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I am using an Xbox elite series 2 (in case that makes a difference for the devs to test, research, etc). LE recognizes it as XInput, it has all current driver and firmware updates.

I notice a number of issues when attempting to use a controller in LE. The biggest issue is when switching between controller and kbm. Especially if I have to use my mouse to click on something that takes the focus to another program/window and then return to LE. This seems to cause multiple recognition issues.

Symptoms I have experienced: buttons are double registered (e.g. if I use the "b" button to exit a menu, it will also do an in game skill such as dash on my rogue). Similar happens with using the left analog where it will navigate the menu while also moving my character in the game behind the menu. I have noticed that in the menu this can often make it so XInput disappears from the menu as if the game is no longer detecting the controller as a gamepad. I am unable to correct this without closing and restarting the game/steam. Even having the game recognize/assign the controller again doesn't seem to correct it.

Additionally, and this may be user error, but I have yet to figure out how to equip an item on controller when there are multiple targets (e.g. rings). I cannot figure out the appropriate combination of buttons to cycle between rings to select the one I want to replace. It seems to default to the one in the left slot always. This requires me to manage certain items with kbm. I have not tested this with idols or other items, but I assume the experience is the same since it doesn't indicate a way to "cycle" through options to replace when equipping an item from inventory to a type that has multiple targets. Again, apologies if this is user error and I missed a tooltip somewhere.

At the risk of getting flamed, one thing I think Diablo 4 does REALLY well is allow controller usage without any need for kbm (and yes I realize it was developed with consoles in mind from the start and LE was not). I believe studying the way D4 handles certain "complex" interactions would really benefit LE, for instance the cycling of gear by pressing the analog stick in. I also realize LE uses that interaction for a different purpose. Perhaps this is where the Dpad, shoulder buttons, etc could be utilized.

The following are some additional points on usability as more of a philosophical perspective that might improve the overall adoption and integration of controller for LE. To me, I feel as if controller support is added as alternative/secondary/supplemental/a la carte to kbm for LE. Again, understandable considering the development targets of the game. However, I also know there is a desire to eventually release LE for consoles as well. If that is the goal, then I highly encourage you to think about the game from a controller first perspective. Currently the controller feels like it is shoe-horned in as a kbm mimic and not it's own unique engagement option (which I believe is needed in order for it to really hit the sweet spot)

With that as a directive certain things become immediately conspicuous and troublesome. For instance, I feel in many cases the analog stick is seen as analogous to the mouse. This however feels awkward as a controller player. I am almost ALWAYS going to want to navigate menus with either the keypad/shoulder buttons/analog sticks (similar to dpad). Using my analog as a mouse cursor is a very odd and disjointed experience.

Additionally, as a design philosophy, I think it is fair to assume your players know that in an ARPG where there is no "pause" unless you are in a non-combat zone, there is no need to be concerned with menu speed over ease of use. I am never going to prefer a "fast path" versus ease of navigation in a game like this because I am almost always going to be doing menu navigation in an area where I don't have to worry about the environment. With that as a focus, the radial "start menu" should be completely redesigned. Especially since, best I can tell, it is a controller only artifact.

The idea that I have to press AND HOLD a button to then use the analog to make a menu selection is really awkward. It also isn't very precise. Combine that with the fact that the radial has two layers because all the options cannot even fit on the first makes it even worse. And further still, there are the very easy to miss additional buttons combinations you can press such as "press x to hide labels" while in this menu. Why is that even a thing? Move that to a settings menu or somewhere else. At the very least, if this is the design you plan to keep, make it a one click to open menu, and then allow me to navigate with controller buttons so I don't have to "hold" it open. Even better would just be a controller only menu screen that has all of the options horizontal across the top of the screen and I can navigate through them using shoulder buttons or something similar, the radial menu is really inelegant from a UX perspective.

Other smaller issues are related to interacting with submenus. It is really unintuitive and challenging to navigate certain menus/sub menus such as the passive skill and skills menus. To be able to move from the set of skills to the ones that are sepcced and then go into those skills to do the point allocation is a slog on controller. It is possible that this is exacerbated by the issues where the controller becomes unrecognized and then becomes a mouse ina sense and that might be part of the problem, but the expectation in that menu would be that I can navigate the entire thing with the Dpad and buttons assigned for interaction such as "X" to interact and "B" to go backwards/up a level, and maybe a third button to remove a skill point. Use shoulder buttons to change categories etc.

I apologize for the long post, but I really enjoy this game and wanted to hopefully provide feedback as a member of the target audience that both enjoys the game, and is a controller first gamer. I am so glad this game has seen such positive reception after the passion that led to its existence in the first place. I hope this helps and potentially leads to even more adoption to controller first gamers and eventually smoothes the edges for a future console release to further push it's success.

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by bdsaint238


Sorry if we aren't allowed to ping but thought this feedback would be helpful.

Thanks for taking the time to give us this feedback, /u/bdsaint238. I’ve passed it on to the folks working on the gamepad experience!