over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to the last Epoch Dev stream as
8s always
9s I'm your host Mike hello how's everybody
12s doing
13s kick it back relaxing
16s good glad to hear it
19s welcome welcome welcome
21s oh this one's nowhere near as far along
22s as I'd hoped
24s um
28s one one quick second I'm just gonna
30s switch characters and I am uh not
34s confident in my
36s character naming scheme quality
42s uh
43s to to just to just go for it you know
48s oh I remember this build being a lot of
50s fun
57s and we're back hello welcome back
62s how's it going everybody
65s we're just gonna dump everything on the
67s ground here because we don't care about
68s anything
70s maybe these
72s no probably not
77s just dumping it
80s it's a cool item I like it
83s we're dumping it all
86s heading on in
89s what looks like we've enabled and
90s powered at least we don't have anything
93s here so let's go try this one empowered
97s see if we can do it see if we can see if
99s we can handle it if this is your first
101s time here if you have any questions for
103s me please feel free to ask those in chat
104s and slap an at last Epoch game in front
106s of the question so I know you're looking
108s for an answer
109s if
113s you do decide to donate or sub or
116s anything like that it's all goes to
117s charity ice cream for charity good
119s sports is our charity this month last
120s day of the month for that charity help
123s and bring Sports to little happy people
125s around the world
131s oh we gotta get our army out that's
133s right we're doing squirrels
135s [Music]
137s squirrel day today
139s I love my squirrels I'm wearing the it's
143s appropriate I'm wearing the this is
145s squirrel helmet hat hat shirt this is
148s this is the the hat that I'm wearing in
151s game is the Hat on my shirts
153s uh we made for this
156s well we we helped him create
159s uh in game
163s turns all your wolves into two squirrels
166s it's pretty strong
168s do you have any LP we do have an LP on
170s it so I could okay that's our goal here
172s that's our goal for the stream is get
173s this helmet legendary find an exalted
176s helmet and slap
178s it on this
181s unique
184s hello I'm currently playing your game
185s for the last three weeks currently 125
187s hours wow that's a lot of time
191s it's like 45 hours a week is it no
196s that's too high that's a lot
208s it's just under six hours a day
211s that's a lot of time it's impressive
214s I hope you're I hope you're getting lots
216s of time in with
217s with the outside and rest and relaxation
220s as well
226s foreign
234s nice
241s you do the devs feel about eating how do
243s the devs feel about ignite balance at
245s the moment playing a fireball sork
246s stacking lots of Elemental damage over
247s time and ignite chance but feels the
249s damage is very lackluster I mean there's
254s like different builds it'll be better
256s than others for sure
257s um I think ignite is a broader topic
262s than specifically sorcerer Fireball
266s ignite
267s um so there might there might be like
270s something missing from that build like
272s like there might be something that we
274s need to add in for it and possibly
275s there's like a really strong item you're
277s missing I don't know maybe uh it's hard
279s to tell with with just um
282s just a quick quick glance at it like
284s that
285s um
288s I think there are some very strong
290s ignite builds out there and especially
292s when you start getting into uh being
294s able to synergize with multiplayer it's
296s it's uh it's really fun
298s specializing a group and things like
300s that so like
302s um
303s uh Judd stands for myself for playing
305s yesterday morning uh meteor
309s uh calcium blasting agent uh ignite
313s bomber Rogue decoy and uh Ford strike
319s um for sure expanding ignite so it was
321s all three of us doing like ignite heavy
323s stuff and then so I was stacking as much
326s shred as I possibly could
328s that's it
332s um I don't know why I'm picking that up
332s don't do on this character
334s um we're stacking shred and like stuff
336s was just melting it was great yeah it's
339s it's It's tricky to to go over balance
342s of really a really broad topics like
345s that
347s and and usually we try not to hit
351s um
352s we're looking at balance we try not to
355s hit super broad categories like that
356s like just being like like let's buff
359s ignite as a whole and sometimes we do
360s that for sure
362s um but we try and look at like specific
364s builds and interactions and and improve
367s those so there's like ways to ways to
369s change how you're building your
371s character to make it better
373s um
376s yeah I guess a general goal for it
380s doesn't always work doesn't always
381s happen it doesn't always need to I just
383s threw this down it's like no you you're
385s gonna hold one of these deal with it
388s hello Aaron how's it going
392s I feel like it's a momentous day for you
394s today
404s hi I trained voles to be a mariachi
409s wow and my wife sings tool songs to go
413s backwards to plants our budget for our
415s new home is ten dollars what's your
417s favorite Le build right now
421s um I think there might be a couple
424s stretches of the truth in that uh lead
428s up to that question let's say that
431s um
433s my favorite build right now is it's the
435s calcium blasting agent I was just
436s talking about um
438s so it's a unique Relic for rogue that
441s makes your decoys explode basically
442s right away when you throw them out and
445s um
445s a bunch of fire damage with cinder
447s strike that's my favorite build right
448s now I'm I really love this one right
450s here that I'm playing as well
452s um
453s is there a few others I've really
455s enjoyed recently the the one I was going
456s to play this doesn't have enough stuff
458s unlocked right instead of the stream was
460s uh death seal Reaper had a ton of fun
463s with that recently
465s um
467s really enjoy zombies like Fast exploding
471s zombies a ton of fun with that recently
473s too
479s there's lots of them
481s I I'm kind of biased though like and I'm
484s a bit of a sucker for for lots of
486s different stuff so it's it's tough for
488s me to find a build but I'm not like oh
490s I'm having fun
491s oh
498s you guys see some no more people coming
501s in here if if you've got a question for
503s me please put at last Epoch game in the
506s question so I see it stand out just a
509s sketch better
515s one here that I did notice from gummy
518s three one five two my name is Gummy I
520s got me FIB games are Diablo and Poe
522s looking to purchase this game looks sick
524s are there summon or builds yes there
527s definitely are some of the builds I
528s happen to be playing a summer build
529s right now this is a summon wolf build
533s there's two primary classes that are
536s very summon heavy
540s um so Beastmaster very summon heavy you
543s can do lots of summon stuff in Shaman
544s and Jude too but very Summit heavy on
546s The Beastmaster uh Necromancer is a
548s Mastery for the acolyte also extremely
550s summon heavy you can also do stuff on
552s the lips that summon as well
553s um there's summon builds for uh various
556s Sentinel masteries in mostly in Forge
558s guard uh there's also summon builds in
561s uh road you can stretch it and say
564s there's some building Rogue I guess but
567s it's it's uh there will be more as well
569s Falconer is going to be a Summoner class
570s as well less traditional but we'll still
572s be still classified as a Summoner class
577s um and yeah it's like in Beastmaster
578s I've got some Little Wolves some Thorn
580s totem
581s um you can also summon claw totems with
583s swipe which I'm actually doing uh you
585s can summon a work right totem summon
586s stormcross serpent um serpent strike can
589s summon a serpent as well
591s um some bears some scorpions some
592s friends someone say routines someone
594s Raptor uh Summon Storm totem
600s that's on spriggan there's summons in
602s swarmblade form
604s uh there's a lot there's a lot of
607s summons around
611s thank you very much he gave me something
613s for 17 months in a row couldn't catch a
616s Dev stream in a long time yeah I I think
620s last week I made a note to myself like I
623s haven't seen heavy in a while glad to
625s have you back
626s I think I saw you updated some of your
630s um
631s uh blue filter guides recently or
633s someone was just posting on that thread
635s great thread if you're looking for help
637s with a loot filter and gummy has also
639s sucked I guess you liked my answer to
641s your question
642s glad to have you with us hope you're
644s having fun or we'll be having fun
648s all right more questions more questions
651s for multiplayer will I be able to use uh
653s a debuff applied to a party member to
655s increase my damage like puncture
657s mutilate and a friend with bleed stacker
660s build
661s um mutilate I believe cares about bleeds
665s on the target so like if if someone else
667s is applying a bunch of leads to that
668s Target and you use puncture on it does
671s it care about the bleeds that someone
672s else has applied I think that's the
674s question you're asking I could be wrong
675s about that note on puncture I'm sorry if
677s I am but if that's the case yeah
679s um it doesn't really care where those
681s bleeds came from just that the enemy has
684s them so even hypothetically if the enemy
686s applied the leads to himself because
687s they had something similar to
690s um bleeding heart I think applies bleed
692s to yourself if they had some weirdo
694s fight leads himself which I don't think
695s anything does but hypothetically if it
697s did it would not care where they came
699s from
704s um which is great so yeah you can you
705s can definitely build synergies in
706s multiplayer that way so like I was
708s saying earlier yesterday
709s uh Judson and I were playing and uh I
712s was uh we were all playing fire belts at
714s the start of it I was
716s um not doing much fire shred fire red
719s shred but I started taking points in
721s that for my primary ability so that I
723s could uh reduce the fire resistance that
726s they had so that uh stands right then
728s could sensor and Judd could do more
730s damage
737s and it worked pretty well we were like
739s 70s and 80s and in powers and it was
741s weird we're getting the job done
745s not on optimal builds either that's the
748s thing often when we play multiplayer uh
750s tests and things like that we're just
752s like let's do something funny try
754s something out
757s any rough estimates of when a 0.9 goes
760s live uh no sorry
765s I believe in the uh this interview or
770s possibly still majority that happened
771s recently I think Dan said that the goal
773s was this year
774s I think that's what was was done there I
776s I I I yield to whatever that interview
779s says so
780s um if someone has a link to that or
782s knows what it is please feel free to
784s post that update in the chat for them
787s but yeah that's the that's the most
789s up-to-date info on it's basically when
791s it's ready though
794s we're really we're really big on
798s we we know that that this is sort of a
800s crucial moment in our game's development
802s where
804s um a lot of people when we release
806s multiplayer it's gonna be a live game
808s for a lot of people and it's going to be
810s a point where a lot of new people are
811s going to start taking a look at it and
812s actually even shot people that have been
815s um considering looking at it for a while
816s and just sort of waiting for it to for
818s multiple to go live because they don't
819s want to waste time with offline
821s characters that the stuff never gets
823s moved forward things like that
824s um and and that's totally expected and
827s so when we do go live with multiplayer
829s we know that there's going to be a a bit
831s of an influx in people and a lot of new
833s players with their first impressions on
834s it we want that to be a good first
835s experience so we need to to make sure
837s that experience is solid we've been
839s we've been doing our close beta testing
841s for multiple or closed Alpha Testing if
842s you want to call it for multiplayer for
843s a while now which you can sign up to
845s join if you're really keen on it
849s uh links
851s somewhere on a Discord on our Forums on
854s our Reddit everywhere there's links for
855s that uh just search Community tester
858s program
860s or ctus
865s get out of here let's get out
867s that that
869s um Echo finished portal and like
871s clicking on it and getting portal back
873s to the to here that process is so
876s unbelievably fast in multiplayer it's
878s great like like you press T click just
882s slightly above your character and you're
883s back here before you even see your
