over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers!

In preparation of Patch 0.9.2 - Runes of Power, we are enabling the updated Town functionality on all servers. While playing solo, entering a town will now match you with other players in the same region so you can meet other players in Eterra, and find allies for the fight ahead! If you find yourself already in a party, you will instead be given a town instance for just your party to keep your friends close. This change is being pushed out live to all of our servers, and no client update is necessary. You should soon be meeting up with all the other Travelers throughout Last Epoch!

External link →
over 1 year ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers!

In preparation of Patch 0.9.2 - Runes of Power, we are enabling the updated Town functionality on all servers. While playing solo, entering a town will now match you with other players in the same region so you can meet other players in Eterra, and find allies for the fight ahead! If you find yourself already in a party, you will instead be given a town instance for just your party to keep your friends close. This change is being pushed out live to all of our servers, and no client update is necessary. You should soon be meeting up with all the other Travelers throughout Last Epoch!

Towns are Back!

over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers!

In preparation of Patch 0.9.2 - Runes of Power, we are enabling the updated Town functionality on all servers. While playing solo, entering a town will now match you with other players in the same region so you can meet other players in Eterra, and find allies for the fight ahead! If you find yourself already in a party, you will instead be given a town instance for just your party to keep your friends close. This change is being pushed out live to all of our servers, and no client update is necessary. You should soon be meeting up with all the other Travelers throughout Last Epoch!

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by atheistunicycle

Will it be so that you only find players at the same quest state as you? Or could I go back and find players doing quests I have already completed?

It doesn't look at quest state at all for matching you with other players. You just need to be at the same town (such as Keeper's Camp, or End of Time). Some towns are more likely to have players in those quest states, where End of Time is more likely to have players of all quest states as the endgame hub.

over 1 year ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Were you by any chance in a party when you returned to End of Time?

over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by jahchatelier

Will we be able to trade? If i drop items on the ground will other players be able to see them or interact with them?

Loot is instanced in Last Epoch - You can only see on the ground what is yours. There is currently the option of Gifting items in game: If an item drops while you're playing with another person, and they are present for the drop, you can gift that item to them. For 1.0, we are working on Item Factions, which will expand on Trading capabilities with the Merchant's Guild. You can read more on our plans for Item Factions here: https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/trade-development-update-introducing-merchants-guild-and-circle-of-fortune-factions/51994

over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by ShittyBeatBoxer

Is there any form of matchmaking as of yet?

We do not currently have any way to automatically sort you into groups with other players as a kind of "drop in" style of forming parties. We are looking at additional options for finding parties, though not being implemented for 0.9.2.

Currently you need to seek out other players to play with. Alongside outside approaches, With towns you can also encounter players in town, and link up with them using the dedicated Town chat channels.