over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

Nooooooop. I explicitly said that we would be reducing the base drop rate.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

Good luck, if it exists, it will be from before Feb 21, 2023.

Edit: I should warn you that this is a bit of a trap because that’s when we announced the Item Factions.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

All good :slight_smile:

The amount of info we dumped in that initial thread was a lot and I see mistakes from it all the time so it’s not just you at all.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

Don’t forget that direct trading comes with all the same restrictions as Bazaar trading, including that you can’t trade items which have a faction rank requirement, so if you buy it at the Bazaar, you can’t resell it through a direct trade either.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

It can be frustrating to be on the wrong side of RNG but one of the things that actually does go up with corruption is the number of those types of nodes. There is still some randomization to it so you could theoretically find a 0 corruption timeline with more of them than a 300 corruption timeline if you got crazy unlucky but the vast majority of the time, the 300 will have a good chunk more.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

The drop statistics you have presented here are extremely unexpected. If you do the math on it the chances of those numbers happening it’s almost impossible. Technically possible but so incredibly tiny. I would be surprised if a second person ever playing our game has such devastatingly extreme bad luck. I’m also surprised that these are the specific statistics that you chose to record as they were happening and not in hindsight.

over 1 year ago - Mike_W - Direct link

It’s really just making the data collection to not be manual. I can already make the items really fast. I suspect it would take me an afternoon to make it work well.