almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody welcome back to
6s the last epoch dev stream
9s as always
14s i'm your host
16s and it's lovely to have you all here
17s today
22s oh what's this i'm not your usual host
25s yes i am it's great to be here
29s ah
31s hello everybody
33s welcome back if you do not know today is
36s international b day and to celebrate
41s i dug my bee costume out of the closet
43s it was right behind me the whole time uh
45s it's a lie
46s it was it was very available
48s at all times ah it is so itchy
51s just gotta i just gotta get like the the
53s this little tutu thing is a tutu
56s for a child's
59s 30 years younger than me
66s but yeah great to be here uh if this is
68s your first time here i don't always look
69s like this
72s but this is my halloween outfit
76s the little antenna will get going it
77s just
78s gets me but we're we're serious here
80s we're serious
81s about this and we're gonna continue to
83s be serious uh
88s i'm gonna keep pushing them all i'm so
89s close and close to unlocking uh
92s empowered monoliths here
95s so we're gonna do that we'll probably do
96s a few a few dungeons too
100s uh if you have any questions please feel
102s free to ask i will do my best to answer
104s them all if you put at last epoch game
106s in the question i will see it much more
108s clearly and answer it much faster
111s possibly not at all otherwise i might
113s just miss it
115s um first question of the gates we've got
118s uh why are you not prioritizing the new
121s classes when um that is what the
122s community seems most excited for other
124s than multiplayer do you guys believe
126s other content is more important like
128s dungeons no
130s um
131s the
132s it you've answered you've answered the
134s question in your question actually other
136s than multiplayer is the trick um
138s so
140s uh we have to do multiplayer first the
142s people who have to do multiplayer are
144s the people that are gonna go do the
145s classes afterwards um multiplayer has a
148s long uh testing time and and there's a
151s lot that needs needs to happen and
153s debugging it that um
156s if we if we do the the classes first
159s that will end up delaying the game and
161s delaying multiplayer um
164s as a result and uh are delaying
166s multiplayer and then delaying the game
167s as a result but if we do multiplayer
169s first we can then do the classes while
172s we're testing multiplayer
173s and
176s end up with a full release sooner
179s so
182s no but we can do
184s other things the same time as
185s multiplayer but we can't do the new
186s classes at the same time as multiplayer
187s so we have to do the thing you said was
189s the thing that was more important first
190s anyways and then we can do the thing the
192s second
194s if that makes any sense
205s um yeah so uh just uh yeah uh
208s it is international b day i was i
210s started talking about that if you um
213s like your environment which i
216s it's all right i guess
218s bees are really important to it
220s and they're not doing so hot right now
223s there that's my soapbox for the day i'll
224s step down um
228s as always all of the proceeds from our
230s charity from our stream go directly to
232s charity um
235s and right right now we are doing jude's
238s children's research hospital
241s uh students children's research hospital
243s which is great
246s i think it's all the housekeeping stuff
248s for today
249s i've got hunter x-bank killer has gifted
252s at what's up two lizard irl congrats
254s lizard
256s thank you very much hunter glad to have
257s you all here
263s i have a question it's my first time
264s here so happy
266s welcome
268s i am oh man i could take a stab with
270s that
271s uh
274s dax glee guru gleckero oh i'm sorry
279s failed miserably there
281s um what's the question here my question
283s is quality of life would be nice to see
286s exalted drops showing in minimap the key
289s or unique i think we have it someday um
291s yeah there's there's still some um
295s some features and and fleshing out we
297s want to do with the the loot filter and
299s and
299s what shows up on the map what shows up
302s with sounds that sort of stuff because
303s we do know that that quite often the
305s things that are
306s most important and the things you're
307s looking out for the most are not
309s actually unique in set items but those
311s the only things that currently show on
312s the map and have a special sound
315s sound i might be wrong on
317s no yes special sound too um
320s and uh so so yeah we know that there's
322s uh some stuff to be added there
325s it is tricky because quite often there's
328s like
328s situations where a lot of something
330s drops and
332s um
333s too many of those
334s those beams can be
336s performance less good so to speak so
339s we're still we're still working on
340s details on how to set that up exactly um
342s and also just the opportunity to create
344s a system where the sounds are horrible
347s is not great we don't like giving the
349s tools for people to ruin their game if
351s we can avoid it
352s um
353s so yeah that's all stuff that's
356s in the works i would say but uh
359s there's there's a lot of stuff that's
361s that's higher priority i think than it
363s um specifically
364s uh
365s like vfx updates for some some older uh
370s skills and some enemies and
374s things like that
375s and also just new new skills
379s and same with sounds as well having all
381s those systems integrated and and fully
383s up today is really good
386s i still love that that's one of my
388s favorite animations in the game or vfx
390s good answer
392s thank you
393s not sure what that was for but glad you
395s liked it
398s be sure to ping at last epoch game so
400s the question yes uh reimarts thank you i
402s don't know who that was one question do
404s you produce honey i do not produce honey
407s um i've been trying really hard lately
410s but
410s it's just not working
412s i've been i've been seeing doctors
414s trying to get a second opinion no one
417s really knows what's going on it's got me
418s quite worried
427s just
427s just just multiplayer
429s [Laughter]
432s yeah uh tests are going well we're
434s working on it
435s um
436s yeah
441s there's not really much to say about it
443s like
447s the first test went went well we're
448s moving on to the next one and that's
450s about it
460s a little spicy over here
477s i'm sure they're down there somewhere
489s just attacking the darkness
501s if anyone knows that hopefully someone
503s does there's uh
505s if you haven't played guild wars 1
507s there's an item in guild wars 1 with a a
509s plus 9 to ogre slaying dagger this plus
512s 9
514s but there are no ogres in the game
519s so it's just an awful item
526s all right another question here uh so
528s there two or three months ago you said
529s lich uh a lich rework was coming and the
532s reperformed skill will get a quality of
533s changes to make it more fun to play and
535s build around are you guys any closer to
536s being done um we haven't done anything
538s with that yet
543s uh so no
545s well i mean i guess yes because we've
547s worked on other stuff that needs to be
548s worked on first but
551s there's no progress on that specifically
566s there we go
567s cruising through it no problem
570s uh when you come
573s to doing seasons leagues do you already
575s have a rough idea of what modifiers or
577s features you'd like to introduce slash
579s disable um
581s we've got ideas for it we don't have
583s like a list of like
585s um this is the first one this is the
587s second one or anything like that yet
589s so we're still
591s still in the like
593s there's some ideas
594s phase for it
600s uh speaking quality can we get a hotkey
602s to unequip items
605s uh
605s [Music]
611s yeah
614s i'm not sure i see the
615s like like they're saying like to take
617s that action right like just pull
618s something off
630s i don't i don't see the use case of that
631s being very
633s frequent or important or anything
635s you know because there's like if
636s something's if you want to like switch
638s something you have something else
638s equipped you can right click on it it'll
639s switch them
642s and if you want if you like want to send
643s it to crafting you can send it directly
645s there from that
651s maybe
653s i don't see that being a big one
656s if you can if you can convince me what
657s the uh the use case for that is as being
660s important
661s i'll uh i'll consider it more
671s oh hey aaron how's it going hey what's
674s up
675s what's up
679s your item has exposed huge problems not
682s huge problems some problems in the
684s summon bone golem tree
687s that had been fixed as a result which is
689s great
694s it was really old and still using the
696s old system for a lot of things
712s uh
713s okay next question is anything other
714s than multiplayer being developed
716s currently oh yeah
717s but the thing that you're excited about
718s oh yeah still yes um
720s i mean there's new unique items that are
722s coming in pretty fast right now which is
723s great i love unique items um
726s there's also just like
728s it's really boring but there's i keep
730s there's a ton of optimization stuff
731s that's happening right now which which i
732s just love
734s um
740s uh yeah
742s it's it's strange this is a lot it's
744s development's kind of shifted a little
745s bit it's we're not really considering it
747s like multiplayer development and
749s like other stuff development at this
751s point and it's kind of just the game's
752s development
753s um
756s so it's hard to differentiate between
757s those things because sometimes there's
758s like new features that are coming in
759s that are
760s like multiplayer development but there's
762s still new features for just regular the
764s game now
765s that that that line of multiplayer
767s development and regular game development
769s has
770s at least blurred and almost completely
771s vanished
774s which is which is a really good thing
780s um
782s just finished a little
784s like status icon on the players i've
786s mentioned this before i think but like
787s when you open your map everyone else
789s will see a little icon appear over your
790s head in multiplayer now
792s i guess that's a multiple thing only