885s portal open it's great I love it
889s it's such a like just blinking you miss
892s it
895s all right uh how many uniques can we
898s expect on multiplayer patch
900s um we put uniques in fairly close to
903s when the patch dates happen so we
905s haven't actually put that many uniques
906s in yet there's a few that have been put
908s in
909s um a couple supporter uniques couple
910s just because we felt like it so like
912s someone comes up with a cool idea we
914s have a channel so most of our stuff's
915s run through our through a private
916s Discord and
918s um one of the channels is just UniQue
920s Ideas unique item ideas and so anyone
923s does doesn't matter if you're like title
926s says you're a designer or not anyone can
929s just post ideas in there on on our
930s Discord and um sometimes if we if we
933s come up with a good one it'll just build
936s yeah let's slap that in away we go
940s foreign
944s welcome everyone from Vision stream
947s how's it going
949s glad to have you with us
951s hope the journey wasn't too arduous
956s all right any plans to add an audio cue
959s when you drop to low health
962s is there not already like
970s squirrels squirrels did you have a job
973s foreign
992s suggestion that uh I'm a little
995s surprised it's not in there but yeah if
996s you've got suggestions like that that
997s you'd like to see in there
999s um head on over to the forums head on
1001s over to Discord post them in the
1002s irrelevant suggestion labeled categories
1006s that's only on the best chance of
1008s getting getting slapped on in
1013s I forgot this uh actually I should be
1015s shouting right this this is the build
1017s that like
1019s is this double shot tricks with Landing
1021s no that's that's way better never mind
1024s it's been a while this is this is a
1025s build I made a while ago I haven't had a
1027s chance to make new builds for the last
1028s few uh few weeks and I've been playing a
1030s lot of holy Trail Javelin
1032s um which has been a lot of fun but uh
1034s it's just it was dragging a little bit
1036s for me
1037s um
1038s because because it's been about a month
1040s of that so I figured I'd try something
1042s new mix it up a bit so I went back to an
1043s old build I haven't played in a while
1044s here on stream
1046s really enjoying it I just I love the
1048s squirrels
1049s they move so quick it's just a swarm of
1052s them
1055s it's great
1057s all right
1065s here's a question I think's for me it's
1067s not labeled but I think it is
1069s a first time chatter which is totally
1072s understandable uh so I'm level 58 just
1075s killed the gun a couple levels ago still
1076s working through the sword campaign do I
1078s need to worry much before level 75
1080s because I'm having fun just playing the
1083s game but worry I'm going to get myself
1085s come in game yeah you should be good
1088s there's
1089s um very little the old there's only two
1092s things you can't
1093s redo you can't fix you can't change you
1096s can't uh
1097s like yeah fix is is you can't change
1100s your
1101s um Base Class selection and you cannot
1103s change your master class selection so
1106s these two things right here the only
1108s things you cannot change everything else
1110s you can literally just change whenever
1111s you want well not whenever you have to
1113s go to the town to change it
1115s um for the passes but like you can you
1118s can change up whatever you want it
1119s doesn't matter there's no um
1122s there's there's a very small grind that
1125s happens with re-leveling your abilities
1126s but there's mechanics them to catch up
1128s so especially if you're high level
1130s um you can go into an uh a model of echo
1133s later on and you can there's there's
1135s I'll show you some experienced ones
1137s um
1138s where what you do is you you complete
1140s the echo drop the experience Toms or you
1142s you don't quite pop the experience zones
1144s you de-specialize your skill
1145s re-specialize into a new one pick up the
1147s tones and suddenly it's basically
1149s leveled to the point where you can
1150s functional enough to just keep going and
1152s and and that's that's a pretty easy
1154s thing to do
1155s um
1158s uh and passives is just a little bit of
1160s gold to respect those so there's there's
1162s really
1163s um
1164s you're not you're not gonna get to a
1166s point where you're stuck
1167s I don't think
1176s let's get some Buffs out for those
1178s squirrely boys
1180s just crushing today
1182s oh yeah hey bud just crushing it
1188s let's make some of these cool stuff
1189s there
1191s ah from multiplayer will I be able to
1193s use uh I think I answered that double
1196s question
1198s um Falconer win don't forget to put out
1199s lastly [ __ ] with a question 1.0
1202s good day is there any plans on bringing
1204s back ravaging stance not as a primary
1207s activated ability no
1209s um I don't think it'll ever show up in
1211s like as one of these
1214s it's possible that it might show up as
1215s like a triggered ability in in like a
1217s passive point or possibly like a trigger
1220s ability on like a unique or something
1221s like that
1223s um but I don't think we'll ever see it
1224s again as a primary activated ability
1227s here's an experience one that I'll show
1229s you
1231s how do you guys feel about monolith
1233s modifiers while there is the Assumption
1236s you ignore the mods that hurt your build
1238s too hard in general I feel even at one
1241s stack some modifiers are insanely hard I
1244s just feel like taking no damage for four
1246s to five Arenas and getting one shot over
1248s and over by white mobs Spike damage is
1250s so frustrating yeah
1252s um
1253s there are certain builds that are
1256s susceptible to certain mods in the model
1259s and and I think
1261s um
1261s some sometimes we do the feedback that
1263s there are
1265s um that that that distribution of builds
1268s that the mods in the monolith can affect
1271s negatively uh focused too heavily on
1273s crit focusing hit build hit melee builds
1276s and it's just crit builds in general
1278s really
1280s um and that might be true it's a very
1282s popular playstyle and I don't think that
1285s having oh that poison hits like a truck
1290s um I think that's a big consideration in
1293s uh in in build crafting is is how much
1296s stuff am I do I struggle with in the
1299s game world how much stuff am I weak to
1300s all sort of stuff I think that's a
1302s viable thing to have as a consideration
1304s with a build
1306s um
1307s I I'd really like to see and I know
1309s we've got more coming
1311s um monolith mods I know there's at least
1313s one more coming
1314s um because I saw it going the other day
1315s and then there's I
1317s hoping for more on top of that as well
1322s um oh so much damage and
1325s I I think I think as we just get more
1328s things in the game as there's more
1330s variety that's added in as we just get
1332s more options uh the the concentration of
1334s the ones that are really bad for your
1335s specific build will drop
1337s um and just naturally this problem will
1340s will lessen I think
1343s um
1346s I think once we have a little bit bigger
1348s complement of them we might take a look
1350s at it again but for now it's it's um
1354s it's just a game of let's let's make
1356s more stuff in the game
1365s yeah
1366s all right
1368s uh we uh we had two users putting issues
1370s with importing my loot filter still
1371s trying to figure out how to reproduce
1373s and report it oh oh not ideal
1380s get the rest of their filters from you
1382s from them just just get them to send me
1385s the whole zip of their filter folder
1388s um
1388s and try it then
1390s so it's it's a reproduction of the exact
1393s same combination of things
1395s because it might not be your specific
1397s filter it might be actually a different
1398s filter that they already have
1400s that's causing the problem
1411s would be my advice
1413s just off the cuff you know uh how far
1416s into development are the last few
1417s specializations that are missing and
1419s when can we expect them to be released
1420s they are almost zero percent into
1423s development they are extremely early
1426s um one of them has had its uh primary
1430s ability ideation done
1432s uh and that's it
1435s uh no implementation whatsoever on any
1437s of them uh they will be released by 1.0
1440s at 1.0 like like we're it's it's for a
1443s long time we were saying like sometime
1444s between now 1.0 now it's just 1.0
1447s um
1450s they are not something that requires a
1454s ton of
1456s like by comparison to the other things
1458s we're working on right now it's all
1460s about prioritization of what's going to
1461s get us to to launch with the best
1463s quality product as soon as possible and
1466s unfortunately I know a lot of people are
1467s really excited to try out those uh
1471s master classes but what gets us to
1473s launch the fastest with the highest
1474s quality product
1475s delaying them to 1.0 so
1478s sorry but that's the case uh sometimes
1481s when I load into a new Arena the user
1483s interface Etc will load however the main
1485s game arena is just black is that an
1488s issue or something that's possibly
1490s only and
1492s uh possibly I think it's on my end maybe
1496s um is what it says
1498s oh yeah sorry this is the Tom so what
1500s you can do is you can like respect an
1501s ability and then just grab these and it
1503s just spikes your experience so heavy
1507s we did get
1509s some more level UPS I do not remember
1512s what we were putting points into at all
1514s so you know we're just gonna do we're
1515s just gonna put points into something
1516s that we already have points in
1521s you know this just gives plus one
1523s strength and that's just good for me so
1525s we're just gonna go with that
1531s we want to get
1534s XP on the arena that'd be great
1538s epic shards are always good
1540s so this is what we're talking about here
1541s so like enemies have a chance to shred
1543s armor
1545s um
1547s chance to chill chance to dodge so
1549s here's a good example if you're a hit
1551s based build
1556s that often requires
1560s um setting up a combo of of elements
1563s where you're like
1565s okay I'm gonna trigger your abilities on
1566s hit and that's gonna be my primary
1567s source of damage
1569s um suddenly Dodges are a like a negative
1573s multiplier on your damage uh it's just
1576s the less damage taken type thing overall
1578s and um
1580s it's it's It's tricky to deal sometimes
1582s but I don't think that there's I think
1584s it's very rare that you're in a
1586s situation where there's nowhere else to
1588s go maybe there's something you really
1589s want back there and I think having those
1591s internal struggles on like it's gonna be
1595s hard to get that thing I want should I
1597s go for it or not that's an interesting
1599s decision to make in the system
1601s and and removing those completely I
1604s think would be a mistake
1613s there's there's a sweet spot on the
1615s distribution of those that we might not
1617s be hitting just right but removing them
1619s completely I think would be a bigger
1620s mistake
1622s uh as far as sorry as far as the loading
1624s in with black screen question I have no
1625s idea I'm sorry you're gonna check with
1626s support for that
1628s um it is something I have seen before
1630s um I think the last time I saw it it was
1632s solved by uh verifying game files but if
1635s you've done any sort of troubleshooting
1636s help already that's probably the first
1638s thing anyone told you to do
1642s sorry I cannot help with tech support
1645s on stream
1646s bleeding heart applies bleed sex to you
1648s when you use a spell plus Spirit plague
1650s has a new a one that applies with you
1652s okay yeah that was earlier I was talking
1654s about bleeding to yourself yes thank you
1655s Emma uh how has your week been that's
1658s the question it's been good
1660s I can wait it's uh it's flown by for
1664s sure
1666s um I wanted to get more done but happy
1668s with what I did get done overall and uh
1675s oh it's hot in here got got looking
1677s forward to playing playing Magic tonight
1679s we're gonna draft Commander Legends the
1683s battlefield Baldo's gate
1686s I've been sitting on this Booster Box
1688s since the day this set launched July
1691s 10th so that's June 10th June 10th
1695s somewhere in there whenever it launched
1697s and uh finally found a night see all the
1700s friends together to draft it
1703s very excited
1711s we only draft the commander Legend sets
1714s this is the second one we've drafted
1717s oh
1719s that is an angry elf right there
1730s yeah
1731s yeah buddy
1735s okay
1736s we're going
1739s how many people are working on Ellie
1741s um I don't know quite a few now uh I
1744s think I think 70.
