For reference here's the possible change next patch
Smite Nerf - Now deals 20 - 160 damage to pets instead of regular damage
I fully understand why the damage to pets is getting reduced but this seems like going both too far AND not far enough at the same time. If the goal was to stop people from smiting pets then why not just make pets untargetable to smite?
With the current change all it does it make it possible to waste smite by accidently clicking on the giant pet next to a champion. Dealing roughly 100 damage to pets with upwards of 2000-3000 hp is quite literally just a waste so....why even give players the option to fail.
It just feels like if your going to gut the damage of something by 90% why not just get rid of it. I saw someone else give this example but imagine if they said "thornmail deals 1 damage to minions" or "Ignite reduces healing by 2%". It just doesn't make sense to gut something THAT far and then leave it in the game.
TL:DR If the damage dealt is gonna be pointless just make pets untargetable to smite.
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