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A follow up from the previous post

Riot Scruffy Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.8.

10.8 Patch Preview with changes.

Not 100% final, but almost done.

>>> Systems <<<

Jungle Personal Power

  • Jungle camp XP increased by 10% at level 9+

  • Jungle item's sustain increased by 50% when below 30% max HP

  • Early game Homeguard on death: 50% movement speed decaying over 5 seconds

  • Shared Kill XP reduced by 20% (lvl 1-6); reduced by 10% (lvl 7-8)

  • Solo Kill XP increased by 20% (lvl 1-6); increased by 10% (lvl 7-8)

>>> Nerfs <<<



  • Base damage: 90-210 >>> 80-180

Master Yi


  • Attackspeed: 30-80% >>> 25-65%


  • Stat level up 3-18% bonus armor pen >>> 2-12 lethality

  • Q abilities scale up at champ levels 1-9 >>> 1-13 (lvl 13 is the same power as old lvl 9)



  • Spawn rate on minions Senna doesn't kill 25% >>> 22%



  • Cooldown 110-70 >>> 130-70


Base stats

  • Base Armor: 23 >>>21


  • Slow: 25-45% >>> 10-42%

>>> Buffs <<<



  • Damage: 25-205 (+0.7tAD) >>> 25-225 (+0.8tAD)


  • Cooldown: 120-70 >>> 100-70


  • Bugfix: Now properly gets movement speed on dash



  • Damage: 25-35 >>> 30-50 (per spike)


Base stats

  • Base Mana: 375 >>> 425


  • Mana cost: 60-80 >>> 45-65



  • Damage falloff per feather hit: 10 >>> 5%



  • AD ratio: 50-130 >>> 50-170%



  • Attack Speed: 20-40% >>> 20-60%


Base stats

  • Health: 570.48 >>> 575

  • Attack Damage: 55.04 >>> 56


  • Movement Speed when consuming 2 runes: 20-40 >>> 28-44%



  • Speed and slow amount: 20-40 >>> 30-50%


  • AP ratio: 0.4 >>> 0.5
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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Heavy-Virus

Yeah I don't know why anyone would take a ranged mage now

This has been the case for aeons already. Assassins just keep getting buffed directly or indirectly and nothing is done about it. If you play safe, they roam and come back with a double kill and the lane is effectively over. If you play aggressive, the odds are stacked in their favor and good f**king luck trying to survive a gank as an immobile squishy mage. If you go for plates when they roam, they can simply wait in the bushes or beside them and make passionate non-consensual butt love with you while you're trying to take plates or you get destroyed in a second by assassin junglers just the same. And it they actually go bot, you better ping a billion times and write in all caps begging your bot lane to hug their turret because sometimes not even that is gonna save them, so you proceed to get flame nonstop that you didn't follow Katarina as Orianna lmao.

I like playing mages because I'm not a meta slave and I choose my characters based on their looks, playstyle and how cool I think they are since I like witches and that kind of stuff a lot. So here I am playing Lissandra while getting skullf**ked by Diana and her flock not being able to outpush them, outrade them, follow their roams or take them down without jungle help. But hey, at least she looks cool when she dies and turns into a statue that rapidly disintegrates and her B with the Coven skin makes some cool looking flowers on the ground and stuff, so there's that. Then I alt tab to reddit to read the hourly "mages are so Op omg" thread made by a Darius flair because Ryze dared approach 46% win rate and pros can make Syndra work well in competitive. So by the time you're finished reading them talking about how broken Zhonya's is because you can activate it and aggressively T-pose beside Katarina while she patiently waits for it to run out while flashing her mastery 7 with no cooldown before instakilling you and flaming you in /all, the grey screen is probably about to end and you're already back to business!

The Zhonyas is broken circlejerk is by far the worst. The item is very situational and only really worth building against AD assassins but somehow people act like it's some 100% necessary buy every game.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

You shouldn't care what the average player "feels" is good (which is where pickrate and banrate comes from).

And Kassadin is picked a lot more often in pro play. Almost like he's really strong...