1746s question mark
1748s like uh are we including I do include uh
1753s in in that question everyone so I
1755s include
1756s um
1758s like
1759s uh Community Management
1762s um
1763s uh HR uh other like people that aren't
1769s necessarily working directly in the
1770s engine I still include those in that in
1772s that figure
1775s because everybody's working on this
1776s together
1783s hello there I was wondering if there is
1785s something there's going to be something
1786s that details weekly quests or like
1788s dailies or weekly Quest details
1790s something like dailies or weekly quests
1792s that will be scattered all around the
1794s campaign map especially the ancient era
1796s as I'm eager to discover more well I can
1799s say that the ancient era is not finished
1801s the campaign is not complete
1804s um and there's still plenty of time to
1807s go there
1808s and explore
1811s um as far as daily and weekly quests we
1813s don't really have anything planned at
1814s the moment there are daily reward cycles
1818s for dungeons
1820s just kind of touch on that a little bit
1821s which you've been experimenting with
1823s um so that's that's uh we're working on
1826s that thank you very much admire lurking
1828s has subbed awesome glad to have you here
1831s I hope you're enjoying yourself maybe
1833s learning something if not totally
1835s understandable
1844s still learning something you better be
1845s having fun oh boy oh no I'm just kidding
1849s oh get out of here
1851s here we go next question
1854s uh and yes one of the devs said they
1857s were hoping a point night would happen
1858s to you yeah I think it was stands were
1863s I don't know what our Idols even look
1865s like they're probably pretty
1867s pretty set
1872s uh do you think that dancing strikes
1875s synchronized strike and lethal Mirage
1877s aren't a good place to speed wise having
1878s a hard time fitting him into my melee
1880s Focus build
1881s um this is this is always a tough
1884s question do you think that skill X is in
1885s a good spot
1887s with respect to this thing
1890s I don't know maybe probably it's really
1892s tough to make specific judgments on
1894s things like that without doing a close
1897s examination I haven't personally made a
1899s build with one of them recently
1901s um so it's hard to evaluate
1903s off the cuff like that but um
1907s last time I played with them I really
1908s enjoyed how they felt
1912s um if you've got specific feedback or
1913s suggestions on it please head on over to
1915s our forums and uh
1918s yeah there's there's a specific feedback
1920s and suggestions category that that would
1923s go perfect in
1926s uh Hey loving the game so far definitely
1929s worth 30 Euros I'm glad we're glad
1931s you're enjoying yourself and uh getting
1934s good value for your buck uh I played APS
1938s for 10 000 hours and I like the
1940s different play Styles the classes bring
1942s would like to see more cool builds and
1944s archetypes in the coming patches yeah I
1946s mean we're uh
1948s gonna keep adding new skills new items
1951s new cool stuff to build and do
1956s I know that everyone plays multiplayer
1957s but there's definitely some
1959s uh new builds that have popped up in
1961s multiplayer I I think I feel like I've
1963s seen some things that I wasn't seeing
1965s before
1966s so
1971s don't forget to put out last default
1973s game in your question if you'd like me
1974s to see it I just scroll past a big chunk
1976s of text that had nothing
1977s and none of those tags and I bet I
1980s scroll past someone's question
1984s um when does the next patch land when
1986s it's ready goal is sometime this year
1988s but it's not guaranteed
1992s I think it will happen right
1995s I'm feeling good about it
2001s uh will the impending ailment changes
2005s specifically the
2006s um conversion of ailment effect to
2009s ailments penetration only applied to
2012s Skilled trees or will it also affect all
2014s occurrences of ailment effect on uniques
2017s and other things
2018s um so it's it's not necessarily a direct
2022s just us like a switch on every single
2024s Source but yes the uh it should
2028s I I think it is replaced everywhere
2032s um
2032s it may be scaled a little bit different
2036s so like if if you had like one percent
2038s increased effect it might not be one
2040s percent penetration in all cases there
2043s might be certain times where it's a
2044s little bit different or possibly we've
2046s changed especially in the case of unique
2048s items there's a there's a chance we
2050s always look at those individually
2051s there's a chance that we may have
2053s um
2055s change the stat completely we may have
2057s decided hey maybe this stat doesn't fit
2059s as well here anymore we want to change
2060s it to something else there's there's all
2062s sorts of little things that we can do
2063s there so it's um
2066s General case yes every individual
2069s specific case maybe
2074s uh ravaging stance already existed White
2075s Cliff I knew it was there somewhere
2079s I wasn't sure I I was like it's I feel
2081s like if we haven't put it back into the
2083s game somewhere it's a triggering ability
2084s we're going to soon and I couldn't
2086s remember if we actually did or not yes
2088s apparently we already have
2091s I love having that little poll on on
2094s shout where it just like just displaces
2095s them just enough that it cancels their
2097s activated abilities of channeling
2099s abilities
2100s he's like boom
2102s bye bye
2106s a bye bye bye bye bye oh it's okay
2111s there's how far I'm behind uh has there
2115s been any further discussion about moving
2118s more power out of monolith mud numbers
2120s into corruption scaling
2122s um yeah we're still it's still being
2125s balanced it's still being looked at
2127s we're not really doing anything specific
2128s with it right now
2133s um
2138s there's there's there's
2140s it's It's Tricky it's a pretty deep
2142s topic to go into and It's tricky to
2145s um make it work in every situation for
2146s every single person however
2149s um there's lots of good things and bad
2151s things about it being
2152s um more heavily on the modifiers
2155s themselves it gives you a lot of agency
2157s on a echo to Echo basis so especially if
2160s you have
2162s um
2163s built up
2165s maybe a little bit too much corruption
2167s uh it gives you the ability to select
2170s easier options on the Fly
2171s and uh
2175s and not and not have quite as much of a
2177s I'm stuck moment it's pretty rare that
2179s happens
2181s um
2184s but the more we move power towards
2188s um or difficulty towards corruption
2191s compared to the model of modifiers
2193s themselves the more that'll happen
2195s just in general
2197s there's a fair few of these profane
2198s flesh
2208s doing lots of damage
2212s but so am I well the squirrels are you
2214s know
2215s but I made them so that cancels me right
2219s all right next question I love the loot
2221s filter in the game in this game but
2223s would love more control on maybe adding
2225s beam sound sizing options than any of
2226s the other any of these in the works well
2228s it's one thing to tell you sizing
2229s options are explicitly not in the works
2232s um as far as beams and sounds there's
2236s some debate on if that will ever happen
2238s or not but it's possible
2245s there would likely be fairly heavy
2247s restrictions on
2249s what things could have beams how
2252s frequently beams could show up
2254s um same with sounds and and it would be
2256s sounds would be if it were to happen
2258s would be restricted to specific sounds
2260s that were in the game not
2264s Point At This MP3 on my drive and play
2267s it every time an item drops we're not
2268s doing that I can tell you that right now
2278s uh sometimes when I load into an area oh
2280s it's a repeat question
2285s is warlock act like in development
2287s technically yes I guess but not really
2289s now
2292s um it will be ready by 1.0 but it is not
2295s going to be ready before then and we're
2296s not actively working on it yet
2307s how many more server resets do you think
2309s there will be if you had to guess
2311s it's kind of a like I can answer that
2315s question so many different ways
2316s depending on how you define server
2318s resets so uh my first answer is several
2321s hundred thousand
2325s um
2325s and then when we Define server resets to
2328s be something other than a server
2330s literally turning off or on again
2332s um and I mean several hundred thousand
2334s this week
2336s you know like it's it's
2338s like it's always happening technically
2342s um
2342s but if you mean like
2344s uh character wipes happening
2347s um I I would say none
2350s but we don't plan on allowing offline
2352s characters to go online but we're not
2354s deleting them
2356s um
2357s so somewhere between zero and a few
2360s million
2361s I I need more info on the on the
2364s specifications of the question please
2367s I hope that gave me enough information
2368s to help out
2371s all right
2377s uh why are there so many minions in last
2379s Epoch every class has so many minion
2382s options well it's a Mage and not really
2385s Rogue either
2386s um I feel like it's limiting the choices
2388s of other builds that could potentially
2390s be available
2392s I think where this is coming from is
2394s dropping a lot of Minion items on
2396s non-minion classes
2398s um
2402s and I
2403s like we like you do the math and it's
2405s actually not that bad it's just there's
2409s a lot of it sticks out as a clear like
2413s oh I obviously can't use that because it
2415s says minion so it sticks out a lot but
2418s um if this is the case I would recommend
2420s also just just trying to see if you can
2422s notice how many things are just the
2424s wrong element type or the wrong like
2427s damage type they're not
2429s um fire or they're not melee you know
2431s like the which there's lots of things
2433s like that now there's
2435s um because minion is just Minion or not
2437s it's it's not 50 50 obviously but it is
2441s just a Boolean value on uh if it's going
2446s to be immediately recognizable as
2448s potentially useful or not
2450s um so it's really easy to see to have
2452s things stick out with a single modifier
2454s as being obviously not for you
2458s um so I think I think that might be
2459s backing up that question a little bit
2461s but I could be wrong and
2463s um I I don't think there's really a
2466s disproportionate amount of Minion builds
2467s there's if we look at the like if we
2469s look at it by Mastery of Minion focused
2472s uh masteries compared to non-million
2474s focused masteries really there's like
2477s gonna be like if you stretch it let's
2480s say 5 out of 15. so a third will have
2483s minion heavy options and all of them
2485s will be able to do non-minion builds
2489s um two of them not so great so even if
2490s we say two of them are like forced down
2492s Dominion path
2494s two out of 15 is not bad I don't think
2505s all right
2512s on the topic of 1.0 masteries do you
2514s have plans uh so yeah do you have uh
2519s plans for extra QA Cycles or CT testing
2521s for the new Masters before 1.0 yep
2524s so another recent arpgs have included
2526s large amounts of skills between beta 1.0
2528s to Great disaster amongst Etc yeah
2530s there's um
2532s they will get lots of testing and all
2534s that sort of stuff
2535s um it's possible we could open up a CT
2537s program uh build specifically targeted
2540s at balancing new masteries
2543s um it's pretty like there's a lot of
2546s things between now and then in our
2548s development timeline
2550s we're moving pretty fast which is great
2551s but um details like that aren't quite
2555s fleshed out yet
2558s it'll depend on a lot of different
2560s things
2561s I I
2564s especially internally
2567s the new stuff always gets tons of play
2570s time like like just tons of play time I
2572s would not be surprised when they start
2573s coming out it's just seeing like entire
2575s groups of that mastery
2576s when they start like coming out
2578s internally
2587s hello I've been trying to find an answer
2589s to this question but I don't have a
2590s clear answer from Discord but we'll Uber
2592s in-game bosses aspirational content be a
2595s thing if so can you share some ideas
2596s about it
2598s um
2599s yes first of all he's easy yes
2604s um as far as the first question uh
2606s second question I can't really share
2608s much for you unfortunately
2610s um partially because it's not really
2613s developed yet
2615s um so lots can change between now and
2616s then there are certain things that I
2618s kind of start to put in that category
2620s like a T4 jewelry kill is pretty darn
2622s hard
2624s um
2625s not every class can do it not if not
2627s every character can do it every class
2628s has a way to do it
2631s um but it's like that's a gear up and go
2633s for a type situation uh and and it's
2636s kind of hard to draw the line on where
2638s aspirational content is sits it's a
2641s really tough thing to really draw the
2643s line on and it changes frequently I
2645s think too
2647s um but yes having having
2650s like an Uber boss type thing and to to
2654s draw from other games as examples yeah
2656s that's that sort of thing is on the list
2660s um
2661s there are certain characters that we
2664s want to have represent uh
2668s as a Prime Evil for lack of a better
2671s term
2672s um
2674s that are not in the game yet very
2677s intentionally because we want them to be
2678s the focus of that launch event and that
2681s launch cycle and possibly future
2684s storylines as well
2689s all right will it be currency and or
2691s money trades in the game most of the fun
2694s from just selling items that I made
