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What was the reason of covering up the new models of the girls?
Do Consoles/mobiles have so much stricter laws that they can't show tummies or thighs?
Is it because of strticter laws in other countries (even though they were okay with showing the original designs before)?
Or is it just more of the recent "visible female skin=bad" trend in gaming?

Disclaimer: this post is not about the Wild Rift models looking bad, they all look pretty good. I just found some of the changes with the female characters unreasoned.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/ThuggInUggs - Direct link

Hey - I am the researcher on WR and hopefully I can shed a little light on this.

We did a ton of research talking to players, and at the end of the day, we think these models are going to be a big improvement, while still staying true to our Champions.

One of the things that we spent a lot of time really talking through is figuring out what exactly it means to be attractive, sexy, beautiful, etc and how things like exposure fit into those definitions. A lot of times these words are used interchangeably, so we really wanted to clarify what all these things mean, both to us as designers, artists, researchers, etc as well as to our players.

Attractive and sexy are things that players like - there will always be room for niche characters and non-traditional ideas of beauty, but for the most part attractive and sexy is something that players like in their characters. When you look at the new model of Janna for instance, she is beautiful and attractive. When players talked about the old splash, a lot players felt that her outfit didn't really make sense for her character. The issue wasn't the exposure, it was the fact that it didn't make sense for her and her power fantasy. An easy way to think about it, is would Janna "The Storm's Fury" rock the outfit in her original splash when she was waking up for a day of battling on summoners rift? To most of the players we talked to, that felt like a stretch.

When you look at another champion like Ahri for instance, things are almost unchanged outside of updated textures and small tweaks. Her outfit looks like something that she herself would choose when going into battle, which makes the entire package feel good to players.

That is the core of what we were going for with the new models - our art team wanted to make Champions that kicked ass and felt like they themselves were a part of Runeterra, rather than a character we drew, dressed, and posed.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ThuggInUggs - Direct link

Originally posted by Gadolt

Thanks for you insight on that, I really like how much love and thought is going into the game. I am absolutely looking forward to it after watching the new /Dev Diary.

Happy cake day :)

Ultimately all the credit goes to the art team. They did an amazing job and I think we have truly best in class artists working on Wild Rift.

As a researcher I talked to players and synthesized that feedback, but the artists did some amazing work, both in vision setting and execution, and definitely poured their hearts into this game.