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Hey Guys & Gals,

I made a post yesterday on this sub, compiling people's favourite off meta, Wombo combo bot lanes.

Here's a compiled list that is up to date with 9.13 / Qiyana Release


Malphite & Yasuo

  • These two Cuties are as iconic as they are deadly, one malph ult = one penta for yasuo

Jarvan IV & Leona & Pantheon & Maokai & Xin Xhao & Fizz

  • Any of these two champs can mesh into a bot lane that is truly inescapable, once you hit two it's double kill time

Sion & Malphite & Alistar & Voli & Ornn(ap or lethality ftw)

  • All in at 6 or nothing. This composition can truly end friendships if done without communication or compostion

  • u/theflyingcoral suggests Sion + Ornn is also fantastic

Kalista & Neeko

  • This Level 6 rivals the famous Malphite and Yasuo with the double ult nearly instakilling anyone falling victim to being in the blast radius. this combo may actually be a bug with the double ults

Credit to u/yanr44 & u/vooffle & u/mathaikunju

Veigar and Poppy/Vayne

  • Veigar Drops the Cage, Grandslam the enemy into it, free wins

Credit to u/tataasowl

Rengar & Pantheon

  • u/tataasowl "One root or stun and you're dead"

  • Seems similar to the dive comp of leo/j4 but with extra assassin spiciness

Bush Buddies

Ivern & Rengar

  • Another Classic, No bushes near rengar? more loot

Ivern & Any leaper

  • Ivern is always just good for the surprise slam

Perma CC

Lux & Morgana

  • Iconic like Yasuo and Malphite, Two q's and you sayonara to the opposition Kaisa

    also chuck in a zoe if you're feelin adventurous

Credit to u/OllieNotaPotato

Syndra & Lux

  • "very difficult for the enemy ad to walk up to CS and at level 6 if any cc lands they die instantly"

Credit to u/bman10_33

Pyke & Leona/Nami

  • "Enjoy not moving."

Credit to u/Just_patch

Morgana & Soraka

  • "No interactions with lane opponents pls"

Credit to u/Oakwheat

Orianna & Leona

  • " level 6 wombo was always funny"

Credit to u/supermorimo

Zyra & Rammus

  • Once you're taunted, there's no return

Credit to u/Dalandanjuice08

Pantheon Swain

  • "Absolutely hilarious just going all in all the time with the easy CC chain."

Full Send it

Credit u/Bambuck1000

Zilean and Tahm/Sion

  • Toss a bomb, Eat the bomb, launch the bomb

Lee Sin & Tahm/Sion

  • Blue kick da minion, eat the minion, launch the minion, jump to the minion


Thresh & Blitzcrank

  • One Hook and it's game time in the botlane. The cc with these two also make this incredily fun

Some Alterations


  • Brings the thunda down unda with some great scaling


  • The thicc boi himself can be another weapon of mass destruction


  • This guy is just a lil bit scary. He's also great for lategame when you're team's angry with you for not going an adc

Cage Heroes

Jarvan & Veigar

  • always fun, Decent comp, a little too generic though

In Da Ring

Credit to u/nekeuls

Annie & Jarvan

  • "No comment From Nekeuls over effectiveness"

  • Tested last night, was very juicy with a fed annie with rage quits ensured

Credit to u/Razukalex

Ziggs & Veigar

  • u/Razukalex "use satchel to push people trapped in the cage in the stun"

Kill Lanes

For the Inner Sweat Inside All of You

Credit to u/Vooffle

Anivia and Vayne

  • u/Vooffle "most hilarious way to make a kill lane with vayne"

  • If you do this comp, expect the enemy bot lane to flame you for being sweaty

Credit to u/Witchergoals

Cait & Lux/Morg/Sejuani

  • Long Range snipe after a broken 'q' root = "500 damage at lvl 3"

  • Debates over who is better, lux or morg, personal preference is key here

Credit to u/Quantuis

Irelia & Taric

  • "Wait and survive the first few levels" and then go balls deep all in every single time."

