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Just think about it. It would be so much better for everyone. I mean top lane's f*cking useless anyways so let's just stop giving top laners the illusion of impact.

And let's be honest everyone who plays top just wants to duke it out with the other guy. This way it's just a pure 1v1. No pesky junglers coming to double team your ass. No annoying towers for the enemy to cower behind. Just a pure 1v1.

And then after the game for the other 4 players is over just give the dude on the winning team the lp and go on. If you really want to try to at least regulate how fast you climb give a 20% increase/decrease to the winner/loser.

I mean why go on pretending when we can just be upfront about it?

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

This already happens, you just have to pick Morde and press R