes both to go on cooldown).
    • Using Shield Rush will put it on cooldown for 4 seconds, and Lunge on cooldown for 3 seconds (its normal cooldown duration).

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Smelter’s Wrath

  • Deals 17% more damage.

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Soul Feast

  • Deals 7% more damage.
  • Added a new node that converts poison chance from all sources to armour shred chance and increases the effect of armour shred.

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  • Deals 25% more damage.
  • Unlimited Power now adds 5 to Overload’s charge cost.
  • Empower adds 3 spell lightning (from 1 base lightning damage). This results in a 650% larger damage boost than before.

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Synchronized Strike

  • Wave of Darkness node now consumes 5 mana on use per active Shadow.

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Tempest Strike

  • Modifiers to attack speed now apply to tempest strike’s crit chance at twice their normal value
  • Fixed a bug where Hailstorm did not scale with increases to damage over time.
  • Fixed a bug where Tempestuous did not scale with increases to spell damage.
  • Charged Stone no longer incorrectly says it scales with damage over time.

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  • Fixed a bug where Iron Blade scaled with increases to spell damage instead of melee damage.

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Lightning Sub-abilities

  • Mage and Primalist skills now use different Lightning sub-abilities so that they can scale with Intelligence or Attunement based on the class.

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  • Forbidden Knowledge grants 5% necrotic resistance (from 3%).
  • Bone Aura grants 20 armour (from 15).
  • Unnatural Preservation grants 8% ward retention, and 4% poison and necrotic resistance (from 6% and 3%).
  • Putrid Demise grants 4% poison resistance (from 2%).

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  • Life in the Wilderness now grants you endurance threshold and makes all your endurance and endurance threshold also apply to your companions, but it no longer grants health to you and your companions.
  • Envenom grants 8% poison chance (from 10%), but 8% poison resistance (from 5%).
  • Avian Shelter grants you 14 endurance threshold and grants you and your minions 4% physical resistance (from granting you 2% glancing blow and your minions 5% glancing blow).

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  • Blossoming Vines grants 10% healing effectiveness and minion healing effectives (from 15%). Now also grants 10 health per point and can have 10 point allocated (from 8).
  • Barkskin grants 15 armour (from 10) and no longer grants health. Now also grants 2% endurance per point and can have 8 points allocated (from 10).
  • The Tremor specc proc’d by the Tremor node now deals 60% more damage.

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  • Guile grants 5% poison resistance (from 4%).
  • Siege Quiver grants 1% elemental resistance per arrow (from 4%).
  • Critical Precision grants 8% increased crit chance per sword or dagger (from 10%) and 12% crit chance while wielding a bow (from 15%).
  • Duellist grants 4% increased damage and dodge rating (from 5%).
  • Sapping Strikes can have 4 points allocated (from 5).
  • Lethal Cadence can have 5 points allocated (from 10).
  • Agility grants 0.2% increased damage per 1% movement speed (from 0.3%).
  • Tempo grants 10% increased melee damage (from 15%).
  • Weapons of Choice changes
    • Sword and Dagger gives 20% increased crit chance instead of 15% crit multi.
    • All other bonuses that were previously 15% per point are now 20% per point.
    • Can have 8 points allocated (from 10).
  • Assassin’s Quiver grants 8% increased crit chance (from 10%).
  • Heightened Senses grants 7% crit avoidance (from 6%), but only grants 5% crit multi (from 6%) and can only have 5 points allocated (from 6).
  • Barrage of Pain grants 3% increased crit chance per stack (from 4%).
  • Perfect Aim grants 3% critical strike multiplier (from 4%) and 3 health on crit (from 2 displayed, 8 actual).
  • Rain of Arrows grants 25% proc chance (from 17%) and can have 4 points allocated (from 6).

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  • The mastery bonus for Forge Guard grants 35% fire and physical resistance (from 30%).
  • Abyssal Endurance grants 8 health, 4% void resistance, and 4% phys resistance (from 10 health and 4% void resistance).
  • Singular Purpose grants 25% increased damage (from 15%), but no longer adds void resistance, and has 4 max points (from 5).
  • Battle Hardened grants 4% physical resistance when hit (from 3%).
  • Inner Flame grants 5% fire resistance (from 4%).
  • Defiance grants 3% elemental resistance (from 2%).

