Hello, everybody! Here are the design-related changes coming to Nexus Blitz after today's PBE deploy:
Design Changes:
- Inhibitor Respawn Time 2:00 >>> 3:00
- Time Between Events 2:30-3:00 >>> 3:00-3:30
- On Fire healing/shielding penalty 15% >>> 25%
- Target Dummy movement restriction radius 1200 >>> 900
- Spear of Shojin reverted to what it was in the previous run of Nexus Blitz (Flat DR that scales off of bonus AD)
- The cooldown reduction was multiplying too much with On Fire, leading to champions like Jax and Master Yi having their defensive spells up too often
- Boundary of URF Deathmatch and Prize Fight now counts as a wall for the purposes of pathfinding and champion abilities (with the exception of Kayn E)
- Jungle Guardian is now revealed to the unit they are targeting
- Gromp: Armor 0 >>> -10 MR -15 >>> 0
- Krug: Armor 10 >>> 0 MR -15 >>> 0
- Murkwolf: Armor 10 >>> 0
Champion Balance:
- Akali: +5% Damage Dealt & -5% Damage Taken
- Evelynn: +5% Damage Dealt & -5% Damage Taken
- Rek’Sai: +5% Damage Dealt & -5% Damage Taken
- Sett: -5% Damage Dealt & +5% Damage Taken >>> -5% Damage Dealt
- Brand: -5% Damage Dealt
- Kayle: -5% Damage Dealt & +5% Damage Taken
- Maokai: -5% Damage Dealt & +5% Damage Taken
- Sona: -5% Damage Dealt & +5% Damage Taken
Note: Jax and Master Yi are on our watchlist, but since they were the premier Shojin abusers we decided not to nerf them until we see how they adjust.
- Fixed bug where Walking Nexuses always started Sudden Death with full health
- Their starting health should be reduced based on how much of their team’s base has been taken
- Champions are now revived at the beginning of Sudden Death, and are invulnerable during the ceremony cutscene
- The first event in the champion select screen should now be accurate
- Champions should no longer be able to take actions during the end of game ceremony
- Prize Fight and URF Deathmatch no longer clear Skarner crystals, Bard chimes, and the Scuttle shrine from the nearby area
- Order inner and jungle turrets no longer have turret plates
- Trundle will no longer heal from a Push the Cart cart dying nearby
- Ocean Soul tooltips no longer erroneously refer to Mega Ocean Drake
Prize Fight was not properly balancing matchups
Fixed the following spells not working properly with Target Dummy, Loot Teemo, and Loot Veigar: Camille E Karthus R Katarina R Kayn R Kled R Morgana R Nocturne R Rammus Q Sona Q Soraka E Swain P + R Tryndamere W Vi R Yasuo R Redemption
Loot Teemo and Loot Veigar are now properly susceptible to taunt, fear, and charm.
Chaos side reward cannon should now be the correct skin, and no longer clip into the wall or Battle Sled.
Battle Sled should no longer clip into the wall when it spawns
BF Shield should now actually reduce damage from minions and monsters
On Fire buff text fixed.
Soraka Bot should no longer be able to pick up the Rift Herald
Nunu and Thresh should no longer be able to escape Prize Fight and URF Deathmatch
Krugs’ actual spawn in time now matches their visual animation better
Jungle Guardian won’t change their target as erratically
Summoned Rift Herald should now dance if she is active at the end of the game
Players will be restored to full health/mana at the start of a Prize Fight round