almost 4 years
ago -
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Monolith of Fate
- Lowered the stability requirements of the 3rd quest echo for all timelines other than the first.
- This reduction is smaller for non-empowered timelines.
- The 3rd quest echo now requires 1000 stability for all empowered timelines (from 1000 to 1350 depending on timeline).
- “Slay enemies to locate __” is now listed as a separate objective in the quest tracker for echoes that use a delayed objective pulse (Bosses and Time Gates).
- Time Gates now also have delayed objective pulses like Bosses.
- The threshold for showing delayed monolith objective pulses now varies based on zone. It’s higher than before in most zones, but lower in zones where going in a random direction may result in significant backtracking.
- The icons for unavailable echoes are now darker and less saturated to make available echoes more clear.
- Adjusted the position of the monolith reward object in Echo of a World.
- Greatly improved the performance of hideable objects (things that fade out when they block the camera). This likely caused stutters or reduced fps in many zones.
- Players have reported that validating game files can help with performance or stability issues. We’ll continue investigating, but validating files, updating drivers / OS and restarting your computer are good troubleshooting steps.
Other Changes
- Updated 2d art for Aurora’s Time Glass and Flight of the First
- The Possess ailment deals 33% increased damage.
- Updated sounds for the monolith reward object in Echo of a World.
- Removed Detonate Corpse from the list of skills on Lich when creating a new character.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that allowed gaining infinite amounts of gold.
- Fixed a bug where the spin attack used by Desecrated Flesh was not cancelled by killing or stunning the enemy.
- Fixed a bug where Puncture’s Mutilate node did not restore health.
- Fixed a bug where The Claw and The Fang would not summon all wolves at once.
- Fixed being able to click through the character stats window in some places.
- Fixed being able to click through skill unlock notifications in the passives window.
- Fixed the search bar for the Game Guide not having a cancel button.
- Fixed Dreamthorn’s 3d art being incorrect.