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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Erthad

Tank items continue to be trash.

There are only 2 non mythic magic resist items for tanks since Force of Nature was removed.

Frozen Heart is the only source of mana

The Mythics all have split resists again.

Not the tank item owner so I don't have context on the other stuff but I believe FoN should still be there, if it isn't it's a bug.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by The-F-Key

Please, I'm desperate to be able to play tanks and not go pop.

Tell our buddy working on them we want to not die, not deal more damage.

So personally I've found massive success playing tanks in internal playtests. I'm not sure what the disparity is here, might be unusual situations I'm getting into or something.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by The-F-Key

It's quite possible that the reason is it's that I'm just really bad at the game.

Maybe I'll have more success once things are live and a few balance passes are made.

Lmao. There's definitely a ton of relearning to do. Also some champs will just be weak as some benefit more or less from the new item system compared to the old. We'll make sure the tank class isn't unviable or anything come release or post release.

Leona top is low-key insane if you get a good matchup ;)