2695s obtained and getting rich airports by
2698s playing the trade market anything
2699s planned to allow the sort of thing in Le
2702s um so we do have plans for and I'm going
2705s to be as nebulous about this as possible
2707s some mechanism by which items can
2709s transition between different players in
2713s some way as vague as possible
2717s um
2718s to the extent that you're going after
2720s there about playing the market and
2724s um focusing on that as a primary
2726s mechanic no I'm sorry it's it pains me
2730s to say but if that's what you're looking
2731s for you're probably going to be
2733s disappointed
2735s um it's we're really trying to put
2737s emphasis on going out and killing
2739s monsters and having that be the primary
2742s way for most people to get their gear
2746s um so I I think you'll have a tough time
2750s emulating that experience you may have
2751s had in other games playing a market like
2753s that
2754s um
2756s you know nothing set in stone yada yada
2758s yada but it's it's really something
2759s we're
2761s we're trying we're trying to hit home is
2763s the like let's play the game and let's
2766s have whatever sort of
2769s nebulous description of a trade system
2771s whatever whatever that is doing it's in
2774s support of that gameplay experience of
2776s going and killing monsters
2784s oh lots of stuff going on here
2787s all right
2790s I will rephrase and tag you sorry if I
2793s missed your last question
2795s um if a skill is gated behind passive
2797s points of a certain tree
2799s so like skills gated behind past the
2801s points of certain tree
2803s uh but you unspect those passive points
2805s are you able to trigger it with its tree
2808s uh it already
2810s was mentioned this is most likely an
2813s exploit yeah it's it's if that's still
2814s happening that's a nice way oh that was
2816s a bug a long time ago I thought we fixed
2817s it
2818s um you could you can trigger it but it
2820s should never use the tree
2823s if you don't have that tree specialized
2825s and as soon as your passives drop below
2828s the line for it on here it should
2830s de-specialize that I think
2833s um there's so there's some trickiness
2834s with that in that we don't want people
2836s respecting similar builds to uh to lose
2841s all the work they put into that if
2842s they're just gonna put it back in right
2844s away
2847s um
2849s so there's some there's some work to be
2850s done there to to fix that I think we've
2852s probably allowed the exploit case
2855s temporarily in order to alleviate the
2858s feels bad moment of losing your progress
2860s in that just just for now while it's
2863s still under the axis
2867s we do we do that sometimes where we're
2869s just like we know this bug is here and
2871s uh when we fix this other problem we can
2874s turn this bug off but until then we have
2876s to leave it in because this other thing
2878s will get way worse if we don't do that
2885s and you and if it especially if it's
2887s just like favors the player on both
2888s sides we'll definitely do that
2893s so I just came what is he up to the next
2895s match
2896s no information yet as soon as there's a
2900s I know it's I know it's a like
2902s I know I'm never gonna stop the question
2903s so when's the next patch but unless you
2906s go on to every single platform we have
2908s like steam Facebook Twitter Reddit our
2912s forums our Discord and there's not just
2914s like a giant thing plastered up there
2916s with the number of when it's happening
2919s still info yet like it will be so
2923s unbelievably obvious when it's coming as
2925s soon as that information's out that's
2927s not something we're gonna hide when it's
2929s public
2930s so unless you can find it everywhere
2932s you're not gonna find it anywhere
2936s all right
2938s um so I never finished this question I
2940s will finish the question and tell you
2942s and read the whole thing out a skill is
2943s gated behind a passive points of a
2945s certain tree but you unspec uh the
2947s passive points you are still able to
2948s trigger it with its tree it already was
2951s already mentioned this most likely is an
2954s exploit but to be sure to ask again I
2957s suppose this is not something we should
2959s rely on example there are builds they
2961s were tagged into eight four though that
2962s trigger EQ having it specialized but
2965s zero points in Shaman and seem to be
2967s using it yeah okay sorry I did answer
2969s the whole thing
2970s yes uh it's there for now I we may have
2974s patched that out in eight five I can't
2976s remember I hope we did I hope we found a
2978s way to fix it if we didn't previous
2980s explanations why
2985s all right how am I supposed to import my
2987s Vegas slot machine sound filter
2990s sorry that's so sad
2993s what you can do is you can
2995s um you can get a
2998s a soundboard and put it in front of you
2999s and then every time the item that type
3001s drops push the button that Associates
3003s with it good to go
3008s what's my favorite game of all time oh
3012s oh that's such a hard question this this
3015s answer changes like weekly when I answer
3017s it and there's like a dozen that sort of
3018s rise to the top of that
3021s um
3022s and I find myself relating
3026s my favorite game to when I played it a
3029s lot because if I'm gonna look at the at
3032s games of like if I'm gonna evaluate all
3034s those games right now of
3036s um
3037s what's my favorite game of all time
3040s right now it's it's kind of hard to do
3044s um because you look at those games that
3046s are maybe a little bit older and you say
3047s like well
3050s the graphics are kind of crap now hey
3051s we're great at the time they were
3053s amazing at the time or like all the
3054s controls have not aged well they're
3057s great at the time they're amazing at the
3058s time and and so it's it's a tough
3060s question for me to answer I think um
3062s but like
3064s the games that there's a lot of Zelda
3067s games that always come to mind I'll link
3068s to the past Ocarina of Time breath of
3070s the wild
3071s um always come to mind when I hear that
3072s question
3073s um
3075s just like original Mario Bros uh Mario
3078s Bros 3.
3080s um
3081s uh Diablo 2 uh civilization five
3085s civilization six they both come to mind
3087s there
3088s um there's a lot of games that start
3089s filling into these gaps that it's hard
3091s to pick a favorite
3093s um but I think one of those ones I just
3095s mentioned is probably it
3105s all right next question fair enough
3109s thanks you're welcome I don't remember
3110s the uh question you asked I'm sorry
3116s well we have an option to enable to see
3119s actual value of ailments about 15
3120s seconds yup uh well no you won't because
3123s it's just gonna happen always all the
3125s time for everyone so you won't have an
3127s option to enable it because it'll just
3128s beyond the option will be play the game
3130s or not
3132s um yeah that's been fixed it was a
3134s technical problem we found a workaround
3136s well we found them yeah
3138s a fix I think ah what the best import is
3140s we we worked it out
3142s we got it
3144s it's great I love uh the the mini game
3147s of how many stacks Can I stack on these
3150s enemies before they die in multiplayer
3152s is a ton of fun we hit 50 something
3154s ignite Stacks a few times yesterday
3156s which was cool
3158s cool to see
3160s awful lots of room no problem
3165s any plans to oh
3168s um why does the Mage not have a
3170s spammable cold spell it does
3173s um this is really interesting because we
3175s added it as a conversion to lightning
3179s blast there's a cold conversion to
3181s lightning blast
3182s um and it works great as a cultivable
3184s spell
3186s um and people didn't know about it
3188s people were not
3189s um finding it so one thing we did was
3191s this was this lightning blast is
3193s actually what prompted these little
3194s icons here so you can actually see which
3196s elements you can convert this just like
3198s purely you can get lightning damage
3199s because this whole thing here so open up
3201s your your skill panel here and look for
3204s ones that have cold logos on it this is
3206s a cold logo here by the way that you may
3208s not realize can be converted to cold
3212s um lady lessons there we also put it has
3214s a one of these nodes I think in the Mage
3217s tree is uh converts two skills to cold
3220s simultaneously
3222s um so we tried to put in a few places to
3223s give it a little more obviousness that
3225s it's there uh getting people's faces so
3227s yeah
3229s cold sample skill go for it
3234s uh the question is there any plans to
3236s add DPS calc with dummies kind of like
3238s terraria's DPS meter no there's not
3241s next question I see someone underneath
3244s it says lighting blast can be called
3249s uh will we have an option to enable to
3251s see actual value million right yes
3253s that's a question
3254s uh about the cerberies that's what I
3256s meant is if we make a new guy with the
3258s multiplayer update it will move to
3260s standard yes that's the current plan I'm
3263s still evaluating details on how it's
3265s going to work exactly uh I can play
3267s Nintendo play with my friends without
3268s worry of another split like it might
3270s come with become an offline character if
3272s that makes sense that's the current plan
3274s um things might change you know the
3276s currently the the community tester
3278s characters that they're playing right
3280s now are isolated and will stay isolated
3281s and will not be moved over into the main
3284s population of characters
3286s once that uh once like
3290s 0.9 gets released CT characters will not
3292s be available so everything that they're
3293s doing right now is wasted
3296s um and that's made super duper clear to
3298s them uh I hope I hope it was made super
3301s duper clear enough
3304s if it's not and you're in there and this
3306s is news to you uh
3309s maybe go read the welcome documentation
3311s again
3312s the first couple lines of it
3317s uh all right
3320s long ago
3322s back in my days there was a poll on the
3326s Forum which old skill should be reworked
3329s which include tornadoes some and bear
3331s among them I don't recall anything
3332s coming out of it yeah yeah we kind of
3335s goofed on that one
3337s we had planned to do that
3339s um and it was like then we started doing
3342s a visual rework of someone bear uh and
3345s then there was we almost actually pulled
3346s tornado uh and it was like there's a
3349s whole bunch of stuff that happened it
3350s was just like oh we should not have done
3353s this poll
3354s um
3355s it was really helpful to get people's
3358s opinions on it and it actually did like
3360s we did use that information uh which was
3363s great to have but um it didn't get it
3366s didn't really work the way we'd hoped it
3368s to work as far as what we were gonna do
3370s with it
3371s um so I'm sorry if you were hoping for a
3373s rework home sooner than later I'm pretty
3374s sure all the things that were in that
3376s poll are going to get a rework of some
3377s sort soon
3380s um
3381s but like yeah
3383s sorry about that
3385s not not ideal it was not intentional I
3388s promise
3395s alrighty then
3398s a question awesome
3401s uh is there any Planet at DPS that
3405s uh are you getting rid of the time warp
3408s fake load screen
3410s um there's there's a lot of work that
3411s needs to be done there uh I don't have
3413s any details on what's gonna happen
3415s uh I I know there's so
3418s I know a lot of people like just put the
3420s load screen there like just make it load
3422s while it's doing that we did it was
3425s terrible we got an unbelievably
3427s overwhelming amount of feedback that we
3429s should stop that because it Jitters it
3431s doesn't run smooth you
3433s um
3434s true additive loading
3437s uh
3441s is is is difficult on the client like
3444s that
3445s so we don't have
3447s um we don't have it planned just yet to
3451s lose a whole bunch of these oh no
3453s oh come on
3456s foreign
3457s that if I stand in there
3461s let's go back in let's get him up
3464s come on there we go
3468s so companions when they die air quotes
3471s they they're just downed uh and you can
3474s revive them by standing on them which
3475s allies can revive your damn minions in
3478s multiplayer dumb companions which is
3479s great
3481s um
3482s sometimes it's a little tough to get in
3483s there like you just saw and I was using
3486s the displacement effect for my work
3487s rifle that I'm expecting to to
3490s um to stop that AOE charge up
3494s survive long enough to Res them
3501s uh what's one feature you've come across
3503s in game that made you go holy that's
3505s cool
3506s either gameplay or technically
3512s uh he
3514s is related we're just talking about we
3517s do have server-side additive loading for
3519s scenes uh
3521s in multiplayer and as a result when you
3525s come back to the echo of a world that I
3527s just did after completing an echo it
3529s loads basically instantly and it's like
3532s oh yeah that's cool
3534s um
3535s yeah
3542s where is the multiplayering release uh
3546s it will not be released until 0.9 we
3548s don't have a set date on that it will
3550s hopefully be before the end of the year
3551s we're still working on it a lot of set
3553s date when it is available we plastered
3555s everywhere
3557s you knew you couldn't carry your multi
3560s your CT characters over
3564s uh are you like six months one year two
3566s years plus out for seasons of 1.0 sorry
3569s no info
3570s uh please tell me to focus please tell
3573s me Focus will be reworked it feels
3575s terrible standing still to get Mana it's
3577s like playing wow classic as a mage
