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In the roadmap Riot said that: "Since 2018, we’ve updated 12 champions, and we feel like we’ve gotten through most of the champs in critical need of a VGU."

This statement is surprising and disappointing. There are still tons of champions that desperately need some help. Skarner's pickrate is so low he doesn't even have data on op.gg . Udyr's been missing features and has been so forgotten it's not even funny. Kog'Maw doesn't see play at all unless Lulu is meta and his role as a hybrid damage hypercarry has been completely overshadowed by Kai'Sa, and that's only 3 champions. There's still Shyvana, Ziggs (who?), Corki, Aurelion Sol, Malphite, Taliyah, and Tahm Kench that all either have almost no play rate, binary boring kits that feel outdated and lack identity, or unhealthy or unfun gameplay that needs to be addressed and reworked somewhat (ASol, Taliyah and Tahm fit in here).

I love new champions. They're very exciting and build hype when they come into the game, but it's disheartening that so many champions just get left in the dust and forgotten because Riot doesn't think it's worth it. Even something small like Ezreal's update would do so much to revive a lot of the older forgotten champions.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

We were discussing a major gameplay update to Malphite a few years ago, but when we looked into it we found that he's an INCREDIBLY popular champ worldwide (upper quarter of the roster). In China he's top 10 for popularity. IMO he could use a visual update for sure, but there's a reason the most recent changes to his gameplay were pretty minimal. A lot of players love what's already there.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hudre

Udyr will be the last champion to get an update.

Riot has stated in the past he is by far the most expensive champ to develop, since his form changes mean every skin requires the work of 4 skins.

That means a VGU, if you count the base skin rework and leave spirit guard the same, is the equivalent of 16 skins.

An Udyr rework then needs to sell 4 times as many skins to be deemed a success against any other rework financially. There are very little reasons for Riot to do this in a business sense, since they could never guarantee that kind of success.

It is unfortunate but true.

While it's true Udyr would be expensive, that doesn't mean we wont ever VGU him. We still discuss him a lot when we discuss VGU candidates. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up on the next VGU poll

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zombie_Darius

What about Skarner ? His pick rate is literally the lowest for like 20 patches now.

He is up there as well, he very likely could end up on the next voting poll

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by SomeMockodile

Do you guys have a shortlist of tier 1 candidates you guys are talking about for the poll? I know you guys internally talk about shyvana and nocturne being back on the poll, but who else are potential candidates? Is Shaco still a tier 1 candidate after his gameplay rework?

Champs I have been thinking about for the poll have been Skarner, Shyv, Nocturne, Rammus, Udyr, Quinn, Shaco, Trynd, Cho'Gath. Not sure who will make the cut yet

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by MrZombiemod

In light of what August said in this thread as well, will other champions who are in need of Visual updates, or Light reworks like Morgana and Ezreal be considered in the future, not for the poll. Like Malphite, Jax, Janna, and Lulu?

It's something we talk about a lot. We are still interested in doing them, though we aren't currently working on them.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Will it be 5 choice again?

Most likely

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Erablier

I don't think Shyvana should be on the list, not because she doesn't need it but because it's already known people want her (3rd overall and 1st in China on the previous poll), so if it's only one champion from the vote to be chosen, then it could very well be a one-sided choice. At that point you might as well skip the vote and just work on her.

idk I think other champs could still beat her

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Dragonequis

There was a Volibear update post where Riot considered a passive that converted all cc inflicted on him into into slows, which was called "surprisingly fair." Would you ever consider putting that on Skarner?

It's a interesting mechanic for sure, I think it could work for a Champ at some point in the future for sure, not sure if that would be Skarner or not

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Salturbone

Please consider picking all of them for rework schedule :(

Well Champs on the list will still be candidates for VGUs, I mean we are doing Mundo who was on the list last time. The Poll is more for players to vote on who gets one first

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

In general what factors do you consider when prioritizing which champs you want to make as potential candidates for VGUs

Art quality, thematic quality, game play quality, player request (Which we get from regular surveys we send out asking players what champs they think most need VGUs) Potential of theme (How resonate a Champion could be with a VGU)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Sandalman3000

Do you consider the lore vs in game connection?

Such as lorewise/thematically Nocturne is a nightmare incarnate but in game only his ultimate really gives us that feeling. Well Rammus' lore did come much later, his lore I feel connects with his gameplay. Its a low bar but he does hit it.

Yeah that would fall under thematic quality