about 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers,

As much of our community is aware, every Friday one of our game designers - Mike, hosts a dev stream. This stream is an opportunity for us to hang out with our community, play some Last Epoch, answer community questions, and maybe, reveal a teaser or two about upcoming content.

What many people might not be aware of is that each month we pick a charity which all proceeds from the dev stream are donated. For the months of January and February, we were contributing dev stream proceeds to Save the Children. Save the Children is an organization which works to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

Last Friday, our Game Director Judd posted a statement concerning the happenings involving Ukraine and Russia, and the relations to the Eleventh Hour Games studio having team members in both countries.

As part of our response to this, for the month of March, Eleventh Hour Games will be donating all dev stream proceeds to UNICEF’s Ukraine relief fund. Further, Eleventh Hour Games is also committing to match all community proceeds and donations for the month of March up to $10,000. All subs, donations, and bits will be going to this cause. In addition we have set up a Nexus sales page on https://www.nexus.gg/ehg/games from which proceeds from all sales will also be going to this cause.

We appreciate all of our community member’s support, and look forward to seeing you during the dev streams, even if just to watch us play some Last Epoch or try to catch some teasers.

Stream Schedule





*note Daylight Savings Time starts during this time period, which is why you may see different times. Dev Stream is every Friday at 3:00PM CT.

Charity Information:

Save the Children - https://www.savethechildren.org/
UNICEF - https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/unicef-children-crossfire-ukraine-crisis/
Nexus Store - https://www.nexus.gg/ehg/games
Stream Donations - https://streamlabs.com/lastepochgame/tip

about 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

The stream times have not changed.

about 2 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. I can say that this will not have an adverse effect on the release date of the game. I’m quite proud to be able to do something to help people in need. We are working hard to get to 1.0 and I’m really excited to share multiplayer with the world.