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wich is the best support char for a beginner? is morgana or lux a good choice and wich items should i buy first?

appreciate help a lot

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about 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by deathwindgames: any tips on how to improve in the game (i know i have nearly 200 hours but this is still my first season)

Welcome to Siege! I might have a few tips for you :) First off: check out R6Academy. [r6academy.ubi.com] It's where you can go to find tips for beginners or players looking to increase their skill. Also, Siege is even more fun when you have a squad to play with, so we have an official Discord [discord.gg] for just that! No matter whether you're ranked or not, there are people there playing around the clock! You'd be able to find a squad to play with in no time :)
about 7 hours ago - /u/RiotKDan - Direct link

I think you can start with Morgana. When I first started playing League, I found Morgana to be very beginner friendly to me. Super reliable damage with her W, if you can learn to land your Q's! I think playing Morg is one of the best ways to learn about predicting where your projectiles are going to be - which will help with other champions as you learn more. When you do well - a single Q from Morgana can sometimes catch a really high priority target and decide the rest of the fight. If you like safety and like being able to support your team, Morgana is the way to go.

Lux is slightly harder - reason why is because you need to weave in Auto Attacks in between your spells, causing you to position a little bit more aggressively if you want to get the most out of her kit. Also chaining your spells E -> Q -> R and weaving autos in between can be a bit more challenging. So, if you find yourself wanting to play a bit more aggressively and focus on dealing damage, Lux is the way to go.

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