793s isn't it
802s run
806s uh is there uh is there being talk about
809s different quest rewards example you can
810s choose from three different unique items
812s yeah which give access to uh level up
814s and play with fun builds
816s um or else tutorial how uniques work in
818s this game yeah definitely um
820s i mean so there kind of already is this
822s a little bit with with artem and and uh
825s his gambling problem
828s and getting yours is ledger and like
830s that's kind of there in that sense but
831s it's definitely a like a hacky
833s workaround version of it we definitely
835s have plans to have um
837s more like pick a reward
839s um
840s style quest rewards where you can like
842s pick one of these three items and and so
844s the really big thing that that brings is
846s it lets you let's just put in really
849s specific
850s uh items in there so we can like force
853s certain mods on items or we can like
854s force a whole item for some unique
856s sometimes um and it can let us do things
859s like
860s give a
861s um
862s a quest reward that always has like a
864s really strong set of like throwing
867s gloves for example early on in the game
869s some people that are like maybe
870s struggling leveling throwing builds at
871s the start we just be like okay there's
873s like this quest always gives you
874s throwing gloves they might be perfect
875s maybe they're like uh they're yellows
876s but they've got like this like two
878s static mods on them and the other two
879s are random or something like that so you
881s know you're gonna get like some decent
882s throwing gloves uh at like level 10 no
885s matter what or something like that
886s um i i think i think that style is very
889s valuable to have and we've definitely
891s been that's that's been on the like
893s uh one day we'll make that list for
895s three years now
902s there's a lot of difficulties with that
903s that might not be really apparent at the
904s start and and they mostly come from
907s um like opening that like that that
910s quest reward because if there's gonna be
912s randomly generated items in that quest
913s reward that quest reward window
915s basically becomes another item storage
918s container
919s um
920s like a sash storage container basically
922s because
923s um
924s if you don't save what that item is for
927s that character on that quest reward
928s after you've looked at it so like the
930s window pops up you see them
931s um if we don't save it you can just like
933s close the window and log out and log
936s back in and like go back to the quest
938s person and like have it roll a new item
939s for you and you just be able to do this
941s and roll new items until you got one
942s that you really liked now there's
943s nothing really wrong with that
944s especially for like a low level item as
947s far as like power creep or anything like
948s that goes it's kind of harmless however
950s it does incentivize this sort of like uh
954s unfun or unhealthy or just boring
956s gameplay where you're just logging in
958s and out over and over again
961s um which we'd like to avoid
965s then there's a few other little little
967s things that we wanted to get
969s working real nice before that
971s that came into play
990s all right next one
993s okay i'm not sure what that was uh
995s currently a few skills or skill paths
997s are way better for leveling than others
998s yes is the goal to have some leveling
1001s builds are we waiting for the great
1003s equalizer patches some in the future i
1005s mean i i think that there are naturally
1007s going to be certain things that
1009s do just work better while leveling the
1011s primary focus on the bouncing is always
1014s going to be looking more towards the end
1016s game
1017s um
1019s not necessarily uh
1021s so so it's not like there's there's a
1025s like a guaranteed like this is always
1026s going to be like the end game leveling
1028s thing oh crap i took that on and off
1030s didn't i i lost a point in something
1032s what was the point in
1035s oh no
1041s i bet it was that
1047s i've just been bleed chance i'm gonna
1048s put a blue chance
1052s it would have told me what it was too
1053s and i just wasn't paying attention is it
1054s in the chat log
1056s nope
1063s i just wasn't paying
1065s attention uh
1067s what stuff that has a few in it no
1069s [Music]
1070s it could be frailty chance
1077s maybe just duration
1085s let's just put an armature chance for
1087s fun why not right
1089s it's actually terrible for our build i
1090s don't know why i did that whatever
1093s too late now
1094s let's get back to this question i was
1096s reading uh feels like a few skills or
1098s skill paths way better for leveling um
1100s is the goal to have some leveling builds
1102s or are we waiting for a great equalizer
1104s patch so i don't think that we want to
1105s have
1106s specific leveling builds that were like
1109s pushing people down paths of
1111s um but i think it's naturally going to
1113s happen a little bit if we notice
1115s something is
1117s really far off okay here i think the
1119s threshold for something being off that
1120s requires specific balance patches for
1123s leveling compared to end game systems is
1126s a bigger threshold
1128s i just mean that because
1130s people generally spend
1133s more time near the end of the game
1135s because leveling a slows down and and
1137s like the balance doesn't change much for
1139s your character between level 80 and 100
1141s that much really um
1143s so i think that we'll probably see
1146s balance changes for leveling in general
1150s but if there's
1151s say there's a i don't know how to put
1153s this see there's a change where
1155s having having one node in a certain spot
1157s makes it really overpowered for leveling
1160s and perfectly balanced for multi or not
1162s multiple for uh late game in-game builds
1165s um
1166s it would have to be like really
1168s overpowered
1169s in leveling for us to really change that
1171s or
1172s changing it would have to not affect the
1174s balance of the in-game systems that much
1177s so it's i'm really not explaining this
1179s very well because there's not like a
1180s hard and fast rule every single one of
1181s these situations is looked at
1182s individually and i just understand that
1185s the weighting of the
1186s [Music]
1187s uh reasoning for
1190s end game balance is it's weighted more
1196s i'm not explaining this at all i hope
1198s that made sense
1200s if that was unclear i will try and
1202s explain it again
1208s when you have one hander with off hand
1210s you can't just right click a two-hander
1212s this way think of the offen yes um
1216s that is because there are situations
1218s where you can have
1219s uh a main hand off hand
1223s that will
1226s take up more space
1228s in your inventory than a single
1230s two-hander and by right-clicking on it
1233s and trying to put those two items into
1234s your inventory in place of that one item
1236s you could be left in a situation where
1238s there's not enough room and it will
1239s automatically drop
1241s the other item
1244s um it's the only it's the only thing we
1246s can do to like to preserve the integrity
1248s of the like the item system is just drop
1250s the other item
1251s um
1253s i think maybe we can stick it on the
1255s cursor but there's there's all sorts of
1256s problems with that because when you go
1257s to click it it's basically a safeguard
1259s to prevent you from accidentally
1260s throwing your gear on the ground that
1262s you want to keep
1264s and i know it's frustrating because
1265s you're like oh i would never do that or
1266s there's always room in my inventory um
1268s but there's it's just like that makes me
1271s the functionality needs to be consistent
1273s and obvious why it's doing certain
1274s things
1275s um
1279s and and and yeah
1281s we need to not have situations where
1283s people can just drop their gear by
1285s mistake
1286s um
1288s because like you can imagine the forum
1290s post of like
1291s the game auto dropped my
1293s item that i spent
1295s 50 hours getting
1297s uh
1298s and and now it's just gone and support
1300s won't help me to reinstate it
1302s like that looks terrible and it sucks
1304s for that person
1306s um
1307s so i mean
1308s if we can find a way around that problem
1310s maybe
1316s is your multiplayer implementation 100
1317s authoritative don't forget to put out
1319s last epoch gaming your questions and
1320s i'll be able to answer them properly um
1323s there are so yes it is fully
1324s authoritative there are certain things
1327s that
1328s uh okay maybe it's not fully
1329s authoritative because there's certain
1331s things that don't matter and don't have
1333s any effect on it so like um your sound
1336s settings are not so authoritative you
1338s know like like things like that so
1340s things that are um
1343s uh
1344s things that only happen on the client
1345s side and have no impact on the gameplay
1347s whatsoever are technically not server
1349s authoritative but all of the things that
1351s represent what's happening inside the
1353s game
1354s uh what's actually like functioning
1357s that's 100 server threatened yes
1363s so i don't know how edge casey you are
1365s with this hundred percent that's why i
1366s qualified the answer
1382s uh blessing
1383s for main stats
1385s uh vitality strength dexterity would be
1387s good uh yeah there's a reason we don't
1389s do that
1392s hear what it is i think it's just that
1393s it would be too auto taking
1400s into universally perfect
1411s uh is if the multiplayer tests go well
1415s um
1416s i i know big if will we get multiplayer
1418s with the september patch
1420s um
1421s the september patch
1423s is not planned to be a multiplayer patch
1426s um
1428s yeah
1434s and and also just wanted to to uh
1436s clarify that as well or rephrase that
1439s the september-ish
1441s patch will not be a multiplayer patch
1443s because i think it's outstanding in the
1444s post um
1447s it's it's a long way out it could be
1449s earlier it could be later i i do not
1451s know
1452s plans change a lot that's what we're
1453s planning right now
1460s we try and give you guys as much
1461s information as we can
1462s um
1465s and we usually only say things like that
