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If you recall a recent scarra video, he talks about how there’s too much damage in the game and goes on to say that League has lost much of its finesse or outplay potential. If you make one misstep, you die, and there’s very little you can do to maneuver your way out of it, especially if you’re an adc. While I think this is healthy to some extent, I do believe that damage creep has made this exceptionally exaggerated. As much as I would appreciate a little more health and some movement speed, I think the recent buffs planned for adcs don’t really address the problem. A better route might be to slowly take out some mid and late game damage from roles like mid lane (whom they want to nerf anyways) especially since we have things like dragon souls and a very powerful elder dragon that supply more than enough power late game. I think that riots original idea was to make solo carrying easier so they buffed damage more and more to make this possible. Now it’s unnecessary, and it takes league away from being a team game that requires coordination to win to a one shot frenzy. Yes I understand team coordination is hard to do in solo q, but it puts the game in a healthier state overall, and players will adapt accordingly. It’s better to make the right change than to have a bandaid fix that causes problems of its own.

Riot initially nerfed adcs in 8.11 (which was a disaster) but the end result we have now really isn’t that bad. They then nerfed jungle and put them in a healthier spot as well. I think the other roles just haven’t been touched in the same way so they haven’t caught up yet in terms of retuning.

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over 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Communist_Turt

/u/phreakriot is an apologist for ANYTHING riot does. He is honestly stupid with some of his takes.

Or you know, I actually did the math on the runes and said if damage was increased, it was through items, and left that part open-ended since I didn't research that part.

But whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. Don't let facts get in the way of your feelings.