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Just like in thread name, if the last week from the pass is not full 7 days, then the one before it gave more tokens to make up for it (night and dawn 2019 was about 340 tokens, more or less), we are still roughly 12~ days (almost 2 weeks) before end of the event, yet the "last" week (week 4) gives us only 200 tokens, what about the last 5 days of event? Besides token earnings from playing game, we also get less from mission now? Why there is such a stealth nerf to it again?

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EDIT: Reported bug on megathread, it is very likely to be a bug, so I assume they will change a reward or add an additional mission (play 1 game or w/e) to give us 140 tokens more

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Hey folks - we're going to be delivering a mission to grant 140 tokens with an objective of "Play 1 game." We don't want to swap out the existing mission because that would cause players to lose progress, so adding another mission to grant the extra tokens is the best approach.

Sorry for the headache in the meantime. We're grateful for your feedback and patience during this bumpy transition from working in our HQ to working from home. Unfortunately, some things slipped through the cracks, but we appreciate the hell out of you and are working aggressively to fix these issues.

The 140 token mission should be live sometime next week.