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  • All items cost more gold at the gambler.
  • For most item types the cost has been increased by around 65%.
  • For item types for which end game sub types drop early (e.g. rings) the cost has been increased much more substantially, especially for those early game base type (e.g. silver rings now cost 2400 rather than 50).
  • The cost of class-specific items have also been increased more substantially.
  • This is to ensure that there is always a relevant gold cost to gambling.

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Set Affixes

  • Set affixes are an interesting mechanic, which we may bring back in future. However, the current implementation only works well for a narrow range of stats, and set resistance affixes lack flavour while feeling necessary rather than build specific. This means that instead of the set bonuses being interesting options they’re just a mechanic that adds complexity without depth and worses the issue of resistances having increasing returns, flying in the face of our goal to mitigate this issue with the classic resistance system.

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Other Changes

  • Increased the XP requirements of levels 86 and above. The increase is larger at higher levels.
    • Level 90 requires 6% more xp from level 89.
    • Level 95 requires 11% more xp from level 94.
    • Level 100 requires 43% more xp from level 99.
  • For effects such as “less damage taken while moving” and “fire aura stacks gained while moving”, using a movement skill such as Shift now correctly counts as moving.
  • Added an Increased Experience shrine.

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Uniques & Item Sets

  • All uniques added before Beta 0.7.7 have been reworked or improved, in addition to other changes.
  • Added 9 new uniques which exclusively drop from new Timelines in the Monolith of Fate.
  • Added 4 new uniques which exclusively drop from the new Empowered versions of existing Timelines in the Monolith of Fate.
  • Added 7 new uniques which can drop throughout the game.

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Invoker’s Set

  • The Invoker’s Frozen Heart now grants 13% increased cold spell cast speed and 30% to 75% freeze rate multiplier (from 6% to 16% less cold damage taken).
  • The Invoker’s Scorching grasp now grants 13% increased fire spell cast speed (from +13 melee fire damage).
  • The old melee oriented version of The Invoker’s Scorching Grasp has been split into a new unique ring, Sunwreath.
  • 2 set bonus changed to 13% increased elemental spell cast speed (from 80% Increased Fire Damage if you have directly cast a Lightning Spell Recently, and the same for lightning damage from cold spells, and cold damage from fire spells).
  • 3 set bonus changed to +1 to fire spells, +1 to cold spells, +1 to lightning spells (from +50% elemental resistance).

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Legacy of the Quiet Forest

  • Grants 30 to 145 armour (from 50 to 100).
  • Grants 30% to 45% void resistance (from 10% to 15%).
  • Grants 30% to 45% poison resistance (from 15% to 20%).
  • Grants 30% to 45% poison resistance while transformed (from 30% to 50%).

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  • No longer increases damage taken by 1% per point of Dexterity.
  • Now reduces physical and cold resistance by 1% per point of Dexterity.
  • No longer increases health by 3% to 10%.
  • Now grants 30% to 100% freeze rate multiplier.

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Rahyeh's Light

  • No longer grants health or refreshes Fire Shield (which has been removed).
  • Requires level 76 (from 33).
  • Grants 75% increased fire damage (from 15% to 35%).
  • Now also grants 5% to 25% less fire damage taken on block.
  • Now also grants 75% fire resistance.
  • Now also grants 75% healing effectiveness.
  • Now also grants +1 to Judgement.

