For history sake:
S1 - Nunu (96,4%), Alistar (89,3%), Rumble (82,1%)
S2 - Ezreal (90,3%), Jayce (83,9%), Shen (77,4%)
S3 - Zed (100%), Shen (96,8%), Corki (93,7%)
S4 - Alistar (100%), Zilean (96,2%), Lee Sin and Maokai (92,3%)
S5 - Gangplank (100%), Mordekaiser (98,6%), Elise (97,3%)
S6 - Nidalee (100%), Syndra (97,4%), Olaf (76,6%)
S7 (main event only) - Kalista (100%), Sejuani and Jarvan (98,8%), Janna (95%)
S8 (main event only) - Aatrox (98,7%), Alistar (97,4%), Urgot (94,8%)
My predictions:
Kai'Sa - only meta adc that didn't get any nerfs recently
Fiora - why the hell you can Q turrets?
Lee Sin - early game meta, Sejuani and Gragas nerfed... time for blind monk
Sylas - they need to remove his ult stealing to completely remove him from game
Qiyana - 0 nerfs, really?
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