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So the description of PtA says 'Hitting an enemy champion with 3 basic attacks'.

Sylas passive say 'Store a stack of Petricite Burst Sylas' basic attacks with expend a stack'

So why do I not apply a stack of Press the Attack to a champion if I have Sylas passive stacks on?

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about 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by decl_n

Do you think it is intentional or just something overlooked? Miss Fortunes Q for example is also an ability that applies on hit effects and I think it does apply PtA?

I'm not sure on this specific interaction, but the interaction where Petricite Burst doesn't kill summoned minions (Yorick Ghouls, Zyra Plants) in one hit is a bug and will be fixed.

about 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by decl_n

Thanks for your reply!

I'm just the messenger :) I fed this back to our team after I laned against my first Zyra mid in several years on Sylas. That was a painful experience.