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Stats i use are from U.GG which some rioters have said to best reflect their internal data, but its not like Ornn is looking much better in other stats sites.

Ornn was way too team dependent before his rework which made it impossible to balance him for both soloQ and pro play. He was meta in pro while being completely unplayable in soloQ with 45% WR and his current situation is way too close to that.

The rework helped him in some ways like giving lategame damage which is a lot more valuable in soloQ but it also took a huge step backwards by putting more power to the items he gives allies for free.

Taking power directly away from him and making him instead inflate ally stats was a huge mistake as the champion was already way too supportive. Ornn needs massive soloQ buffs that wont break him in pro play and its really hard to do when he has a mechanic that literally takes power from him and donates it to carries, a transfer that is more powerful with a coordinated team.

Tanks are inherently supportive and stronger in pro play and having one also directly lose power to give to others is just way too much. Ornn needs to be less useful to his team and stronger alone if he ever wishes to not be a troll pick in soloQ. Its not like he is some super mechanical champion that can be even remotely balanced with close to 45% winrate.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

He's actually at around 48% in our data, but I agree he's too weak right now and am pushing for a buff for him. The point of the changes were to make it possible for us to actually buff him, which in my mind were a success because he's actually in a state where we CAN.

I never expected the balance to be perfect immediately after the changes, in fact I was surprised at how much we gained from them by themselves, but he's shifted down a bit over time.

Imo often people are too quick to conflate a champion literally just being underpowered with having some severe design problem. If we can get him a 2-3% buff he's going to feel a lot better, and hopefully not be at 100% pro presence again.

Edit just to add, before the changes he was sitting at around 44%, but was unbuffable because of his pro presence.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by Thorgraam

Hey Squad5, nice to see you dropping in here. Let me say that i absolutely love the concept of Ornn as i've longed for a blacksmith champ in LoL.

I don't play him that much now, but what do you think of the thematic changes of the rework, since he went from safe solo laner, with good dueling power and good teamfight, to bad laner with good teamfight and passive gold bump to allies.

Did you notice any changes to playerbase ? Did the Old Ornn mains stayed or did he gained new mains ? I'm quite curious about that.

I think he became a bit worse in lane than I expected, but he needed that to give us the space to give him power elsewhere. If anything I think we need to buff his early game a bit but leave most of his strength in later stages of the game, which is in line with what tanks probably should be for.

Playerbase is kind of a mix, some new, some returning, some that were playing and still play. It kind of depends what things you liked about Ornn. Losing his lane dominance is only really one aspect of him.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by chosen925

he is already seeing players in pro on current patch, if you buff him again, alone with all the tank buffs latetly, he is gonna be back to picked everygame again.

That's the reason there's hesitation to give him a solid buff. I think it's worth the risk though, considering the work we did to make it possible.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by Coolkipp

What's your opinion on how the aatrox "mini rework" was handled and designed?

It was the first known situation to me of "make champion unplayable in a mechanical and damage sense" in order to give them room to be buffed, essentially reducing the champion in all aspects in order to push it in a certain direction.

These in the past have been targeted at making the champion more accessible to the general populace, but as a result have the effect of hurting their popularity with original players, as making them more accessible inherently must lower the skill level entry point for the champion for it to begin to be picked up at the levels of play with the most dense populations of players (lower elo).

I'm not a fan of this style myself as it negatively impacts higher elo strategies and often removes the strengths associated with the previous higher difficulty of the champion.

I think in the long run a champion being kept weak because of pro strength actually hurts its playerbase more. I do think though that sometimes rough changes need to be made in order to actually solve the problem. The key is having good followup to actually give the champion back power and hopefully feel improvements to make up for it.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by Virkayu

Hi again Squad5! It's me from Twitter/YouTube. Just wanted to give some feedback on recent changes (reminder I talk from a jungle/support only perspective so am sensitive to his top power as a byproduct of any changes that benefit off-roles):

  • W CDR buff: I liked this and it has made putting points in W feel great in tighter situations where 2 seconds really does matter - also really useful over time on clears and rotations. More W/brittle up time = more damage so obviously will feel good.