1467s when we're pretty confident about it
1469s but we we like to make it clear that
1471s these are plans and plans can change
1491s not happening
1492s i'm gonna get killed by an avalanche
1494s here i can feel it
1503s got him
1511s oh that looks funny
1518s easy
1519s scary i knew michael be the bee costume
1521s today yeah
1522s right
1523s why wouldn't that
1528s why wouldn't i be
1533s all right can you give a timeline for
1534s when we can mouse over rings and see
1536s both ones we've equipped no i can't um
1539s i like
1542s i should probably do that
1545s it's that's that's not those things it's
1547s like it's been on the list forever
1555s there's always just such a list of like
1556s this has to happen right now
1559s it's like doesn't matter what else
1560s you're working on this has got to be
1561s there
1567s it's a big it's a big dance a large
1569s choreographed routine a ballet of
1573s uh
1575s coordination
1576s and
1578s and working out what you can do to best
1581s advance
1582s alchemist later look at that to best
1585s advance
1586s the whole project
1588s unblocking everyone else
1593s uh have you considered a bind on equip
1595s or bind on
1597s uh i think it's supposed to be trade
1599s item for trading in the future yeah
1600s we've considered that um we've
1602s considered uh buying on pickup buying
1603s and equip um buying on trade we've
1605s considered bind on like trades remaining
1608s that's a really cool system that i think
1609s is actually actually really interesting
1611s so there's um
1613s like this is
1615s hypothetical obviously um
1617s where you have
1619s say an item drops and it's like four
1621s trades remaining
1623s and
1624s and you trade it and then
1626s it goes down to three trades remaining
1627s so then that person can trade it and
1629s they can trade one more time and make
1630s sure one more time after that and then
1631s it's done and so there's
1633s like a maximum number of times each item
1635s can be traded or some items like you
1637s know
1638s i think it's really cool
1642s so if you're like i know i'm i'm gonna
1644s use this item forever
1646s uh and i'm never gonna trade it away
1648s you can you can then buy like a a one
1651s trade remaining version which will
1653s become zero when you get it um
1657s and then it binds to so you know it's
1658s yours uh basically buying on trade at
1660s that point
1661s um but if you're like oh i'm gonna try
1663s this out but i'm not sure if i'm gonna
1664s use this item or not you can like get
1666s one that has multiple trades left so you
1668s can still get rid of it if you need to
1670s and still hold some value
1673s it might add too much complexity to a
1675s system like that um
1677s where people are like or it's this like
1679s extra stat that goes on every single
1681s item the number of trades remaining on
1683s it and then there's this like the the
1685s whole
1686s market becomes so complicated and it
1688s leaves room for people to get kind of
1689s screwed over because they don't
1690s understand that piece of it because it's
1691s so non-standard um
1697s can you tell we haven't thought about
1699s this at all
1719s uh basically if you kill them first then
1721s they can't kill you yeah
1723s it's a multiplayer like december 31st
1726s i i
1728s really hope that i'm playing multiplayer
1730s with each and every one of you on
1732s december 31st
1734s that would be really cool i would love
1735s that
1736s that would that would be that would be a
1738s very happy mic
1744s doesn't take much to make me happy
1745s though
1760s uh the current forging potential weight
1762s for base implicits is potentially
1766s high
1767s and the spread is high too what's the
1769s reasoning behind those choices
1771s do you mean like the difference between
1773s forging potential on
1774s like a
1776s like a white versus blue versus yellow
1778s versus purple item
1785s current forging potential weight for
1787s base implicits
1791s oh or do you mean like the
1794s amount of forging potential it costs to
1797s re-roll and implicit
1799s so like
1800s the when you're doing that what is it um
1803s this one the shaping like the the
1807s forging potential
1809s oh it doesn't say the range the forging
1810s potential used for re-rolling the
1812s implicits you wait for rerolling okay
1814s cool
1815s um
1816s yeah i i i think i agree that it's a
1819s little bit too high actually
1820s um
1824s it's one of those things that like it's
1826s meant as a pretty advanced
1829s uh piece of crafting to do
1831s sort of like
1832s um
1833s because the implicits are generally not
1837s um
1840s like make or break for most items they
1841s are for some but not for most um so it's
1844s it's part of it being high was sort of
1847s to incentivize people to focus on their
1850s um the other mods a little bit more
1853s and then oh that's kind of nice two lp
1854s on those uh and then
1858s and then like the people who are like
1860s getting exalted and you're like
1863s finishing off those exalteds
1865s um
1866s those ones being um
1868s with with like the leftover
1871s forging potential from
1873s uh really high tier exalted the dropped
1875s is probably where it shines the most
1877s that might not be ideal really
1880s um
1881s this is the sort of stuff that we
1882s definitely take feedback on and
1885s continue to look at as we go through it
1887s and we'll continue to get balanced for
1888s sure
1897s i don't think it's like
1899s really far out of
1901s uh the range of
1902s makes sense
1904s get getting the perfect item
1908s shouldn't be as my character so aptly
1910s put it too easy
1911s um
1912s it's it's
1913s like something where you kind of
1915s in a sense want there to be always a
1917s little bit of room for improvement
1921s um
1922s and we did used to have
1925s those runes uh
1928s the the the they would roll twice and it
1930s would take the average of those two
1932s rolls which causes um causes rolls to
1936s trend towards the center
1938s uh because if you
1940s like
1941s it you'd have in order to get like a
1942s high roll or a low roll you have to get
1944s two high rolls back to back or two low
1946s rolls back to back
1947s um he basically multiplies the chance of
1949s a high roll together to get the chance
1951s of a new high roll
1953s and and this is
1955s when we were switching over to the new
1956s crafting system uh
1958s 8 3 i want to say
1960s question mark a4 well when we read the
1963s crafting system we wanted to keep the
1965s overall chances of getting a perfect or
1967s close to perfect or very high power item
1969s basically the same
1971s um and in order to do that one of the
1973s things we did was we we made the forging
1975s potential usage of a
1977s of one of those runes fairly high and um
1981s it might be slightly too high i don't
1982s know but
1984s that's that's
1986s the why or the how of how it happens
2008s uh any update on reset passives it's
2010s still in debate
2014s it's a nice way of saying i lost that
2015s debate and we're still i'm still pushing
2017s for it
2026s for the net code did you implement
2028s lockstep predictive or maybe both it's
2030s kind of our own version of somewhere in
2032s between them with other stuff too
2036s um
2037s yeah i don't really
2038s know how to describe it properly without
2040s like describing all of it um
2042s so it it will
2044s when you press
2047s a button let's say you press the button
2048s for fireball
2050s and your ping is and then there's
2053s there's a
2054s let's let's say there's a
2056s uh
2057s uh
2059s one let's say there's a 10 millisecond
2062s delay
2064s and then that number won't work let's
2065s see if there's a 100 millisecond delay
2067s in casting it so the time between you
2068s casting pressing the button and the
2071s ability actually comes out due to like
2073s your cast speed and how long it takes to
2074s cast and all sorts of things um
2079s and you're sitting at let's say
2082s 100 milliseconds ping
2084s oh boy
2085s don't die mike
2087s um
2090s when you press the button
2092s because it knows that your round trip
2094s latency is
2095s 100 milliseconds
2098s it's going to
2101s uh kind of
2103s predicts the wrong word it's it's gonna
2105s start doing the things early
2108s earlier than it really should
2110s because it it knows that
2113s it's gonna start right away because it
2115s knows that if everything goes well and
2117s that call is accepted it's going to be
2119s able to cast it on time
2122s so it adjusts the timing of and i'm
2125s describing this i'm leaving out a lot of
2126s really important stuff here and i'm
2128s sorry but i'm trying to describe it in
2129s the best way that it's understandable
2130s um it basically auto compensates for
2132s your ping
2134s to make sure that you are
2136s that things look like they're happening
2137s at the right time because they are
2138s happening at the right time um it's just
2141s we can't
2142s guarantee that things are going to
2143s happen at the right time until the
2145s servers told you that they are happening
2146s at the right time so the game assumes
2149s things are going to happen at the right
2150s time um
2152s and kind of compensates the animations
2154s and everything for that
2156s to make it look smooth
2160s um and the end result is that it feels
2162s like you're playing an offline game
2164s even though there is
2166s there is lag
2168s but it because it's like taking your
2171s specific lag into account or paying
2173s around your blatancy what do you want to
2174s call it um because it's taking that
2176s specific time into account it it really
2179s feels smooth
2183s and and
2184s people way smarter than me made it so
2186s i've also possibly made a mistake in my
2188s explanation so i'm sorry to everyone who
2190s worked on that that i just butchered
2192s that gorgeous system you made
2202s i hate that the technique is named
2204s predicted because it's so misleading
2205s yeah and that's what i was trying to
2206s avoid the term predictive when i was
2208s explaining that there so yeah
2212s because because we actually called it
2213s predictive casting for a long time
2215s internally as a kind of colloquial way
2217s to explain it um or like reference it
2220s even though it's not that
2223s sorry
