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ARAM received some adjustments not too long ago by nerfing/buffing specific champions (for example ziggs: damage dealt reduced to 85% and damage taken increased to 108%).

I personally think this is a good idea, however there is no information about this during champion "selection" so you'd have to know the changes by heart or use an online list (or similar).

I would like to see a little flag (or something) wich shows the changes when hovered.

What are your thoughts about this?

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

This is a cool idea, but I wonder: If we were able to get the ARAM adjustments to the point where every champion had a 50% win rate, would seeing how we got there still matter?

Or, to phrase things the other way around: Would it make sense to put a similar flag on SR queues that shows all the balance changes to a champion that have happened in the last, say, 5 patches?

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Hekbeckser

I think there are a lot more people checking the statistics for SR and the players take better note of what changes are made to the "main" game.

Showing the ARAM specific changes could negativly impact the choices of those players who very rarely play ARAM and have only little understanding of the ARAM specific strategies and playstyles. However people who play ARAM a little more but don't keep the ARAM changes in mind can benefit from that.

Getting more direct now: Assuming every champion had a 50% win rate due to some changes to damage dealt or similar. Let's say a Sona main would decide to stick to the champ in ARAM and then get into game. This player would be confused because the champion deals significantly less damage and takes significantly more damage than usual. Therefore I believe it would still be important.

Having it the other way around would be quite a help for people who don't regularly read the patch notes or returning players. I think it could be useful.

To be more specific about the flag: I imagine a little icon next to the reroll/lock in button that shows the information when clicked on or hovered.

Thank you for your response and input. I never thought about turning this idea the over way around.

My suspicion is that providing ARAM-specific balance information would slightly push people away from champions that have been nerfed, and towards champions that have been buffed. After all, the game is telling you "This champion is better than usual," which seems like it might be able to change some people's minds. That's likely a good thing for ARAM (more diversity, fewer poke mages & supertanks), but I'm not actually certain how strong that effect would be.