8 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link



Froststeel Nemesis

  • Reduced the area of the Orbiting Cold DoT ability.

Stormsteel Nemesis

  • Removed rotating lightning ability.

Poison Nemesis

  • Poison pool deals 25% less damage.
  • Poison pool now ends when the Nemesis is defeated.
  • Poison spin attack deals 14% less damage.
  • The across the screen projectiles now deal physical damage rather than fire.
  • The poisons inflicted by the across the screen projectiles have 50% reduced duration.

Nemesis Panel

Improved UX when closing panel with an item in the nemesis swap slot.

  • If you manually press the close button while an item is in the Egg of the Forgotten slot, it will be returned to the inventory.
  • If you close the whole nemesis panel while an item is in there (for example by pressing escape or closing the game), then the item will remain there, but the next time you open the nemesis panel, the Egg of the Forgotten sub panel will be open with the item visible.

Corruption Catch-Up Buffs

The result of these changes is that if you get one Timeline up to 300 Corruption, and then go to a fresh Empowered Timeline, completing a single Echo will create a Shade Echo next to it, that will boost that Timeline straight to 296 Corruption.

  • Bonus Corruption based on the difference between the highest Corruption Timeline and the current Timeline is now always 95% of the difference (from scaling based on distance and being capped at 60%)
  • When the difference between the highest Corruption Timeline and the current Timeline is greater than 40, or you have at least 8 Gaze of Orobyss, and the current Echo Web does not contain a Shade Echo, then completing an Echo will create a Shade Echo next to it.

Death Screen

Added the following info to the death screen:

  • How much damage was dealt by the killing blow.
  • How much overkill damage the killing blow had (i.e. how much damage was dealt beyond what was necessary to reduce the player to 0 health).
  • Whether the killing blow was a crit.

Enemy Balance

Bitterwing and Gloomscreecher Bats

  • Damage of ice breath attack scales up over the duration of the cast from 50% to 100%.

Blood Scorpions

  • Deal 24% less poison damage.

Forged Soldier

  • Its Flamethrower deals 11% less damage.
  • Increased duration of Flamethrower attack by 30%.
  • Its melee attacks are 20% slower.
  • Reduced visual noise of their fire warpath ability.
  • Ignites applied from its Fire Ground have 30% reduced duration


  • Sand Twister deals 17% less damage.


  • Fixed indicator on Heorots’ triple ice nova attack displaying incorrectly after first cast.
  • Optimized Heorot’s ice stab attack (performance and reliability).

Osprix Lightmage

  • Holy Meteor attack range reduced by 60%.

Osprix Warrior

  • Deals 12% less fire damage.

Sand Scorpions

  • Added a visual indicator for the poison tail attack for theming.
  • Sand Scorpions deal 24% less poison damage.

Scalebane Saboteur

  • Increased the time till detonation of his thrown javelin ability by 25%.
  • Changed visuals to better reflect and indicate impending explosion.

Solar Archers

  • Their bow attack deals 12.5% less damage.

Spine Hunter Alpha

  • Now idles for 1.3 seconds after howling.
  • Reduced damage by 15%.
  • Now tracks your movement slightly less well before leaping.

Spine Hunters

  • Now tracks your movement slightly less well before leaping.

Storm Crawler Crabs

  • Now always turn to the target before shooting their lightning beams.
  • The rate of lightning beams has been reduced.

Tundra Stalker

  • Reduced size by 30%.
  • Damage of ice breath attack scales up over the duration of the cast from 50% to 100%.
  • Their ice breath has 25% less chance to inflict Frostbite each second.
  • Their leap deals 17% less damage
  • Their melee attack deals 12.5% less damage

Ulatri Scavenger

  • Damage of fire breath attack scales up over the duration of the cast from 50% to 100%.
  • Their flame breath has 30% less chance to ignite each second.
  • Reduced size by 20%.
  • Reduced size of flame breath attack by 20%.
  • Their leap deals 17% less damage
  • Their melee attack deals 12.5% less damage

Undead Hydras

  • The Snake Infection from their Poison Burst deals 25% less damage over its full duration.

Void Prophet

  • Has 78% more health.

Voidfused Armor

  • Grants 27% more experience.
  • Grants 50% more gold when they drop gold.
  • Grants 69% more items when they drop items.

Voidfused Earth

  • Grants 50% more experience.
  • Deals 14% less void damage.

Wengari Shaman

  • Totem cast ranged reduced by 20%.
  • Shield buff range reduced by 40%.

Enemy Damage over Time Balance

Wengari Spires

  • Ground area deals 21% less damage over time.

Scalebane Sorcerer

  • Their poison sphere spell now only applies 2 stacks of poison (from 3).

Lightless Arbor Heart Boss

  • The Energy Wave no longer has 100% increased poison effect.
  • The Volatile Bulbs no longer have 100% increased poison effect.

Poison Shade of Orobyss

  • Its poison line attack deals 15% less poison damage over time.


  • His phoenix spell deals 12% less damage over time.

Osprix Zealot

  • Deals 12% less fire damage over time.

Headhunter Lavian and Venator Ealos

  • Reduced the duration of Poison and Armor shred from their traps by 30%.