2227s not related to le but any new favorite
2229s spoilers from the commander legends
2230s baldur's gate yeah there's so many
2233s bangers in this new set oh my gosh we
2235s had an amazing week for magic spoilers
2237s oh it's gonna be great
2241s um
2244s i'm gonna go with one that i saw this
2245s morning
2246s um
2247s [Music]
2248s it's it's a
2252s crap
2253s i grab it where is it
2262s uh
2263s raga draga the gore guts boss
2267s yeah
2269s mana dork tribal one of my buddies runs
2271s a
2272s uh
2273s uh urlok the scorch thrash which if
2276s anyone who played magic forever ago but
2277s hasn't played recently they removed mana
2279s burn as the mechanic this creature
2281s brings mana burn back as a mechanic
2284s and it just like slots in that deck so
2286s nicely it's crazy
2290s um there's a lot of others aged to the
2292s iron throne it is very rare that my
2294s atheros deck gets upgrades oh my god
2297s that's going in immediately
2299s uh one more and i will oh and the new
2302s there's a new experience commander too
2303s that's just
2305s like they've been done experience stuff
2306s in forever there's that one mardu or uh
2308s well somebody was marty one a while ago
2310s that's pretty good but not amazing but
2313s this just fits so well with it it's like
2314s a better version oh i love it
2316s okay done i promise
2321s uh yes sir that's what i meant forging
2323s pencil costume okay cool i hope that i
2324s hope i answered that question properly
2326s then uh how will loot be distributed
2328s during multiplayer uh instance loot you
2330s will get your own no free for all
2333s uh
2335s could multiplayer happen in september or
2337s is it 100 no i i don't know enough about
2340s the
2341s timings of when things are going to
2342s happen to comment on the exact time of
2344s it i'm sorry
2348s i i could make a pretty good guess
2350s but i really don't want to because i
2353s don't want uh guests to turn into
2356s the latest information we have is
2359s what mike guess that randomly on stream
2361s with some things that's okay but with
2363s multiplayer timing now
2378s all i can say is stick to the
2379s development update posts that stanzor
2381s puts out for all of the latest info
2383s regarding multiplayer
2384s that is that is the source whatever i'm
2387s telling you guys stuff about multiplayer
2389s i usually have that those whatever the
2390s most recent post up is
2393s is whatever uh and and just like reading
2396s off of that or have just read it before
2397s a stream just so i know what the most
2399s recent info is like really that's the
2401s best source of info for it and i don't
2404s really have anything else i can add
2411s i'm sorry i know i know i know you'd
2413s love to see
2414s more info for it and it like
2416s everything's going really well
2418s but uh
2420s yeah
2427s it's tricky it's tricky
2429s hope you understand uh could you tell us
2431s if possible how each plans a warlock
2437s i i can't really gameplay you much info
2439s on it right now the all the info
2440s available is on the website um
2443s it's a a lower heavy blurb and there's
2446s not a lot there i'm sorry
2454s there's there's plans for some
2457s more unique mechanics and
2465s mean you can say that about gameplay
2466s every single master class so
2470s not much of a spoiler
2473s uh
2475s is there any offline multiplier planned
2476s offline oh like like lan
2479s um yeah a land mode no we don't even
2481s like that planned right now uh there's
2485s uh
2488s that would be really amazing we'd love
2490s to do it and it's not impossible long
2492s term but for now it's not on the list of
2494s features we've got planned for one point
2496s now it's be like there's there's just so
2498s many things
2499s and like we'd love to do and getting out
2503s the like the core
2505s systems the core
2507s gameplay getting that finished well and
2509s it's solid and tight and feels good and
2511s plays well and all these things just
2512s like
2514s we'd rather have a slightly smaller set
2516s of features that work really well
2518s together than a
2521s um like a huge feature set of like kind
2524s of buggy experience you know um
2531s and i think i think that i think that'll
2533s produce a better initial
2535s initial play experience and give us room
2537s to add new features really nicely
2541s watch us might get super excited about
2542s magic gathering thinks my wife must be a
2544s saint yeah
2546s yeah she puts up with a lot
2549s uh have guilds been discussed recently
2551s not recently um it's still one of those
2552s things where we want to have guilds we
2553s want them to have we love to have guilds
2556s we just um
2557s they need to be as far as
2559s our current feeling on guilds is that
2561s they need to be more than
2563s um just a chat channel just uh just an
2568s alternate town hub you know like
2570s they need to be something else that
2572s guilds bring to the table
2573s as as a like
2575s uh
2577s some sort of feature some sort of
2578s activity some sort of gameplay element
2580s some sort of fun thing to do in game
2582s that's more than just
2584s like here's our guild chat here's our
2587s uh guild hall
2588s like it needs to be more than just that
2590s and those are really great things to to
2592s put in but again this comes down to
2594s those like those features and like
2597s having those that solid set of core
2599s features really solid really good really
2602s working well as opposed to a huge
2604s feature set of okay i guess that works
2606s kind of well like everything needs to be
2608s have a purpose and bring something
2609s specific to the table
2622s get my ice beetle boy let's go beautiful
2628s bring your green hat
2635s so yeah i've been a little little
2637s outside epoch news i've been
2640s slowly saving for and keeping an eye out
2643s for
2644s 3d printers for years
2649s um
2650s and they finally i kind of actually lost
2652s track of them
2653s for a while i kind of was like ah
2655s they're so expensive they'll never come
2656s down yadda yadda i'll just kind of
2658s ignore them for a while
2660s and
2661s recently
2662s i discovered
2665s they've come down in price a lot
2667s the quality's come up a ton the price
2669s has gone down a ton
2672s 3d printers entry basic 3d printers
2675s they're affordable now
2677s like
2679s they're cheaper than i've done it way
2680s cheaper than a next-gen console they're
2683s like cheaper than a good video card
2685s they're
2689s cheaper than
2691s five aaa games you know like
2695s they've come down in price a lot
2700s so i bought a 3d printer
2702s finally it's real bare bones real basic
2706s but it does what i needed to do
2708s and i've just started like
2710s printing all these dumb little things
2712s uh i've got a big band of them in front
2714s of me but i've
2716s i've like there's just this cool little
2718s stuff you can make like it's a little
2720s little majora's mask
2722s gotta paint that and there's all these
2724s like impossible
2726s like this is a single sided object
2729s there's only one side to this it's
2731s continuous all the way around and the
2733s same like the mobius strip you know
2737s things like that those are really cool i
2738s love those little like
2740s mathematical
2742s shouldn't really be possible looking
2743s type items
2747s it's really cool
2749s so i've been getting that configured and
2751s you print a bunch of the like
2754s uh you printed like my purchases my
2756s fridge is not
2757s good enough to do really high quality
2760s minis
2761s it's not there yet
2764s i haven't unlocked my middle item so
2765s yeah yeah it's i keep trying i don't
2766s know where to get it but yeah there's
2768s like these puzzles these are two pieces
2771s the other two pieces are printing right
2772s now two it becomes a cube it's like an
2774s impossible cube puzzle thing
2777s and there's this is one of the first
2778s things i printed
2781s i don't know how well you can see that
2783s but this structure
2785s like looks like it's just floating in
2787s mid-air well the camera picks up the
2788s strings really well actually
2791s it looks basically like it's floating in
2792s real life
2794s which is neat and here we go this is a
2796s this is a d24
2799s so there's this like cross center piece
2803s that leans
2805s one way when it's down
2807s and like picks a number after it rolls
2810s really cool
2814s dumb little things oh i'm printing i'm
2816s printing a horizon cube too
2821s this started as a reason to print
2823s uh these these box containers for my
2827s uh my magic card carrying case
2830s and uh it's just been printing little
2832s dumb toy things recently
2834s but i i modeled i'm learning modeling
2837s too because i modeled and printed these
2838s dice
2839s for different types of charges
2841s on magic cards because i made a new and
2842s he made a new deck but uh it's got 21
2846s unique types of counters in it and i
2848s realized after playing it once that i
2849s needed some way to track them all
2851s because i had like seven different types
2853s of counters on the field at once and was
2855s like i don't know what half these
2856s creatures are anymore
2861s this thing has two trample counters on
2862s it okay what does that do
2873s yeah have a lot of fun with that
2875s learning a lot
2878s really not going crazy with any upgrades
2880s for it i'm just like it's basically a
2881s stock cheap basic printer but it works
2884s really well
2885s so if you've ever been interested in 3d
2887s printing
2890s i would recommend looking at it seeing
2891s if it's
2892s worthwhile for you now
2896s because i've been enjoying myself a lot
2905s i will say though that you you gotta
2906s have some
2908s like computer hardware experience to to
2911s be confident with it i think
2914s it's definitely not easy
2917s and there's a lot of
2920s a lot of debugging
2925s all right back to last epoch stuff
2930s do i sleep my magic cards in a small
2932s clear sleeve before putting them in your
2933s deck sleeves no i don't do perfect
2935s perfect fit inners
2936s probably should but i don't
2943s my really valuable decks i don't play
2944s very often because they're
2946s a little too strong for most of the time
2948s when we're
2955s i'm usually playing janky theme decks