3579s having to drink after each Pole
3582s um
3584s I
3586s if you've got specific feedback on
3588s certain skills please head on over to
3589s the forums to suggest reworks and
3591s changes to them and give feedback on
3592s them
3593s um it's hard for me to give you details
3596s on things like this that are going to
3597s happen until they've happened there's no
3599s planned reworked for Focus being a
3602s channeled skill by default
3605s um
3607s I I frequently see so this this is not
3610s uncommon feedback
3613s most the time
3614s most are not always most of the time
3616s when I see something like this I like to
3618s ask
3619s what skills are you using
3622s what's your build like
3624s um
3625s and frequently I'm trying to be super
3627s vague here because I have no idea what
3629s your situation is but frequently the
3632s answer is something along the lines of
3633s oh I want a Spam Glacier or I want to
3636s spam meteor
3638s um
3639s but I don't want to stop to regen Mana
3641s while using the most Mana intensive
3643s abilities in the game
3644s uh and it kind of goes
3647s it's it's a great idea it would be
3650s lovely if it were possible I guess
3653s um it would completely ruin the
3655s viability of so many abilities if it
3658s were possible
3660s um
3662s and and we don't really have plans to
3664s make that be the case at the moment
3665s there are lots of options for Mana
3668s regeneration and I usually what I
3670s suggest is
3672s um
3672s try specking more into flight Mana if
3674s you can and then on top of that
3677s um try try working in a second ability
3679s into your build try try grabbing
3681s Fireball try grabbing
3683s um lightning blast and converting it to
3684s Ice uh try like if you're meteor Glacier
3688s and let's do things because there'll be
3689s a lot of synergies and overlaps there
3691s um try working in a second ability there
3693s that you can that you can use that costs
3695s zero Mana
3696s um and quite after the response I get
3698s from that is well I do have that already
3699s and then I'm like okay but do you have
3701s the nodes which increase the Mana cost
3704s of those abilities a whole bunch well
3706s obviously they deal more damage than yes
3707s is is usually they're replying it's this
3709s I'm not saying this is exactly the
3710s situation but that's frequently the I
3713s knew it was greedy going back there
3714s that's what it's seriously right anyways
3717s um that's frequently how that
3719s conversation goes and I've had that
3720s conversation a few dozen times that's
3721s why I say you know it's always
3724s frequently and pretty generalized I hope
3726s I'm I hope I'm at least close to the
3728s mark
3731s um but you you might be pushing A little
3735s oops I just totally clicked on uh looks
3740s like we're fighting the shade
3742s empowered shade here we go no big deal
3745s no big deal
3746s easy easy
3751s um
3753s so my advice would be would be try
3755s looking and seeing if your build can
3758s um
3759s can do something else to generate Mana
3761s other than Focus possibly if by uh
3764s possibly through passive Generation
3768s Um of just time using other ability or
3772s um you can also try using
3774s uh other other direct abilities like
3777s nanostrite you don't have to be
3780s um I spelled like to use mass strike
3786s especially if you're using uh lightning
3788s damage primary
3790s on uh your main abilities like if you're
3792s doing like a high
3793s um like a spark charge
3795s uh build it can be can be a lot of
3798s damage there
3800s oh yeah
3803s he's tough but uh
3805s I think I can probably just like sit
3807s back and do this be like good job guys
3809s you got this I believe in you
3817s see no problem
3821s there's a cool ring I don't need it but
3823s it takes up no space at all
3827s potions over here
3834s well there be a way of customizing the
3836s UI like Edition at like add-ons or
3838s movable UI happy to see game come to the
3840s state it's in not currently in the plans
3844s to do
3846s um
3847s there's there's quite a few reasons for
3849s us not wanting to do that right away
3851s it's it's possible that someday we might
3854s consider that
3855s um for now it's just uh sorry
3858s not not right now
3861s uh just playing with the map open ever
3863s annoying no doesn't know you because I
3864s can turn it off and it's a problem
3867s uh speaking of down is there any plan to
3870s make similar down but not out state for
3872s party members at least uh Arena or
3875s dungeons so a very interesting question
3878s and especially that you've suggested
3879s Arena dungeons as a topic for that
3884s um
3885s we're talking about it
3888s current plan is no
3891s maybe though
3899s uh what's the reason for using Eric's
3901s bone when you already have armor shirt
3903s from Harold's scary
3927s next question
3929s uh I I don't get an answer you're
3932s totally right I should take it off
3933s uh let's find another weapon let's find
3936s another weapon
3939s it's probably increased effects
3942s that's an x uh that's that's nice but uh
3946s yeah I think I think we could probably
3947s do a lot better with a better weapon
3950s um
3954s honestly it was probably just like I was
3955s I put this bill together probably around
3958s level 75
3960s to just like get this on and I was
3962s trying not to go too crazy with the gear
3964s so I probably did that as a sort of like
3965s a budget option
3967s um you may notice that we're just in
3968s yellows right one exalted two uniques
3972s only one of them should be necessary for
3973s the build and we're doing we're level 85
3975s we're doing a powered model is like
3978s um
3981s yes we have an extremely strong unique
3983s but uh
3986s we don't have any nutso gear here we're
3988s pretty pretty low Tier gear overall
3991s I think I may have been trying to prove
3992s that you didn't need a ton of gear
3994s uh if the build is good as well
3998s when I made this it's quite a while ago
4002s I'm feeling the the damage taken pretty
4004s heavily though so I'm I might wanna
4006s might do a little little gear buff up
4010s hi guys will there be servers in South
4011s America yup
4015s uh there's a full list of server
4017s locations that was revealed on the uh
4021s both zizer and steel Mage interviews I
4023s believe
4025s um that information I think Andrew Tilly
4027s I want to say or compiled it onto our
4029s Forum threads uh and there's probably a
4032s text searchable version that has all of
4034s the server locations on there it's it's
4037s pretty worldwide like you'll the the
4040s only one that was still on uh maybe I
4042s think was South Africa I think
4046s um which if if we don't do that would be
4049s the biggest Gap I think in the in the
4051s coverage
4054s um and there's still some other gaps
4055s that are not fantastic but
4058s um
4061s yeah they'll it's it's pretty solid
4063s coverage we're using a company that's
4065s um been doing this for a long time uh if
4068s you play RPGs you've probably used their
4069s servers before
4072s um yeah
4080s this is not something where it's
4082s something we decided not to mess around
4083s with and to make sure we got a good
4085s quality
4086s uh set of servers that we knew would
4088s would hold up to scrutiny
4092s and I'm really happy we decided that
4094s because
4096s it does feel good
4102s where it comes down to the the like lag
4104s problems and anything like that that do
4106s exist are things that we have the power
4108s to solve ourselves because because what
4110s we're relying on that's not something we
4112s made ourselves is solid
4115s oh it's close
4118s survived it's warm in here today
4122s my server's on
4125s okay it's off now
4130s I I forget to turn it off for these
4134s and the temperature just just creeps up
4136s just a little bit
4139s all right it would have been hilarious
4142s if Shane had turned around one shot you
4144s when you took your hands off the
4145s keyboard yeah that would have been funny
4147s wouldn't it
4148s it would have been funny uh are you guys
4151s thinking for you know what I'm gonna
4153s pause here for a quick second
4156s sorry if I just like started to like
4158s read your question that just stopped
4159s because I'm the worst tease right
4163s um I do have some spoilers that I
4165s brought with me today
4166s and I completely forgot about them
4168s usually I get people asking for them
4169s which is fine it's not a problem uh
4172s that's usually how I use to remember to
4174s to show them
4177s just a little clip
4179s um
4179s just displaying a few just just a little
4181s combat scenario uh with a lot of combat
4184s improvements that are uh that are coming
4186s in games just on hit effects uh death
4188s animations
4189s uh various DFX for different things
4192s there's a lot of little updates in here
4195s um
4205s there's the volume slider for it oh
4207s they're so loud
4211s a bunch of vehicles
4218s there we go that's it first first little
4220s teaser I got I got several today yeah
4223s several
4228s you know what
4231s I think we're gonna do a little bit of
4236s it's not crafting maybe some crafting
4239s our necrotic is low our cold is a little
4243s lower our poison is very low
4248s uh do we have any forging potential on
4250s any of our gear
4253s it
4254s yes a tiny bit huzzles and it's all T
4259s funds
4261s wow
4265s okay
4267s uh okay
4272s avoidance here okay let's try and
4274s re-roll this let's try and seal it first
4277s no let's try and re-roll it into
4279s something
4281s I mean it probably is nice but
4285s we lose a bunch of credit voidance can
4287s we steal this maybe
4288s nope
4289s Let's uh oh I'm sorry
4294s I forget that I gotta get my head out of
4296s the way
4297s oh no forged peninsula
4301s uh
4304s okay let's chaos with him something
4307s maybe we'll get lucky cold res
4309s Armor's good too health is great
4311s okay let's try and seal the health and
4314s we're at a 40 pencil
4316s oh a few good rips there it's
4319s unfortunate
4322s Dodge ratings kind of like
4325s this is this is not
4333s [Music]
4335s slap discovery on it decks
4338s let's read all that
4343s vitality
4345s that's pretty nice
4350s this item is quickly becoming not
4352s terrible huh
4354s huh
4356s did we get there
4359s was a bunch of cold res Go Dog rating
4360s instead it's not really what we want do
4361s we
4368s need a decent item
4370s but I don't think it's actually better
4371s because we need that that color is only
4373s five
4379s yeah
4381s I'm gonna use those five cold res not
4384s that big of a deal
4385s can we find
4387s we're well over on fire so let's pull
4389s this out
4391s pull that out
4393s boy Willow Run void
4396s I'm running okay so let's find some some
4398s one by ones
4400s so three one by ones for as much cold
4402s poison and necrotic as we can find
4407s cold
4410s necrotic
4418s foreign
4426s sure
4433s not not perfect but a little bit better
4435s and I think we actually get a bunch of
4436s Dodge Journey which is not great for us
4438s but
4440s you know it's better than nothing we
4442s have a tiny bit more fire and plus one
4443s strength
4446s I'm gonna give it a shot
4449s all right next question what are you
4452s guys thinking for item drops for
4453s multiplayer keep them dropped as idbs or
4456s the introduction of ID mechanic for
4457s Server resource reasons no so items will
4460s drop specifically
4463s um
4463s so first of all dropping them unid and
4466s iding them after the fact
4469s I believe would cause more server calls
4472s because you'd have to ask the server
4474s what the item was
4477s um so if anything drop them ID is is bad
4480s for servers
4482s I think what's unless I'm missing
4483s something there
4491s I'm unsure of the answer my instinct
4494s says that it's better to drop them id'd
4497s for the servers
4499s not 100 confident there
4502s um come on buddies this way
4505s follow me to Victory and nuts
4514s no can you feel your blood begin to
4517s drain out of you quickly
4521s um
4521s a little extreme
4530s uh
4538s uh this is gonna be tricky
4547s uh uh also items drop specifically for
4551s your
4554s um for you so they are instant loot
4556s drops
4558s um so you don't see everyone else's
4559s drops anyways
4560s um so basically everything just stays
4562s the same of the way it is now
4564s no still fighting them
4589s oh boy
4597s it's like the Olympics here
4601s oh no get out of that
4604s squirrely boys
4606s do your duty I do any cool named ones I
4609s hope so yeah I'll get it get it
4620s those boots do not do great stuff for
4622s this build
4627s all right what do you want
4629s bow drop right two hand staff Dropper
4631s one drop rate or dig your drop rate well
4635s nothing here is good now this really
4637s important thing to note here that I got
4638s a question about a lot
4640s is that if there's nothing good here
4643s does picking one of these actually
4645s decrease the drop rates of the things
4646s that I want no it actually increases
4649s your total drops thus not negatively
4652s impacting you ever even if the thing
4654s you're getting is just useless for your
4656s character so right now I don't need any
4657s of these
4659s so I'm just gonna pick the highest
4660s rolled one
4663s so that it shows up in here as a bigger
4666s number nope not that one which one's it
4671s that one yeah
4678s it's the empowered oh that it's that you
4680s little yellow thing
4682s that's not spaced nicely
4684s is that
4686s yeah
4688s whatever
4689s oh all righty then oh the horror of that
4693s inventory yeah it's pretty bad eh what's
4695s your favorite skill in the game
4698s that's tricky I really love bow skills I
4701s really love bow skills and I'm having to
4703s tell if I was cinder strike lately