  • Shield Bash SFX changed when the cooldown is removed to be less repetitive and annoying to hear in rapid succession.
  • Hammer Throw’s initial speed of Hammers increased which decreases over time.
  • Hammer Throw now throws from the hand more reliably.
  • Updated VFX for Base, Cold, and Physical versions of Avalanche


  • When you abandon the SCF challenge, the most progressed Forgotten Knights faction between SCF & SAF will be carried over.


  • Lens tooltips are now visible when equipped in the Observatory panel.

Bug Fixes

Harbingers of Ruin

  • Fixed an issue where killing the Harbingers in an Aberroth boss run would erroneously complete Kill Any Boss prophecy targets, which would drop rewards that may be missed when being sent to Aberroth.
  • Experience granted by the original timeline boss is granted by the harbinger instead if one spawns. This prevents an abuse case where you could repeatedly kill the timeline boss for xp and then portal out before killing the harbinger to farm favour (from xp).
  • Fixed a bug where void puddles would not dispel fire puddles they spawned on top of


  • Fixed a bug where some of the Stormsteel Nemesis’ abilities would persist after they die.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the Froststeel Nemesis’ abilities would be angled if cast on a slope.
  • Fixed a bug where taking Replacing an Egg of the Forgotten with an MG tagged unique, could result in its tag changing to CoF if it gained legendary potential. This only occurred if the CoF bonus increased the legendary potential it gained.

Animations & VFX

  • Fixed VFX and Animations for various enemies
  • Fixed Aberroth’s Absorbing Chaos ability (Big Donut before Timeshattering Slam) to make it fade out in the final phase, rather than instantly disappear.
  • Fixed a bug with the Altar of Oblivion where the bottom section would disappear rather than disintegrate


  • Fixed an issue with gamepad where toggling dropped items details did not work properly.


Elder Gaspar

  • Improved hit-box of tri-elemental beam to more tightly match visuals.

Possesed Construct in Soulfire Bastion

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes their visuals would not appear.
  • Added a failsafe to ensure that their entrance animation will not override any ability animations.

Ruby Captain Arjani

  • Fixed a bug where entrance animation wouldn’t play and played too quickly

Spirit of Grael, Son of Artor

  • Fixed a bug where Spirit of Grael, Son of Artor could not be pierced by projectiles.

Ulatri Scavenger

  • Fixed a bug where their Flame Breath attack didn’t disappear when they died or were stunned.

Level Design

  • Fixed Imperial Thetima very rarely spawning random encounters (e.g. Shrines, Nemesis) and only ever being able to spawn them in one spot.


  • Vocal sounds were missing and have now been implemented for: Burning Pyromancer, Fire Lich Bone Golem Minion, Memory Vessel Skeleton, Imperial Soul Mage, Chaos Vessel Skeleton, Imperial Guard, Imperial Shadow Dungeon, Imperial Shadow
  • Replaced SFX on the skill that procs when a Volatile Maw dies.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX weren’t playing on subsequent earthquake impacts when specced into Seismic Tide.
  • Revised volume of Flame Paladin’s vocalizations.

Skills & Passives

  • Fixed a bug where Toxic Craving still applied the effects of one stack after all stacks were lost.
  • Fixed a bug where Dancing Strikes’s Rhythm could fail to trigger when using Windmill Ballet or Hidden Blade.
  • Fixed a bug where abilities would sometimes fail to cast due to mana cost in online play, even if you had an effect from your skill tree that makes it free when out of mana.
  • Fixed an issue with Ring Of Shields where the Shields were not visible.
  • Fixed a bug where Runemaster’s Never Late’s threshold bonus was not doubling the additional critical strike chance of its buff, and was instead causing the Never Late buff to intermittently apply to spells without using a traversal skill.


  • Fixed an error leading to reports of new offline characters not saving progress.
  • Fixed an issue where required level to forge an item was erroneously including sealed, experimental, and personal affixes.
  • Fixed a bug where a Timeline could lose stability if the player returned to the Monolith Hub after completing the first or second Quest Echo in the Timeline.


  • Improved cosmetics store item details, including adding a way to view which item types are supported for weapon/shield MTX.
  • Fixed a bug where the main menu close button was not easily clickable.
  • Fixed a bug where the player character would move to follow the mouse when dragging a scrollbar if the mouse moved outside of the UI panel during the scroll.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to garbled item labels and error spam.
8 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

:metal: unce unce unce unce :metal:

8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Jurez1313

I watched a video on COF favor gain yesterday that explained something not super obvious. Favor gain is directly tied to XP, as you seem to be aware. But this means that pushing corruption is really the only efficient way to increase how much favor you get.

As someone who barely pushed corruption last cycle (didnt even do 200), and instead made a bunch of alts, this explains why I didn't gain favor as fast as others were. Idk the exact exchange now, because the video was from back when there was only 10 ranks instead of 12, but 1 level 100 character should be enough to hit rank 9 at the very least. That's plenty fast, IMO. Your second level 100 character would be enough to max it out, if the total favor required is still the same. Alternatively, just keep pushing corruption on your first character, you'll probably hit max rank sooner than making a new one.

Total required to hit 1.1 rank 12 is actually less than 1.0 rank 10.