2957s that are
2961s full full of penny cards
2965s i'm like this one doesn't start with the
2966s letter r i can't use it i was s it was
2968s that's not the case let's start with
2969s letter s i can't use it
2971s you know stuff like that
2976s this one has the wrong artist so i can't
2977s use it
2978s mark t if you're gonna do an artist deck
2980s that's the easiest one by far
2985s uh i'm unclear on the order of magnitude
2988s of the likelihood of glyph of despair to
2990s work on a t4 affix on an exalted item is
2993s it supposed to be once in a lifetime or
2995s once in a hundred occurrences um it's
2997s it's gonna be extremely rare
3000s um i do not know the uh order magazine
3004s myself but it's it's gonna be hard
3006s you're not gonna be getting it
3008s um
3011s easily at all
3028s so i just got pinged
3032s the bees
3033s dabies
3035s um
3045s can something happen and that didn't
3046s come through for me i don't know why
3050s all right let's go find this we're
3052s really close i think we're pretty well i
3054s didn't even look at the stability but
3055s we're pretty close to
3056s to max stability here so i'm just gonna
3058s race through this one
3067s probably like gonna miss it by one now
3068s because of that
3089s i i really should figure out how much my
3091s dots will carry the kills
3094s because i can probably be walking away
3095s from things a little bit sooner
3100s is it called glyph of despair because
3101s you usually despair when you use it it's
3103s sort of like uh
3105s it's sort of a last resort to like get
3107s rid of an affix
3109s um
3110s and like it's you're removing it but
3112s it's not gone completely
3119s the name on that one was really tricky
3123s and i agree it doesn't quite fit
3126s perfectly
3136s oh let this arbor key i'll take it
3141s even though
3142s i kind of have a lot
3145s sitting in the stash cause i'm a bad
3148s person
3161s all right getting that experience up
3164s let's go
3165s i think i was putting points in this
3166s just like decks and glancing low
3173s did we get it 650 yeah i just got there
3180s nailed it
3196s should get like uh
3200s this is the ridiculous thing to be doing
3202s wearing this outfit you know like get
3204s like a like like act like a chicken when
3206s wearing a bee outfit or something you
3207s know just like the wrong animal
3213s it's like confused toddler
3216s mode i don't know
3232s all right should have named the
3233s glyphosphere the
3234s glyph of shadow realm
3239s that implies a existence of the shadow
3242s realm the shadow realm is not to be
3244s discussed or
3245s referenced the first rule of shadow
3247s realm is don't talk about shadow realm
3251s the second row of shutter almost why are
3253s you still talking about shadow realm
3268s shadow was alive so it's the cow level
3273s look out level there's no cow level
3278s happening
3293s oh my gosh i was not looking where i was
3294s going
3301s i ran right past the other one i'm just
3302s gonna go back for it
3305s don't mind me just just i i want the
3308s gold i i'm coming back for the gold
3310s specifically
3317s empirically it seems that forging
3319s potential gets
3321s higher as items have more affixes
3323s uh yes that is true that is in the docs
3326s i think in the game guide as well
3334s uh obviously even higher for exalted if
3336s true does this mean we're expected to
3338s ignore magic items after a while yeah i
3341s think there's
3343s it's it's tricky a little unfortunate
3344s that they are such and i'm not sure the
3347s best way to fix that or if it's
3348s something that needs to be fixed or not
3350s um but yeah you may notice that like
3353s my loot filter is just
3355s high normal magic right now i probably
3357s could be hiding a lot of the rare ones
3358s too but um
3360s there's kind of not really much use for
3361s them at the moment after you get past
3364s level 50 or so
3383s i don't know if you take lore questions
3384s i'm so bad with it like
3387s i don't know the details and i'm like i
3389s wish i could but i'll try let me see
3391s what i can
3403s do he's gonna not die first it's their
3407s first priority
3412s but does the use of void magic make
3414s orbes stronger or is it more of an
3417s age to loosen his bonds
3420s uh that's a great question i do not know
3422s the proper answer to it so i'm not going
3424s to try and answer it from a point of
3426s authority at all on the matter
3432s as a player
3434s i i really like the idea of of it being
3437s one of those things where like
3439s uh
3441s you're like drawing from the same source
3442s of power as orbis is and it's uh sort of
3446s like fighting with his own weapon
3449s but it doesn't actually help him using
3450s it but you know there's something to be
3452s said for the alternative to
3458s if you have a good filter unlike me then
3460s there are no magic items you essentially
3462s create your own rarity system with the
3463s filter that scales into in-game yeah i
3465s think that's an accurate way of putting
3466s it
3477s easy
3480s i really want to get a filter sharing
3482s system built into the game that's like
3484s that's one of the biggest things that i
3485s really want
3487s i know i've talked about it so many
3488s times on the stream but like
3490s that's one of my most wanted features
3492s that i want to make
3499s so i do really think we have a great
3500s filter system um
3502s but i think that there are times where
3504s it's a little on the
3506s um
3509s daunting side for new players
3512s like it's a little intense for some new
3514s players to really get involved with and
3516s and feel confident that what they're
3518s creating is appropriate and good and
3520s it's gonna like serve them well
3522s um and they're not like missing out on
3523s stuff and and having uh like community
3525s approved in-game ways just be like
3528s this is a good like oh you're playing a
3530s bow
3531s uh marksman like here you go it's a
3533s great starting filter and like i know
3535s there's a lot of people on um forums
3537s that have a lot of those great starting
3539s filters already made um it's just tricky
3541s to share them sometimes because a lot of
3542s people don't go to those third party or
3544s first party third systems like like go
3547s to our forums or go to reddit or go to
3549s discord or go to like any other third
3551s party forums and things like that like
3552s it's it's it's
3554s getting that information to players
3556s would be a lot easier oh soul fart
3558s nice would be a lot easier if there was
3560s just like
3561s a button here that's like
3564s find
3565s like a filter browser or something you
3567s know
3572s not happening
3574s and i think that with with something
3575s like that there'd be an incentive for
3577s people to
3579s like
3580s really
3581s ramp up the quality of their filters and
3584s uh like you'd be sharing them and i
3586s think i think that's something a lot of
3587s people like to do
3604s not happening
3616s yeah
3617s let's go
3620s ain't nothing
3624s ain't nothing
3634s that's why i made a basics video yeah
3637s exactly oh yeah you're you're right
3639s you're right on the on the money there
3640s rivalasi
3643s [Music]
3646s and like there is some
3648s uh or there's no yeah like like there's
3651s there's some tutorialization that
3652s happens here but it's not
3655s like details on
3657s like what are good practices to do in
3659s here because a lot of that's very
3661s subjective
3662s um
3667s yeah uh what am i doing here
3669s nope nope
3674s oh there's a scroll here that makes a
3676s lot more sense where's the one i was
3678s using
3692s we're just gonna make it
3695s because i don't know where it was
3708s can you click multiples in there
3714s so often i actually set that up doesn't
3716s it
3722s should we reroll everything that'd be
3724s pretty cool
3756s sorry
3758s my wife was asking if she could make a
3760s lot of noise outside my window
3762s i'm like please don't
3775s ugh
3782s oh no it wasn't outside my window it was
3786s on the other side of the house yeah it's
3787s fine
3791s [Music]
3793s all right did i just go into another
3795s echo instead of
3811s so what happens when i get on autopilot
3817s okay here we go
3820s let's get into it
3830s all right
3833s traveler can you help me you know i
3835s actually have
3839s okay if i beat this boss i got something
3841s for you or if i died in this boss
3845s if i die or at any point or close boss i
3847s got something to show you
3858s and this is this is one of the bosses i
3859s think i've done the fewest number of
3860s times in the game of any boss so uh
3871s i might fail miserably that'd be funny
3885s where am i going
3887s all turned about
3889s oh yeah
3901s i recognize this area
3906s we had uh so early on we had uh we were
3909s doing conventions we went to
3912s pax west in seattle
3915s there was three of us that went there
3919s um
3921s and
3923s uh we had we had a demo build of the
3925s game that would
3926s that got all the way it was it was a
3928s very limited version of the game so it
3930s was like stripped down so it could like
3932s fit on a tiny little flash drive be
3934s loaded up ultra quick super basic um and
3937s in in the normal start of the game it
3939s went it only went up to the point of
3942s this door that's right up here
3944s in the normal game there's a door
3946s i think right here or already past it or
3948s something i don't know there's this door
3950s right here in the in the in the campaign
3951s but it only went up to that door
3955s um and we were
3957s like there's like we figured those
3958s there's a time limit on the demo because
3960s um we knew that from previous
3962s conventions that if we didn't put a time
3963s load on the demo uh people would just
3965s sit there for hours which was a great
3967s thing um but we'd end up with a lineup
3970s and people would feel like hey like you
3972s gotta stop playing cause people wanna
3973s play behind you type thing and we
3974s figured okay just put a limit on it and
3977s it was simpler because the game would
3978s just be like
3979s it's ending in
3980s one minute descending in 30 seconds and
3983s it would just end
3985s anyways uh so we put this the top the we
3988s only brought enough of the game with us
3990s to get to