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Balance Changes

  • Alchemist’s Ladle grants 20% to 45% ailment chances (from 15% to 35%) and now also grants 13% increased attack speed.
  • Arboreal Circuit now also increases minion movement speed by 5% to 10%.
  • Artor’s Legacy grants 20% to 50% increased chill duration (from 20% to 40%).
  • Beast King grants 25 to 35 melee physical damage (from 15 to 25).
  • Bleeding Heart grants 5% to 9% of damage leeched as health (from 5% to 7%).
  • Bone Harvester’s Skeleton Harvesters deal 30% more damage and have 90% more health.
  • Boneclamor Barbute grants 35% necrotic resistance (from 15%).
  • Boulderfist now also grants 14% to 24% increased melee stun duration.
  • Calamity now also grants 5% to 10% increased fire spell cast speed.
  • Chains of Uleros grants 24% to 60% necrotic resistances (from 20% to 40%).
  • Chimaera’s Essence grants 6% to 12% movement speed while transformed (from 5% to 10%), but requires level 22 (from level 4).
  • Cinder Song grants 15% to 25% spreading flames chance (from 10% to 20%).
  • The Claw grants 30 to 50 health (from 30 to 40).
  • Close Call now also grants 4 health gained on dodge.
  • Culnivar’s Claim adds 16 to 24 spell lightning damage (from 14 to 20).
  • Death Rattle restores 30 health on minion death (from 20).
  • Decayed skull now also grants 3% to 10% more armour.
  • Doublet of Onos Tull grants 100% to 140% minion bleed duration (from 100%).
  • Draalsting now also grants +1 skill level to poison melee attacks.
  • Dreamthorn grants 25% void penetration (from 15%).
  • Eterra’s Path now also grants +1 skill level to Entangling Roots.
  • Exsanguinous grants 2 to 7 adaptive spell damage through its implicit (from 2 to 3).
  • Eye of Reen grants 25 to 45 melee fire damage (from 25 to 40).
  • The Fang grants 50 to 75 health (from 40 to 65).
  • Fighting Chance now also grants 5% increased movement speed.
  • Frozen Ire’s Tundra Nova deals 110% more damage.
  • Grimoire of Necrotic Elixirs grants 30 to 40 necrotic damage to melee attacks and spells on potion use (from 20).
  • Hammer of Lorent now also grants 20% to 80% increased melee damage.
  • Hollow Finger now grants 13 melee necrotic damage (from 4).
  • Humming Bee grants 3 to 7 ward gained on melee hit (from 3 to 6).
  • Ignivar’s Head now also grants 40% to 60% increased Fire Aura area.
  • Isadora’s Gravechill grants 12 to 20 spell cold damage (from 12), but no longer adds flat cold damage to attacks.
  • Isadora’s Revenge grants 6% to 12% necrotic penetration (from 5% to 10%).
  • Isadora’s Tomb Binding grants 20% to 35% increased armour (from 30% to 60% increased health regen).
  • Keeper’s Gloves grants 17% to 37% poison resistance for you and minions (from 17% to 30%).
  • The Last Laugh now also grants 5% of overkill damage leeched as health and correctly states that its cull effect is melee specific.
  • Morditas’ Reach now grants 1% to 1.5% cold damage leeched as health (from 1%).
  • Oceareon can now drop throughout the game, rather than exclusively from the Empowere Ending the Storm Timeline (a new exclusive unique has been added).
  • Orchirian’s Petals’ implicit grants +3 attunement and +5% to all resistances (from +5 attunement and no resistance bonus).
  • Orian’s Eye grants 75 to 150 mana (from 50 to 150) and increases duration of stun immunity by 75% to 150% (from 50% to 150%).
  • Plague Bearer’s Staff grants 10% to 20% blinding poison chance (from 10% to 15%).
  • Prism Wraps grants 3% to 8% of elemental damage leeched as health on crit (from 2% to 8%).
  • Rainbow Edge’s shock, chill, and ignite chance is no longer melee specific.
  • Reach of the Grave now also grants 7% to 12% increased minion bow attack speed, and 7% to 12% increased minion cast speed.
  • Ring of the Third eye grants 15 to 18 ward (from 15).
  • Riverbend Grasp grants 18% chance to throw an axe on hit (from 15%).
  • The Scavenger grants 30% to 45% increased dodge rating (from 20% to 45%).
  • The Slab now also grants 20 to 40 health.
  • Snowblind grants 20% to 40% cold resistance (from 14% to 20%).
  • Fixed Snowblind saying that it only gave 20% blind and chill chance (it actually gives 40%).
  • Soul Bastion now also grants +2 skill levels to Soul Feast.
  • Soulfire now also converts Hungering Souls to fire.
  • Storm Breaker grants 30 to 60 mana (from 10 to 30).
  • Stormtide grants 115% to 185% shock chance (from 110% to 150%).
  • Strong Mind grants 200% of maximum mana as stun avoidance (from 150%).
  • Suloron’s Step reduces physical resistance by 75% (from 100%).
  • Taste of Blood now also grants 15% increased bleed duration.
  • Tempest Maw’s Storm Sprites deal 30% more damage.
  • Tome of Elements now also grants 10 to 15% increased chill, shock, and ignite duration
  • Titan Heart grants 15% less damage taken while wielding a 2h melee weapon (from 10% less damage taken, with no weapon condition).
  • Titan Heart now also grants 30% to 40% increased melee damage.
  • Torch of the Pontifex’s Burning Skeletons deal 33% more damage and have 150% more health.
  • Torch of the Pontifex’s Cremate effect deals 25% more damage.
  • Urzil’s Pride grants twice as much increased mana regen and no longer has a cap to its mana regen increase.
  • Undisputed’s physical damage buff grants up to 250% increased physical damage (from 200%).
  • Valeroot grants 60 to 80 health, mana, and thorns (from 40 to 60).
  • Vipertail now also grants a 7% chance to summon a primal serpent on kill with serpent strike.
  • Volcanus’ Flame Shards now deal 110% more damage, travel further, and pierce.
  • Ward Trail grants 50 to 150 dodge rating (from 50 to 100).
  • Wing Guards grants 18% to 28% chance to gain haste on hit (from 14% to 24%).
  • Yrun’s Wisdom grants 65 to 145 health (from 45 to 125).

