I don't think that there has been a single league mode that was as successful as arena. Besides TFT of course which is not exactly a game mode for league but rather a separate game.
The last time we had arena I remember them saying that if it's successful we might get arena for longer/more often/permanent. It was definitely successful. I don't remember having queue times longer than 20 seconds on EUW and it was a total banger. What is happening now? Three weeks once every 6 months is not enough AT ALL.
I don't get why such a popular and active gamemode is being disabled. Arena has a chance to become what Ascension and Nexus Blitz failed to become. It could even have a separate pass, balance, ranked etc. And you don't even need that big of a team to manage. It's League with additional stuff. I do think that this mode should at least last twice as long as it does now
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