3991s this point and we're like no one's gonna
3994s be able to get there like that's too far
3996s even if someone like pushes hard they're
3997s just not gonna make it
4000s uh and so we and we spent it was one of
4003s the days
4004s uh
4006s it was a little slower that convention
4008s than previous ones because we were like
4009s we're in a terrible position
4011s uh the spot was just like impossible to
4012s find i was leaving the booth one time
4015s and so like i figured no one really gets
4016s to that point so we just
4018s um
4020s we were like having some contests to see
4022s who could get the furthest
4023s um
4024s and we consistently managed to with the
4026s prime list you could get there
4028s right from the start of the game
4031s uh and you could also do the sentinel at
4033s that time too which is pretty cool
4036s it was like 10 minutes or something
4038s so i got really good at speed running
4039s the first 10 minutes of the game
4042s it was 20 minutes
4044s but um
4047s yeah that convention we were in the
4049s worst spot i had i like
4051s was leaving the booth to go like check
4053s out the floor and see what else was
4054s there and i i must have walked 10 steps
4057s out of our booth at most and someone saw
4060s my shirt that i was wearing was very
4061s similar to this like last epoch shirt
4063s and they're like oh i'm looking for your
4065s booth and they've got like this big map
4066s in front of them and they're like i
4067s can't find your booth where's your booth
4069s and i'm like
4070s it's right it's right there we're
4072s standing right in front of it and like
4073s because we're just like in this corner
4074s tucked away it was just awful
4079s tons of fun i almost went back in there
4085s here we go
4091s help for the matrix and guild wars boots
4093s that's cool man i love guild wars that
4096s was that was that was my first
4098s like it wasn't it's not really an mmo
4101s but it kind of is the gilders one
4103s um
4105s that was my first mmoe experience
4131s is that not hurting me
4133s i just dodging it am i just that good at
4134s dodging
4157s perish
4165s i think those ticks are slow enough that
4166s sometimes you just don't get hit by it
4192s i'm just like not taking damage in this
4194s fight
4206s sweet
4208s my
4209s my tanky
4212s no
4216s i'll probably finish some of these off
4236s yeah you start taking damage when you
4237s just like run into the middle of
4238s everything though good job mike
4244s about itemization it seems that idols
4246s prefixes on relics body armor helmets
4248s bring potential for build diversity if
4250s you want to bring more build diversity
4251s in the future would you prefer uh
4252s preferably
4254s add affixes
4256s here or
4259s evidence is here or change the skill
4262s trees
4265s uh i know it's not an either or
4267s situation yeah it's not um but would you
4269s rather lean on i i think i mean you kind
4272s of identified the problem there i think
4273s it's sort of it's so much
4276s not an either or situation that it's
4278s like
4278s it depends on every single situation
4284s oh dude hi uh
4286s yeah i think it's i think it really
4288s depends on on which one it would help
4290s with more basically um
4294s probably which one's more saturated or
4296s less saturated at the time i don't know
4299s uh
4301s depends yeah it depends on if we're
4303s trying to target specific
4305s like build diversity or specific build
4307s situations you know
4310s i'm gonna play this up
4323s all right i don't need catalysts at all
4329s let's see
4331s let's say body armor because as you're
4332s right there are more awesomer ones there
4336s for exactly the reasons you just said
4339s let this arbor key hollow finger ooh
4340s hall of fingers had to do a bunch of bug
4342s fixing with that thing
4347s yes that'll be costume to match the
4349s announcement
4362s why are you dressed like a bee mate for
4363s anyone just joining us today is
4365s international b day
4367s um
4368s yeah bees are awesome and keeping them
4371s around is pretty fantastic
4381s for anyone who's wondering how you
4382s empower models once you've finished all
4383s of them you actually just have to come
4384s to this island and it empowers them
4387s and as i say that i'm like you have to
4389s attach something here i think you do
4390s yeah there we go
4399s all right what do we do now
4402s oh it's so itchy
4409s are you sure it's international bidet
4413s that's good i like that
4422s i know worked in the stream hours was
4423s snuck in after finishing up my meeting
4425s with one of my senior devs nice
4427s glad to have you here
4430s my lovely outfit
4434s legendary
4436s all right let's do level 100 content
4437s when we're level
4439s 91 i think
4440s do we make it to 91
4446s oh all of them isn't it the three little
4448s 90s you're totally right it's just the
4449s three level 90s
4450s i'm level 83 all right
4453s this is what i mean about like the um
4457s like power scaling coming from
4460s sources other than leveling so much
4470s i should probably look at like
4472s doing some gear upgrades shouldn't i
4476s get a real loot filter going
4479s let me fix my
4481s build am i gonna actually do some
4483s homework
4485s and
4486s and uh make this more competitive for
4490s for streams is that something i'm gonna
4495s okay do is like not happening
4500s thanks
4502s mike's puncture hail glad to see i have
4504s your confidence at least
4508s do you think we'll see set items lp no i
4510s don't think we will i mean like maybe
4512s eventually but it's uh
4516s i i'd say it's very unlikely because
4519s part of it is wanting to keep identity
4521s on certain things and
4523s um
4525s having certain unique items be distinct
4527s from each other is pretty important and
4529s the way we one of one of the ways we do
4531s that is now unique items have legendary
4534s potential so before set items were just
4536s unique items with something extra now
4538s they're each distinct because they each
4539s have something the other doesn't have
4545s [Music]
4549s oh i think blocks and i forgot
4572s also i printed recently i printed a
4574s little like card divider thing
4577s to go in my deck boxes to like separate
4580s sections of it
4581s surprisingly simple but surprisingly
4583s useful
4586s it's basically a really thick card with
4588s a little tab on the top
4593s it sounds we need a new build for next
4595s week no but this one's doing so well
4607s so well
4612s oh i can show this off
4613s i uh
4618s so these this is this is like why i
4619s bought this thing was to print these
4621s these little boxes
4623s here
4626s and so they fit in my big carrying case
4628s and they're like
4629s the cards are never coming out of that
4632s this is this is my this is my latest
4634s model i increased the size of the feet
4636s haha that's the big difference that i
4637s made from this one
4640s they take like they take a day to print
4642s they take basically 24 hours to print it
4645s is nuts
4648s i'm sure better printers can do it
4649s faster
4652s tempest trick shop we've already done
4654s tempo strike shaman no
4662s this is also a thing like the first
4663s thing you get when you print get a
4664s printer is you make benchy
4667s i call it benchmark bench face
4670s um and if you're not an idiot you print
4672s it without supports so it has like a
4675s like a hollow cabin in there
4677s but i didn't know what i was doing at
4678s all and printed with supports and now
4680s it's kind of ruined
4682s but that's okay
4689s [Music]
4707s yeah that would be a fun building plate
4708s uh
4710s what was the last acolyte i played that
4712s was a volatile zombie
4715s uh since then i've played a
4717s javelin paladin
4719s uh ware bear
4722s druid
4724s and now my mark's been
4726s i've played a mage in a long time you
4728s know i think mage might be the next one
4731s i haven't played a mage in a long time
4733s on stream
4741s no there's nothing wrong with tempest
4742s strike
4743s good one
4759s i'm really enjoying puncture i know it's
4760s probably not the funnest build to watch
4762s but oh man do i enjoy puncture
4764s it's it's just like
4766s it's not too easy come on now
4770s it's fun
4772s i like it
4784s you know
4785s good stuff
4789s oh we should go to a dungeon actually
4793s we're high enough we'll like hammer out
4794s a couple of those we'll do a little
4795s crafting
4796s let's okay let's see if we can upgrade
4798s any more gear
4801s let's see if that's in the current
4802s sports oh yeah i said i had something
4804s for you when i beat the boss didn't i
4806s how is no one keeping me honest here
4811s what do you want to see do i see rogue
4812s or primalist
4825s yeah there's nothing bad with it if
4826s you're competing if you're comparing it
4828s with basic attack yeah
4831s yup it's all right
4838s primalist it is
4844s snazzy
4850s yeah this is
4851s uh
4853s i don't know which two this is but yeah
4854s this is
4855s one of the one of the new primal sets
4866s i i get i personally get a real shaman
4868s vibe from it and it's probably because i
4870s spent too much time playing wow
4872s but um
4873s yeah i got a real shamani vibe from it
4875s myself
4878s argonian vibes
4892s all right there we go
4894s all right let's try
4898s flip that over there
4902s oh
4910s ow something just went in my eye
4913s okay let's see would you have anything
4914s with 14 potential on it first
4917s oh seven there
4920s 16 9
4922s we got a little to work with
4925s not much
4926s oh that one's maxed out right
4929s uh
4932s right yep okay yep uh
4935s yep right okay well uh looks like oh we
4938s could reroll some um
4941s some implicits
4944s what are our implicit ranges on this oh
4946s it's a keyboard key coming off
4951s those are pretty good roles on the
4952s implicit i'm not risking
4957s that who cares about that
4962s that's max of course that's max
4965s uh do you want to reroll any of this any
4967s of the stats on
4971s them oh could we roll that one
4980s yeah okay let's reroll this one
4984s uh we want i don't remember which one it
4986s is removable discovery shaping
4990s refinement there's refinement
4994s does help work on this i think it does
4999s okay so what are we hoping for we're
5000s hoping for
5003s resistances to go above 17 and 44.