Credit to u/killerkenb2654

Tristana/Xayah & Veigar

  • "done it a lot with a friend of mine and it’s just total cheese."

Team Poison Rose (Must Equip Rose default summoner icon)

Teemo & Cass & Singed & Twitch

  • Iconic poison buddies

Elemental Buddies

Credit to u/Blue_5ive


  • Always a cute botlane with these two fellas



  • who doesnt love the ferret's 1v5 at 40 min to win the game


  • always a strong starting laner


  • Vanilla ice ice baby - But seriously, toss some q's and that scary hand ftw.


Credit to u/PaleMarionette

Shaco & Teemo & Maokai or even a sneaky heimerdonger u/pigeonfacts suggests heimerdonger

  • double explosions in the bush for free kills in fountain

Spooky People

Credit to u/Mordurgod

Morde & Swain

  • "the spooky claw of death."

The we want to see the world burn

Credit to u/nedder123

Brannie (Brand & Annie)

  • Literally wants to see the world burn

Taliyah & Pantheon

  • Want to slaughter early game? mid game? and late game? this is your pick

Credit to u/Tempting-but-no

Zed & Azir

  • This seems so scary i dont want to even face it.

Credit to u/joker_Maroo

Tahm & Morde

  • i don't want to know what happens in a duo lane against this combo

Credit to u/zoomoth

Rumble & Yuumi

  • "fun killing people under tower from safety with yummy q's and Rumble ult."

Credit to u//amd098

Xin & Talon

  • "Tilted a twitch raka lane and they afked."

Credit to u/Oeshikito

Voli & Quinn

  • "Undodgeable CC and both of them have very strong early game. Quinn is someone you rarely see bot so you can catch em out by surprise with the burst she does. Another one was quinn/pyke last year when they were both meta. Win your lane (which wasnt very hard because quinn was one of the strongest adcs at the time) and then you both roam with your amazing MS and assassin like burst. It still works just not as good. She can chain cc well with pyke too."

Speed Demon

Credit to u/emanegro

Morde & Zilean

  • "morde coming at you at mach 5 is terrifying"

Under the Sea

Yuumi & Twitch/Evelynn/Shaco/(anyone with long invis)

  • They'll Never See it Coming

Detailed Morgana & Yuumi Combo

Credit to u/beepboopbeep01

  • "My GF and I have been playing a lot of Morgana + Yuumi recently. By rushing level 3 W on morgana you quickly get push priority in lane in most cases. A good yuumi can put down really oppressive poke. Taking TP let's us both do a quick buy early on to get lane priority (and grab frostfang on yuumi for more income). And you're both safe from CC as you only have to black shield yourself as yuumi is sat on you most of the time. So getting to level 6 is okay in most match ups. Then you hit level 6 and it gets toxic as hell. Yuumi Q sets up easy morg Qs via the slow. A single morg Q easily chains into yuumi R and then Morgana E for like 5 seconds straight of CC. Once Morg has stopwatch or zhonya you can pull the combo off with basically maximum dps (yuumi can still cast) from perfect safety. We regularly get picks in lane without losing more than 30% of morgs health (mid gold). Then late game; yuumi should have a fully stacked mejais and you should both be running ludens + rabadons. Yuumis W passive pumps out a dumb amount of bonus AP to both of you. You'll be regularly 2 shotting carries with morg Q + yuumi Q. They basically can't safely seige you or baron dance against you unless they have really good engage. And even then, a quick reaction black shield into both Rs and zhonyas is a terrifying disengage. Wondering about yuumi taking dark harvest instead of aery, just to increase the potential of the level 6 all in."

Dishonourable Mentions

Credit to u/yesdraek "Fiddlesticks"

  • Fiddle = mean bean 101

If you made it this far, hopefully this list helps you out, Thanks to everyone for suggesting so many combos to try out!

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over 5 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

Drakos and I appreciate your research.

over 5 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

Originally posted by Cottonking

miss your streams ender! hope you're doing gucci

Hey!! I actually started streaming again recently but had to take a break for rift rivals. Will be back soon!