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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

They are better, but still feel borring on champions I play.

Which champs do you play? Let's talk about the Eternals you don't like :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by unforgivableasian

No one cares about how many thresh walls are broken. I think dashes flayed is a better choice.

Great suggestion. Appreciate the feedback. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Dark-Dragon

Adding my response from the forums here as well for reasons

These already sound way better than the initially proposed ones. Going over a few champions:

Bard: all solid, I'd love to see something interesting done with R, but might be tough to nail that one even if coding for the actual detection wasn't a problem

Blitzcrank: 1 and 2 are solid, 3 isn't as exciting, even in the fully rekindled version imho

Evelynn: I only like 1 here, 3 is 'okay' while I'd say 2 is the most lacking here. Suggestion: Isolated targets taken out. Since Evelynn is often about catching people off guard in their rotation it would be fitting to have a tracker for that imho.

Ezreal: solid, not 100% certain on 2 but I think it's alright

Gnar: solid, future one could include something like initiations through a double bounce transform

Graves: 2 doesn't sound all that exciting, don't exactly have a good suggestion for him though

Ivern: I especially like 2 here, 1 and 3 are also alright

Janna: I especially like 3 here, 1 is probably the weakest, but still alright

Jhin: I'm alright with the selection here. Future suggestion would be for 'perfect' bouncing grenades, where each bounce kills the target

Kindred: happy to see my suggestions from reddit make it in here, especially 3 should really feel good for kindred players! Nice!

Lee Sin: I'm undecided here, not a champion i play much, but 2 seems rather weak, while I think 3 is pretty good. Torn about 1, it might actually be happening too often. How about we get a neutral objective stolen counter for him in the future?

Lucian: Overall the weakest one from the ones i reviewed. 1 and 2 are 'okay' but far from exciting, 3 is kinda lame

Lulu: I like them, damage absorbed will be fun to accumulate

Malphite: overall happy with those, I think 1 could be even better if it somehow was able to track how many team fights you won with R initiations, probably wonky to detect though

Nami: 1 and 2 are solid, 3 I'd say will probably be the least exciting. I could see amount of 3 times bouncing Ws be more interesting

Neeko: I'd love to see more of the trickster aspect of her be in the spotlight here, how about counting key abilities wasted on her clone? key abilities could be ultimates or hard cc spells.

Pyke: solid, but i'd also like to see something with his hook.

Rakan: solid, but I don't think he needs multiple 'you hit 2 or more with cc' trackers.

Reksai: not that strong in my opinion, I think 1 and 2 could be combined into a single tracker, tracking targets sniped with a mark from Q and the R execution. Tunnels taken I'm undecided about

Taliyah: solid, for the future I'd also like to see amount of champions who cowered in fear next to your wall tracker

Thresh: solid, but he could have the thing ivern does as well, where it counts the kills within a short time after landing his DEATH SENTENCE. Total souls collected wouldn't be too bad either, at least for the high score chasing after fully rekindling

Vel Koz: solid, for the future I'd also want a 3 champions hit with 1 q tracker or a tracker specifically counting max range hits with Q (basically the ones that were only possible due to firing q at an angle, quick geometry!)

Vayne: Not really commenting on vayne directly, but the skill shots dodged with Q would be quite interesting for other champs with dashes as well

Warwick: solid, but we definitely also need a counter for Qs that enabled warwick to dash/blink/teleport alonside his target

Yasuo: good balance, another suggestion would be combos of multiple chain dashes... or maybe not, I'm not too deep into yasuo

Yuumi: really like it, another suggestion I have would be projectiles caught within a split second of un-attaching from allies. It's one of the more skillful things to do as yuumi, I love being full health and intentionally absorbing an ashe arrow so my team mate can keep dealing damage and then safely re-attaching to them works with ezreal qs as well and never fails to feel really accomplishing

Zed: really solid 1 and 2, number 3 isn't as exciting. Maybe something with switching around his shadows? dodging spells or successful disengages with it? might also be wonky to detect, but hey it's a suggestion.

And that's about all I have time to comment on right now. Again I'm really happy to see the added effort to make them feel more unique, the first iteration seemed like it lacked a lot of personality.

Thanks Dark-dragon this kind of feedback is super helpful. Really appreciate you taking the time to think about all of these champions and write up your thoughts. Have forwarded this to Xenogenic and we’ll definitely be reviewing these. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

In regards to the zed’s number 3

A potential change to zed’s number 3 should be Shadow related. I think total swaps with shadows would be a poor way of tracking this because it doesn’t require any interaction with other champions or any skill at all. Unless it’s somehow possible to acutely track skill shots dodged with w and r (sounds like a coding nightmare) then I would recommend the following:

PROPOSED CHANGE: replace “total time slowed with e” with ”W cd reduced with E.”

REASONING: this would accomplish two things. 1. It fixes the issue of the current third tracker feeling weird, out of place, and over all not fitting the champions theme at all. Aggressive assassins like zed should track stats like ult kills and tripple q’s, not crowd control. 2. It would allow one of zeds trackers to be directly related to the w, the champions defining ability, while also allowing all 4 (instead of just 3) of his ability’s to influence and be affected in the tracker

SIDE NOTE: maybe change zeds ult kills tracker to count kills while the ult is applied to them IF zed is the one who kills them, similar to when zed would reap ad minus the ally kills. You could also allow a small timer after the ult pops so if ignite kills it will still count, this happens more than you’d think.

I hope you take my ideas into consideration and thanks for your time! :)

This is great feedback. Have shared this with Xenogenic as well and will look at this feedback as we do a pass over Zed.

Love the thought you’ve put into it and your explanation around what’s important to you as a Zed player is super helpful.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

No problem, i just want whats best for him.

Update: i just talked with my friends and read through all of the eternals, i wasn't aware yi and vlad had skill shots dodged. I figured there was no way to do that properly without a headache. So knowing that its possible now, i think it would work amazing on zed as skillshots dodged with r. If you or Xenogenic disagree then my old suggestion still stands.

Also, not sure if I explained it well in my last post. It's super super important to make sure that the ult kill counter will still be increased if zed kills the person being ulted. Its extremely common to ult someone whos lower hp to for example, save your flash when you have no w, then just e auto and kill. If it doesnt count when zed kills with mark on them people will have way way less counted kills then they should.

I see now that having the small timer after was probably a little too much, but i think i should be at least a little, maybe .25, just for the case of electrocute finishing them.

Side note: i have just over 1m mastery score and around 1800 games on the champ so im passionate lol

anyways, hope i've helped out and thanks for the kind words! let me know if theres anything else zed related you need player advice for

Thank you for the suggestion. I've made that swap to " Total W cooldown reduction from E hits on champions." I'll post an update with all of the changes soon - hopefully tomorrow. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

Thanks man! It feels great to know I have an impact on the champ I love :) My friends all think it was just a funny coincidence you changed it, regardless of if i got it changed or not, thanks for listening to the fans! :)

You can tell your friends I specifically made that change because you requested it and articulated your reasoning very well, and we agreed. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

Sorry to be so insistent here, but I just read though the changes post and didn’t see the zed changes. Was this just an error or are they not changed? Thanks again

Yeah, missed it on my list. Slow duration from E is replaced with the W Eternal we talked about