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Art Changes

  • Updated the 2d art for Bone Harvester.
  • Updated the 2d art for Keeper’s Gloves.

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  • Separate defensive affixes from other affixes so that there’s freedom to choose interesting and damage oriented affixes without worrying that you should be focusing on defenses instead.
  • Make Exalted items more consistently appealing, with enough power to justify using one if it doesn’t have your ideal combination of other mods.
  • More of your offensive power should stem from items, so that getting item upgrades feels more impactful and rewarding.
  • Increase the build-specificity of items, so that the items you’re looking for are ones that are good for your build, not just generically good.
  • None of the changes detailed here affect idols unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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Class-Specific Affixes

  • Added +Level affixes for all specialisable skills. These are all prefixes and are distributed across helmets, body armour, and new class specific relics.
  • All other class specific affixes have also been changed to prefixes so that they no longer compete with defensive suffixes.

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Tier 6 and Tier 7 Affixes

  • The T6 and T7 values of all affixes have been increased.
    • There is always a gap between a maximum T5 roll and a minimum T6 roll, so even the lowest roll T6 affixes are notably stronger than anything that can be crafted.
    • In most cases the maximum T7 values have been increased by more than 30%.
  • Rarer affixes now roll as Tier 6 and Tier 7 more often. This effect is much more pronounced for Tier 6 than Tier 7
    • For example, this causes +level of skills affixes in particular to roll as T6 97% more often and T7 44% more often than a common affix.

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Resistance Affixes

  • Set resistance prefixes have been removed.
  • Regular resistance suffixes have been buffed by up to 40% at higher tiers (except for elemental resistance). Two average T5 resistance affixes can now grant 75% resistance.
  • Increased the value of the idol elemental resistance affix by around 20%.
  • Increased the value of other idol resistance affixes by around 30%.

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Defense Affix Changes

  • Flat health regen is now a suffix, has higher values, and can now roll on boots, but can no longer roll on body armour.
  • Vitality can no longer roll on gloves, rings, or relics.
  • Frailty Chance is now a suffix, can now roll on amulets, but can no longer roll on rings.
  • Stun avoidance is rarer and can only roll on body armour and catalysts.
  • Hybrid Health Leech is now a suffix and can no longer roll on rings.

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Utility Affixes

  • Added mana is now a prefix, can no longer roll on sceptres, wands, staves, or gloves, but can roll on boots and body armour.
  • Added mana now has higher values as mid and high tiers (up to 35% higher at tier 5).
  • Increased mana regen is now a prefix.
  • Mana efficiency is now a prefix.
  • Increased movement speed is now a prefix.
  • Increased Chance To Find Potions can no longer roll on boots.
  • The Freeze Rate Per Stack of Chill affix is now a prefix.

