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Ever since the Swain changes a few months ago Swain has turned into a support and it just doesn't seem fitting having the Grand General of Noxus existing to support another character. maybe a revert of that sh*tty rework or a solo lane buff would be nice.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Swain wins significantly more as Top, Mid, or Bot than he does as a support.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Xyltin

Correct but a PR below 1% in top and mid and 4% as a support.

If he would have the same PR In the solo lanes his WR would likely drop by 2% getting him below support.

Using stats out of context is not helpful

No it wouldn't. "It's the mains" has always been a flawed argument to explain why some unpopular champions have high winrates. Depth of play on a champion has nothing to do with how often you see them in game. Some of our most popular champions (Yasuo, Jinx, Riven) also happen to have some of the highest average games played.