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It's almost daily I read comments about things going slowly regarding the updates and content that EHG are working on. And I thought just occured to me: is there something we as a community, that like the game, can do to help? (for free of course)

I recently read a thread about many unique items does not have a visual graphic that corresponds to the image we see in our inventories. This is of course not crucial for the gameplay but many of players feel a bit bummed out that they can't look as cool as the items images suggests. And here is something I believe the community would be able to help out.

I personally do not have any experience in 3D modeling to create graphics for in-game items but I suspect we have a few in the community that does have some experience. The items design are already there, the images, so the community does not have or need to design anything on their own, they "just" have to try to build the 3D model. Once done the model can be sent to EHG who than can implement the model without having to use their on resources on the modeling part. It wouldn't be a straight forward process, maybe some iterations with a EHG representative on how the 3D model looks.

In my novice brain this sounds like a great idea. If anything the the person who creates a model that EHG ends up using could get some recognition in a post, on their site or in-game somehow (not to flashy), as a thanks for the contribution.

What do you all think?

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16 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Appreciate the love u/Tjohej1. We’re working on things to speed up content developments. Reacting to feedback from 1.0 significantly slowed our momentum as a smaller team for this genre but we’re working on lots of ways to increase it! Excited to see people’s reactions to Season 2