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Minion Affixes

  • Added an increased Minion Melee Damage suffix which can roll on swords, axes, and pole arms.
  • The Minion Health Regen affix now grants flat regen rather than increased regen to be more generically useful. It now only rolls on helmets, belts, and relics (from those three and also body armour, gloves, boots, rings, amulets, shields, and catalysts).
  • The Minion Dodge Rating affix now grants larger amounts of dodge rating at high tiers. It now only rolls on helmets, rings, boots, and relics (from those four and also body armour, gloves, belts, rings, amulets, shields, and catalysts).
  • Increased Minion Damage is now a prefix, has slightly higher values, and can no longer roll on weapons.
  • Increased Minion Physical Damage is now a suffix, and can only roll on sceptres and staves.
  • Increased Minion Damage Over Time is now a suffix, and can only roll on swords, axes, pole arms, and wands.
  • Increased Minion Spell Damage is now a suffix, and can roll on swords, axes, sceptres, and staves.

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Other Affixes

  • Increased physical, fire, cold, lighting, necrotic, poison, and void damage affixes can now also roll on belts.
  • Increased Critical Strike chance can now also roll on gloves.
  • Increased Damage over time can now also roll on gloves.
  • Increased fire, cold, and lightning damage affixes can now spawn from level 1.
  • The increased elemental damage affix can now spawn from level 8 (from level 1).





The full set of changes in 0.8.1 are expected to be a net increase to player power, especially in terms of damage. We’re fairly happy with the current pace and difficulty of the game, so enemies are being buffed slightly to compensate.

  • Enemies deal 3% more damage
  • Boss enemies have 9% more health
  • Other enemies have 5% more health
  • Slightly increased the power of enemies at higher levels (these changes are multiplicative with the ones outlined above)
    • Increased the health of enemies from level 64 to 100 by up to 3.8% (higher increases at higher levels)
    • Increased the damage of enemies from level 76 to 100 by up to 1.2% (higher increases at higher levels)

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  • Fixed a bug where in the Monolith Lagon fight he would sometimes immediately damage players at the start of phase 3, killing them before they had time to react.
  • Fixed a bug where Lagon would start using an ability just 0.4 seconds after the start of phase 3, rather than waiting the full 4 seconds for his emerging animation to finish. This caused his first ability after emerging in phase 3 to not animate correctly and could cause his continuous eye beam to fire at odd angles.
  • Lagon now takes less damage in phase 3, particularly while re-emerging. This effect is more pronounced in the monolith version of the fight.

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  • Fewer Giant Crabs spawn in monolith zones.
  • Increased shininess of Giant Crabs and Crablings by 100%.
  • Crablings now have a more distinct texture from Giant Crabs.
  • Added an additional crab.
  • Giant Crabs are now 5% smaller.
  • Fixed the idle animation of Giant Crabs and Crablings not looping.

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  • The following bosses and minibosses and large enemies now always drop a rare item (like rare enemies do):
    • Haruspex Orian
    • Voidfused Forge
    • Void Centipede
    • Void Amalgamation
    • Temple Guardian
    • Ancient Dragon
    • Flame Guard Sulla
    • Siege Captain Caliga
    • Admiral Harton
    • Wraith Caller
    • Ortra’ek the Survivor
  • Resurrects After 2 Seconds monster mod
    • The resurrected monster now loses 3% of max health each second after being resurrected, causing it to die automatically after 15 seconds.
    • The resurrected monster deals 50% more damage after resurrecting (from 40%).
    • The resurrected monster takes 25% less damage after resurrecting (from 30%).
    • The resurrected monster has 35% increased movement speed after resurrecting (from 20%).

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  • Removed the Ruins of Maj’elka zone.
  • Improved visuals for Chapter 3 zones before the Temple of Eterra.
  • Improved visuals for Welryn Outskirts and Risen Lake.
  • Improved visuals throughout Chapter 5.

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  • Updated the outline visual effect for hovering over enemies, minions and breakables.
  • Updated the visuals for Meteor.
  • Updated the visuals for Glacier.
  • Updated the visuals for Volcanic Orb.
  • Updated the visuals for Lupine Remnant enemies.
  • Updated the visuals for all Ethereal Reflection enemies.
  • The hit flash on Osprix is now correctly confined to the shape of their wing feathers and tail feathers.
  • Reduced the size of the katana base type’s model by about 15%.

