about 4 years
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Dancing Strikes
- Graceful Arena grants 25% increased damage (from 10% more damage).
- Rhythm grants 10% increased damage (from 5% more damage).
- Resolute Technique grants 15% increased damage (from 10% more damage).
- Windmill Ballet now grants 30% Shuriken Chance (from 25%).
Detonating Arrow
- Fixed a bug where Suckerpunch Arrow node did not provide any area increase.
- Fixed a bug where Weak Spot gave increased crit multi rather than added crit multi.
- Weak Spot grants 6% added crit multi (from 10% stated).
- Gift of the Ice grants 80% freeze rate multi (from 60%).
- While using a Bow, Puncture now deals 5% less damage for each enemy it pierces (up to 20% less damage). The first enemy hit still takes full damage, and this effect is multiplicative with skill tree nodes which impact hit damage.
Shadow Daggers
- Increased base damage and added damage effectiveness by 20%.
- Now gains 4% increased damage per point of Dexterity.
- Added throwing and melee tags to the skill.
- Jagged Arrows grants 10% crit multi (from 15%).
- Velocity grants 25% increased damage (from 10% more damage).
- Head Trauma grants 15% increased damage (from 8% more damage).
- Braskula’s Hesitation grants 50% increased damage (from 15% more damage).
- Fixed a bug where Sleight of Hand could remove the damage bonus from Shurikens’ Keen Throw node for all Chakrams thrown by the player.
- Fixed a bug where Keen Throw gave much more damage than intended to Chakrams.
Synchronized Strikes
- Fixed a bug where Dark Allies could allow you to have more Shadows than intended.
Thorn Totem
- The Memories of Eterra node now only restores mana if the totem was summoned directly (i.e. not via effects such as Chance to Summon a Thorn Totem on Hit).
- Fixed a bug where certain types of normal enemies would not drop items in level 1 to 49 areas. This had no effect on level 50+ areas, magic enemies, rare enemies, breakables, or chests.
- Reduced the number of items dropped by 6 outlier rare enemies that dropped far more items than intended:
- Ice Goliaths
- Marsh Beetle Queens
- Umbral Pursuers
- Void Horrors
- Meruna Ogres
- Siege Golems
- Increased the number of items dropped by Infernal Husks and Osprix Vanguards.
- Daggers can no longer have Increased Void Damage and roll Added Melee Void Damage much more rarely.
- Less Damage Taken from Critical Strikes can no longer roll on bows.
User Interface
- The quest tracker on the right side of the screen now only shows 6 quests at a time to avoid text overlapping issues. There is a note stating to open the quest journal (J) to view other quests.
- The current Chapter is now shown when the Menu is open (Esc).
- Added new sounds for receiving, progressing and completing quests.
- Added a new sound for levelling up.
- Added a new sound for Shield Throw.
- Reduced the volume of arrow hit sounds that occur close to the player.
- Updated the visuals for Healing Hands.
- Added a destruction animation to a type of barrel that didn’t have one.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where characters who had reached the “Enter the Sanctum Bastille” objective of the Ruined Temple quest before Beta 0.8 was released were unable to enter the Sanctum Bastille in Beta 0.8.
- Fixed an additional issue causing bosses to sometimes spawn out of bounds in the Volcanic City Monolith of Fate layout.
- Fixed causes of player movement input lag in situations with lots of minions and/or enemies.
- Fixed the new Gladiator’s Oath unique not dropping as intended.
- Fixed Mourningfrost not granting added cold damage to throwing or bow attacks.
- Fixed multiple animations for the Primalist being bugged while wielding a staff.
- Fixed an Osprix Lightmage in Liath’s Tower aggroing on the player immediately rather than waiting for the player to approach.
- Fixed a bug where Blessing comparison tooltips could become stuck on the screen in some situations.
- Fixed an incorrect range on the Increased Damage While Wielding a Bow affix (was 31-25% at T2, is now 31-35%).
- Fixed or improved the consistency of the names of several affixes.