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Hello everyone, following my post on Spring “Competitve LOL viewership year to year comparison –spring edition” I have decided to do a new one, this time for the summer split. This stats do not include Chinese viewership, all the data comes from escharts.com.

Note that because of several reasons summer split has almost always and on every region less viewers than the spring split (mainly the regular season games) so I will be comparing summer to summer just like I did a few months ago spring to spring Pro view is not taken account, LEC finals for example had, at peak 30k people watching with pro view.

LEC (Europe)

Avg viewership: 2019 summer split: 170 364 which is +49.53% compared to summer 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 841 147 which is +72.11% compared to summer 2018

After an already big growth of +32% on spring split, the summer split grew even more to a fantastic +49.53% making of the region, if we exclude Chinese viewers, both the most watched in terms of avg viewership and peak viewership. In fact the G2vsFNC bo5 on finals had the biggest peak of a non-international event of the last 3 years on every region but China.

LCS (North America)

Avg Viewership: 2019 summer split: 158 232 which is +1.01% compared to summer 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 494 765 which is +15.03% compared to summer 2018

In general LCS seems to be stagnated having less avg viewership in spring (-6.7%) and slightly more viewership on the summer (+1.01%) when compared to 2018. However, the diference in the year to year viewership is very low and this 2019 summer split has for example had more viewers than both 2018 (+1 500 avg viewers) and 2017 (+13 000 avg viewers) so LCS is neither losing viewers neither gaining them.

LCK (Korea)

Avg viewership: 2019 summer split: 117 211 which is +6.81% compared to summer 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 774 456 which is +28.48% compared to summer 2018

A pretty good year for LCK viewership wise as they grow +26.6% in Spring and +6.81% in Summer or maybe even a bit more as I believe Ambition`s stream is not taken account (it is not official) and it has often 20-30k viewers. Chinese viewership is also not included for not being reliable. SKT is by far the most watched team and just the fact they are doing well boosts the viewership by a lot.

CBLOL (Brazil)

Avg viewership: 2019 winter split: 97 115 which is +42.79% compared to winter 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 winter split: 315 859 which is +46.95% compared to winter 2018

Note that I believe CBLOL can also be seen on a tv channel, those viewers might not be taken account. This was probably CBLOL best year with a growth of 27.81% and now 42.79%.

VCS (Vietnam)

Avg viewership: 2019 summer split: 67 107 which is +100.92% compared to summer 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 280 397 which is +56.68% compared to summer 2018

Simply doubling the avg viewership, a year of a big boost of viewers.


Avg viewership: 2019 summer split: 26 886 which is +34.24% compared to 2018 summer split

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 90 832 which is +4.45% compared to 2018 summer split

Big growth both in summer and spring of more than 30%!

LJL (Japanese league This data doesn’t include finals as they are yet to take place

Avg viewership: 2019 summer split: 17 355 which is +50.87 compared to summer 2018

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split:30 120 which is +0.03% compared to summer 2018

A fantastic 50% growth on summer not even including the finals day that will likely make these numbers even bigger.


Avg viewership: 2019 Split 2: 6 317 which is +78.75% compare to 2018 split 2

Peak viewership: 2019 split 2: 14 778 which is -6.80% compared to 2018 split 2

OPL might have the lowest viewership of the major league but they had the biggest growth of them all!

SuperLiga Orange (Spanish regional league)

Avg viewership: 2019 sumer split: 11 876 which is +78.90% compared to 2018 summer split

Peak viewership: 2019 summer split: 57 688 which is +82.75% compared to 2018 summer split

Once again big growth in both splits!

LLA (latin american)

Avg viewership: 2019 closing Split: 13 677

Peak viewership: 2019 closing Split: 48 120

LLA is a result of a merge betwen some leagues so no point of comparation but CLS closing season on 2018 (I believe the most viewed region of the ones that merged) had an avg viewership of 6 664 so the avg viewership doubled.

On spring every single reagion but North america had a very significant growth in terms of avg viewers, on the summer the same thing happened but this time even North America had a small growth making the numbers positive to every region.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Mawuen

dying game btw

Came here to see this comment. Was not disappointed.