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  • Alric now has unique voice lines.
  • Added a new looping sound for when Devouring Orb is active.
  • Added a new sound for Void Rifts created by Devouring Orb.
  • Added a sound effect for Aftershocks created by Earthquake.
  • Added a new sound for Fireball.
  • Added a new sound for Lightning Blast.
  • Improved Reaper Form sounds.
  • The sound for Reap now follows the player.
  • The sound for toggling Aura of Decay now follows the player.
  • Void Bats and Phrax now have wing movement sounds.
  • Fixed the timing for the flamethrower ability used by Infernal Husks.

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User Interface

  • The character model preview on the character select screen now shows the equipment of the saved character.
  • Greatly improved the positioning for item, item comparison and skill tooltips.
  • There is now a fade effect when moving the cursor between skill and item tooltips.
  • Added a new tooltip for hovering over the Health Globe.
  • Loot filters now display the last game version they were modified in.
  • Updated the notification that is shown when you add shards to your forge.
  • Fewer shard notifications are now shown when transferring shards from your inventory to the forge, to make it more readable. Shattering an item still lists each shard gained separately.
  • If an item has more than 2 prefixes or more than 2 suffixes it should now show these affixes. This is to improve clarity for legacy items, many of which may be created by this patch’s affix changes.
  • The following buffs now have an icon above the Action Bar:
    • Alignment (Paladin passive, healing every 3 seconds).
    • Ambush (Beastmaster passive, damage every 3 seconds).
    • Fresh from the Forge (Sentinel passive, melee and throwing damage every 3 seconds).
    • Preparation (Mage Passive Spell damage every 3 seconds).
    • Patient Doom (Void Knight passive, damage every 3 seconds).
    • Reaper’s Ascendance (Reaper Form stacking spell damage).
    • Storm Claw (Swipe Added Lightning Damage).
    • Void Aegis (Void Knight passive, less damage taken and a retaliation)

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Social Features

  • Added a /all command to chat. This allows you to switch back to global chat from a private message without having to use your mouse.
  • Fixed a bug where the chat window would close while typing a message in some situations.
  • Players with invalid usernames (i.e. too many characters or contains special characters) will now be prompted to change them after logging in.
  • Fixed a bug where the Runed Primordial Turtle pet was unavailable to select for players who own it.
  • Fixed a bug where Reap and the Rogue’s hybrid melee/bow skills would not show in ladder entries on the website. This fix only applies to new ladder entries.
  • Fixed a bug where class-specific leaderboards on the website did not show entries from characters who had selected a mastery class. This fix only applies to new ladder entries.
  • Fixed a bug where your username in-game would not update after being changed by the Support team.

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  • Greatly improved the performance of Casting visual effects (visuals that appear around the player when using a skill). This will make framerates more consistent during combat. This optimization will be brought to more types of skill visual effects in the future.
  • Greatly improved the loading times for the videos that play when creating a new character.
  • Improved the performance of the outline effect which appears when mousing over an enemy, ally or breakable.