4705s um but multi shots in my hair I know
4707s it's not the strongest but multi shots
4708s is my favorite
4717s uh I think some suitable punishment for
4721s last default game like creating a
4723s genetically engineered bacterium that
4725s eats all magic the Gathering cards and
4727s turns them into an Italian leer notes
4730s liar notes or something no right not
4734s even been the same material
4739s um okay let's go find
4745s um
4746s we really want a helmet we also want a
4748s weapon that does cool minion stuff don't
4749s we
4752s uh
4754s I mean do we equip this
4758s Melee fire damage for you and your
4760s minions uh
4766s Auto revived for a down companions
4770s is this just what we switched to because
4771s we're because we realize this is not
4773s awesome
4779s this one
4781s let's give it a shot see what happens
4787s um I'd like to get an exalted helmet
4792s uh to try and make a legendary out of my
4795s Herald of the scurry
4797s I have a feeling
4801s uh all exalteds should be shown right
4804s show all exalties yeah
4811s hmm
4815s all right that's pretty nice
4818s damage that's pretty nice
4821s dog reading yeah we could do better than
4823s Dodge raiding
4825s let's go let's go here and uh start
4828s working towards this I think
4830s yeah I've got I've got another oh I'm on
4832s the wrong side aren't I
4834s I'm on the wrong side
4838s the whole the whole boss fight was
4839s flipped for me am I surprised they
4841s didn't manage to do it at all
4844s um
4845s you may have noticed
4850s that uh some of the character VFX for
4854s certain shrines these texts around you
4856s is not awesome uh so we've gone through
4860s and we've started to update the VFX that
4863s goes around your character when you pick
4864s up shrines
4865s um so here's a little preview of the
4867s stun shrine bfx
4870s on your character
4874s a little update there for you
4882s all right I assume there will be trading
4884s in multiplayer
4888s um
4888s Define training and I'll tell you if
4890s that's a huge assumption or not
4892s [Laughter]
4894s um will items be bound to members where
4896s you were present at the time or anything
4899s can be traded to anyone we do not have
4902s any details about how trade will be set
4904s up at the moment that I can share with
4906s you I apologize
4909s fully not answered I know it sucks
4912s the beard is glorious by the way thank
4914s you I worked very hard on it I don't I
4916s have this beard comb
4918s it's nice wooden beard comb by
4920s some company that that has a very
4922s tasteful engraving of their logo but has
4925s no information on who they are on it I
4927s love it it's very simple straightforward
4928s I comb my beard every day and I wash it
4931s with soap
4939s all right all right all right all right
4945s turn this off just because it's been
4946s gone for a while
4948s oh yeah I've always been curious about
4950s the topic of a game design on the RPGs
4952s what are your thoughts on on death
4954s effects like should it be long in an
4956s ampg where you are clicking for loot
4958s yeah I think they're great
4962s uh I know that's a controversial opinion
4964s absolutely I think the key of them is uh
4969s there are ways to do them right and ways
4970s to do them wrong
4973s um and I think the feedback to the
4976s player that the fight's not over yet is
4978s really important so
4980s um the there needs to be an indicator
4982s that something's going to happen and it
4984s needs to show up like immediately when
4985s the death effect happens uh what like
4988s the
4989s like when the death happens there needs
4991s to be something to hear that there's
4992s gonna be a follow-up this is not over
4994s get ready there's more you're not done
4996s sound visual there's all sorts of stuff
4998s you can do for that
5000s um and and it's it's important to have
5003s all those things available so you can um
5006s you can communicate that better
5014s like I know we're in a fresh monolith
5016s here and there's there's less of uh mods
5019s stacked up and everything but I think
5020s the minions are doing way more damage
5024s we'll see how we feel
5041s yeah overall it's not it's something
5042s Dynamic it's another style of ability
5044s you can put in there every time every
5046s time you pull out a building like that
5048s out or style a mechanic out of a game
5049s entirely it it just reduces the number
5052s of options you have and increases the
5054s homogenization of the of the encounters
5056s you're facing
5058s um which I I think is
5063s it it takes away from the fun for me
5065s personally
5068s this is great this is the old stun VFX
5071s just just saw the new one here's the old
5073s one
5081s uh are on hit effects as mods a
5086s consideration
5089s on gear
5091s uh yes there are several
5099s uh I'm I'm curious if there are if
5102s there's any plans to allow players to
5104s alter legendary potential in the future
5106s other than just from raw drops not at
5109s the moment doesn't mean it'll never
5110s happen but we don't have any specific
5112s concrete plans for it currently
5117s uh do the devs think ailments not
5120s including poison in terms of power or
5122s ahead behind or on par with hit crit
5124s builds I I that's a sort of sorry I'm
5128s not gonna be able to give you a concrete
5129s answer just right from there I'll I'll
5131s look the rest of the question in a
5132s second but
5133s um
5135s I I think that there's it's
5139s I I don't think there's a concrete I
5141s don't think it's a good answer to that
5141s question at all
5144s um
5145s I think it requires examination of
5148s individual builds more specifically
5152s uh and individual abilities more
5153s specifically to to really evaluate
5155s properly
5156s um but here's a second second after that
5158s question and how does the incoming
5159s ailment changes accomplish or facilitate
5161s that perspective
5163s uh I I personally think elements aside
5165s from Poison are slightly behind strong
5167s Crypt builds
5169s um you might be right on that I don't
5170s know I'm sorry
5171s um
5176s I I
5178s don't think that there's
5181s um
5181s I think well made ignite at least as an
5185s example because it's one of the dots
5187s you're talking about a well-made ignite
5188s build is better than a poorly made Crypt
5190s build
5191s and a well-made crit build is better
5192s than a poorly meeting night build
5196s um
5199s uh where where does that line cross you
5204s know
5204s of like where does it flip where it's
5208s still like do two equally made a crypt
5212s build and an ignite build that are
5213s equally quality made is that generally
5216s better one way or the other probably
5219s um
5222s do I think it's an extreme difference no
5230s um the the primary goal behind the um
5233s ailment changes is is less about uh
5236s balance relative to other archetypes
5239s um and more about just like uh better
5243s usability better comprehension
5246s um things like that it's more where it's
5249s focused
5251s drops unique item
5254s I don't think
5256s yeah
5261s oh he plans to just unlock models once
5263s you've unlocked
5265s um powered monolith does get tedious on
5267s multiple characters we don't have any
5269s specific plans for anything with that um
5271s if you have feedback on the matter
5273s please head on over to the forums where
5274s we will be happy to read all the stuff
5277s you've got and where it can be discussed
5279s and compiled
5282s uh sorry if the question was asked but
5285s when will the next patch be by the way
5286s watch this and stream a multiplayer nice
5288s job well if you watch the next
5289s scissoring stream you will know when the
5291s next patch is
5302s I feel like I probably answer that
5303s question since you asked that question
5305s just because I've answered a few times
5306s recently sometimes sorry uh probably
5308s should have been Lira the currency used
5311s before they joined the euro
5315s sorry Lana I forgive you
5318s uh cars is only uh and nice if you go
5323s for cold conversion meme in my honest
5325s opinion well I mean we've got our
5328s we've got our Frozen boys here that are
5330s that are doing the colty version for us
5331s I think we're good
5336s it's my favorite Shrine by the way
5338s just like look look at how much they
5339s freeze everything the CC's unbelievable
5346s oh all right next question
5349s don't forget to put that last default
5351s game in your questions I think this is
5353s one I'm gonna I'm gonna read it out and
5355s see what it is my friend
5357s been recommending this game for at least
5359s three months non-stopping I can't get
5361s him to shut up about it I hope the
5363s multiplayer will be live soon just so I
5365s can join this session and ninja steel
5367s always lead to literally make him stop
5368s talking to me about it well sorry to say
5371s loot is instant so you can't take any of
5373s his gear
5376s Oh I thought it was asked before you can
5378s skip it I know trade is not set in stone
5380s but how would it affect drop rates and
5383s what ssf considerations
5385s um so the general goal this is I'm just
5388s repeating what I said before here the
5390s general goal is to have an impact
5392s um drop rates in ssf as little as
5393s possible we know that it will not be
5396s completely separate from it so we will
5398s have to take it into consideration
5400s um when looking at drop rates and ssf
5402s but it's something that we're hoping
5404s we'll have as little impact as possible
5405s and we're designing it as such
5415s uh next question continuing with the on
5419s death effect conversation is there any
5421s work being done to better communicate to
5423s the player uh when a rare is going to
5425s revive after two seconds uh I I don't
5428s think so it does say very clearly when
5431s you're killing it that it's gonna do
5432s that
5433s um there might be something we could do
5434s better in like the the VFX in the ground
5436s possibly
5437s um I think the revive is a lot different
5439s than the explosion
5441s so uh the big difference there is that
5443s an explosion if you stand in it it just
5445s will kill you when it happens the revive
5448s um the enemy then has to do something to
5451s kill you so there's there's time between
5453s when it revives and when you're actually
5454s taking damage from it
5457s um
5461s but I could see like more clear effects
5463s possibly it's an option if you got
5465s feedback or suggestions of the matter
5466s please head on over to the forums and
5468s leave that there
5473s wounds
5479s not on my watch
5483s oh it is so
5485s hot in here
5489s catch up question about sets
5492s answer is gonna be nothing yet sorry
5494s let's read the question I'll find out uh
5497s are they ever going to get some
5499s treatment similar to LP currently it
5501s feels like they're just aren't as
5503s long-term viable as uniques and
5505s legendaries feel
5508s um it's possible we don't have any
5510s specific plans for them at the moment
5512s um I hope we're able to make them a
5515s viable and interesting part of overall
5517s build crafting and late game decisions
5520s for what you're going to use uh it is
5523s tricky to have them be viable and not
5525s overpowered
5527s um they have extremely long tool tips
5529s already so adding new stats to them is
5532s difficult finding ways to have them
5535s scale into late game is
5539s um and have it be easily communicated
5543s um is is definitely tricky tying that
5545s into a separate mechanic or dungeon uh
5548s reward I think would be a a decent way
5550s to do that it's still not decided or
5552s designed or set or anything like that
5554s but it's possible to see something we
5556s don't have any current plans for them
5557s right now we're just
5559s um looking at ones that we feel are
5561s in-game targeted so one of the really
5564s nice things about legendary system and
5565s uniques is that even uniques that are
5566s not designed to be in-game uniques
5568s suddenly can become end game viable if
5571s they have an flp on them you slap the
5573s extra stats on them and and their unique
5575s effect can carry them through
5578s um so sometimes and and because we're
5580s not doing that specifically with uh
5582s uh um set items we are looking at ways
5585s to to have them scale better sometimes
5587s that is just making their stats scale
5589s better making their set bonuses scale
5591s better
5592s um having them be things that naturally
5594s scale well with other things that are
5595s naturally taken that are obvious uh
5598s pickups in builds that are related to
5600s them
5602s things like that now we've we've buffed
5604s a few of them very recently
5605s um
5606s it's it's tough because as soon as uh a
5610s set item a set piece like a set like a
5613s three four piece set becomes the clear
5615s like
5617s let's say there was a four piece set
5619s that was okay this is this builds like
5621s these are the items you're wearing on
5623s this character build it's this four
5624s piece and you gotta get all four pieces
5625s to make it work
5627s um
5628s half of your character pretty well okay
5630s let's see a third of your character is
5632s character items are are dictated by the
5635s set and you can't probably do your build
5639s until you've got the whole set right
5642s not ideal
5644s so that's that's sort of a trap we're
5646s trying to avoid and I think we're we
5649s feel that
5650s um
5651s having many of those early game sets mid
5655s game sets even early end game sets not
5658s feel super viable and important and
5659s impactful with late game builds is
5662s probably a better situation than to have
5664s a whole bunch of sets that are
5666s um ubiquitous and autocomplete for for
5669s characters I think I think if you're
