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I'm serious, Singed is actually one of the strongest fighters in the multiverse and can take superman and Goku at the same time.

I came to this conclusion upon learning that the original summoners rift lore had been thrown out by Riot which means basically all of these champions are literally meeting at this place and are picking fights with each other. Of course ASSUMING this is true.

So let's line up first their stats generally

How much can Goku lift?

Or more accurately what can we estimate based on what we have seen? Since it's a bit unclear.

We have an example though when one of the four Kai's comes to gloat to the north kai and makes Goku lift 40 tons which he is able to do with ease.

So if ssj3 is X8 of SSJ about 300–400 tons.

SSG and SSB is an unknown modifier. but at least X2 that for each level

So probably at least 2000 tons more with Kaio-ken (X20), 40,000 tons.

How much can Singed lift?

Now bear with me this is based on that Singed with no items, level boosts, or field buffs can fling just about anything or anyone with ease.

Let's start with some conservative examples

Singed can toss Rek'sai which has been confirmed by Riot employees to be the size of a small T-rex, Mammoth, Whale Shark.

Source https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/story-art/AQE0GPmg-riot-could-you-give-a-reksai-size-estimate

If we take an estimate of a small T-rex weight we can assume Rek'sai could weigh at minimum about 8 tons

Even base Goku was able to train with 10 tons at base form with ease so Goku is winning right now? OH NO MY FRIENDS

Let's go bigger. Singed can also fling Malphite behind him and also fling him hard enough to put some distance between himself and Malph. The question is how much does Malphite weigh? This is actually a tough question. But we can assume a few things. Assuming Malphite is the size of an average mountain we just need to estimate the weight of a mountain. If we take mount Everest and cut it in half to roughly get a medium-sized mountain (perhaps on the larger size if we use this) and we also assume Malphite is mostly made of granite. We could roughly assume that Malphite could weigh somewhere around.......89 BILLION TONS

89,000,000,000 TONS

maths source https://www.quora.com/What-would-the-estimated-weight-of-Mount-Everest-be

How fast is Goku?

Goku most certainly has a quicker combat speed but let's say running speed (for obvious reasons haha)

Remember Snake way, the long, winding road to King Kai’s planet which is 1,000, 000 kilometers in length. Goku was able to reach the end of that path in 177 days. He traveled at an average speed of about 235 kilometers per hour, or 145 miles per hour.

After his training in King Kai’s planet, he was able to travel back within 27–28 hours, about less than 2 days. Goku at PL 5000 can fly around mach 30. It was back then when Goku hasn’t reached the level of SSJ yet. That's amazing but let me tell you friends, that's not fast enough to outrun our laughing man.

How fast is Singed?

This one is really can be very simple or difficult to categorize but we know a few things

  1. Singed has a higher base movement speed at level 1 except for - Jax, Kha'Zix, Nasus, Olaf, Shaco, Shyvana, Trundle, Elise (Spider Form), Mini Gnar, Master Yi, Pantheon, Cassiopeia. (I could be wrong about this)
  2. Singed can theoretically catch up to or outrun any champion in-game (given the right circumstances)

The second point is very important because we have a confirmation from a Riot senior level designer of the fastest LoL champions based on lore https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/story-art/2U0ftEre-lore-wise-who-is-the-fastest-champion

Unofficial answer from a Rioter who happens to love lore:

Kindred? They have to be everywhere at once, after all.Failing that, Arelion Sol travels the vast distances of the cosmos in reasonable amounts of time, suggesting faster than light travel.Then there's the magical journeys of Bard - who knows where (when?) they go!

But that just brings time travel into it, which makes a mockery of the very idea of 'fastest'.

Are Zilean and Ekko the fastest if they can get there before they left?What about Tahm Kench who claims he can take you ANYwhere?

Assuming that Singed can theoretically run up to and fling ANY of these champions could assume that he can run faster than the speed of light? That might be stretching it but I DONT CARE I TAKE WHAT I CAN GET

How hard can Goku hit?

Goku's strength, durability, and speed, is powered by his ki. By definition, Goku's punches are powered by an outward force that doesn't restrict him, unlike other superheroes who are restricted by the joints in their arms, so they can't punch with the same force that they are able to lift. Sort of like how Flash is with the speed force and how his punches are able to harm Superman, but he certainly can't lift as much as him. To find his true striking power, we have to use other characters to determine it.

  1. Frieza in his final form (not golden) was able to kick back a planet buster from Vegeta, without the use of ki
  2. When Gohan went Super Saiyan 2, his punches completely shatter the Cell Jrs, who had Cell's cells, who had planet explosion tanking Frieza cell's.
  3. Goku is stronger than Gohan was against the Cell Jrs who have Cell's abilities, and Cell has Frieza's abilities and physical abilities including his durability in which Frieza was able to tank a planet's explosion.
  4. Having the ability to kill Frieza in his final form takes planet shattering striking force.

this isn't even taking into consideration that in "Battle of the Gods" Goku and Beerus punches were sending shockwaves that were threatening to destroy the universe. But we can't actually use this because if this were true then everyone at the tournament of power would be shattering universes in every fight haha.

So let's say Goku can tank and dish out planet busting or higher punches.

How hard can Singed hit?

Well, considering that Singed can Fling mountain-sized opponents with ease we can assume that he can also dish out and tank somewhere near there right? Well not really. HE CAN ACTUALLY PUNCH WAAAAAY WAAAAAY HARDER THAN THAT HAHAHAHAHA. I'm not gonna do the math for this one since its 4am and I need to go to bed. But Singed can fling over 89 billion tons without breaking a sweat or stopping from a full sprint in the span of one-second while laughing. Now it takes about 150 tons of force to crush a car. If we scale that to a mountain we get somewhere about 56 thousand tons of force and I think I'm low-balling this I'm doing this in my head at 4am gimmie a break.

Here are some things we can also take away without math

  1. Singed can tank hits from Gods and universal entities (Kindred, Aurelion Sol, Zoe, Kayle, Nasus Q)
  2. Singes punches can hurt anything that lives on the rift (including towers)
  3. Singed can technically hurt and kill any champion on the rift with nothing but his bare hands


Has fought literal Gods and some stronger


Has fought literal Gods and some stronger


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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Kyrond

Holy shit this is perfect.
