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All 3 lanes were losing and me the lee sin had to stall all game as the only fed one to get my kass to lvl 16 cause he scaled.

Gank by gank I killed the enemy but more and more towers fell as time passed and I hit the point where I fell off in late game.

That was when my kass said that it was okay to cry now, and that I did well. I saw him finish his death cap and proceeded to beat the sh*t outa the enemy team 1 v 3 fights.

I'll take care of things now he tells me. You've been strong all game, it's my turn to be strong for you.

I did bawl my ass off irl. I was so exhausted and tired cause it was my promos being everywhere at once.

The enemy team diana just all chatted "kass op fk dis game". The audacity can you believe them, a damn diana was complaining lmao, we worked hard for this sh*t and they fail to realise.

And now I see this laner i raised as a jgler actually pull through is like watching my kid head off yo.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNyanbun - Direct link

Very wholesome story. Thanks for sharing.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNyanbun - Direct link

Originally posted by MissMattel

Ayeee you were just in my game as Ashe. Crazy coincidence

Aye I’m sorry we lost that one. Hate Swain support :p