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In advance sry for this english I am from Germany

I'm 50 y old and started playing League of Legends six months ago. I've learned a lot of stuff from another player and this helps a lot for understanding the whole game

I am currently playing Toplane with Nasus, Skarner and Garen but at this moment only Nasus. Until now against bots (intermediate)
It has unfortunately become boring and I would like to play against real players and
I'm a bit afraid of it but I want a challenge

Do you have any tips and tricks for me on what I should pay attention at the beginning as a beginner?
Of course I know that my reaction time is not the best but I enjoy the game and would like to try it

by the way my gamertag "Schwarzbunte" is a northern German slang for a cow. It comes from agriculture. Nothing racist :D

Thats it, I hope you all have a good day

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about 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Welcome to League! If you can find 4 other people that love the game the way you do, playing as 5 in League is one of the best experiences you can have, in any game ever. (I swear I’m not biased.)

My best advice is to just enjoy the game for what it is that you love about it and not try to rush anything because someone else tells you to. The game is beautiful for all types of players no matter where they live, who they are, or how they like to play.

I’m excited for your journey. It will surely be a long and sensational one.