5671s gonna err on one side or the other I
5672s think we're airing on the right side
5682s since you were complaining that nobody
5684s was asking for spoilers I guess I could
5686s do that for you it's a man to see
5688s spoilers okay sure
5691s uh I think we saw the crit Shrine
5693s recently in game so here's the Christian
5694s visual update
5703s yeah
5705s that little red action
5723s that's it
5725s hope you liked it I got more
5727s I got more I got I got all sorts of them
5729s actually I don't have them anymore I've
5730s got it
5731s one two I got three more
5738s do you follow other games I follow lots
5741s of the games basically all I do is just
5743s sit and read video game news and play
5745s video games and make video games and
5749s spend time with my family those are kind
5752s of
5753s games and family time basically all I do
5757s and
5758s thoughts on the issues with Pathways
5761s exile's most recent League I'm sorry I
5764s really try and avoid commenting too
5766s heavily especially from a
5769s um uh critic perspective on on path of
5773s Exiles content
5776s um I I bring it up and make comparisons
5778s from time to time and uh and sometimes
5781s I'll use it as a like here's what they
5783s do here's what we do they're different I
5786s try not to say
5787s um I try not to make two uh qualitative
5794s uh comments too many qualitative
5796s comments if I can avoid them
5798s and
5799s um I have not played the most recent
5802s Path of Exile League
5804s well
5805s not not for any reasonable amount of
5807s time where I feel like I can make uh
5810s um an informed comment on it
5816s um I also think that there's a lot like
5819s I can make General comments about
5822s um pathf Exile leagues and the
5823s differences that they have compared to
5825s us in their content and content
5826s requirements and content expectations
5829s um pretty easily so I think there's a
5831s big difference between the the like
5834s where each game is in their life cycle
5836s like they're gearing out for Path of
5837s Exile two
5839s um there's
5841s uh like we and we're still in Early
5844s Access right so there's there's big
5846s differences there just on the types of
5847s content that we're going to be looking
5848s at releasing as far as games are
5850s concerned
5853s um
5855s and I I think it's I do think it is very
5858s impressive the sheer volume of content
5861s and new stuff for people to do that
5864s people that that they pump out so
5868s reliably
5869s um
5871s yeah
5875s I don't really have much else to say on
5876s the topic I'm sorry I'd love I'd love to
5878s to leave more comments there's people
5880s out there with so much more knowledge on
5882s the situation that that are giving way
5885s more informed takes on what's going on
5887s and I'd urge you to uh go have
5891s conversations with those people instead
5893s because they're way more smarter than I
5897s am about it
5899s that's right way more smarter
5905s mmm
5906s [Music]
5908s well I picked up was pretty nice
5911s let's do a little crafty craft nope
5914s wrong on this one
5924s let's see if we can get out of it you
5926s know have some fun with it let's try
5928s right off the bat sealing this again
5931s yeah that's a T4 endurance threshold
5934s sealed
5935s take that take that all the way to the
5937s bank
5939s now if we do switch this out we are
5940s losing a ton of void and Fire Res can we
5943s afford to lose that what happens if we
5945s just take it off
5946s Fire's close void needs help so I think
5948s we're gonna go for void
5951s uh Lloyd
5958s boom all the way up
5960s minion Health they're not really dying
5962s that much but I don't really want I feel
5964s like re-rolling that it's just gonna go
5965s to something bad
5967s um so I'm just gonna up it Health Region
5970s I think I'm going to reroll this see
5972s what again
5974s [Laughter]
5981s all right
5983s we lose the Attunement get minion Health
5985s let's find out a great train but you
5987s know we get the endurance threshold seal
5988s which is really nice the extra minion
5991s held
5996s uh yeah
5998s losing the leech but yeah I Gotta Wear
6000s it I can wear it this is funny
6004s whatever is like yeah we're still cats
6010s oh
6012s let me just let me just turn the uh Dev
6015s console commands off
6017s all right there it's off
6029s Rune words when
6031s I mean
6033s when they're ready
6036s no
6037s um rumors are really interesting they
6040s use they use overlapping systems with
6042s our current crafting that we can't
6043s really do directly I don't think
6046s um
6047s we can we could pull in like a fully
6050s different crafting system I don't know
6052s like like
6054s I think it would be a cool thing to add
6056s in as a dungeon reward
6058s um and we couldn't probably do it
6059s exactly the same as roommates have been
6060s done elsewhere but I think we could do
6062s something similar
6063s um and I think the key parts of of roon
6065s words and something that we tried to
6066s evoke a little bit in the
6069s um we tried to evoke a little bit in in
6071s our legendary crafting is the sense that
6073s you are finding uh rare items and pieces
6076s that need to be combined together to
6077s make another item and they're they're
6078s individual pieces that could be used on
6079s their own
6081s um
6081s and are quite rare on their own and and
6084s it's that like I found one piece of the
6086s thing I'm trying to make here's the next
6087s piece of what I'm trying to make
6091s um and so there's there's there's
6092s elements of that that we definitely try
6094s to evoke in our legendary crafting
6097s yes Judd I was I was like just at your
6100s question yes I saw the DMS right now
6102s okay I got uh can you ask the good
6105s people in chat if they like the name
6107s alliances or convergence for patch point
6111s nine yes I can do that hey guys do you
6115s like the name alliances or convergence
6117s for patch 3.9 as as a as a patch name
6120s title
6121s we've named patches before
6124s that's a trend we're going to continue
6125s doing
6128s just just a quick survey
6131s oh can we do a poll is that a thing
6134s can I do a poll how do I do a poll
6137s someone teach me how to how to Twitch
6141s slash poll does that work
6146s slash poll
6154s I don't know if this is
6163s you know
6175s it's spelled right just copy paste
6178s something easier there we go it was not
6180s wrong
6190s here we go
6192s my first twitch poll yeah I think nailed
6196s it
6202s and because we never have anything to do
6203s with those points
6204s I let you buy more votes with points
6209s oh my God it's like a bug on my ceiling
6214s not to anymore
6215s [Music]
6228s hello it's my first time on your stream
6230s look I'm glad to have you with us uh no
6232s idea if this was asked before do you
6234s know when warlock is coming out yes I do
6236s well kind of it will coincide with the
6238s release of 1.0 and I do not know when
6241s 1.0 release
6243s but they will be simultaneous events
6246s along with Falconer and Rune Master as
6249s well
6253s uh do you plan to add private Cycles if
6256s so what do you think customization what
6258s do you think about customizable
6259s difficulty
6260s um I think it's a very cool feature I do
6262s not think it is a 1.0 launch feature and
6264s we're really focused on 1.0 right now on
6266s on what we're discussing designing all
6268s sort of stuff so
6270s if we do uh have that it's something
6273s that will be talked about more designed
6275s more worked on more uh post
6279s 1.0 and um
6283s so I don't know anything about it yet
6285s oh
6287s a little bit of a damaged Spike there
6292s got him
6296s got him
6300s all right convergence is winning
6304s 68 of the votes
6306s with two-thirds
6308s do pretty good so it's time to vote I
6310s don't know how long I set the pole for
6312s it's about 10 minutes I think
6317s what about item sets for gear swapping
6319s say have more than one build for my
6321s character can I save gear set uh and if
6323s I have the items in my stash can I swap
6326s between different gear easily to equip a
6328s different build in one shot we're not
6330s currently planning on having this
6331s feature I think it it
6333s um is a little bit precluded by the fact
6335s that you can't just switch your
6337s um your spec completely in order to like
6339s enter to respect your character you have
6341s to re-ex regain that experience properly
6343s and also as there is a gold cost this as
6345s well
6347s um I think I think doing part of that is
6349s uh is tricky without the other part of
6351s it so we're not playing on that
6352s currently it's something that we could
6353s do in the future possibly but it's not
6355s on the list
6357s yet
6362s apparently I'm told the 200 points to
6364s buy a new boat is extremely low my bad
6367s that's what the default is
6368s [Laughter]
6371s Paul Noob yeah
6381s uh moving on since we're all beta
6384s testing what are your goals in
6385s progression of the game while single
6387s player is still being tested anything
6389s specific
6392s um what are your goals in progression of
6394s the game so like uh I I think I'm not
6398s 100 on this question sorry but I think
6400s what you're asking is like
6402s uh like a player's goals in progression
6405s in single player like like what what are
6407s whether if if the Royal you is playing
6409s the game and you're trying to to do more
6412s and more stuff what's that what are
6414s those benchmarks where those progression
6415s goals
6416s um I think that's what you're asking I'm
6418s sorry uh there's there's a few
6420s challenges to like talk to your dungeons
6422s T4 dungeons
6424s um and then basically just either
6427s pushing Arena or pushing model to size
6428s you can go we're still looking at more
6430s Capstone content to come in so there's
6432s more things you can point to and say hey
6434s can this build is this build Uber viable
6437s is this build whatever viable and and I
6440s I think that's the
6442s it's a pretty big missing piece right
6444s now as far as uh the term viable goes
6446s because I frequently do get the question
6447s hey is this build viable well yes no
6451s defined viable or no no defined viable
6454s like you know
6457s um it's It's Tricky and so I think
6459s viable for what
6461s uh and and having those consistent goals
6463s is is important
6467s I kind of went off a little bit there I
6468s I
6470s reread that question if if I didn't get
6472s anywhere close to it sorry
6474s uh now the real question is what what's
6476s that red Beam on the crit Shrine teaser
6480s uh
6482s I missed it the screen's tiny for me
6485s because let's actually pop up my screen
6486s it was probably a drop beam
6489s for a key because I don't think Keys
6491s have droppings right now oh they do was
6493s it that
6496s likely that
6498s or or it was or it was a legendary on
6500s the ground
6502s like a like a unique instrumental
6503s legendary it's probably that
6506s you probably don't see many of those
6507s because you probably don't drop very
6508s often
6508s [Laughter]
6513s uh Fine By You
6524s you want 100 bits or a double steamer I
6528s yeah yeah like um double it and go give
6531s it to someone who like
6533s real small go find the small stream that
6535s you can give bits to
6538s do that
6542s or go find a last Epoch streamer yeah
6545s there we go
6546s find the last default you're gonna give
6548s us them somebody screaming our game
6554s even better
6556s uh how do you guys decide which engine
6558s you build the game around also was
6560s Unreal an option yeah unreal something
6562s that was considered um so we we this
6565s bill's in unity
6566s um a lot of our early early decisions in
6570s development were
6572s um based around what can we afford like
6574s uh this was this was well over a year of
6578s literally no one getting paid for
6580s anything and just uh you got some time
6583s to work out this weekend yeah I got some
6585s time to work on it this weekend let's
6586s see if we can get done
6587s um and and it's it started out very much
6589s as uh like what software is free is it
6592s good enough all right let's go
6595s um and and and that got us a long way
6597s which is which is really the key to this
6600s all getting going and even happening at
6602s all
6604s um
6605s so I I think there's there's a lot of
6607s cool stuff that that happened in the
6609s early days of development
6610s um unreal was looked at there's a lot of
6614s um
6615s there's there's a lot of resources that
6618s are available with unreal and
6621s um sometimes you pay for them in
6623s different ways that aren't just money
6627s um
6628s and I I think it's a really strong
6630s engine
6632s um and there's a lot of really great
6634s features there that would be lovely to
6635s have
6636s um but I'm really happy with the with
6637s the with the path we took and the
6639s systems we made and uh yeah
6643s doing great
6645s all right next question I like your
6648s explanation about sets I'm not a game
6649s designer person I think they are lazy
6651s design in most games that are
6652s implemented like the other three Grim
6654s Dawn Assassin's Creed games and many
6655s others uh they're a huge turn off for me
6657s when they Define a build instead of
6659s refine it yeah guys
6661s it's really tricky it's it's a really
6664s delicate balance
6666s um and I don't think we've got it right
6668s and we've we've taken cautious steps
6672s to uh mitigate the problems with it
6677s which is not awesome but uh I think it's
6681s the the best we can do at the moment
6682s which uh we're still definitely looking
6684s to improve
6685s casual T4 seal yeah you know buddy
6688s no big deal
6690s good epics deal too
6696s I need more context for the names before