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about 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where sources of increased area for Rogue skills from sources outside of their own skill trees were granting more area instead (multiplicative with increased area from skill trees). This affected the following skills: Acid Flask, Cinder Strike, Detonating Arrow, Shadow Strike, Hail of Arrows.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented all “increased fear duration” nodes from working.
  • Clarified and fixed Acid Flask’s Amatoxic Pools node and Puncture’s Efficacious Toxin node, stating that Efficacious Toxins causes enemies to take increased damage.
  • Fixed Acid Flask’s Castigate node proccing whenever damage was taken, rather than just when hit (this was a minor bug as the effect had a cooldown).
  • Fixed a bug causing several nodes on the Avalanche skill tree to not work.
  • Fixed a bug where the Rock Elemental from Avalanche’s Elemental Bond node was scaling with intelligence rather than attunement.
  • Dancing Strikes’ Perfect Choreography now says “Each stack of Rhythm also grants 5% more global damage (multiplicative with other modifiers), but Dancing Strikes cost more mana”.
  • Fixed Perfect Choreography adding 6 mana cost rather than the stated 5.
  • Dancing Strikes’ Shadow Steps node now clarifies that Dancing Strikes costs more mana.
  • Fixed a bug where Death Seal’s Insatiable Soul node did not scale with points allocated.
  • Detonating Arrow’s Infused Discharge node now has an alt text saying “As an example, if your current mana is 50 and you consume 10%, Detonating Arrow will deal 5% more damage”.
  • Fixed a bug where Fireball’s Unchained Fire node gained more benefit than intended from Dancing Fire.
  • Fixed a bug where Fireball’s Unchained Fire node set Fireball’s mana cost to 0.
  • Fixed a bug where Multishot’s Sniping node gave much more damage than intended and did not scale with points invested.
  • Fixed a bug where a single Sacrifice explosion could damage an enemy multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug where Sacrifice’s Last Sacrifice node was instead granting the effect of the Great Sacrifice node.
  • Fixed a bug where Shatter Strike’s Rimestrike node gave excessive chance to chill. (It was giving 10,000% instead of 100%).
  • Fixed Shift’s Velocity node incorrectly stating it gives 10% increased damage per point (it gives 25%).
  • Shift’s Velocity node node now says “increased damage” rather than just “damage”, for consistency within the tree.
  • Fixed a bug where Smite’s Blinding Flash node was giving a chance to bleed instead of a chance to blind.
  • Fixed a bug where the lightning bolts from Smite’s Unbalanced Scale node could hit the same target more than once.
  • Fixed a bug where Swipe’s Storm Claw node only activated every 4 seconds instead of every 3.
  • Fixed a bug where Swipe’s Storm Claw node only provided 1 added lightning damage instead of 10.
  • Fixed a bug where the health bonus from Thorn Totem’s Eternal Forest node didn’t scale with allocated points.
  • Fixed a bug where the following nodes in Volatile Reversal had no effect: Food for Wyrms, Disintegration, Shifting Power.`

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  • Fixed a bug where unique reroll chances would normally apply when gambling, causing rarer uniques to be much more common than intended.
  • Fixed a bug with item comparison tooltips where only the first stat of hybrid affixes would be shown on the equipped item.
  • Fixed comparison tooltips showing incorrect comparisons when holding ctrl and hovering from an item in the inventory to an equipped one.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to create an item with a higher level requirement than you can equip when crafting on an item that has T6 or T7 affixes.
  • Fixed a bug where the Forge button did not become inactive after the selected modifier item was removed from the crafting window. This would allow a craft with no effects that consumed any selected support item.

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  • Fixed a bug that caused parts of skill visuals to become invisible in certain situations, particularly when lots of overlapping skill visuals were on screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing various lights throughout the campaign to become very bright inconsistently, washing out the environment. This happened in The Forest Trail, The Risen Lake, and The Sapphire Quarter, among other scenes.
  • Fixed a cause of terrain in certain zones appearing to “pop” while moving or zooming in.
  • Fixed a bug where Acid Flask maintained its poison hit vfx when converted to fire.
  • Fixed a bug where Avalanche would use physical VFX if you took both the physical conversion and cold conversion nodes (the cold conversion has priority).
  • Fixed a bug where Earthquake had no VFX when taking the Cataclysm and Ground Slam nodes together.
  • Fixed Shield Rush’s ground crack effect following the player.
  • Fixed Void Harton’s blast vfx fading out incorrectly.
  • Fixed Void Rahyeh’s Dive Bomb indicator vfx disappearing with incorrect timing.

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User Interface

  • Fixed a bug where reducing an enemy’s health to 0 instantly on creation caused its health bar to persist after death.
  • Fixed a bug where the Chapter displayed with the Esc menu opened was incorrect in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug where disconnecting a controller could make UI elements inaccessible via keyboard/mouse.
  • Fixed a bug where Monolith mods for Empowered timelines showed a smaller rarity and experience bonus on the selection screen than they actually granted.
  • Fixed a bug where some user interface elements that floated above NPCs/enemies would blur with camera movement.
  • Fixed the names for some Timelines being incorrect in the Map.
  • Fixed the Crusader node in Forge Guard’s passive tree having no icon.

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about 4 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

No, that’s not what it does. If you have 3 unspent skill points in swipe and you unequip an item which grants +1 swipe then you will now have 2 unspent skill points in swipe. It simply takes from the unspent first. If you don’t have enough in your unspent, only then will it auto select a node to remove points from.