  • Q/E timer QoL: Used this many times in the past week and the surprise turn around with enemies expect pillar to fall but it doesn't has been fun.

  • Base HP/AR 9.2: Was relatively unnoticed but felt good in early laning phase and jungle clear.

Glad to hear you are thinking of something else but I feel we are very, very close. The 9.6 changes helped and on Twitter, we talked about durability that the shield provided, and now we felt a lack of, and I'm okay with slight damage nerfs in lure of increased durability somewhere (obviously not on W otherwise we return to the original problem), but the increased damage he has these days, particularly on brittle has made me feel a bit more useful in early skirmishes - notable considering the jungle meta around scuttle - and so I fully understand perhaps doing nothing here and adding power elsewhere, where I defer to your expertise.

Shield obviously feels useful in laning phase particularly from support. I feel much stronger in the jungle than I do in support without a shield and don't miss it as much while foresting (cinderhulk buffs also nice). Additional thoughts/questions:

  • How would his 10% resistance passive work with the new idea for the aftershock update where it scales with bonus AR/MR? This could be interesting in terms of his overall power so want to keep that in mind regarding 'windowed durability' with any shield discussion. Also it really feels like a push to get enough gold and levels to get both items upgraded before a game is decided in general but that's gated by my positional choice.

  • Any ideas for more Masterwork items that could help off roles? Support is really restrictive and having, say, a Knight's Vow upgrade would be HUGE for support Ornn considering lack of stats from that position.

  • Can you tease us with any potential ideas you have to slightly increase power to an acceptable level?

Thanks for engaging and helping those who are passionate about being Ornny!

Not entirely sure right now, but I think increasing durability early on is probably the safest route as long as it isn't tied to his trade windows like the W shield was before.

Not promising anything but I think we have space for a buff now that things have settled, and one of the things I'm going to TRY to do is see if I can give him a shield somewhere like a lot of players want. Likely going to test it on the E somewhere first.

I know it can be frustrating, but unfortunately I've needed to let things settle and take time for testing and making sure I'm not going to undo the gains we actually got.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by mumblerlol

Something I’ve been curious about that I was hoping you could share some color on — when champs get hit with the “powerful in coordinated play, weak in solo play” debacle, why isn’t the approach to nerf the part of their kit that causes this. E.g. with Ornn, why not hit his ult range, or with ryze his ult range (or changing his point and click/uber op gank setup [w] to be a projectile or otherwise less consistent somehow).

Is it champion identity?

We might just be disagreeing on what actually is causing the problem. I'm not sure about Ryze, but the feeling for Ornn was the combination of his W's lane dominance plus the R's power. If you remember, the R also was nerfed as a part of his changes (less slow on R1, knockup time reduction for R2).

The short answer is that we do try to target the thing we feel is causing the problem with a strong nerf, and see where we can put power back to compensate. Our track record recently is mixed, obviously, but I think it actually trends toward positive (irelia, akali being examples).

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSquad5 - Direct link

Originally posted by Uniia

Good to know that public data made his situation look worse than it actually is. It's true that its common for people to mistake balance for design. I do think that the rework made steps in the right direction and now agree even with the removal of W shield that I used to hate.

I talked with Repertoir a bit on twitter and linked him a twitlonger of my thoughts as a long time Ornn player. Its more thought out and less emotional and dramatic than this post, so if you are at all interested I'd love for you as his designer to check out the experience of one season 2 veteran who liked Ornn so much that he is now the only champ I'm interested in playing.


I think you have some good points, and I appreciate how much you care about Ornn. I agree that shifting some power around would probably be helpful for him overall - and that he needs more personal power rather than shared power. Any buffs we do are probably going to look like that.