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almost 5 years ago - /u/EndlessPillows - Direct link

Originally posted by strangeshit

Still waiting on The Fast 4, Jhin vs Blood Moon Jhin

The Fast 4 will be the best one.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Bluelore

Kinda sad that they confirm that they'll be focusing on new champs for the rest of the year. I mean they hinted at it in the previous video, but this time they did say that this is their plan for the rest of the year.

2 VGUs for the whole year is really not a lot, I hope they return to making more in the next one :(

It's unlikely we will get to a place where we are doing lots of VGUs again. It's possible of course, if suddenly we reach a point where we have a giant list of champs in need of VGUs, like we did a couple years ago. The reason we started reducing VGUs is that we got to a point where the VGU list wasn't that long, and the Champs on the list don't need it as bad. We think VGU's are a exciting product that many players also find exciting and we don't want to get to a point where we basically "Catch up" on all the champs that need VGUs and basically stop doing them. At the pace we were going in the past we would have reached that point fairly quickly and then that would kind of be the end of VGUs. We have decided instead to reduce the pace of VGUs so that we still release them, but we don't catch up. At the current pace I predict we may not ever reach the end of the list, since overtime new champs will probably find there way on to the list. This way there will always be VGUs to look forward to.

almost 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link

Originally posted by C00kiz

I hope Bald Guy is okay.

it's okay guys, joe injected himself with lysol this morning so he's doing great thisisajokedonotdothat

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Would you consider expanding VGU polls to include more than 5 champions then? It feels weird to see it being so "limited" while there still being so many champs need some reworks *looks at Kog, Corki, Udyr who are not even considered for polling*

The poll is not meant to encompass every champ that needs a VGU, and we won't only do VGUs for champs that win polls. We currently have a unannounced VGU in early development right now, for example. Like If Voli and Fiddle weren't basically tied in the last poll, we still would have done another VGU this year, independent of the poll.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Bluelore

Thanks for the response, though personally I feel like you could lower the bar for which champions are considered to be in heavy need for a VGU. I mean champion quality skyrocketed towards the end of season 2 and a lot of champs aren't up to that standard yet.
So at least to me it feels like there are still tons of champs that could use an update, even if its not as dire as the previous cases.

We could, but VGUs come with the cost, and Champs that are in better shape have much higher player bases. With higher player bases there is a higher risk of alienating more players with a VGU, especially since its basically impossible to make 100% of the current mains happy with a VGU. As Champions begin to fall further behind new champ standards, and new champs come out taking away some of the mains of older champs, than the older champs that need VGUs player base begin to shrink. The smaller a Champs player base when it gets a VGU the less player pain and player disruption the VGU release causes. We have to factor all this into our VGU strategy.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ProfMcPants

Will you be talking about the unannounced VGU in the upcoming Champion Roadmap?

I mean, it's obviously very early so I wouldn't expect anything more than a few teaserish words on it if you did.

BTW, I'm really excited that we're getting a VGU outside of the poll! Thank you!

yes I will be talking about it in the roadmap

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Thanks for the reply! Will this champ not be featured in the upcoming poll then?

No, we wouldn't put a champ in the poll that we are already working on

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RemainTheSame

But that unannounced VGU is aiming for 2021?


almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RayFrost

Can you answer if the release date for the two new champions changed with the Covid situation? Or is still the same

So far we have not had to alter the release dates of any of our Champions. This could always change as time goes on, but so far it hasn't

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by IoniaHasNoInternet

When is the next roadmap sorry to be annoying Im just so excited!!!

Should be shortly after Voli hits live servers

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Boy666lol

Is there an Release Date for the Roadmap yet ?

Should be shortly after Voli hits live servers

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ProfMcPants

Probably not revealed, but I'm sure we'll get more teasers for them.

The roadmap will go over those 2 new champs as well as another new champ we haven’t talked about yet

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by kishijevistos

Yeah where is he?

New001 is very much around. He runs the group that oversees League PC, TFT, and Wild Rift. So you’ll see plenty of Joe but we also want to make sure you see badasses like Jess too.