6698s I decide too bad
6702s I find that very quickly I have
6704s basically infinite common to your shards
6706s uh do you want to add some kind of Shard
6709s sink for that kind of thing oh yeah
6710s don't worry we got you back
6712s oh yeah how many people love that item
6715s yeah we got you back on that
6717s um we have plans for specific mechanics
6719s involving shards to uh refine your
6725s available
6727s uh Shard pool for more focused Shard
6732s usage based on your specific needs
6741s the answer you're welcome
6744s just release it already Mike at least
6746s what oh my gosh
6751s that's a low ceiling
6753s it is a low ceiling I I can right right
6756s now my the palms of my hands are are on
6760s my ceiling right now
6762s um and yes my arms are still bent
6766s I this is an office I built in my garage
6774s uh will classes get more skills yup some
6777s of them sooner than others so some
6778s classes you'll see are missing skills
6780s still so so
6781s um when Shaman's final skill is here so
6784s this is this skill right here is
6785s Shaman's last skill it's actually like
6788s yeah
6790s so this gets moved down one and it goes
6792s in the place like someone Sabertooth and
6793s entangling roots for Shaman once that's
6795s there this will be this is what a full
6797s complement of skill launch skills looks
6799s like so 1.0 every class will have this
6802s many skills plus one for Shaman
6805s um so five for every Mastery
6807s um eight of them unlocked through levels
6809s four of them unlocked through Base Class
6810s skill progression uh passive skill
6813s progression sorry
6814s so that's our that's our final 1.0
6818s launch skill complement
6820s whatever
6822s lots of room to add more and we do plan
6824s on adding more skills down the road
6825s whether that's
6827s um in the passage tree whether that's um
6829s more Master skills whether that's new
6832s class level skills whether that's uh
6835s whether they're on locked via different
6837s other ways maybe possibly who knows
6840s uh oh we had our pull finish uh there
6844s wow uh
6847s uh flindler contributed 17 000 Channel
6850s points and no impact on the overall
6853s outcome at all I'm sure
6855s um looks like we had a pretty big win by
6858s convergence
6859s um that's pretty fun thank you all for
6861s participating I appreciate that
6866s um all right
6870s uh you also can't spell patch I can't
6872s spell patch really did I did I seriously
6874s mistake this patch dolling oh my God
6879s uh I saw water on my keyboard recently
6882s and you know it's gonna use the backup
6884s one
6888s Grumble uh moving on
6893s I'm sure they did exists but hasn't been
6896s any discussion on giving players access
6897s to character stats such as time played
6900s and deaths
6902s um time plate stats do not exist
6904s actually so uh no we have not given uh
6907s discussion today we've considered trying
6910s to track it and and allowing it to be
6912s available all sort of stuff and it might
6913s be a little different to getting to
6914s multiplayer
6916s um some of the stats are really cool uh
6918s death stats yeah that's that's that is
6919s tracked
6921s um
6922s and like there is a deathless tag that
6925s shows up here if you've never died
6928s um but yes yeah we've definitely
6930s considered what stats you want to make
6931s available what metadata stats for your
6933s character
6935s um
6937s that's been talked about I can't really
6938s see it for sure if any of them will
6939s happen or if they do win or anything
6941s like that but yeah
6943s but it's been talked about
6948s so there was a good example of on death
6950s explosion and revive effects both so the
6953s the on death immediately that Circle
6954s appears the revive there's a very large
6956s bfx that happens when the revive happens
6958s to be like something revived here
6961s um and uh then you still get to fight it
6964s so it's also attack
6970s oh hey I just got here have you answered
6972s any questions on shifting little power
6974s away from tree into gear no I haven't
6976s had any questions about it
6978s uh remember to at Leslie Puck game yeah
6981s I did see that one I see the ones that
6983s says first time checks I think a lot of
6985s people who are
6986s um first time Chatters don't know that
6987s rule
6989s um it's only post anywhere so you know
6991s it's not that big of a deal and I try
6992s and answer those ones too
6994s twitch twitch kind of gives gives you
6996s help at hand if it's your first time
6997s here
7000s twitch with the assist
7012s alrighty alrighty
7016s I've been kind of saving some of these
7018s um
7020s yeah
7021s I never got never got my helmet you know
7023s I'll flip this next week and I'm gonna
7024s make sure I try and find a helmet make
7026s sure I try to find out yeah I can
7028s definitely control that
7030s um
7033s and we'll make our legendary Herald
7041s uh but for now I got a couple questions
7043s still
7045s oh water on the keyboard doesn't have
7047s that effect being there done that well
7049s it when it typed one letter it would
7051s type another letter but no I'm typing on
7053s a different keyboard it's my fingers
7054s slipped
7056s uh just use the on-screen keyboard
7060s uh you just feel about on your keywords
7061s so all of your code recently wrote I
7063s haven't done dyslexia
7067s guys I know my excuses on rambling the
7070s seams very quickly but you know like
7072s throw me a little little bone maybe you
7074s know don't put so many holes in it right
7076s away
7078s um
7081s uh hopefully this doesn't come off as a
7083s loaded question I probably will but
7084s that's okay I get them all the time
7085s around here
7087s uh all right let's move on to read it uh
7091s I'm not the biggest fan of seasons
7093s passes yeah I think there's
7096s I'll I'll talk about I got I got I got
7098s some hot takes on season passes I'll
7100s throw your way
7102s as long as we don't die here
7105s uh as I don't like the idea of paying
7108s for the opportunity to unlock stuff and
7110s losing out what you didn't unlock in
7112s time our seasons pass is being
7114s considered with Cycles so
7117s um I think let's let's break down
7118s different different elements of seasons
7120s passes for a second here
7124s there's
7126s um
7126s there's quite often a purchased track on
7130s a season's pass and a free track on a
7133s season's pass
7135s um and there's a big difference I think
7137s in
7139s um
7140s how it feels to not complete elements of
7144s a free season's past track compared to a
7146s paid season pass track
7148s um so there's big big differences there
7150s for sure
7151s um
7152s as far as
7156s um I I I'll speak to my personal
7158s feelings on it as well in a minute it's
7159s like here but the um
7163s I also I also want to say I don't I have
7165s no we haven't talked about this in depth
7166s enough to be like yes we're doing this
7168s no we're not doing this
7169s um it's not currently planned but like
7172s who knows if we if we ever do anything
7173s like this or not at this point so it's
7176s um
7177s it's too early to really give a clear
7179s concrete answer to the question
7182s um but I just want to talk generally
7182s about seasons passes a little bit and I
7185s think that that
7186s um
7187s there's there's ways to do seasons
7190s passes or similar mechanics where it
7192s actually just feels great
7195s um and I think it has to do with the AAA
7199s whether or not you spend money on it
7201s um B how concentrated the effects are
7204s and the bonuses are that affect gameplay
7207s directly
7208s um so whether that's unlocking gear
7210s gaming uh experience Buffs
7213s um like drop rate Buffs things like the
7216s things that actually impact Impact
7217s gameplay compared to things that are
7219s purely cosmetic
7222s um so I think there's there's ways to do
7224s this in a
7226s um
7227s like a a more casual friendly uh a less
7231s I would say this without taking digs in
7233s other games I'm trying not to do
7236s um I think there's there's lots of ways
7237s you can Implement season pass style
7239s mechanics while having them just feel
7242s like quests just cycling quests really
7246s um and that's that's basically what it
7247s is is it's a batch of new quests that
7249s show up but it's it they're presented
7251s not in a game World way they're
7252s presented in a menu usually
7255s um
7256s and and I really like the idea of a
7261s um
7261s a a quest chain that's thematically
7264s linked to whatever the new season is and
7268s um having there be earnable rewards
7270s there and
7272s um
7273s I I think having I think I think
7275s actually Diablo 3 does a really good job
7277s of this
7278s um in the sense that they that they have
7280s these these things you can earn and it
7283s I don't like the the set item system cl3
7286s and that's pretty heavily linked to this
7288s so
7289s I'm trying not to conflate the two but I
7291s think overall the way it's it's free
7293s you're you're opting into completing
7296s specific challenges you're getting a few
7298s in-game rewards out of it mostly it's
7300s just cosmetic stuff I think it's been a
7302s while since I've done one
7303s um and I think there's a lot of
7306s positives there for sure
7308s but um yeah it's a tricky
7312s Minefield to negotiate if you're gonna
7314s do something like that I think I think
7317s there's ways to do it right and I think
7318s lots of games have been successful in a
7320s lot of ways
7321s um
7322s but yeah
7325s it's it's a tricky one I hope that
7328s answers your question oh I got a bunch
7329s of questions here we're gonna go we're
7330s gonna over time a little bit I'm gonna
7332s try and Hammer as many of these
7333s questions quickly I'm sorry I won't go
7334s into any depth on any of these questions
7335s I got a couple more spoilers to share as
7337s well and then we'll be out of here so
7338s I'm gonna I'm gonna toss up
7341s I think I didn't show this one yet
7344s hey shrine
7346s why is this game not for you to play a
7348s whole bunch of reasons we feel it's a
7350s pretty reasonable price
7351s um any plans on increasing monster
7353s density many players field game is too
7355s empty without load of enemies there's a
7356s few things that cause specific scenes in
7359s their generation to generate um fewer
7361s enemies than we intended uh that's
7363s definitely getting looked at there's
7365s also some performance concerns that we
7367s didn't generate quite as many enemies as
7369s we maybe wanted to to help alleviate
7372s performance problems
7373s um a lot of that's going away too so
7375s good news there there's there's it's
7377s it's gonna be an ongoing thing and I
7378s think after a lot of these changes that
7380s happen recent that are coming up is
7381s going to
7383s um
7384s uh
7387s improve it I think I think you'll get a
7390s little bit higher density at end game on
7392s average
7393s but nothing extreme uh last question
7395s before bedtime will there be any way to
7397s expand your skills beyond the skill
7398s trees and Idols uh add new damage types
7401s enhanced skills with new Unique
7402s Mechanics Etc
7404s um you missed items so yes
7407s uh since your further elaboration I will
7409s refine my question To Us by primary
7411s desires for your 1.0 patch uh that you
7413s have not yet discussed I can't tell you
7416s I'm sorry because we haven't discussed
7417s them and they're under wraps I just got
7420s here have you answered any questions on
7421s shifting oh yeah the answer that uh
7428s uh we're running out of time for the
7430s spoilers yeah working on it what's your
7431s background story in tech oh come next
7433s time and ask that question because it's
7434s it's pretty long uh the tldr I spent 10
7438s years as a computer repair technician uh
7442s in a shop doing on-sites things like
7443s that
7444s um when you gotta keep your science
7446s degree started working on games got here
7450s it's the real condensed version Oh we
7452s made it all right we're at the end I
7454s have uh I think a couple more things
7457s here too don't I here's another just
7459s general combat compilation I was I try
7462s and save some things for like when I die
7463s I didn't die which is crazy
7467s um
7469s so I've got a lot of them I gotta be I
7471s gotta be a little less stingy with it
7472s I'm sorry guys
7476s some visual things that are happening
7477s some on hit effects and death effects
7479s things like that uh and one last thing
7481s here is a new set of armor coming for
7482s the acolyte looks gorgeous looks
7485s beautiful
7486s um glad to have that here
7489s I did die did I die
7492s I did die oh I didn't show a spoiler oh
7495s so sorry
7497s Mike's the worst
7501s there we go
7506s all right
7509s with that
7512s It's Time to Say Goodbye I hope you had
7514s fun I know I did glad to see you all uh
7517s please come by next time and say how do
7522s you do
7524s um I'll be here same time same place if
7526s you have any more questions that I did
7527s not get to you and you'd like answered
7528s uh please head on over to our Discord to
7531s our Forum so I read it all sorts of fun
7533s stuff that we got going on there uh
7535s plenty of time to ask questions uh and I
7538s will be doing we we try to do our best
7540s to answer as many of them as we can
7541s and right now we're going to go over we
7543s have a very special stream uh one of our
7545s one of our friends Aaron action RPG is
7547s doing a very special stream so I can
7549s talk to you guys over there
7551s um I know he's got lots of fun stuff
7552s planned so if you've got some more time
7553s left in you tonight uh if you're in
7555s Europe it's gonna get late but if you're
7557s in North America tons of fun stuff
7559s stick around see you later buddy