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The release of Yuumi imho proved some point:

1 People don't read mid-patch hotfixes. Yeah she was buffed, but not everyone knows it.

2 People think that support is a braindead role, and it's not. The fact that a lot af people think that Yuumi is useless is due to the fact that people tried her but had no clue how to really play support, leading to a big loss.

3 Since Yuumi is very dependant on the adc decision making, people prefer to blame Yuumi instead of watching their mistake (For example it happened to me that I hovered Yuumi champion select, the adc banned him and he played very bad and still blamed the team).

4 People still think that Yuumi is useless even if you can end the game with the same damage of a top and jungler while healing A LOT and shielding while being untargettable (in the right hands she's pretty broken).

What do you think?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

Originally posted by tankmanlol

A lot of the comments here even prove the point. People are so bad at yuumi they don't even realize how bad they are.

https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Auberaun Auberaun, one of the yuumi playtesters, is 22-2 on the champion. No flame here, but Auberaun is not that insane of a player. The champ is just good if you know how to play her, which most people don't. Because they don't even know how suboptimally they play it.

Yeah he's not that insane of a player, can confirm

almost 6 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by IamRiotNovalas

Honestly, agree. Auberaun is really just a meta abuser tbh.

thx d00d

almost 6 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by XXXVI

Cut Down as rune choice is very interesting. Why do you prefer it over stuff like Revitalize or Shield Bash?

Cut Down's damage output is very good, particularly because Yuumi's low base HP means that it'll almost always be active. In lane it goes even with Scorch for damage, and then after laning phase it can contribute 3-4x the amount of damage.

Shield Bash/Revitalize is also a good combo, but I find that Shield Bash in particular falls off really hard after laning phase because the infrequent procs you get in teamfights don't actually. Revitalize stays very strong throughout the game though!