5018s i mean i think that's an upgrade overall
5030s yeah let's try and rule this one why not
5032s right
5038s yeah
5039s there we go
5049s there's not much from the ranges here
5051s but why not let's give it a roll
5059s the health of the man yeah
5073s basically the same
5076s oh well
5079s do we have any legendaries we can make
5084s i think it's t-50 i think it's t-50
5087s why am i even wearing that hat
5092s not really
5093s you're right it's a good point it's not
5095s really a poisonous voice i should
5096s probably be looking for a new hat
5099s okay what's what's my ideal hat
5105s let's
5106s what's the command build
5120s okay really puncture
5127s that's
5129s that
5132s i do like that bow
5136s uh no
5140s hmm
5150s and condition
5152s epics
5155s it needs to default to their still
5157s puncture
5160s level of puncture
5170s duration
5172s yeah
5173s these
5177s and then
5182s add health increase in hybrid let's do
5183s all three
5186s say with at least three of these affixes
5191s uh
5194s let's see greater than or equal to
5199s two
5201s total tiers of
5214s okay get a sweet helmet drop
5219s i'll see it happen
5221s i was gonna do a dungeon of some sort
5223s wasn't i
5224s uh let's go do
5227s light this arbor
5230s yeah
5234s that's my gold yeah let's go to light
5236s the cyber
5242s why not right
5250s over
5251s here
5253s oh i should make a legendary bleeding
5254s heart for this build
5261s do i have
5262s a bleeding heart
5264s with legendary pencil lying around
5270s it doesn't look like it
5272s are any of these worth just
5275s doing
5287s a lot of my resistances are tied up in
5289s there
5293s this is not bad though
5296s let's try it let's give it a shot
5307s 88 yeah it's gonna be tough let's go for
5309s it
5318s let's go for it
5323s yeah it's gonna be tough
5347s these guys are a little tricky not
5351s amazingly hard but
5365s oh come on something stay alive somehow
5379s oh i don't chat up and that's the
5380s problem
5399s uh i didn't think you'll see all three
5404s i'm not sure those poor sorry
5417s why would i go for a boss with an
5418s avalanche skill what is wrong with me
5422s i know better
5424s i don't
5429s it's okay
5430s we'll fail fast
5435s we can move on
5442s i do want to try like i get get a build
5444s all the way to like a tea party kill
5447s on uh
5451s on stream that'd be cool
5454s this is by far the farthest i've ever
5456s gotten one
5472s on on stream sorry i should qualify that
5478s all right i got another question woohoo
5479s please feel free to ask questions i live
5481s for your questions what's what sustains
5483s me
5485s i can't no questions anymore
5488s i'm on the wrong side of the screen
5489s aren't i there we go um
5491s did you ever show us something after the
5493s boss school i did i did show you
5494s something this is what i showed you
5501s i'm getting tangled up
5511s that's what i showed you
5520s [Music]
5526s all right
5530s let's
5531s go all right
5540s it is very cool i like to think so at
5543s least
5554s part of this
5559s nice outfit thanks i uh made it myself
5564s it's not true i didn't
5565s [Laughter]
5568s uh do you think we'll get any more
5569s dungeons before 1.0 i don't know i i
5571s would like to see some more dungeons
5572s before 1.0 personally
5579s i think they are
5581s uh
5582s i think they're a way that we can do a
5583s lot of really cool things that we can't
5584s do elsewhere
5586s and
5589s i
5590s i don't know i just like the
5592s the design freedom that they bring is
5593s really nice
5597s and having like different game modes to
5598s break things up i think is really nice
5600s it's really interesting it's fun
5611s oh
5612s that's a lot of damage
5617s and i am well aware that they are not
5618s perfect for the record
5626s but if we always waited to release
5627s everything until it was perfect
5630s well there wouldn't be much of a game to
5632s play
5654s new
5660s how did i know there's any in that whole
5662s exchange
5665s that's wild take it
5676s uh bees or golems i mean it depends like
5681s bees are such an integral part of life
5683s but
5685s what what self-respecting necromancer
5687s would belittle herself to
5691s having bees
5693s annoyingly buzz around her face
5705s i'm actually really looking forward to
5706s the new gola model and the new golem uh
5708s animations and everything it looks
5709s really good
5722s yeah basically finished that item today
5724s which is great
5732s there's a couple edge cases that need to
5734s be sorted out a bit first but
5736s for the most part it's working fantastic
5739s exalted jewelry
5741s we'll need that to make our uh
5745s legendary bleeding heart won't we
5748s it's called mvp for a reason am i right
5751s yeah it is
5754s i think we're past mvp right now though
5756s quite a bit
5761s whoa mike what are you
5764s crazy person mike what are you doing
5767s is my hand one off on the keyboard it is
5780s just died right away
5786s i like i want to put i've got different
5788s keycaps for those keys from qwer that i
5790s want to put on my keyboard but like i
5792s did for a little bit and typing with it
5794s sucked
5796s i spent a lot more time typing than i do
5797s playing unfortunately
5802s that was the problem
5803s that was the problem wasn't it
5825s let's go do let's start the game quest
5830s well that's new
5834s what am i wearing
5835s it's b day i'm here to bring awareness
5838s to
5839s bees everywhere
5841s not happening because they're too busy
5843s being bees
5849s because they busy little bees
5853s i'm serious we're doing this quest
5858s i don't care
5859s not happening
5869s not happening
5873s clearing up the quest tracker always
5874s feels nice it does
5877s it does feel nice
5882s poorly you've unlocked a portal
5887s not happening
5900s uh what do we want
5903s gold won't save you late night
5907s stay safe it's getting dangerous out
5908s there
5909s get gamblers fallacy just because i like
5911s it more
5912s should we should we just do some quests
5915s no that's terrible
5917s oh that's what was wrong
5921s i'm dumb
5923s it's okay
5928s can you add a checkbox to remove
5930s crafting shards entirely to masochist
5932s mode i think it would be
5934s the real hard mode
5937s entirely oh god
5940s uh i think that might be a little
5942s extreme
5944s like just disable the whole crap i mean
5946s you could just you just not do the
5947s graphing system right
5954s [Music]
5958s or do you mean like
5962s just remove shards you have to like
5964s scavenge your own shards still
5974s put these two away put that away
5978s [Music]
5981s this is the room i still hate that it
5983s does this
5984s one day i'll fix that
5987s one day
5991s i need arena key
6005s ah do we do hundred
6008s we didn't we did 90 last time do we try
6010s for a hundred
6014s i just like scraped by 90 with the skin
6016s of my teeth i'm just going to do 90
6017s again because i just like
6019s barely finished it
6027s whoever decided to make um
6030s make oh gosh
6032s uh make the max mob density roll all
6034s gorgon's matrons and ruby captains i
6036s just want to talk
6038s uh we actually made some changes to that
6040s system recently
6042s whereby it will always
6044s uh roll some
6047s high density low power mob so like
6051s they'll always be a bunch of trash
6052s instead of having it just be all giant
6054s things
6058s because up until now it's like
6060s um
6062s it's possible to to get to get rolls
6064s where it populates with just a bunch of
6066s gigantic things and that's it
6069s uh it makes density feel kind of crappy
6072s it wrecks a bunch of builds
6075s um and it also uh
6080s it becomes
6082s the difficulty just scales out of
6083s control with that
6090s you were once a boss so dangerous
6108s and now look at yourself
6111s pitiful
6122s any updates on sets getting buffed they
6124s were just off weren't they
6130s uh there was a bug we just found
6133s in uh one of the pieces for boardman set
6136s i think
6137s one of the defensive
6139s uh affixes on the weapon i wanna say
6147s we just realized wasn't doing literally
6149s anything at all
6154s one of the affixes was just completely
6156s nothing
6158s so that's gonna be buff
6167s it was a really subtle thing though and
6168s it was like it looked like it was
6170s working
6171s but when you like drilled down here it
6172s wasn't actually doing anything
6175s i can't remember what it was exactly
6184s i know i'm missing stuff too i guess i
6186s could go do it
6192s no
6194s um
6196s let's get idols
6202s currently echo difficulty vary greatly
6204s whether you get certain pack of monsters
6206s matrix yeah or not to the point where it
6208s may be faster geez louise
6212s faster to leave
6219s leave an echo and entry in hopes for
6221s better packs is it a nintendo mechanic
6223s no not at all uh will multiplayer
6225s determine multiple monster packs in
6227s echoes
6234s i don't understand or will multiplayer
6235s determine monster packs and it goes um
6238s it's it's definitely not intended uh
6240s you'll
6243s the the goal is to have there be yes
6245s things that are harder than other things
6247s that's that's always the case but um
6249s such a large disparity is
6251s never ideal
6253s oh boy
6259s ding
6267s i got my health up so i'm not just like
6269s getting one shot here probably some more
6270s endurance too
6277s what are my glancing blows at
6280s defenses
6288s is it where's where's glancing low am i
6290s just crazy
6296s oh there's just some glancing blow it's
6297s just his chance to receive uh 29 cool
6312s the auto moderator gotcha
6319s i didn't even read it all but i think
6320s it's probably safe
6325s apparently doesn't like the term big
6327s monster
6339s i'll read the second promise
6345s sounds like a lot of beeswax to you yeah
6363s these guys are tough
6366s tough stuff right here
6368s and that attack hurts
6371s what oh there's a crack there that's
6373s what's going on i don't know why they
6375s didn't register to me as like a hole i
6377s thought it was just red terrain
6379s my brain my brain did not
6381s get that for some reason
6393s oh it's a nice little small idol
6396s all right let's see here
6399s uh what if big monster spawns where a
6402s mod were a mod in monolith and it came
6404s with a massive item fine bonus so people
6406s who are ready and can do it be much
6409s better than crit avoidance nonsense
6411s credibility isn't going anywhere um but
6413s yeah i do agree that that would be a i
6415s think that would be a cool mod to change
6417s the like
6418s the style of enemies that appear
6426s uh we don't need a key let's go for
6427s exalted jewelry
6432s just whack him with tempest strike
6440s all right
6449s can we succeed unlikely but it's worth a
6452s shot
6462s it's just like that feels so good when
6464s they line up like that
6465s just like the line of damage going out
6470s feels good man
6474s all right where are you
6476s come out come out wherever you are
6480s i better find you
6493s word on the street is warlock we void
6495s focus yeah you keep trying to get me to
6497s answer that one in a like
6500s uh trying to to quell a rumor
6505s i see what you're doing
6506s i get it i understand
6510s that is a very much a fan created rumor
6516s that is not based in fact of
6519s any information we've given out or
6521s anything like that
6525s not saying it's true or not true but
6528s there's definitely nothing we've put out
6529s that said it is or isn't going to be
6531s that
6542s uh in the previous two arena waves there
6544s was
6545s one of the early game rare mods that
6547s uses a lightning attack that looks
6549s uh
6551s like a load of white x's cast getting
6552s down the screen or something is that
6554s graphics going to get changed because it
6556s looks bleep
6558s uh maybe i didn't actually notice it at
6560s all um
6566s put that in
6567s a forum thread no
6573s took a while
6575s that barrel was
6576s it was really a legendary barrel
6588s yeah sorry lama i do not know uh what
6590s you're referring to but yeah like maybe
6593s um
6594s if you
6596s drop it in a forum thread and say hey i
6599s think you should
6600s update this
6604s maybe maybe it'll happen
6608s we are going through a lot of older um
6610s vfx stuff right now and updating a lot
6612s of it so
6615s i'd say this uh
6616s decent chance that if it's really that
6618s bad uh it's already on the list
6621s you know
6625s oh they were uh they were doing a
6629s it was
6630s um doing a bunch of optimization like
6632s specific level optimization stuff on
6634s certain zones that are just awful
6636s and uh
6640s they finally hit the
6641s average frame rate in the zone that they
6644s were working on this morning i saw a
6645s screenshot it was just doubled
6648s from where they started
6649s so happy
6665s like b50 or something i think
6675s shout out to tech artists everywhere
6677s you're the best
6696s all right where's the next one can you
6698s elaborate on crit avoidance
6700s uh a lizard okay so you're asking if i
6702s collaborate on the existence of crit
6704s avoidance as a mod in the monologue i'm
6706s assuming
6708s because i know you fully understand how
6710s credibility works
6712s uh and the short answer is
6715s um
6718s i i think it's really good that there
6720s are certain mods that are really
6722s difficult for certain builds to tackle
6724s and and the more narrow it is the less
6727s likely you're ever in a situation where
6729s um
6730s there's nothing useful to do or there's
6732s nothing possible to do i think it's a
6734s better way to put it so you're never in
6735s a situation where oh i picked one that's
6737s way harder
6745s oh no oh no and it's the one that i
6747s barely completed last time
6748s oh no this will be my greatest challenge
6751s ever
6754s some say it's impossible
6756s that person is me
6761s from all of us here at paramount
6762s pictures no um this is gonna go really
6765s badly i i
6766s have no doubt in my mind that i will
6768s fail this miserably
6770s um but we're gonna do our best
6781s come on
6786s not happening
6788s come on
6794s i'm sorry for the question okay there's
6796s a question i was i was answering about
6797s um
6798s narrow narrow mods are good in the
6800s monolith for things that are devastating
6802s to really specific builds so yeah the
6804s the crit avoidance modifier is basically
6807s a
6808s uh a free modifier for
6811s um
6812s a non-crypt based build because you
6814s don't really care if you're if your
6816s builds if your skills are not like dots
6817s like the build i'm playing right now oh
6819s love that one because i just go in and
6820s it doesn't matter if i don't create
6822s because cool i still don't crit anyways
6823s like all my numbers are white as they
6824s are
6826s um
6828s and and having that level having that um
6831s monolith echo layer of the monolith
6834s experience as a whole being a strategic
6836s layer
6837s um
6839s is i think really useful uh for
6844s creating uh like creating depth in in
6847s the in that experience as a whole
6849s so it's it's less about just
6852s um
6853s okay i'm gonna i'm gonna jump into this
6855s into the just the next monolith um and
6858s we're good to go and and the
6860s for most people the what model of echo
6863s am i going to is driven by
6865s um
6867s oh that was close i clicked this at the
6868s game window um
6870s is is going is judge is is is driven by
6874s um
6875s what oh no
6877s what
6878s bonus what reward do i want what am i
6880s looking for to get out of this and
6881s that's basically how i've been doing it
6883s so far when playing on stream and and
6886s um that mentality shifts pretty heavily
6888s once you get into um empowered high
6891s corruption models because there are
6892s certain
6893s things that you just can't do really
6897s and and
6898s like i i think that's really good i
6900s think that's really healthy i think it's
6901s really a positive thing for the game
6903s overall um because there's there is
6906s always still a spot that is useful to go
6908s to it might not be
6911s uh the most
6913s useful there might be like uh a it might
6915s be like oh okay here we go
6917s here we go
6922s um
6926s okay i gotta move this pattern a little
6928s bit here
6931s okay this is not happening i'm just dead
6936s i took two difficult modifiers
6945s i have no poison resistance i can feel
6947s it
6954s come on
6967s that 180 was just a huge mistake
6970s there's no coming back from that
6973s that's unfortunate
6976s you also have no dps yeah thanks i know
6978s i have no dvs jesus come on
6981s yeah yeah yeah that was that was foolish
6984s of me
6985s it was entirely my fault
6990s little frustrated with myself there
6992s it's okay though i'll get over it
6995s um i should really upgrade my idols
6997s because they're they're pretty junky
7001s um
7002s i don't want to spend the last minutes
7003s only four minutes left here
7007s can we complete a
7009s echo really quickly
7010s is that doable
7014s this one
7019s i was talking about something wasn't i
7021s uh did i finish my point
7026s i don't know if i did
7027s i hope i did
7028s sorry if i didn't
7044s a little frustrated with myself because
7045s i could have done that one if i didn't
7046s take that 180 like okay
7049s there is like a perfect example
7052s illustrating my point of like
7055s of what's what's happening with the
7057s credibility and stuff like what just
7059s happened
7060s is the exact thing yeah that's crazy i
7064s didn't even mean to do that so yeah i i
7067s got greedy
7068s and i went into i selected an option
7072s that was too hard
7074s that was gonna beat me it was it was bad
7076s for my build i shouldn't have done it uh
7078s and i got my ass kicked you know
7081s um i think i think that's
7086s and like i got blinded by the light i
7088s got blinded by the the the bonus that
7090s was going to happen there the the
7092s rewards were too great for me to ignore
7094s and i just went for it
7095s um immediately regretted it knew it was
7097s a mistake but yeah um
7100s i think that's a lot of times that's
7101s what's happening
7103s and maybe it's underestimating how
7104s difficult something's going to be
7106s um
7115s maybe it's that the
7117s like the dangers of mods like that are
7119s not
7121s not not high enough not obvious enough
7123s when you're in those entry-level
7125s uh
7126s like the early monoliths
7129s maybe it's that when you get into later
7130s monoliths and your builds are more
7132s optimized you're more relying on that
7134s crit to happen
7135s because uh so many more things trigger
7137s off that you're getting up to that super
7138s high crit rating anyways
7145s so it's possible that it's too punishing
7147s but
7148s i think it's really good that there's
7149s things where like
7151s certain builds struggle with certain
7152s activities and there needs to be and and
7155s there's this like
7156s lack of just the perfect build for every
7159s situation
7174s what's my favorite adult swim show i
7175s have no idea what's on adult swim right
7177s now at all uh most likely rick and morty
7180s because it's the only one that i know is
7181s on adult swim
7183s and i could be even wrong about that
7197s when when tv gets to canada the the
7199s place that it comes from changes so uh
7202s i don't actually have adult swim
7211s all right i know i missed a question too
7214s trying to answer some of them
7226s there we go
7227s um
7228s immortal summon
7234s uh would be cool if there was a node on
7236s shift that dragged enemies towards the
7238s line you traced oh that's cool so you
7240s could line up a straight shot after
7241s shifting yeah like uh
7243s a pull inward on that line ah that's
7245s actually doable too funny enough
7247s um the only problem i can uh i can never
7250s remember which mob it is yeah if you see
7253s which one it is
7258s uh can we get mobs that have x percent
7260s less chance to receive ailments mono
7262s modifier as well then as a counterpart
7265s counterpoint to the crit avoidance modem
7266s on fire
7267s i mean i'm not going to say yes or no to
7269s something like that because that is it's
7270s a pretty big deal to add modifiers to
7271s that but i know that one has been
7274s uh
7275s [Music]
7277s like pitched but not discussed if that
7278s makes any sense
7280s my main issue is some mods don't punish
7282s me at all if i have bad gear but if i
7284s have gear if i have gear they do
7290s uh we're right at the end of the stream
7292s here and i'd love to talk about this
7293s more
7294s i'm playing a [ __ ] build i just started
7296s so i have 20 percent crit i get
7297s credibility to think myself no one cares
7299s now i have 20 200 hour character grab my
7301s ass for
7302s a hundred percent crit monsters have 60
7304s credit points and go play d2r yeah i i
7307s hear what you're saying that's actually
7308s kind of what i was getting into the end
7309s of that where um you're not punished as
7311s much early on so you don't learn that
7312s it's something that is dangerous
7315s um and then so you you see it later on
7317s and you're like why is this so much
7319s worse now than it was at the start
7327s but like there has to be things that are
7330s like build specific difficulties i think
7333s in in the monolith mods
7335s i feel like that has to be a thing
7336s doesn't it
7340s like because if if things if there
7342s aren't things like that then the mod
7344s pool is restricted to
7346s things have more health and things have
7348s more damage like that's the mod pool if
7350s we can't build specific things right
7355s maybe i'm oversimplifying it i i
7357s we're right in the industry but i'd love
7359s to talk about the support you got i got
7360s it i got to get into it earlier in it or
7362s uh
7363s talk to you offline i'm sorry i gotta
7365s end the stream but it is
7373s if you have specific examples of ones
7375s you think would be better to do than it
7378s uh please hit me up with those um
7381s i'd be very happy to hear them
7383s uh
7384s i wish i could talk about it more but i
7386s have to end the stream i'm sorry
7387s uh i i had a great time today i hope
7390s everyone enjoyed themselves i have
7395s did i show this i don't know if i show
7396s this after hours content leak ooh baby
7400s i don't think i showed this yet
7402s i hope i didn't
7417s yeah
7418s cool um
7433s let's go
7434s meet someone new
7439s all right
7441s uh that's about it for me today i had a
7443s great time i hope you did too
7445s um that's not what i say i hope you had
7447s fun i know i did there we
7449s go nailed it i'll see you all later have
7451s a good night